Try Walking in My Shoes


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"No, no, boy. Not the guest bedroom."


"We´ll take your bed."

He wanted to hurt me in any way he could, but I couldn´t have cared less. I was about to fuck his wife, the woman of my dreams, with his permission. I just had to keep that in mind and I was mostly fine.

"Okay, follow me."

My bedroom was far more impressive that the guest bedroom, so that choice was fine by me. It had a similar panoramic window overlooking the adjourning park. As this was the top level of the highest building around, it still provided a bit of privacy. And the room had a huge clear ceiling window. In a cloudless night like this you could see the stars and the moon from the bed.

Ralph hardly noticed this and was casually beginning to undress, but Tina was absolutely in awe. She just pointed at the ceiling with an open mouth.

"This is so..."

"You like it, Tina?"

"Tom, I can´t believe it..."

"What´s up there? Honey, we can start now. I´m going to show him how to fuck my woman now."

"This is soo beautiful, Tom." She seemed to have tears in her eyes. I loved this window and I always had the idea that women would like it too. But I never really had one in here. The shyness, you know...

"Tina, hello! You´re here with me? We can start fucking now."

"Oh, yes. Sorry, Ralph." She started to undress without any noticeable anticipation. It almost seemed like she was preparing herself for a household chore. But boy, what a body emerged from under those clothes.

The thing is, whenever I see a woman, I envision what the parts I can´t see will look like. If I see a nice mane from behind, I envision a beautiful face on the front. If I see a nice cleavage, I already see the naked boobs in their perfect form. The problem is, the reality often doesn´t keep up with these images. When the owner of the nice mane turns around, the face often is less perfect than I had anticipated. And the body of the few women I had sex with had definitely looked more promising clothed than naked. So I tended to fill in the blanks with unrealistically optimistic visions.

In this case, for the first time, this strategy was completely justified. Tina´s body was nothing short of spectacular. Sadly, Ralph´s body was just as flawless and exceptional. These people belonged with each other, that much was clear. They both were at the top of the gene pool. Perfect toned and muscled bodies, good enough for any sportswear catalogue. Her physique and her muscles were intimidating me a little, although she wasn´t taller than me, especially now that she had shed her extremely high heels.

His cock was already erect and he came over to show it to me. I generally wasn´t particularly interested in other men´s dicks, but I felt compelled to at least pay a polite minimum of attention.

"Not bad, is it? I bet you can´t compete with that, wimpy dude."

What was he talking about? It was just a normal cock. What was I supposed to say? 'You, sir, have a beautiful reproductive organ?' That somehow didn´t seen adequate. Luckily, he didn´t really seem to expect an answer.

He proceeded by beckoning her onto my bed. I expected him to worship this female miracle, to appreciate her perfect body, to please her however he could. That was certainly my first instinct. The reality was a little different. He unceremoniously rolled her onto her back and started to align his cock to her vagina. I was stunned. No kissing. No oral sex of any kind. No foreplay at all. She probably was as dry as the inner Sahara. What the fuck was he thinking? How was this supposed to work?

That mystery was soon solved; it wasn´t working. She was wincing when he roughly entered her. She tried to hide her pain, but in contrast to him, I noticed it. He didn´t stimulate her clitoris with his pelvis at all, he just started to pound her. Had nobody told him that many women can´t orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone? Obviously not, as he continued to ruthlessly slam his cock into her like a steam engine piston.

From an athletic point of view, this was surely impressive. His muscles were well defined and very attractive. His body control was brilliant. Overall, in any porn movie he would have excelled. But this was no porn movie, this was real life. The goal here wasn´t to look good, it was to please your partner. He was right, this was some kind of lesson, a lesson in how to not please a woman. The final touch was that he was looking around for a mirror. In its own narcissistic way this was perfect.

Tina was smiling encouragingly at him from time to time, but she was as far from a climax as she was from the moon. She briefly looked into my eyes and we had a sudden understanding. She was clearly desperate. She was maybe even questioning herself. She most certainly never had a climax, at least not with him and she was wondering if it was her fault. Probably wondering how it would be to have one. I pitied her suddenly, which surprised me. And I vowed to use my time with her to please her as much as it was humanly possible, at least with my limited knowledge of the subject. She deserved to experience this at least once, although I was unsure if I would be able to do it. A more experienced man would have been better, but her choices had clearly been limited.

