Trust Fund Baby Pt. 15


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"We haven't made love in nearly ten years," she sobbed. "Steve has some heart troubles and his medication has severely inhibited his sexual capacity, and his ability to get an erection. Unlike you," she added softly.

As we opened our hearts to each other, I felt the connection, a deep, life-affirming desire to possess this woman. As the coin dropped, I realized that using Jody's daughter in my "Make Daddy Proud," event was not the ideal way to ingratiate myself with her, and immediately decided to acquiesce.

"What do you want from me, Jody?" I asked, fully aware that I was prepared to give her whatever she needed.

Jody leaned in towards me and kissed me tenderly on the lips. I felt the jolt of electricity immediately, and in my compromised state, I folded.

"Tell me, and I will do it," I said, abandoning my position of power because I truly loved this woman.

"Well," she began, "not to state the obvious, but release my daughter from your upcoming event. Replace her with someone. You have a stable of erotic dancers. One of them needs to step up."

"Done," I said, trying my best to placate her. "And us? Where do we go from here?"

"You know I love you, Pete," she whispered. "If I leave Steve, can I be assured that you will treat me with more respect?"

As I offered her my assurance, she began to catalog Steve's perverse sexual proclivities.

"Even though he can't get it up," she began, "he makes me eat his ass on a regular basis. I understand the thrill of dominating women, but your wife, for fuck's sake?"

Over the next hour, as my refractory period expired and I developed a second erection, Jody vacillated between flattery and trying to gain my sympathy. Her honesty was refreshing, and having been informed that she considered rim-jobs to be particularly demeaning, I decided to avoid that particular sex-act.

Jody cried on my shoulder as she got things off her chest. Apparently, Steve Baldwin had recently discovered Viagra, and being able to develop and sustain an erection with the pharmaceutical assistance, he suddenly looked to Jody's tight asshole for his release.

"I am twenty-five years his junior, and at my sexual peak," she cried. "I need more from a relationship than to be sodomized whenever my partner can get it up."

As we poured our hearts out, kissing intermittently, Jody again offered herself up to me.

"Do you remember these?" she said playfully, as she removed her panties and waved them at me.

Jody held a tiny pair of silky, pink gingham panties between her thumb and forefinger, before raising them up to my nose. Reflexively I inhaled, the scent of her perfume and her vaginal secretions permeating my nostrils, and taking me back to that night over twenty years ago.

Jody and Rachel had promised me a two-girl rim-job, but had split as I showered for the upcoming treat. Later that night, as I climbed into bed I found two pairs of identical pink gingham panties under my comforter, which embarrassingly enough I still had, hidden in my bedroom closet.

"I still have your original pair," I blurted out, "twenty years later."

"Well, Papa," Jody cooed seductively. "That is very flattering. I want you to keep these too so that you never forget me."

As she hung the wet panties around my neck, I should have realized that this was part of an elaborate, pre-meditated plan to seduce me. What were the chances of Jody accidentally wearing the exact same panties that she wore the last time we were intimate? Why were they so slick with her vaginal secretions?

In my heightened state of arousal, I wanted nothing more than to bust a nut, so choosing to completely ignore the warning signs, I bent Jody over my oversized, mahogany desk, and entered her from behind.

"Do you want me to get Rachel to join us?" she whispered. "She is waiting in the car. I brought her with me to sweeten the pot in case you weren't receptive to my pleas. Rachel can lick your ass until you come inside me."

As Jody teased me verbally, I closed my eyes to visualize Rachel kneeling behind me with her tongue in my ass. A few seconds later, as I inhaled Jody's scent from the panties draped around my neck, I exploded deep inside her tight pussy.

Immediately after I ejaculated, a very businesslike Jody informed me that she had to leave.

"Do we have a deal?" she whispered, as I tucked my erection back into my pants.

After assuring her that I wouldn't use her daughter in the upcoming event, she bade me farewell and departed my office.

As I watched her tight little ass sashay towards her Pink Convertible Rolls Royce, I could see that the car was empty. Rachel wasn't with her and I realized that she had played me. Jody Baldwin, devoted wife to one of Newport Beach's richest men, had exchanged the release of her daughter from my "Make Daddy Proud" event for the promise of a life together. It was an empty promise though, I realized, one borne of necessity and unlikely to be fulfilled.

