Trials of a Planeswalker Ch. 02: Fall


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"Watch your faces!" Blayne called as he cast out his blue mana. He gripped their bodies and they erupted upward off the ground. The branches whipped about them and stung their skin as they shot upward. They were carried up into the peaks of the canopy and he set them down on a group of thick branches.

"Oww..." Henry said half-heartedly, rubbing his forehead.

"Thank god." Varia sighed, leaning against the trunk of her tree. The dogs could be heard barking and howling as they crashed through the brush below. They barreled onward, still blindly pursuing their prey on the forest floor.

"Glad that worked. I was worried these trees might break under our weight this high up." Blayne sighed, tapping the branch he was standing on with his boot.

"Well glad that's over. Where in the hell are we? Anyone know?" Henry asked, leaning casually back against his tree trunk.

"Hell." Varia said with a cryptic tone.

"I thought this place was called Innistrad?" Blayne asked.

"There's little difference." Varia grumbled, looking at the dim sun close to the horizon, "When that light falls... everything on Innistrad goes hunting and we're the prey."



"Well, now that we're alone, I think I've got some magic that could help us." Henry said.

"What's that?" Blayne raised an eyebrow.

"You know how I said I was destroying an airship before I came here? Well I had to sneak into that facility first. I'm pretty good at taking on someone else's appearance, but I can also camouflage myself to the point of invisibility." Henry told them.

"That could help. We'll be able to move through the forest unseen." Blayne nodded.

"The problem is that werewolves and wolves hunt by scent more often than by sight." Varia sighed.

"So what do you suggest? We just stay here until sun up?" Henry said, watching the sun sink just a little further.

"No, it's fine. We just have to make a break for the fields of Lambholt. There, we will be able to see anything coming. We can make it to the village and hold the night there. In the morning, we break for Gavony and head north to Thraben." Varia suggested.

"When we're free of these woods, I'm going to summon Shyara. We may not all be able to ride her, but she can keep an eye high up for us." Blayne nodded.

"Alright, let me see if I can weave this around all three of us." Henry said as he pulled together a mix of white and blue. The magic began to bend the light around their bodies and they disappeared from view. They could still see each other when they moved, but to anyone else they were invisible.

Blayne lowered them to the ground and they headed off through the woods, following Varia closely. It was trippy, in more ways than one, to be running when you could only see your own feet half the time. For probably ten minutes, they rushed through the woods by the dying light of the setting sun. They didn't see anything on their mad dash and their hearts pounded heavily. Varia knew that anything could jump them at any time. They couldn't slow down or stop until they reached the edge of Kessig.

Using their mana as a source of energy, they ran for miles. It felt wild to Blayne to just sprint without getting tired, without losing his breath. The mana pouring through his body gave him all the endurance he needed to keep running.

"I see the edge of the woods!" Varia called from his right.

They ran free of the woods and out onto the fields of Lambholt. The sun was down and silvery light shone from the rising moon. The illusion around them faded as Henry let the spell go.

"Alright, so where should we go?" Blayne asked, looking at Varia as they all watched nervously around them.

"I'm not sure. Lambholt village should be somewhere out there, but its dark and hard to see." Varia said, looking into the distance and squinting lightly.

"Shyara." Blayne said, pulling forth a burst of white mana. In a flash that momentarily blinded them, Shyara appeared on the ground next to them.

'Hello master.' Shyara said, looking at him.

"Shyara, good to see you. Can you do us a favor? We're trying to find a village nearby and there are a lot of dangers around us. Can you follow above us, tell us where to go and keep an eye out for things that might try to catch us?" Blayne asked her.

'Of course.' She nodded, taking off in a swirl of wind.

"Her eyes that good?" Henry asked.

'My eyes can see the sweat on your brow from a mile away.' Shyara told him.

She rose high in the sky, a beacon of light shining above the dark world. Her eyes saw for miles around, the moon providing more than enough light for her. She spotted a human settlement in the distance and started towards it.

'I've found a village.' Shyara said as she flew towards it.

"Let's go, she found it." Blayne said, leaping over a low stonewall and tearing through the wheat field.

Mana saturated his muscles and soothed the burning exhaustion that was encroaching on him. He had never done this so much and it was quite exhilarating. There wasn't any particular color he was focusing on either. Mana was flowing like electricity through a machine, making his muscles tireless and his body ache-free.