Finally, Ralph began to grunt.

"Come, Tina, I´m almost ready!"

Seriously, he expected her to orgasm on command after this pitiful stimulation? In what kind of reality was he living? Tina made appropriate noises which might or might not indicate an orgasm. I had to admire her. She tried not to outright lie by openly faking it, but she also tried to indicate some pleasure. She obviously loved him and didn´t want to hurt him. I think she needn´t have worried because he seemed to be beyond such subtleties. He even increased his efforts, grunted after a few more strokes and collapsed on her.

"Ah, that was good." She didn´t comment. "Okay, wimpy man, now it´s your turn for sloppy seconds. Let´s see how you can compete with this."

He just rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom without paying further attention to her.

"I see your problem," I quietly said while he was away.

"I love him, you know?"

"Yes, I can see that."

She had tears in her beautiful eyes. "I don´t want to hurt him."

"I know. But you need to know."

"Yes. I need to know," she said in an almost desperate tone. "It has nothing to do with this shitty present, I´m not that bitchy about such things. I just need to know."

"I might not be your best choice. I don´t have that much experience."

"You´re my only choice. I´m surprised he agreed anyway. And you surely have more experience than me, he´s been the only one so far."

"Childhood friends?"


I gulped. A relationship like they had was something special and I was fully aware that it might be damaged by what was about to come, making me feel bad about my role in it. But there was nothing I could or wanted to do about it. She 'needed to know' and I desperately wanted to touch her, to kiss her, to worship her, to make love to her.

As soon as he left the bathroom, she got up to clean herself as well.

"Tina, you´ve got to take a look at this bathroom. It´s bigger than our apartment. Holy shit..."

He waited a few seconds until she was gone.

"Okay, man, I´m going to leave now. I´m not going to watch this. No real man should be asked to watch something like this. Remember, just once and with a condom. She´s totally mine and for the rest of your life you can dream about this night, wishing you´d get a repeat performance. But it´s not going to happen. She won´t like your scrawny body anyway. You know... ah, fuck."

He looked a bit upset, just turned around and left the condo.

"Where´s Ralph?"

"He suddenly decided to leave."

She looked a little sad. "Yes, it´s probably better this way. I hate to hurt him like this. But I need to know, I really do."

"I know. Come here, please."

She obediently came towards me, with her head hanging down a little. I gently pushed it up by her chin and boldly placed a gently kiss onto her perfect lips. I caressed her body in reverie while simultaneously trying to get rid of my clothes without disgracing myself. Once both of my hands were available, she responded enthusiastically to my ministrations, which encouraged me a lot. For someone that had obtained knowledge about the subject mostly from the internet, I had the impression that I wasn´t doing too badly. As usual, thorough research helped a lot.

We ended up on my bed, where I finally could explore her body completely. She started to take care of me as well, but I firmly planted her on the bed to start kissing, massaging and worshipping every bit of her. I kissed her feet, her legs, her back, her neck, her anus, I turned her around and repeated this to her front. After a short while I concentrated on her clitoris, while sometimes briefly plunging my tongue into her vagina or licking her anus. Meanwhile I caressed her belly, her legs, but mainly her tits, which were irresistible. She was really getting into it, moaning, sweating, writhing and uttering nonsense like "oh my God" or "yes, yes". This was good, I managed to please this woman like she deserved to be pleased and that gave me an incredible high.

After a while she forcefully turned me onto my back and lowered her mouth towards my dick. Although I knew what she intended to do and should have appreciated it as a man, I was disappointed to lose the scent and taste of her pussy. After a while we compromised on a 69 position with her on top and both totally enjoying what we were doing. I didn´t just lick her, I was also busy caressing her whole body.

"Fuck me now please. Please, Tom..." Wow, this dream woman was almost pleading to be fucked. To be fucked by me, to be more specific. Talk about an ego boost. I knew these were unusual circumstances and she normally wouldn´t look at me twice. But I was determined to make the most of this for both of us. Still, I was going to refuse her. I was not about to fuck her, I was about to worship her.

