Trouble in Town Pt. 02


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He had scanned this entire house and had found not one soul, yet she was somewhere here, probably watching him and waiting for the right time to jump him. Coupled with her gorgeous looks, it could only mean one thing that she had gone undetected by him- she had to be some sort of ethereal being. Yes, an angel, or something...because there was no reason why any human being would be this beautiful.

"Get off me you sick oaf!" she ground out at him

It was enough to pull him back to the present, "Only if you promise not to fight me." he responded

"Fuck you!" she spat at him

Her voice was rich and husky, reminding him of grounded coffee beans. Who was this lady?

"Well, I'm flattered that you'd want to do that, but we should at least introduce ourselves before we get intimate with each other, don't you think?" he responded cockily

"Considering you're the one trespassing on my property, I believe you should be the one telling me who the fuck you are and why you have my father sedated."

Her property? Her father? Was this...? "Victoria Hamilton?" he said the name out loud, his voice filled with disbelief. Victoria Hamilton was supposed to be dead or something, not here, not alive.

"And you are?"

"No one you need to know." he replied. It was bad enough she knew what he looked like, telling her his name would just worsen the entire situation...even if he badly wanted her to know who he was. Another place and at another time, he wouldn't have minded meeting Victoria, but this was the wrong place, the wrong time and she had the wrong father anyway.

She scoffed, "That's not fair. I'd think the man who's on top of me would have the courtesy to at least tell me his name, considering the tricky position we're in right now." she stated

He raised his brow, "Well, I'm not particularly here for honorable purposes now, am I?"

"What other dishonorable thing would interest you aside breaking into my house and tying my father up?"

It could very well be his ears, but he swore he detected a hint of interest in her voice, was she trying to encourage him or something? Was she...flirting? "Depends, what other dishonorable thing would you let me do?" he asked, as his eyes moved lower down her body, it followed a trail of sweat that formed at her neck and trailed downwards between the swell of full breasts. If she wanted to play a game, he was down for it.

"Well, let go of my hands and maybe we'll see"

He scoffed, "Not a chance sweetheart. Maybe I should tie you up as well, and gag you too."

A flirty smile popped up on her face, she was even more beautiful when she smiled, "Ooh, tie me up and gag me, you do look a little like Christian Grey. What else will you do to me? Force your cock down my throat until I choke?"

As much as the imagery of that appealed to him, Alonso laughed it off, "Daddy's little girl has a potty mouth, any other stereotypes you wish to fulfill?"

"Maybe one where I have your cock in my mouth, sucking on it hard, maybe lick your balls, then I'll let you slide your thick cock into my tight, wet pussy and fuck me till I'm screaming your name...whatever it is"

Fuck! That was not the imagery he needed to see right now, it also didn't help that she had said the words in a voice so sultry, he felt his length jerk in response and a warmth in his stomach. He swallowed hard, trying to force the picture of a naked, moaning Victoria beneath him, but the more he tried to force it away, the more it assaulted him.

He loosened his hold on her hands. It was enough to allow her free herself and the sneaky little witch jumped at the chance. Alonso had barely recovered from her words, when she pulled her hands free and pushed him, rolling over so that she was now on top him.

He blinked a couple of times in surprise. What the fuck?!

She had a cocky smile on, "Men will always be easy."

A trick? This was a trick? Fuck it! Alonso reached up and wrapped his hand around her neck, then forced her downwards until her lips smashed against his. A muffled moan of surprise and protest left her. He moved his lips against hers, pulling her into his lust-filled kiss. He hadn't kissed a woman in two years, hadn't lusted over one in about that time, but Victoria Hamilton had awoken something in him he had never felt and damn if he didn't want to explore every inch of this feeling with her. Another muffled moan eased out of her throat, this time it was soft and drawn out and was accompanied by a sigh as her lips began to move against his.

He rolled over again, placing her back to the ground, so that he was back on top her...right between her now parted thighs.