To say that I was angry would have been an understatement. Feeling that our deal had been reached under false pretenses, I didn't feel obligated to honor it. In fact, I wanted to extract revenge from that manipulative bitch, and simultaneously punish Steve Baldwin.

Unfortunately for me, my latest sexual encounter with Jody ignited my smoldering passion for her, and she was all I could think about, even when I was balls-deep inside her teenage daughter. On more than one occasion I feigned a headache to get out of having sex with Jessie, only to get up in the middle of the night to jerk off using her mom's pink gingham panties.

I was obsessed with Jody, fixated on the fact that after twenty-odd years, this goddess still hadn't given me a rim-job, which was my primary goal with all of my sexual partners. It was as if I had set out to climb Mount Everest, only to get within a hundred feet of the summit, before being forced to abandon my attempt.

My relationship with the younger Baldwin, Jessie, was based on sex, but we had also agreed to communicate our desires and inner thoughts to each other, so that we could maintain an honest and open dialogue.

For this reason, I felt compelled to tell Jessie that I was still in love with her mom. Predictably, my revelation was met with a certain amount of jealousy, but as we hashed it out, Jessie admitted that she was attracted to younger men, and often fantasized about guys her age when we fucked.

Realizing that our fledgling relationship was coming to an end, I called Steve Baldwin to lay out my terms for the return of his teenage daughter. He wanted to meet in person, but fearing he would lose control when I informed him of my new plan, we hooked up on FaceTime.

Even though Jessie was heading back home to her parents, she was completely onboard with my desire to fuck with her dad. We drove over to my strip-club, the added measure of security that I had in place there, seeming like a good idea in case Steve lost it. I instructed Jessie to dress up in her Japanese schoolgirl uniform, and wait just outside my office door. Then, as I relaxed in my oversized office chair, I FaceTimed the Baldwins, streaming the call to a huge monitor on the wall opposite my desk.

Steve and Jody tried to present a united front, but their body language was horrible, the tension between them palpable, as Steve begged for the return of his baby girl.

"Where is Jessie?" he asked, just a few seconds into the call.

"Going through the routine with Ethan," I lied. "Final dress rehearsal."

The look on Steve's face was one of abject misery as he processed the fact that his baby girl was on stage at Top Shelf Pussy, with a male escort.

"I can get her in here," I said cheerfully. "Just so that we are all on the same page."

As her parents looked on from my huge monitor, I put two fingers in my mouth and whistled loudly, the way you would summon a dog. Jessie, of course, was waiting right outside my door, and after a few seconds entered the room swiftly, as if she had run in from the dance floor. I let them absorb the fact that she was wearing a Japanese schoolgirl uniform, before issuing her a one-word directive.

"Sit," I said, pointing to the floor by the side of my desk, and using the same tone that you would use to instruct a puppy.

Jessie and I had rehearsed this earlier this morning, and without any hesitation or change in her facial expression, she whispered "Yes, Papa," and then lowered herself slowly to the floor of my office.

Steve Baldwin was noticeably pissed by my apparent domination of his teenage daughter, and I saw Jody rest her hand on his arm to keep his temper in check.

"We are here to discuss the terms of Jessie's participation in my upcoming Make Daddy Proud event," I began confidently, taking control of the meeting. "As you may well know, after you kicked Jessie out of your house for behavior that we all indulged in at her age, she came and begged me for work. Even though I have yet to showcase her wares on my main stage, she has practiced an exhaustive display of her sexual capabilities, and is willing to appear at the event. Isn't that right, Jessie"

Jessie looked up adoringly at me and said quietly, "Yes, Papa."

"As you are both well aware, I will have a capacity crowd for the much anticipated event, consisting of twenty five of Newport Beach's police and firefighters, and three hundred of our city's most upstanding citizens."

"My fucking best friends and business associates," Steve snarled, barely able to contain his rage.

"Exactly," I said cheerfully. "A carefully thought out mix of people to ensure that the event will live on in infamy. The President of the Celibacy Club losing her anal-cherry, live on stage."

"Pete, please," Jody begged, as she intervened. "What can we do to change your mind?"

"Yeah, man. Just fucking cut to the chase," Steve growled. "I don't want Jessie to be any part of this event."