Next to him, Varia carried on with a stoic seriousness. This was far from the first time she had sprinted wildly across Innistrad. Although she had never run for this long before because her magic used to run out a lot easier, becoming a Planeswalker had increased her power quite a bit.

For a while Henry lagged behind. He wasn't used to this much running. He didn't realize the technique the other two were using until he had started panting and the other two weren't getting tired. Once he started filling his body with mana, it washed out the ache in his muscles and filled him with strength. He soon caught up with his companions

Now they were all running together, chasing Shyara's bright speck high above them, across field after field until they reached a large wooden barricade wall. Shyara circled high above as they headed around to the gate.

"Hold! Show yourself! Who are you?" A guard said, holding an iron spear towards him. Around the head of the spear an interesting silver symbol in the shape of a curved Y glimmered in the torchlight.

Blayne was about to say something when Varia pushed past him.

"I am Sergeant Varia of the Avacyn Valiants. I've been on a long term mission in Kessig, I'm on my way back to Thraben. We need to shelter in your village for the night." Varia said, holding out her forearm. She ran two fingers up her wrist and the same symbol that had been on the man's spear began to glow on her wrist.

"Of course, we will be only too happy to have a Valiant in the village. People will sleep better tonight knowing that you're here." The guard smiled, stepping aside. The wooden gate behind him pulled open and they were let in.

As they walked in, Blayne smiled widely, "Good going honey, suppose it pays to have someone who knows the world well enough to lie their way through it."

"It wasn't a lie." Varia said, looking at her arm. The symbol was fading away already.

"Wait, you're a sergeant? What?" Blayne asked.

"Let's find somewhere to stay and I'll explain it to you." Varia sighed.

"Angel!" One of the bystanders cried as he pointed skyward.

Shyara arced down towards them and landed in the middle of the dirt road. People screamed in surprise and ran away from her.

"Hey, thanks for the help." Blayne smiled, reaching out to pet her glowing mane.

'This is a dark world you have come to master. I should remain to keep an eye over you.' Shyara observed as her tall, regal head looked down the street. People were visibly shaken at seeing her land inside the town.

"What is that beast? What is it doing here?" A guard from the gate yelled, running up behind them.

"She is my friend Shyara. She was the one who guided us to your village after nightfall. She will watch over the village tonight, be grateful for her vigilance, for she is stronger than any soldier." Varia snapped at the soldier.

"Yes, Sergeant! I will inform the night watch." The guard saluted over his heart with his free hand.

'I am going to take a look around if you don't mind master. I want to get an idea of the surrounding countryside if I am to guard the village.' Shyara told them.

"Do what you will Shyara, just try not to scare anyone too bad." Blayne nodded, "And keep yourself safe too."

'I am strong and tireless master, it would be my honor to stand guard.' Shyara said, bowing her head.

Shyara took off and arced away, drawing the awe and sight of all the villagers.

"She is really loyal." Henry observed.

Varia led them through the village and into a dirty looking inn. They headed inside into a quiet and somber room. Unlike the inns they had stayed in on Azeroth, which had been loud and rowdy with happy and wild patrons, this one was quiet with a few quiet people. They took seats around a small, worn table and a waitress came over to them.

"Hey, we are gonna be staying a night." Blayne told her.

"You're that Avacynian sergeant that came into town earlier. Let me bring you some food and drink for you and your companions." The waitress said, quickly walking away.

"You're very well respected." Henry said to Varia.

"So few outside of Thraben still carry the power of Avacyn that anyone who can bring the safety of her light to their village is very well taken care of. The problem is that Avacyn herself left Innistrad a long time ago. Only the most devout in Thraben can still even hope to call upon her power." Varia sighed, "I feel like I'm lying to them."

"Varia, let's help try and fix this. This is your home, I'm sure we could do some good here." Blayne said, leaning across the table.

Varia sighed and rubbed her head, looking at the worn tabletop. She was torn. When she had first escaped from Innistrad, she vowed to never go back, but here she was. Now she couldn't decide whether or not she wanted to stay, it was maddening.

"I agree. What if we could bring Avacyn back? Did she die or is there somewhere we could search for her? Maybe she's a Planeswalker." Henry suggested, crossing his arms.