As he found the inside of her mouth and tongue met tongue, a louder moan tore through her, her hands snaking upwards until her fingers were buried in his hair. He moved his hand down her waist, clasping it at first, before moving downwards to find her bare thigh. The skirt of her dress had rode up, exposing her smooth thighs. His entire body hummed with a need that sought to overwhelm him, all common sense fled from him. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew this was wrong, he knew he had greatly veered from his mission in this house and was ultimately going to fail for allowing himself get distracted, but none of that mattered. All that mattered was that he had a stunning woman in his arms and he wished to explore unimaginable depths with her.

They broke off their kiss, albeit reluctantly to get some much needed air. Alonso's eyes took in her entire face, from her lips, swollen from his kiss and those brown eyes, hooded with lust and he swore he had never laid eyes on anything more perfect. He moved to get off her, but unwittingly grazed his hardness against her damp center. She gasped softly and Alonso went still, the friction, even as slight as it was, sending shockwaves down his spine. He moved against her one more time, harder, this time, he pulled out a moan as she arched her back. This woman was going to be the death of him. That, he was sure of. A third stroke had her biting her bottom lip, her lashes fluttered adorably, her nails dug into his muscular arms; he had never wanted so badly, to rip the panties off anyone and sink his entire length into them. He wanted to discover the depths of her in ways no man ever would, he could feel himself straining in his pants, a discomfort he hadn't felt in a while. She was killing him.

"Victoria!" A loud roar came from inside the house.

Her father was awake.

Her expression morphed into mortification.


In seconds, Alonso was off her and running toward the back exit. Fuck! Anselm was going to kill him.


"I don't understand." Anselm stated drily.

Alonso coughed, "The mission failed." he repeated once again

"That makes no sense." he said, "The idea of you failing, makes no sense to me Alonso. So, explain better, help me understand why the fuck you're standing in front of me without Victor Hamilton."

Alonso cringed at the sharpness of his voice, "Well, I sedated him and tied him up. After I called you, his daughter showed up..."

"His daughter? What daughter? His daughter's dead."

"No, she's not. She is very much alive and I suppose those six hours he's home alone every Friday, he's actually with her."

"So, what happened? Did you kill her?"


Anselm narrowed his eyes at Alonso, "Did she see your face?" he asked as he sat up


"And you didn't kill her?"

He lowered his head, "I...I couldn't."

"Why not? How the hell do you fail to get me Victor, and allow his daughter walk around with your face imprinted in her mind?"

Alonso failed to answer his uncle, unable to find any response that would actually make sense to the man. In honesty, he could barely make sense of it himself. This wasn't him, he never got distracted when he went for a job and certainly never by women no matter how seductive they may be.

Anselm stood to his feet and walked around his desk to observe Alonso as he let himself think for a few minutes, "I'm trying to make a calculation here. Victor's daughter went missing about sixteen years ago, she was still a toddler, she should be what? Eighteen? Nineteen by now?"

Alonso raised his head up, what was Anselm getting at?

"She's young, probably really beautiful, ripe..." he said as he approached him, "I imagine, a young man like you, comes across a pretty little thing like her, probably lost your head...or got some head perhaps?"

"It was nothing like..."

For the second time that day, a resounding slap hit Alonso on the side of his face...shit! It stung

"You fucked up my fucking mission with a woman! Got distracted by a fucking teenage pussy, you fool!" Anselm scoffed, "And just two weeks ago, Dana was all over you and you swore you were off women. I thought you had grown some sense, but no, you were never over women, you just hadn't found the right one to get you hard. But Hamilton's daughter? Fucking hell, Alonso! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Alonso's expression grew hard, but he remained mute.

"You know, some days ago, I thought to myself how much you were just like your father. I thought I had found myself a gem, someone I could leave this place behind. Someone who understood that business came first, always...but today, I find that I was wrong. You may look and sound like your father, but when it really mattered, you're just as weak as your mother. You allowed yourself get played by a little girl, just like Alma lost her senses when she finally met a real man. Your mother got you for her foolishness and now, you're going to get killed for yours because I can assure you, Victor will come for your ass. Get out!"

