Tribal Bonds Ch. 02


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"Of course," Orospu said and the women laughed.

"So I was going to keep moving slowly, while our line slowly moved forward and encircled them. We could afford to take our time and be in perfect position. We would not be noticed. But as I got closer, I could better see the two slave girls.

"I thought you weren't watching?" A voice called out and the women laughed. Gul laughed as well.

"I was watching to the extent it was relevant!" she threw back, "And it was lucky that I was. Because, as I grew closer, I saw that the slave girls were not just pretty Northern girls with straw hair. I saw that they were both more precious. They were Cadilar! I could barely believe it when is saw it.

"Ruya says that she noticed first," Another woman called out.

"She lies, I pointed it out to her!" Gul shot back, "I said, 'the gods be praised, two Cadilar!' and Ruya confirmed it!"

"I believe you," Orospu said. Gul nodded.

"I came to that realization at the exact moment that the Cadilar finished coupling," Gul explained, "And it was then that the men began to argue again. I saw a large man rise, and begin to walk towards the slave girls...I no longer thought it was wise to wait. I knew...Cadilar...Their value. I took out an arrow and shot. We were not prepared. The signal was not given. But I had to act. I fired without thinking at the large man."

"Right through the throat!" one woman yelled out and the women cheered. Orospu smiled. For the first time, I could place why the atmosphere within the longhouse felt so familiar. It was the same sort of easy, casual environment that I'd seen with the warriors, in my own tribe, after a successful battle. The jocular, semi-lewd camaraderie. It was something I knew from my time with the Buz. But, what was strange, was that women were involved. Not just involved, it was solely women, interacting as warriors. Of course, that made sense, as it seemed that they were warriors. But I'd never experienced anything like it. For the first time since I was sold, I did not feel an intense longing to be home, in the far North. I felt a bit like I was home.

"The arrow acted as a signal. Thank the gods that everyone was paying attention. And then we were all upon them. We rushed into the camp. The men, they never saw what was happening. I ignored the men and went to the Cadilars. I saw this one get knocked down, her head struck a rock. But I reached her and stood over her, to claim her for our longhouse and to protect her from danger. The danger did not last long, however. By the time I was assured that the prisoner was still alive, the other women had finished everyone off. Unfortunately Ruya had manged to get to the other Cadilar and claimed her.

"No need to be greedy," Orospu said. Gul seemed happy that Orospu was not upset.

"We sent the Cadilar back. This one would not wake, but she was breathing. The other had to be bound and gagged, blindfolded. We took the valuables from the caravan. We burned everything else, including the bodies, and dumped the ashes in the river. It is like the caravan ceased to exist." The other eight women seated by the walls, cheered as the story triumphantly concluded.

"A perfect ambush. With quick thinking on your part to protect both of the Cadilars," Orospu praised Gul, who beamed. The conclusion of the story seemed to create as many questions for me as it answer. The mystery of the ghosts and what, exactly had happened to the caravan was now clear. These women had ambushed us, taken me and Cilek prisoner, and killed all the men.

But the questions that remained were still confounding. Who were these women? Why did they ambush the caravan (the way Gul discussed valuables on the caravan in an off-hand manner made it seem unimportant, which would be strange for bandits, and they seemed surprised to have found me, so they weren't looking for slaves)? Why were they only women? Why were they dressed in white. What was a Cadilar (though, I suppose, I had my suspicions even then)? And why were Cadilar so valuable, that Gul would risk a hasty assault before the ambush was in place to capture me? Why was she so upset that another longhouse had captured Cilek? My thoughts swirled and my mind ached. It was all too much, too fast. I could not reason my way to any clear answers.

"Then allow me to officially present this prisoner to you," Gul said and she gestured in a way that indicated she was referring to all of the women around. The cheers rose again and then subsided. Gul was gesturing towards me, "To dispose of as you will." I felt my stomach sink at that. Was I valuable as some sort of sacrifice?

"A worthy gift," Orospu said in response, "More than any one of us could ever ask for! I cannot express to you how surprised I was when this Cadilar was delivered. And when I heard there was another!"

"We should have two!" Gul said, bitterly. Orospu reached forward and grasped Gul's chin lightly. She turned the girl so that they were facing one another. Orospu smiled.