"Alright! Fine! We will stay damn it!" Varia snapped, slapping her hand on the table.

"Varia, what's bother you so much? We're safe here. We made it out of the forest." Blayne said, grasping her hand.

"Its more than just that. I'm going to up to our room now. Please let me be for a little while." Varia huffed quietly, standing up. Blayne watched her go and Henry raised an eyebrow.

"You're just going to let her go? Haven't you had a girlfriend before? Shouldn't you go after her?" Henry asked, watching her go.

"Henry, she's my wife and I know when to leave her alone. Something about Innistrad bothers her so much that she never wanted to come back here. I've tried to get her to come here in the past, but she always refused. If you don't mind, you will be getting your own room tonight." Blayne said, rubbing his forehead.

"Alright, I get it. That's fine. I kinda assumed that was a given anyway." Henry said as the waitress came back with three large mugs of beer and a skillet of sizzling potatoes and meat.

"Where'd the Sergeant go?" The waitress asked.

"She decided to go to bed early. Thank you for your hospitality." Blayne said as she set the meal down before them.


Blayne closed the door behind him and looked across the dark room. Varia was curled up in the bed with the blankets pulled over her head. He kicked off his shoes and dropped his pack by the door. She didn't move as he walked over to the bed and crawled in behind her.

"You awake?" He whispered as he touched her hip.

"Yea." She mumbled.

"Please tell me what's wrong. I'm worried about you." Blayne said, cuddling close to her.

"I can't." She murmured.

"Varia, who loves you more than I do? Who else could understand better?" He encouraged her lovingly.

"Blayne... I... What I did... I can't say it..." She huffed.

Blayne sighed and turned over, staring up at ceiling. He wanted desperately to know what was wrong or how he could help. As he thought, Varia turned over and put a hand on his chest. She scooted close to him and took a deep breath.

"I betrayed Avacyn, I betrayed my soldiers!" She hissed, clenching her fist on his chest. She leaned up and he could see tears in her eyes.

"What?" He sat up suddenly, almost throwing Varia off him.

"I... When the vampires came... They came in such great numbers. I was terrified, sure that they would kill us all." Varia said, her whole body shuddering. He wrapped his arms around her and held her to his chest. She continued speaking in a shakier voice, "I renounced Avacyn and begged for their mercy! I was a coward! A weakling!"

She was almost sobbing at this point and he hugged her tightly, trying to calm her. He rocked her back and forth, cradling her tightly in his lap. Some time passed in the quiet darkness and she lay quietly against him.

"You're not the only one. It's like a curse, isn't it? At a terrible time in our lives when someone needed us, we get launched off to a distant world. I lost my mother that way. I've told you that, haven't I?" Blayne whispered to her.

"Huh?" Varia looked up at him.

"The first night I Planeswalked, only a little while before I met you, maybe two months before... thieves broke into our apartment, cracked us both over the head. I Planeswalked and my mom... she was taken to a hospital and died while I was on Ravnica." Blayne told her, his heart clenching a little from the memories.

Varia stared at him, tears in her eyes. She choked up more and buried her face against his chest again, crying softly.

"Shhh... come on..." Blayne whispered, stroking her hair.

"How... how did you... deal with it..." Varia murmured, hugging him.

"It wasn't easy, that's for sure. I've come to terms with it. There was nothing I could do." Blayne sighed, "But a part of me will always wish there was."

"I suppose I'm lucky in that way... My parents died when I was just a child. I grew up in the Church of Avacyn, I've been a soldier my whole life." Varia said, sitting back a little.

"No matter what happened in the past, we're here now. If you really want to make up for your past, then you what we should do, right?" Blayne asked her, clasping his hands around her waist. She sat against him for a little while, in silent thought.

"We should fight. We try to bring the light of Avacyn back to Innistrad!" Varia said, her voice solid again.

"That's my babe. Sad and mopey doesn't suit you honey, you're a better fit for angry and vengeful." He snickered, hugging her tightly.

"Haha! I'll show you!" She laughed, pushing him back. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him passionately. She grabbed his arms and dragged him down until he was lying on his back and she was sitting on his waist.

"Oooh! Wanna have fun?" Blayne giggled, holding up his hand. A glimmering ball of deep purple light blinked into life. He directed it to float above the bed and there it shone a romantic light down on them.