Alonso turned on his heels without another word. He was brewing with barely contained anger and if he stayed a second longer in that room, he knew he was going to smash his uncle's head into the ground and would feel not a slice of regret for that. How dare he? How dare he bring his mother into this? Anselm was a selfish bastard, he didn't give a shit about anyone else, couldn't even respect the memory of his own sister. Alonso might have never met his mother, but he would be the biggest fool to continue working for a man who had no respect for the woman who birthed him, uncle or not. The man couldn't respect the blood ties between himself and his mother, what guarantees did he have that he would give a shit about a nephew?

It was coming early, but Alonso knew now more than ever that it was time for him to leave...but not without taking down the monster that had gone out of control.


Later that night, Alonso packed up his few belongings...or at least the few he planned to leave with, snuck out of the house, and took a bus to Harlem. He had a small hideout down there. Harlem was shared territory, but these days, Hamilton's boys were gaining ground, his uncle wouldn't think to look for him in Harlem.

He spent the next two days setting up a plan to take down his uncle. If he couldn't kill him, he would surely get him in jail...but jail would never suffice and he knew Anselm well enough to know that if he didn't kill him when he had the chance, he was going to get killed by him. So, Plans A, B and C were to kill him, the one where he got arrested was a distant D.

He went out one Friday to get some groceries, only to get home and the first thing he noticed was that his door was unlocked. Shit! He swore he had locked this place up and put on the alarm system before leaving. He reached into the fanny pack he strapped across his chest for a hand gun. it could very well be his uncle in there, or one of his boys.

Unwilling to take chances, he cocked the gun and slid into his home slowly. As he entered he found that everything seemed to be in place, he dropped the grocery bag by the doorway and went further into the house. His house smelt different, someone was in here, someone who had on some raspberry scented perfume...that couldn't be anyone he knew who worked for Anselm and it certainly wasn't Anselm.

As he neared the living room, he heard his stereo playing. Somebody had gotten real comfortable in his space. He aligned the gun to point forward just as he reached the living room. He pointed the gun at the form of the invader. He only got a back view, but the first thing he saw was dark, ringed curls and a curvy behind clad in blue jeans. He went still. How?

"Glad you could join me, Alonso. I've been waiting for you." that familiar, husky voice filled his ears and he swore he was hallucinating. This wouldn't be the first time he was dreaming her up, she had become a recurring part of his fantasies since that day, so he wouldn't be surprised, if this was another one of those situations.

She turned around, looking every bit as beautiful as he remembered, then frowned at the sight of the gun, "This isn't any way to welcome a guest Mr. Soldado. I mean, even when you broke into my home and tied up my father, I didn't point a gun to your head."

"You threw a fist to my face." He fired at her, but then, these were just distractions, not the crux of the matter, " How are you here?"

"Well, I have this chauffeur that drives me around..."

"I don't mean like that, I mean how are you here? How did you find me?"

She gave him a sly smile, "It's a small world Mr. Soldado, and you're not the only one who's handy with a computer."

"So, why are you here? Your daddy sent you to kill me?"

"Kill you? Don't be ridiculous, my father doesn't even know you."

Alonso's brows creased in confusion, "What do you mean he doesn't know me?"

"He doesn't know you. I told him I never got to see the face of his assailant before he ran away. I do have a grouse with you though, because of you, I won't get to see my father on Fridays anymore without those stupid bodyguards being everywhere."

Alonso couldn't help his confusion. What exactly was going on here? "So, why are you here then?"

She walked up to him slowly and he had to force himself to not stare at her swaying hips. She was effortlessly seductive, even when she didn't mean to be. She stopped in front of him, that raspberry scent filling up his nostrils. His entire body was wound up at her mere closeness, "I'm here, because you started a fire in me, and I need you to quench it." She responded, her voice going down a few notches as she placed a finger on his broad chest and trailed it down his body.

Alonso balled his hands into fists to restrain himself from grabbing her and kissing her silly, his breath came out harshly. He needed her away from him, before he did things he wouldn't regret.

"I saw some of your work..." She said as she turned around and walked away from him, he let out a long breath as she did, "You planning to take down your uncle?"

"How did you get to know of that?"

"Sorry, I kinda hacked into your computer, but that's beside the point. My father's been trying to take him down, maybe we can..."


