All Comments on 'Trust'

by aparadise

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

If a person is cheating on you - really cheating on you and not just in your imagination - why even waste more of your valuable time on them? Tell them you're done with them and just walk away. Besides, there are more specific indicators of cheating then what the Marianna character witnessed - or thought she witnessed. For instance: your spouse doesn't seem to want to have sex anymore (with you), you get funny looks from the people he works with (especially the females) and surprised and confused statements from them like, "Oh, your wife is pretty...?", he stays away for long periods of time (and it's not work-related), he seems to have lost interest in you and seems bored by the 'us' factor of your relationship (but just can't bring himself to admit it, because children, time, guilt, etc., are involved), and on and on. Even then, you can't be completely sure he's cheating till you ask him or get real proof. Just some food for thought - and a surfacing of some not so good memories. Like Van's character in the Reba show, I'd have one word for the Marianna character - if her boyfriend had really been cheating on her - and that would be "Let-it-go!" or, more specifically, "Let-him-go!"

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I like this story !!! : D

I actually thought this was a really good story . I'm glad she found out that Trevor wasn't cheating on her before she did something too stupid . Really nice story . More please !

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

and if you dont, shit happens. TK U MLJ LV NV

juicycarameljuicycaramelover 12 years ago
I so dug it!

I love how she keeps herself up 4 her man & that she planned on payback. I'm a sucker 4 happy endings so the fact that there was no need 4 payback was right up my alley! And erotic follow up is def in ordrer...please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Follow Up! Encore! Bravo!

Let's have the follow up quickly. If you did all of this in two hours, the follow up will be worth it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

if she had thoughts of him cheating she could have followed him or hired someone to do it for proof or better yet ask him and watch him.

ariesgirlariesgirlover 11 years ago

This is why you get all the facts first before jumping to conclusions. She could've gotten him in a whole mess of trouble. If he dumps her behind for her stupidity he would have every right. But he loves her to pieces so it will be worked out but she owes him big time.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
I would like to hear her explanation

that evening. It would also be good know if he kept and viewed the disk she made to sabotage the deal before going home.

C_frommnC_frommnover 7 years ago

I would like to see her explain her actions. And see how Trevor reacts esp. if he see's the other Disc.

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My personal life has been challenging to say the least. Going through a divorce and I'm also a mom now; my focus is elsewhere. I'll be posting new stories one day, but I don't think I can finish old ones. I'm in a different place than when I wrote those. We'll see what the fut...