True Renaming


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"Uh-huh," Lenora replied, deadpan. "And who's gonna believe that?"

"I..." Aridata spluttered. "I..."

"Then again," Lenora added, making no attempt to hide her mockery. "Maybe you have a point. This look is good, but it's not really what I was after. It's more 'female incubus' than 'succubus', if that makes any sense."

Aridata's blood ran cold yet again as she realized what Lenora was hinting at. "N-no, wait!"

She wasn't expecting Lenora to tilt her head and look thoughtfully at her. "OK. I'm waiting."


Aridata found herself speechless. She doubted anything she might say could dissuade Lenora, but there was too much at stake not to try. However, she wasn't going to beg. She wasn't. Aridata - Ardat, Ardat, she reminded herself - never begged. She tempted, she offered, she bargained, but she never begged. That just wasn't how this was supposed to go. So... what could she offer? There was only one answer, however stomach-churning and humiliating.

The former incubus did her best to strike an alluring pose that showed off all her feminine assets. It came to her worryingly naturally, and she was effortlessly able to bend forward, back arched, chest pushed out, hips swaying, and put something approaching a suggestive half-smile on her face.

"I..." Aridata said falteringly. "I could... please you. Like this."

She just had to hope that would be enough for her lesbian captor. Perhaps it almost was. Lenora had the look of someone flipping a mental coin. Once she made her mind, though, her eyes glinted wickedly, and Aridata knew she'd lost.

"Close," Lenora conceded. "But I think we can do better."

Before Aridata could argue, she once again tipped the ur-candle's wax onto Aridata's true name.

This time, Lenora didn't even wait for the wax to settle and congeal before she started speaking. There was eagerness in her eyes, put there by unquestionable arousal.

"Your name," Lenora announced, "is Aridatya."

As she spoke she made it so, using her stylus to draw the wax across the grimoire's page in big, thick strokes, obliterating the reality Aridatya had only just been growing accustomed to and replacing it with another.

"It is not!" Aridatya tried to insist. "My name is... is Ar... Ari... um... Arida..."

It was getting harder and harder to fight it. Her head was a swirling morass of different names, all of them so similar, all of which felt right and all of which felt wrong. But a new one had just appeared, echoing like a gong, sounding more and more right with each passing moment.

"Your name is Aridatya," Lenora repeated. She sounded so firm, so sure, whilst Aridatya wasn't sure about anything.

"My name is... Aridatya?" it came out like a question, and so Lenora nodded in agreement.

"Your name is Aridatya."

Aridatya found herself nodding too. "My name is A-Aridatya."

She just couldn't bring herself to say anything else.

"That's right." Lenora's stylus was still moving across the page, etching details in ink and wax, inscribing all the details of Aridatya's soul.

"Aridatya..." Aridatya said it slowly, testing how the name felt on her tongue. Her name had become so long, so luxurious. That little 'y' made it sound even more feminine, and somehow fancy. Perhaps even exotic.

And... that was her, wasn't it? It seemed to suit her perfectly, even though she would have struggled to say why. Did that mean she was exotic? Fancy? Feminine?

No. No, of course not. Ardat had never been those things, and that should have settled the question. But it didn't. Ardat wasn't real. Not anymore. There was just Aridatya.

Aridatya balled her hands into fists and scolded herself. She couldn't let herself think that way. She was an incubus. A man, as remote as that now seemed. She had to remember that. She had to remember that none of this was right. She had to.

"It's quite a name," Lenora remarked, finishing her handiwork with a flourish. "Aridatya. I think Aridatya is very, very confident in her femininity. Don't you? Aridatya sounds like a real girly girl to me. The kind of succubus who really revels in it." Her smirk turned crooked once more. "At least, that's how it looks in my handwriting."

"W-what?" Aridatya was stunned as she felt changes washing over her. Nothing was more unsettling than feeling her reality alter. The changes themselves kept slipping beneath her notice; rather than experiencing the transformation directly, it was like she was always noticing the way reality had always been.

In this case, that meant noticing that her hair was longer, and that she was now wearing something different - a long, flowing nightgown, tailored to accentuate a body that was far, far more feminine than she remembered. Those were Aridatya clothes, apparently. It meant noticing that her face was slender and lips full, and her eyes adorned with smoky, sultry makeup. But more than that, it meant noticing how she felt.