She turned to him, "You didn't let me finish"

"I don't need to hear the rest of it, I'm not joining forces with your father to take down my uncle. It's my fight, if your father wants to harm my uncle, he can do it on his own."

"You can't take down Anselm Soldado on your own, you know that, right?"

Alonso ignored her question, maybe that thought had come to him, but he wasn't going to entertain it.

Her face grew serious, "You know that, right, Alonso?" she asked, the amusement leaving her voice.

"There's nothing that can't be done if you put your mind to it."

"Alonso, this isn't some motivational class, this is real life. You're going to get yourself killed."

"I've been taking down guys for my uncle since I was fifteen, you think I can't take him down?"

"You've been taking down street thugs; pawns and a few knights. You're going for the King, you need allies."

He could see genuine concern on her face. Why did she feel concerned for him? She barely even knew him, how was his safety any business of hers?

"I think I know what I need" he responded in a hard voice as he walked past her

"I'm not letting you go this alone"

"And who are you to stop me?" he asked as he turned around to face her with a heated gaze.

"I stopped you before, didn't I?" she asked, a smug look on her face. She picked up a handbag he hadn't noticed was on his couch, "I'll call you again tonight, I hope you think better on my offer. Bye 'lonso." he watched her strut out of his house, his mind in a mess.

He wasn't so sure now, if he wanted to go it alone. She had given him pause. She had made some valid points and the offer of joining forces with her father proved tempting, but if he ever had to join up with another gang, he was doing so on his own terms.


He slid a drafted statement of contract toward victor Hamilton, "Sign it"

Victor browsed through it, "What's this?"

"Terms of my contract. Once we take down my uncle, I don't owe you and you don't owe me."

"I'm a man of my words, Mr. Soldado."

"Well, I don't want to take any chances."

Victor smiled and took out a pen, "Fine by me." He signed against the line and slid the paper back to Alonso

Alonso reached out and took Victor's hand in a shake, "We have a deal, Mr. Hamilton, and, it's just Alonso now, not Mr. Soldado."

Victor smiled, "I have a feeling we'll work well together."

Alonso nodded, but said nothing further. He had his ally, it was time to make plans


Harlem, New York.

Ares found himself in a familiar city once again...drawn by the building angst. Someone was angry, people were angry, and a bloody battle was brewing.

It was time to find the actors.


*I didn't get much feedback from the first part, feedback are important to me. Please, let me know if this should continue, or end here. Thanks* L.S.

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LilithfirstLilithfirstover 1 year ago

I just found your stories thos week. If it were up to me, please continue. A most sigular plot line and i love the characters. Please continue. I am about to read chap. 3. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Bitch!! I could srangle you!!!

First,you got me all hot and bothered with confrontations,posieden and a were story--and never finished them!!(well,i was hoping for a jonas and amy tale from confrontations) then you come on the scene with THIS,and just leave it uo in the air!?! How could you DO this to me?!? Please come back!! Your works are appreciated!! Hope all is well with you!!

girlthat392girlthat392over 3 years ago

The story needs to continue!!!

4Klo_Black204Klo_Black20over 3 years ago

Feedback where is part 3 😂

exorcidexorcidalmost 4 years ago

Hey, you need to continue the story I'm eagerly waiting part 3 and further continuation. While I'm at it what's going on with A Were Story?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Do not stop! We need more, I’m sure I speak for everyone that read TiT pt. 2. I need to know what happens in all the story lines. So that’s about 3-4 more chapters 😂 👍🏾

LwcbyLwcbyabout 4 years ago
Please continue

I enjoyed it immensely. Would like to see if Ares takes mayhem over his blood.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
So intriguing!

I loved reading this! I just love Greek mythology and I love the way you've characterised ares, Alonso and Victoria. I can't wait to read the upcoming chapters!

ZoconjaZoconjaabout 4 years ago

Enjoyed the chapter definitely thought you would not bring Ares back into the game so soon ,but still anxious to see where this story goes.

VegasloverVegasloverabout 4 years ago

Definitely definitely definitely continue! Very interesting start. I'm intrigued and looking forward to more

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