As I watched him squirm uncomfortably in his seat, I tried to prolong his agony, and just as Jessie and I had practiced earlier that day, I turned and looked down at the beautiful teenager, sitting by the side of my chair.

"Jessie, fetch me a cold beer," I instructed her.

"Yes, Papa," she whispered without hesitation, before she arose swiftly from the floor of my office and left the room.

"Don't be a prick about it," Baldwin said, his voice cracking under the strain of seeing his baby girl as my fuck-toy. "What the fuck do you want from us?"

"I asked her to leave because I don't want her to hear my offer," I began. "This is between the three of us. Jessie will do whatever I decide is best for her."

"Pete, please," Jody begged. "Let us off the hook."

Once I determined that they were truly desperate, I laid out my plans.

"I am willing to bring your daughter back to your home this afternoon," I began. "She can go back to her life as a teenager, and I won't bother her again. Steve, I will allow you to purchase the three hundred and twenty five tickets, effectively cancelling the public nature of the event."

"Those tickets were free," he said, with an air of irritation.

"They were a charitable donation," I corrected him. "A tax deduction of thirty two thousand five hundred dollars, at their stated value of one hundred dollars per ticket."

"You want me to pay you just over thirty grand to cancel the event?" Steve asked. "Done deal."

As I watched him fall over himself to try and cancel the event, I realized just how desperate he was, and it was with immense satisfaction that I dropped the other shoe.

"That's a good start," I said slowly, absorbing his body language as he realized I wanted more from him.

"I also need you to reimburse me for my marketing expenses, permit costs and other incidentals. My billboards alone were sixty five thousand dollars, not including the cost of the professional photographer."

"I'll give you one hundred and fifty grand," he blurted out. "For your assurance that you will stay the hell away from my daughter."

As I processed his desperation, Jessie returned with my beer. As she closed the distance between my office door and my desk, her back was to the monitor, giving Steve and Jody a close look at her ridiculously sexualized Japanese schoolgirl uniform. The skirt was so ludicrously short, that her panties flashed as she leant forward and placed the beer on my desk.

"I want it in a chilled glass," I said in a dismissive tone, going through our pre-ordained routine.

"Yes, Papa," Jessie responded subserviently, as she picked up the glass and quickly scurried out of the room.

"Where were we?" I said pleasantly, as Steve's face turned bright red with anger at the way I was treating his daughter. "Oh, yes. One hundred and fifty grand."

"Please, Pete," Jody asked. "Do we have a deal?"

"Not quite," I said quietly. "Although I suspect we will get there. Jessie does look adorable in her stage attire though. Don't you agree?"

As he processed that Jessie's appearance at my Make Daddy Proud event would entail her being dolled up like a Japanese schoolgirl, Steve cleared his throat.

"What else, Pete?" he asked impatiently. "Spit it out."

"I still want to hold the event," I informed him. "However, I am willing to do it without Jessie's participation, and without a three hundred strong crowd. I just need you to exchange your wife for your daughter."

"What the hell are you proposing?" Baldwin asked me, with a look of exasperation on his face.

"I want to incorporate Jody into my Make Daddy Proud event," I said firmly. "The music, lights and choreography are already done and the event promises to be spectacular. Jody and I have been friends for twenty-odd years, and we already have a sexual history. In fact, you paid her twelve grand to seduce me and ruin my engagement to Madison," I reminded him.

As Steve and Jody absorbed my idea, their lack of pushback was noticeable. I was expecting an extreme reaction from Steve, upon hearing that I wanted to fuck his wife, but they seemed to consider it in a rational, measured way.

"With no crowd watching?" he asked me, after several seconds of hushed whispering between them.

"Just you, Steve," I said firmly. "After all, you will have bought all of the tickets."

Relentless stress can be a very incapacitating ordeal, and as Steve processed his options, he seemed to accept the inevitability of the compromise.

"And Jessie gets to come home today?" he asked, her welfare appearing to be his primary focus.

"You can send a car for her right now, if we have a deal," I said cheerfully.

Jessie's timing was perfect, as she rounded the door of my office with my ice-cold beer in its chilled glass. Once again, treated to the sight of his teenage daughter having been sexualized for my visual entertainment, it was the kick in the pants that Steve needed.

Jessie reached my desk, leaned forward once more, thereby exposing her bright red panties, and placed the beer in front of me.