It meant noticing that she liked it.

"No!" Aridatya cried out, desperate to give voice to her disgust before it fled. "That's not right! I hate this."

"You do?" Lenora feigned surprise, but couldn't hide her amusement. "But you're so pretty now."

The heat, the warm glow of praise that Aridatya immediately felt, was dangerous. Preening was instinctive, as was posing pleasingly and shifting her weight from side to side to accentuate her hips. It took precious seconds for Aridatya to catch herself and plaster a scowl over the thin, devilish smile that had come naturally to her face.

"S-shut up," Aridatya snarled, torn between forced resentment and reflexive pride.

"C'mon," Lenora wheedled. "Aren't you everything a succubus is supposed to be?"

That was a potent compliment, poisonous and sinister in how affirming it was. A succubus was supposed to be beautiful, feminine and seductive, and Aridatya felt like all of those things. So it was undeniable, wasn't it? She was everything a succubus was supposed to be. The only thing telling her was the faint memory of deeply-buried false reality, fading by the moment.

"I'm an incubus," Aridatya tried to insist. "Not a succubus. An incubus!"

"Aridatya," Lenora said pityingly, "do you think anyone seeing you now, anyone at all, would believe that?"

The succubus's cheeks turned crimson. She looked away and cast about for anything she could use as ammunition. There was precious little left, but Aridatya's thoughts quickly turned to what was between her legs. It had always been the very pride of her manhood.

"Oh, I see." Lenora giggled. "You're thinking about that, are you?"

Now, Aridatya paled. Had it been that obvious?

"I was thinking of letting you keep it, you know," Lenora remarked, lifting the ur-candle again. "But if you're going to be difficult about it..."

Aridatya truly turned as white as a sheet as she watched one single drop of wax fall onto the page.

Compared to before, it was nothing. Lenora was careful and subtle with her stylus, too. All in all, the change she made didn't even amount to a single letter. It was an accent at most; a simple change in pronunciation, barely audible. Aridatya was still Aridatya. But it was enough, and after several horrid moments of anticipation, the succubus felt a new reality wash over her.

And it brought with it a cunt between her legs.

Aridatya gasped and whimpered at the sudden, aching loss which drove home just how much dignity and power she'd lost. Her name, her face - those things were precious, yes, but losing a part of her body that was so symbolic and fundamental for an incubus was even more of a violation. With her hips and thighs still shifting to accommodate her new anatomy, Aridatya squeezed her legs together, hoping to feel something solid between them. Instead, she just felt a sharp, shock of pleasure race up her spine from the unfamiliar stimulation to her new, sensitive pussy.

It was humiliating, and worse, the demon couldn't suppress a low whine of pleasure. Lenora, of course, just laughed at her plight.

"My, my," the witch commented. "Enjoying yourself already?"

"Shut up!" Aridatya huffed. She was incandescent with shame and rage, and she couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't hide. Couldn't flee. Couldn't stop what was happening to her.

"C'mon," Lenora giggled mockingly. "Don't you kind of like it?"

Aridatya had to look away because the truth was that, on some level, she did. Somehow, having a cunt instead of a cock just felt right. It made her feel more like herself, perversely; desirable and sexy in all the right ways for a succubus like her. Knowing that she'd been an incubus minutes ago and had a dick seconds ago didn't help. It made her seethe with rage and burn with humiliation, yes, but it didn't make having this body feel any less deliciously affirming.

So, instead, the contrasting emotions inside Aridatya - new and old - were forced to curdle and mix together as reality fought for a stable configuration. They became complimentary, mutually-reinforcing. Her humiliation became a pleasure all of its own, sinful and tempting, spiking her arousal even higher. Her anger, directed so singularly at Lenora, twisted and became a very different kind of craving, one that was predatory and carnal.

A succubus's hunger.

It was a heady, dizzying cocktail of feelings to be struck with, and it made keeping Aridatya's identity straight harder than ever. Instinct was taking over. It infested her body language, making her pose and preen and smile, directing all of her hellishly tempting appeal straight at Lenora. The witch was clearly amused and enticed in equal measure.