"Our village has two. We have not had a new Cadilar in the village since...well since before I was born," Orospu said, just above a whisper, and Gul smiled. Orospu spoke louder, "And so, I believe that Gul has earned a reward!" There were cheers and Gul bit her lip girlishly. "Do you all agree?" Orospu asked and the cheers grew louder.

"Reward!" Someone shouted. Orospu looked back at Gul.

"It is unanimous, a reward is owed to you," Orospu said, "Name your price and we shall do whatever we can to accommodate your desires." The women around the fire nodded eagerly. Gul paused for a moment, she looked around the longhouse, appearing to be a bit nervous. Finally, she let out a low sigh, shrugged, and spoke.

"Since the time that I was a little girl, I can remember warriors returning from battle, talking about the...hunger that overtakes when the fighting is over. I always believed that this was simply something that warriors told one another, that it was a lie," Gul said and the other women laughed, "But now, I have fought in battle. I have taken life. And I find that there is a great hunger in me." As Gul spoke, her eyes flashed. Orospu nodded.

"And what do you hunger for?" Orospu asked. Gul smiled and looked to either side.

"Something we can all share," she said said, and the women in the circle cheered. Orospu didn't speak Instead, she simply smiled and walked over closer to Gul. Orospu took the younger woman by the hand and led her to the middle of the longhouse. They were just a few feet from the fire, directly in front of me, and I could see them clearly. In fact, Orospu was facing me directly, Gul was standing next to her. Orospu dropped Gul's hand and then reached up to her neck. She quickly unlaced the robe, where it was tied around her throat.

I saw that it wasn't so much a robe as it was a large white cape that had been wrapped around Orospu's body. When Orospu untied it and then let her arms down, the diaphanous material sort of melted off of her, landing in a pile on the floor. Orospu's shapely form was exposed. Her breasts appeared thicker, fuller than they had even inside of the thin cape, their large size accentuated by Orospu's thin waist and wide hips. She was beautiful, especially for a woman who, in my tribe would have been well-passed middle age.

But I was hardly focused on Orospu's curves of her breasts, despite their extreme proportions. That was because something else had caught my eye. I mean, how couldn't it? The instant that Orospu dropped her cape, it immediately became apparent. Orospu, like me, had a cock! A large one too. It was not erect, but hung down thick between her legs. Her foreskin hung down halfway to her knees between her thick thighs. Her balls appeared large, weighty. Like the other women, Orospu had no hair.

Somehow, Orospu's cock looked appropriate on her buxom physique. It looked as though it belonged on her, as I suppose it did. But, that didn't prevent me from being shocked. No matter what else had happened since these strange warrior women had taken me captive, this was totally unexpected. I bit my tongue to avoid calling out in surprise. No one seemed to notice that I was awake and I didn't want to tip them off. And not from fear, which I had overcome. Instead, it was curiosity. I needed to understand what was happening. I kept my eyes slits, controlled my breathing, and watched.

As soon as Orospu was no longer cloaked, Gul dropped to her knees in front of the older woman. For half a second, Gul looked up at Orospu from her position on her knees, smiling mischievously. Orospu placed her hands on her hips, arching her eyebrows as she looked down. My eyes scanned the other women in the group, who did not seem at all surprised by this sudden submission by the warrior. In fact, they were all leaning forward in their seats, smiling with sparkling eyes.

Gul dropped her head further and then turned her face upward. As she she did so, her mouth opened. In a flash, it seemed, Gul's mouth open mouth was hovering just below Orospu's soft cock. I saw Gul's lips slowly close, trapping just the very tip of Orospu's foreskin between her lips in an almost chaste kiss. A little tremor ran through Orospu's body and a general, appreciative murmur through the crowd. I strained to see as Gul's tongue slipped out from between her lips, and pressed into Orospu's foreskin. I saw Orospu's foreskin bulge as Gul's tongue swirled around inside. Orospu moaned and her fingers sank into her own hips. Gul's tongue slipped out of Orospu's foreskin, but continued to lick gingerly along Orospu's tip

"That is a meal for just one!" one of the women in the circle called out, and the others tittered.

"Please leave the preparations to me!" Gul said archly. She kept her mouth against Orospu's cock as she spoke, and I saw the soft shaft bounce on her lips.