"How is it that you can play me so well?" Varia whispered as she pulled off his shirt, "It's like you can just change my emotions to whatever you want. Sad to happy, crazy to calm."

He reached up and grabbed her ass in both hands, pulling her tightly against him. She squeaked in surprise and laughed.

"I love you honey and I think I've spent enough time with you to know how you think. You might've hidden your past from me, but you sure can't hide yourself." Blayne said, sliding his hands down the back of her shorts to grab her bare butt.

"Mmmm... You've been inside my mind, haven't you?" Varia asked, rubbing her hand against his scratchy chin.

"Well~" He hummed, "Maybe a little."

"Naughty!" She said, smacking him playfully. Leaning back, she pulled her top off and exposed her bouncing breasts.

"I'm naughty? I've been there all those times we had sex." Blayne grinned, putting his hands on her sides. He teased her soft, pale skin with his thumbs and watched as she pushed her long red hair out behind her shoulders. She pulled her arms above her head and began to sway. He watched as she teasingly danced and jiggled her breasts for him.

"You have no room to talk." She smirked.

Blayne grabbed her hips and turned over, pushing her back against the bed. He kissed her lips and grabbed her belt, pulling down the small shorts. She squeaked playfully as her pussy met the cold air. He touched her nether lips and slid a finger inside, making her coo blissfully.

"Mmmm... ahhh... you always know just how to touch me." Varia squirmed and grabbed at the blankets.

"Of course I do. I've admired every inch of your body. I know it like an artist knows a sculpture." Blayne said as he rubbed her breast gently.

He pushed his fingers deeper into Varia and squirmed about her insides. She gave a lewd moan at this.

"Oh Blayne, do it. Please. Stick it in me!" Varia gasped, spreading her legs.

He nodded and undid his pants, letting his thick cock flop out. He let it rub against her wet pussy and it slowly slid into her. Tight wetness enveloped him and he moaned loudly.

"Varia, you feel so good inside." Blayne moaned, sliding up into her. Varia shivered and arched her back, her innards surging with pleasure. She felt his cock sinking completely inside her.

Blayne wrapped his arms around her and hugged tightly to her, lovingly thrusting into her. They were both lost in the passionate embrace, finding warm love in each other's arms.

"Blayne... Blayne... Blayne!" Varia panted, her body erupting with pleasure. Her fingers dug into his back as he penetrated her. She was quickly reaching climax from his tender ministrations.

"Varia, I'm gonna cum." Blayne exhaled, burying himself inside her. Hot seed spurted into her womb and she cried out loudly. Wild, orgasmic sensations tore through her body and she clenched her legs around Blayne. She clung to him for dear life as her mind was wracked by her orgasm.

"Yes~!" Varia gasped, falling limp beneath him.

"Ahhh... I love you dear." Blayne sighed, cuddling her lovingly as they laid together. Varia kissed him softly and nuzzled his shoulder, exhausted and ready to sleep.



Varia was awake before Blayne and she was already getting dressed when he stirred.

"Come on sleepy head! The sun is almost rising and we have an entire day of travel to make it to Thraben." Varia exclaimed, slapping him on the ass, "I want to be in Thraben today! Its probably close to two hundred miles. It'll be a long day!"

"Two hundred miles? Can we get a car?" Blayne grumbled, pushing himself up. He slipped his feet off the bed and rubbed his eyes.

"Sun up to sun down, we should be able to cross most of it." Varia said, strapping her sword on her hip. She shouldered her pack and clapped her hands, "Get up! I'm gonna go wake up Henry, you better be up when I get back."

She shut the door behind her and he groaned. The fervor of honor filled her after their conversation last night that she was almost glowing with it. Blayne slowly stood up and started to put on his clothes. He heard Varia yelling in the room next to theirs and she banged her sword against its sheathe to make more noise. He chuckled and pulled on his shirt. The Pandaren clothing was beautiful and clean as it had always been, the same dark crimson and navy.

Just then there was a loud thud and Henry yelled in anger. His door closed and Varia returned to their room.

"Alright, I shoved him out of bed. Come on, here's your pack. We're gonna pick up some travel rations and get some horses." Varia said, lifting it up for him.

"Let's just ride Shyara and get Henry a horse." Blayne said, rubbing his face.

"Good idea, we can get to Thraben quicker." Varia nodded.