"Wow," she remarked, cocking an eyebrow. "Maybe that was the magic ticket. Feeling a little more agreeable now?"

"Absolutely," Aridatya replied, her voice a vicious purr. She was desperate. She couldn't let this go any further. She needed Lenora to let down her guard.

"Fascinating," Lenora breathed. For a moment, occult curiosity took over, although the color in her cheeks made it clear her interest was far more than just academic. "I suppose it is the lynchpin of the succubus/incubus distinction - in some schema, at least - so it makes sense it would have rather dramatic ripples."

"Dramatic," Aridatya echoed pleasingly. She bent forward, showing off her new assets. Her tits had become impressively large and pert, and it was dawning on her that she could use that. That she knew how to use that. "Hey, so how about that itch you needed scratching?"

"Yeah?" Lenora couldn't help but stare, Aridatya noticed with pleasure. "You're interested."

"Oh, I just can't wait to sink my teeth into you," Aridatya cooed. She giggled. "Metaphorically speaking, of course."

The plan, of course, was to seduce her, and then, once she released Aridatya from the magical circle, subdue her and force her to undo all the changes she'd made. At least, that was what Aridatya was telling herself. In truth, it was rationalization as much as anything else. Beneath it all was a simple, heartbeat-drum of need and desire, driving her towards Lenora's warmth.

"Wow," Lenora breathed. She wasn't so quick-witted now. Aridatya could tell she was succumbing to her own desires, now that her summoned demon was in a form far, far more agreeable to her tastes. "But... sink your teeth into me? That sounds a little..."

"C'mon." Aridatya tried to affect a high-pitched, feminine voice. It came effortlessly, and she was as dismayed at that as she was pleased with her success. "You can trust me. I just want what you made me want."

Lenora almost went for it. Almost. But in the end, she pulled back and shook her head. "I wish. This version of you is pretty great, if I do say so myself. But... I can tell this isn't going to be a good idea."

"N-no." Aridatya's smile faltered.

"Perhaps I've been going about this the wrong way," Lenora mused. "It's not enough to make you a succubus. Not anymore. You'll still remember what I did, at least a little, and you'll still want revenge. I need to address that."

"My... memories?" Aridatya was aghast. How could she fight that?

But Lenora shook her head. "No. Something deeper: your past." She lifted the ur-candle and toyed with it in her hand, an egomaniacal smile playing across her face. "A true name is such a potent thing. It contains everything about you. Even your very history. Change that, and there's nothing to remember."

"Wait!" Aridatya called out, as Lenora started to tip the candle, but she already knew that wouldn't stop her. Her next word tasted like bitter tears. "P-please!"

She didn't beg. For all that had changed, that remained true. But this was her limit. This was the end. And so, Aridatya begged.

It didn't matter.

This time, the way Lenora altered her true name was anything but subtle, even if it was artful. Using her stylus, she worked wax and ink all over the grimoire's page, inscribing a fresh pattern that seemed to make the entire sigil shift into a bold new configuration.

"And," Lenora murmured as she worked. "Why not push a few other things a little further, too?"

The sight made the succubus's head throb, especially when Lenora looked up at her and said:

"Your name is Arideniya."

"My name is... is Arideniya."

This time, Aridenya didn't bother to fight it. She just let her new reality wash over her, and accepted whatever her new self turned out to be.

It felt good, as it turned out. Arideniya couldn't even perceive the changes as they occurred. Each one etched itself into her memory and her past, as if things had always been that way. Aridenya was left completely, blissfully ignorant of the fact that once, maybe, for a different version of herself, things had been very, very different.

Her tits had always been this huge. Her cunt had always dripped enticing wetness down her thighs when she was turned on and hungry. She'd always been a succubus, a woman, an embodiment of female sexuality, ready to feast on any mortal who came within reach. And when they were around her, they wanted to be feasted on so very, very much.

Arideniya didn't just feel feminine. She felt powerful, and she took to her power like it was second nature. She stood tall, practically filling the room from floor to ceiling. Her horns were a crown upon her head, and her clothing was royal robes, no less revealing and suggestive for their grandeur. As the wax dried, Arideniya looked down at Lenora like a queen looking down at someone presenting themselves as tribute.