"Sorry, Papa," she said quietly with her head lowered, conveying her regret at not providing me a chilled glass on her first attempt.

"That's okay, Jessie," I said condescendingly. "I forgive you."

Pointing to the floor next to my desk, I uttered my next mono-syllabic directive.


Steve Baldwin looked on in disbelief as his eighteen year old daughter sank to her knees by the side of my chair, which prompted her micro-mini skirt to rise up her slender thighs.

"I think you are going home, Jessie," I said cheerfully. "Your parents are willing to welcome you back with open arms."

"Whatever you say, Papa," came her rehearsed response.

Less than thirty minutes later, Steve Baldwin sent his driver to pick up his teenage daughter. I said my goodbyes to that beautiful young woman, from whom I had taken so many of life's firsts, while at the same time teaching her so much about her own body. As if to deliver a parting shot to Steve, I sent Jessie home wearing her light blue Celibacy Club T-shirt, which was ludicrous considering she had spent the better part of three weeks being my fuck-toy. We hadn't got around to laundering it either, so there were visible dried semen stains from where I had used it to wipe my ejaculate from Jessie's tits, after her first ever rim-job.

I did consider the possibility of Steve Baldwin reneging on his promise, so I texted him several photos of Jessie to keep him honest. The photos, taken from the series of billboard images that we had posted all over town in the days preceding the event, showed Jessie in each of the various outfits, but with her face completely exposed, leaving no doubt that Pete's New Toy was Jessie Baldwin.

My particular favorite was of Jessie leaning across the top of my Steinway Grand Piano, showcasing her oversized Henna tattoo. Taken from behind, this glamour shot showed Jessie looking back over her shoulder in response to something that the photographer had instructed her to do. She was smiling broadly, her bright blue eyes twinkling as we worked to find the perfect shot for the billboards.

Along with the compromising photos was a explicit warning that I would post them all over town if his wife, Jody, failed to show for my Make Daddy Proud event. Hours later, presumably having weighed his options, he responded with a terse text.

"We will be there. You have my word."

Steve ended up attending the Debutantes' ball with his daughter, proudly presenting her to the elite of Newport Beach, who still were none the wiser as to the identity of the Debutante in the Make Daddy Proud event, now that it had been canceled. There were some pictures of the Debutantes in the local newspaper, and Jessie looked phenomenal in her demure gown, the true picture of innocence, despite her extended sexual experience at my place.

As the day of my upcoming encounter with Jody approached, I was really excited. My brief tryst with her in my office had whet my appetite, and most of the time she was all I could think about. I still harbored a strong desire for her, and hoped against all odds that we would one day be together.

The day before the event, I reached out to the Baldwins on FaceTime, and as they sat there with grave looks on their faces, I advised them of my expectations as far as the schedule was concerned.

"Showtime is 7pm," I informed them. "I want Jody there by 3pm for hair and make-up," I added, leaving no doubt that this was a one-sided discussion.

"Ok," Steve said quietly, his passivity very unusual for him.

"I will have my wardrobe coordinator take care of Jody's costume changes," I added, alluding to the fact that Steve's wife would be wearing multiple outfits for our encounter. "However, why don't you bring Jessie's Japanese schoolgirl uniform, Jody?" I said with a smirk. "I assume it's not getting much use these days and you guys are about the same size."

Jody's face reddened as she realized how ridiculous she would look in that hyper-sexualized costume.

"Pete, please," she said anxiously. "I am not a fucking teenager. I am okay with us fucking on stage but don't humiliate me unnecessarily."

"Fair enough," I said cheerfully. "That is your call, Jody. Use your best judgment. See you guys tomorrow," I added with a smile, as I terminated the FaceTime connection.

The following day, with my anticipation sky-high, I arrived early at Top Shelf Pussy. The DJ had automated the lights and music, so that after he left I would be able to start the soundtrack with a single flick of a switch. I had two security guards on the premises, but other than that the place was completely empty. I knew that it would be a totally different experience in an empty club, but I was hoping to make it a very intimate encounter, thereby rubbing it in Steve Baldwin's face.

Around 2pm, the hair and make-up team showed up, three professional MAC employees who worked at Nordstrom in South Coast Plaza, and a celebrity hairstylist. They gravitated to the dancers' private dressing room, setting up a vast array of different hair and make-up products.