"I don't think the girls over at Diger's longhouse would complain about the size of this meal!" Orospu said at the same time. The other women laughed. But Gul was already back to work. She kissed the tip of Orospu's cock once, and then her mouth opened wide. Once again, Gul's lips closed around Orospu's cock, but this time, the entire bulbous tip was inside of her mouth. I could see Gul's tongue moving inside of her mouth as she swirled her tongue around, could see the root of Orospu's soft cock moving in time with Gul's motions. Orospu sucked in breath sharply and bit her lip.

Gul did not relent. I could hear a slight slurping sound and I saw Gul's head rising. Orospu's cock, while soft, was still quite long and very thick. Nonetheless, I saw as, inch by inch, the shaft disappeared between Gul's pouty lips. Gul slurped evenly, and slowly, almost as though she didn't have to breathe. I could see Gul's throat moving as Orospu's thick cock moved into it, but Gul didn't gag. Eventually, I saw Gul's chin press into Orospu's balls and the last of the shaft disappeared from view. Rather than pull back, Gul kept Orospu's cock in her throat for what felt like an eternity. She shook her head back and forth, letting the cock move inside her throat. Gul's eyes watered and her hands reached forward and grabbed Orospu's thick thighs.

"Gods be praised!" Orospu gasped as her knees buckled slightly. Around the circle, the other women cheered at Gul's virtuoso performance. Finally, Gul turned her head so that she was facing Orospu's body directly, and pulled her head back. From my angle, I could only see the back of Gul's head, but I could hear her gasping breath as Orospu's cock moved from her throat. She pulled back far enough that I was sure that just the tip remained in her mouth.

"Look at that!" Otuzbes cried, pointing, "Orospu is half hard already!" I saw Gul's hand rise up and grasp around Orospu's shaft, her small fingers wrapping around it daintily. I could see, because Gul had turned to the side, looking at Otuzbes.

"I've never had the opportunity to go first before, I wanted to show what I can do!" Gul explained. Orospu's eyes shone and her hand quickly found its way to the top of Gul's head. She tilted the younger woman's head back towards her cock.

"Keep showing what you can do," Orospu said gently, and the other women giggled. Gul nodded and then I saw her head jerk forward quickly again. Orospu gasped, and her hand remained frozen on the back of Gul's head. Once again, the angle was obstructed, but I could see Gul's head bouncing back and forth. It was immediately apparent that Gul was taking Orospu's cock deep inside of her throat. But she was no longer keeping it there. Instead, she was rapidly bobbing her head up and down, letting Orospu's cock glide briskly over her wet tongue.

Since I could no longer see Gul sucking cock, my eyes naturally gravitated up to Orospu. The older woman was looking down at Gul, watching her cock disappear into Gul's throat over and over again. Orospu had sucked her lower lip into her mouth and was biting it gently. Occasionally, a low moan was escape through her lips anyway. Her long hair was draped over her thin shoulders. Gul was sucking Orospu's cock with such force that Orospu couldn't entirely keep her balance. She was rocking back and forth with each of Gul's movements, and Orospu's massive breasts were bouncing lewdly on her chest. I could see that Orospu's nipples had grown very hard and that her muscles were tensing under her smooth skin.

While one hand remained firmly on the back of Gul's head, I saw Orospu's other hand rise up to one of her massive breasts. I saw Orospu's fingers sink into the thick flesh of her breast, her palm covering her nipple. At first, Orospu just clasping her breast, squeezing it as she looked down at Gul. But soon, it seem that that wasn't enough. Orosupu's cheeks were red and her breathing was heavy. She started to move her hand around on her breast, squeezing and pulling at the nipple, even as her palm kneaded her flesh.

Eventually Orospu's hand sort of slipped down to the underside of the large breast. She rubbed her hand along the swell of her breast for a moment, and then let its weight sit heavy in her palm. Finally, she started to lift her breast up. At the same time, Orospu bent her neck. She positioned her nipple upward, and moved her lips forward. Eventually, they met in what was at first a tacit kiss, Orospu's pouty lips just barely wrapped around her own nipple. But Gul seemed to sense that the older woman was growing excited. I could see her head begin to move faster. Orospu moaned, her lips spreading on her nipples. Then, as her lips closed, I could see that her nipple had disappeared entirely with her mouth. Orospu's lips pursed around her nipple, and I could see her tongue working on it through her cheeks. She was gently sucking her own nipple as Gul licked her cock. Orospu moaned at the sensation, but now kept her mouth closed.