"Master," the succubus purred, her tone anything but submissive. "Allow me to show you true pleasure."

Lenora started to sweat from sheer temptation. Her magic circle offered scant protection against the raw, mind-bending power of Arideniya's presence. She was overwhelming in every sense. She was any mortal's fantasy given form, and Lenora was far from immune.

"W-what," the witch struggled to say. She was drooling, but her mouth sounded painfully dry. "This isn't... I didn't mean to..."

"Oh, yes, you did," Arideniya countered. "This is exactly what you wanted. Exactly what you summoned. I'm all your handiwork, Master. It's time to enjoy me. Time to take down this silly little circle."

Lenora twitched abruptly, like she was struggling not to obey. Temptation was overriding her reason. Arideniya's wicked grin widened. She had no particular animosity towards this mortal - but she needed to feed, and she liked to drink deep.

"I don't u-understand how..." Lenora stuttered, flustered. She took a single step towards Arideniya, taking her perilously close to the magical circle's boundary, before something seemed to click in her head. "Oh. Oh! I know what I did wrong."

She stepped back, and hefted the objects in her hand - a leather-bound grimoire and a strange-looking candle. Arideniya's eyes flew wide as she noticed it. The object seemed to trigger a memory from another life.

"Is that a-" was all she managed to say before Lenora once again tipped the candle wax all over the grimoire.

This time, Lenora wasn't artful or sparing. She poured as much wax as she could, obliterating almost all of the succubus's true name in a single gesture. The succubus was rooted to the spot as a strange, unearthly sensation swept through her, making her mind flash white and robbing her of all sense of self and purpose. The sensation only grew stronger when Lenora started writing with her stylus in wax and ink, replacing some of what had been blotted out and altering what remained.

"It was obvious, really," Lenora murmured as she worked. "I was too focused on what I wanted to change. Lost sight of the big picture. I was adding, each and every time. More letters, more sounds, more changes stacked on top of changes. I made a name that was impressive. Magnificent. Powerful." She grinned. "But I think this will do the job just fine instead."

The succubus standing before her just stared, dumbfounded, struggling to comprehend the meaning of her words.

"Your name," Lenora told her, slowly and deliberately, "is Aria."

"My name..." Aria echoed, "is... Aria!"

She brightened as she said it. It felt so right, and the rightness of it made her giggle a pretty, air-headed giggle. Aria licked her lips and arched her back, and reached up to jiggle her own, massive tits experimentally. Doing that made her giggle even harder.

"Maaaaster," she drawled, pouting. "Don't you wanna, like, fuck me?"

Lenora laughed. "No need to worry about hidden agendas now, I think," she said. "So - time to make a contract?"

"A contract?" Aria snorted. "That stuff is soooo boring. Um... let's see... I'll give you whatever you want if you'll, like, make me feel good?"

"Deal," Lenora announced. She stepped forwards and used the tip of her shoe to erase the boundary of the magical circle on the ground. As soon as it was broken, Aria bounced on her, kissing and squeezing and groping with overeager lust.

Lenora laughed, and her laughter soon turned to moans. It was time to get that itch scratched.

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siondiresiondire7 months ago

This fic was fun to read. I like the goth witch and her winning in the end.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I wonder if you are going to continue with these characters? You probably don't intent too but, maybe Lenora has higher ambitions than just controlling and having sex with a succubus? She could use Aria to help grow an empire. Both lesbian and business? Start at the ground up seducing male and female bankers for favorable loans. Seduce investors, other business people. Entice the public with her products. Maybe they are 'magical' or halloween oriented? Ultimately seducing any female she wants to bed and any male she wants to make a female for enjoyment or vengeance. Since she was able to alter an incubus into a succubus and completely change 'her' reality making Aria a bimbo succubus, I wonder if she and aria's combined skills could alter people and reality around them so the changes go unnoticed by everyone else? Their new reality is just the way they have always been to everyone else. Only the changed might know different if Lenora wanted to leave them with that knowledge. Or she could turn men or women into bimbo lesbians? Just some thoughts I had. It was a good story.

AquariusgirlAquariusgirl7 months ago

Wow! As always your storys are amazing! I don't know how you come up with your ideas, but they never fail to impress, and I love reading your work!

I can't wait for whatever comes next 😊


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