After a short mock-struggle, which made us both laugh, I ended up on top of her in missionary position. Looking into her eyes and admiring her perfect face, I slowly entered her very wet pussy and started gentle circular movements to stimulate her clit. To my surprise, she looked into my face as well and didn´t even seem too repulsed. She must have read my expression.

"You know, you´re not ugly."

I wasn´t sure if I really appreciated discussing my underwhelming exterior right then. It had the potential to severely spoil my mood.

"I´m not?"

"Not at all. You´re not as perfect as Ralph, he´s easily the most handsome man I´ve ever seen. But you´re far from ugly. To the contrary, if you do something about your styling you might be quite attractive."

"Oh." I wasn´t sure if this wasn´t just encouraging sex talk.

"I just let him ridicule you without objecting to reassure him, sorry about that. This is really hard on him."

"Yeah, I can imagine."

"Sorry, I just needed to say that. I really like looking at you. You have beautiful eyes."

"What?" What was she talking about? This was getting a little absurd. My eyes were just - well - eyes.

"Now please continue. This is better than I have dared to dream about. This is so... oh Tom." To my embarrassment she started to cry. Wow, this was not really what I had expected. But seeing her so emotional was erotic in its own way, so my erection remained completely intact throughout this weird talk.

I continued with what I was doing before our short talk to get her mind back to the present, with success. After a while her muscles started to tense, her whole body was changing. Her breathing became shallow and I knew she was near. I continued, but eased the light pressure on her clit even further, barely touching her. This drove her nearer to the edge while she pushed out her pelvis to keep the contact. When I sensed she was almost there, I increased the pressure again briefly, which caused her to come immediately. And boy, did she come. Her whole muscular body convulsed and she screamed like a banshee. Yeah, I felt like quite the stud. This had been exhausting and I had derived little direct pleasure myself. But just seeing her react that way had been enough to keep me aroused and seeing her come was almost too good to be true.

I certainly didn´t have Ralph´s body, but I might have been more empathetic and sensitive. I was still surprised about how easy I was able read her reactions, she was almost like an open book to me and therefore I was able to play her like an instrument. A very responsive and beautiful instrument at that.

She looked at me very seriously, grabbed my face in both hands and plunged her tongue into my mouth. I could feel that she was crying openly now and my nose was getting a little wet. Looking back on my life, this was certainly the single best moment I could remember.

After a while she relaxed a little and eased her vise-like grip on my head. She looked into my eyes with what seemed almost a loving expression. Then she suddenly looked concerned, maybe noticing how little I had done so far for my own pleasure. She unceremoniously turned us both around and I admired her physical strength again. Then she started to ride me with a serious expression. She even took my hands and placed them onto her magnificent breasts. She was really determined to pay me back, this was a woman on a mission. It was an unbelievable privilege and joy to experience this.

She pressed her breasts further onto my hands and looked deep into my eyes. No centerfold had ever looked this good to me and predictably I came all too soon afterwards. She clamped herself firmly onto me while I did it and obviously wanted to savor the feeling of me erupting inside her. Inside her? Oops, we might have forgotten the condom Ralph had requested.

Tina dropped herself onto me and started to smother me with kisses immediately. I almost had to laugh, she was so happy and so enthusiastic. After what felt like half an hour, she finally let me go and we lay on the bed side by side, completely exhausted. I took a look on the clock and to my surprise we had been busy for almost a full hour. Time surely flies when you´re having sex with a goddess. Not that this rule had any chance of having any relevance for my further life.

After we had relaxed a while, her mood suddenly got a little somber. I thought I knew what this was about.

"Tina, you shouldn´t feel bad."

"I know."

"This wasn´t what you expected?"

"No, it wasn´t. That´s the problem, it was better, way better."

"You really love Ralph, right?"

"Yes, more than anything."

"And sex being so good with someone else makes it look even worse with him?"

"Yes. I´ve never had an orgasm with him. I really had no idea what everyone was talking about."

"I´ve guessed that much."

"You did?"

"Well, the only reason for your strange request, for hurting someone you clearly love and for the potential danger to your marriage had to be something really important."