The women around the fire had grown quiet now. I tore my eyes away from Orospu and Gul, just for a moment, to gauge the reaction of the other women. I wasn't sure what I expected to see. Shock or disapproval would have been the natural reactions in my tribe. But this was obviously not my tribe. Regardless, whatever I expected in now way matched the reality of what I saw.

The women were rapt. Their eyes were ravenous, their mouths hanging open in naked hunger. Most of the women were leaning forward on the edges of their seats, watching with unconcealed excitement. I saw one pretty young woman lick her lips, her mouth opening almost like she was going to pantomime Gul's actions. I saw Otuzbes spread her legs slightly, and then squeeze them back together. I could feel the energy in the room, feel the way it connected all ten women together, not just Orospu and Gul.

Actually, more than the ten women together. As I took a moment to reflect on what, exactly, I was looking at, I came to the somewhat shocking realization that I was no immune. My cheeks felt hot and my heart was thrumming. I knew I was no longer scared, or nervous. This feeling was different, but familiar. I could feel the muscles in my stomach tense, I could feel my nipples harden even though I was warm in the longhouse. In fact, as I lay on the raised platform, I could feel my own cock, plump against my leg. I could feel the slickness of my cunt on my thighs. I would never have expected this reaction. But, at the same time, I could not deny it. It was obvious, physical.

I did not have time to reflect on these strange feelings. Instead, actions in the longhouse over took me. I heard Orospu let out a low groaned, and my eyes flittered up to see what was happening. Orospu's hand dropped her breast as her mouth opened. Her large tit fell back down, bouncing on her chest. Orospu threw her head back, moaning loudly, her mouth wide open. Her hand now grasped the side of Gul's head, joining her other hand. I saw Orospu press Gul's head into her body, and I could heard Gul gurgling and choking slightly. Orospu was shoving her cock down Gul's throat!

Orospu kept her cock buried inside of Gul's mouth. At the same time she seemed to involuntarily rise up, I saw her pushing up onto her tips toes. Her groan sort of faded in her throat, she grew silent, but kept her head back. I saw all of her muscles grow rigid. Gul did not resist. In fact, she shook her head back and forth, letting Orospu's cock push deeper into her throat. Even from my position behind Gul, I could see saliva dripping down into a puddle on the floor, between Gul's legs, dripping from her lips.

Finally, Orospu let a burst of air from between her lips, a burst that turned into a high pitched moan. A the same time, I saw her muscles tense two or three more times, before growing limp. Orospu's toes relaxed, and her feet once again rested on the floor. But Orospu continued to thrust her hips forward, even as she relaxed, and her moan grew quieter.

I knew what was happening. Spurt after spurt of her warm seed was filling Gul's mouth, making some of it splashing down the younger woman's throat. I fought hard to control my breathing, tried to move my hips back, so that my now-hard cock would not press against the fabric of the shift that I was wearing.

Finally, Orospu had finished. She took a step back and I could see her cock, still hard, slip from between Gul's lips. Once the tip fell from Gul's mouth, Orospu took a deep breath and then fell to her knees in front of the fire.

Gul did not stay on her knees with her lover. As Orospu remained on her knees, panting, Gul gained her feet. She turned around. For a moment, she was looking in my direction. I could see see the saliva and seed dripping from her chin, see the way that her cheeks bulged with Orospu's sperm. It somehow made her face look more beautiful. Try as I might, I could discern no dishonor or shame in Gul, no sense that she had submitted herself as a warrior. Her eyes glittered with excitement. Her reaction was confusing.

But she didn't spend much time looking in my direction. Instead, she turned quickly and walked to the right side of the longhouse. She moved towards the bench closest to me, the woman closest to me. That woman was leaning forward, looking at Gul with a longing so deep and pure it was almost lewd in and of itself. Gul stopped when she was standing in front of the woman, her thighs just a few inches from the woman's knees. The woman was looking up at Gul and smiling.

After a moment, woman opened her mouth and sort of shot herself up. A long strand of seed and spit was dangling wetly from Gul's chin. I could see it glistening in the low light. The woman had, evidently, seen it as well. As she rose, she positioned herself so that the cum and the spit landed directly on the center of her warm, red tongue. She moaned slightly, but continued to move, more and more of the spit and seed collected on her mouth. Eventually, her mouth came to rest on Gul's chin, kissing it gently. I could hear a slight sucking sound as the woman cleaned Gul's chin with her tongue.