She just nodded.

"You obviously love him, which is no surprise as he´s the total dream boat, so what reason would you have to want sex with someone like me? The sex you have with him obviously is so bad that you´re probably even doubting yourself."

"Yes," she sobbed and collapsed into a teary bundle. I tried to comfort her.

"Tina, the problem is definitely not you. You are a very good, a very responsive lover. But that doesn´t solve anything, right? The man you love still isn´t. You know that for certain now, while you still had the benefit of the doubt until today."

She just nodded miserably.

"The problem is that he is a little selfish, but that might be cured. You might teach him the finer points about making love. The bigger problem is his outdated views on male behavior. Everything that pleases a woman is fag shit in his eyes, unmanly. That will be hard to change. Maybe counseling would help you."

"I´ve already mentioned that."

"Let me guess. He doesn´t see a problem in your marriage, he´s not crazy and he doesn´t need that wimpy counseling stuff anyway?"

"Yeah, more or less."

"So what´s your plan?"

"I don´t have one. I´m afraid he will never change. Right now I could leave him any time if I get too frustrated. Still I love him too much to do so. As soon kids are in the picture, the hurdle of walking away will be much higher. So I´m afraid that he will care even less about my sexual needs then."

"Oh, you shouldn´t worry. I don´t think he can do much worse."

She laughed briefly and bitterly. "Yeah, you´re probably right. So what can I do? Nothing. Dream about this wonderful night with you. Wear out my vibrator. Put up with the fact that the man I love is a lousy lover. Hey, this is confidential, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Don´t worry. I´m not an asshole."

"I know. You know, Ralph is not that bad either. He was just hurt and insecure today."

"Yes, I´ve guessed that much. So this is the end for us?"

"Yes, Tom. Thank you so much. This was like a dream for me."

"Same here. Thank you. I´ll never forget this night."

With tears in her eyes she ran to the bathroom, cleaned herself up, got dressed in record time and fled my condo before I could find appropriate parting words. Surprised, I realized that my face was wet as well.

I lay awake afterwards for an eternity, trying to come to grips with what had just happened. She sure was exceptionally beautiful. And certainly she was great in bed. What really surprised me that she was so open and so nice, so likeable. I was almost glad that I wouldn´t see her again. I would surely fall in love with her, without ever having the chance to get her, to make her mine. She really was way out of my league. She was perfect and so was Ralph, except for this one unfortunate flaw he had.

My plan was to try to book the whole thing as a bizarre, but very nice one-time episode that I would remember fondly for the rest of my life, but it was nothing that had the potential to really change my life or my views on the world.


Of course, it didn´t quite work that way. The next morning found me at the barber shop, getting a decent haircut. I had cultivated my nerdy, careless appearance, but I realized that it was just as ridiculous as Ralph´s weird views on appropriate male behavior while having sex. Neglecting my looks wasn´t a likeable quirk, it was just immature. By the evening I had a new haircut and new clothes. It was time to change things, meeting Tina had been a wakeup call for me.

My self-esteem was still benefitting from the boost it had received by my experience and I was almost able to score with girls I met in town two times. Of course, before things could get too serious, I managed to screw things up by hesitating too long or being unable to find the right words. Some of my self-doubt may have vanished, but I was still painfully shy.


Two weeks after my big adventure I was sitting at my fireplace, engrossed in watching the flames, which were the only illumination in my place at the time. My mood was somber. My attempts to push Tina out of my mind had been largely unsuccessful. It would have been okay if she just had been beautiful and sexy. The real problem was that she turned out to be a sensitive, caring and loving person. Damn.

I kept thinking about our wonderful love making session, replaying it in my mind over and over, torturing myself by doing so.

My wonderful sullen mood was disturbed by my door bell. No, not now. I couldn´t stand to see anyone right now, especially not my friend Tim, who had brought me into this situation in the first place by not appearing in time at the bar.

That damn doorbell rang again. Shit. I realized that I probably had to do something about it. I finally got my ass off the floor and moved it towards the door while it was ringing yet again. What was the matter with Tim? He usually was too stoned to be in that much of a hurry.