Turned Out Wrong

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It wasn't supposed to happen like this.
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No new ground being covered here. It's my take on the 'Honey, We Have to Talk' scenario. Not much descriptive sex here. The hard-core BTB crowd will probably be disappointed. So will the reconciliation crowd. The cuck crowd should probably just 'Swipe Left' here. No wimps in this one.

Self-editing, It's fine until I go off the deep end for the ending, Yes, it's unrealistic, Yes, there is no way any woman would put up with the ending, Yes, someone else wrote a similar story -- read the above paragraph.

It Wasn't Supposed to Happen This Way


Yeah, she thought that she was being sneaky about it. What she didn't know was that I was hearing all about it from someone that she worked with who was pretty disgusted by what was happening. I had been making my plans and preparing myself. Thankfully, I had the time to get over my rage and prepare for what was about to happen. It would start tonight right after dinner.


"So, it's tonight then?" My friend Mary asked.

"Yes. I'm finally going to do it. I'll wait until after dinner, bring him a beer, then tell him what's going to happen." I replied.

"Just remember to be strong. He isn't going to like it, but you need to remain forceful."

"I remember. Just like we discussed. He doesn't have a choice. This is how it will be, and if he really loves me, he will let me do this for my happiness."

"Correct. Just be prepared for him yelling and screaming. He will try to fight it, but he will eventually come around to accept the new reality. It is important that you remain calm but firm. Let him have his tantrum, then he will realize that you are in charge."

"Right. Besides, as far as he will know, it will only be temporary. Once he comes to accept it, he will begin to like it. Then, everything will just continue. Are you sure about all that? Jack can be pretty stubborn about things."

"Look Kayla, Jack loves you more than anything. Sure, he will be pissed, but after he calms down, he will realize that he loves you so much that he will do anything to make you happy. Even this."

"OK. You're the expert, I guess."

"Trust me. It took me screwing up two marriages to figure all this out, but I perfected the method on my third marriage. You've met my current husband. He's completely under my control now. He even stands beside the bed as I'm fucking one of my bulls. I also have him clean me out sometimes after I'm done. In a month or two, Jack will fall in line too. Then, you can have the security of your marriage to Jack as well as the enjoyment of several other men."

I finished the day and went home to cook Jack his favorite dinner. When Jack got home, he greeted me with an 'I love you' and a kiss on the cheek, as usual. Despite my best efforts, I was still nervous. This was going to be a big step and change in our marriage. It would all be worth it, though. Mary had been telling me all about her FLM (Female Led Marriage) for quite a while now. I saw how it worked for her and her husband firsthand. He really seemed happy with how their marriage worked. I'm sure that Jack would come to enjoy it as well.

Conversation during dinner was pleasant. We told each other about our day and discussed some of the news stories from the day. It was a normal dinner for us. After dinner, I insisted that he get a beer and go relax while I cleaned up. He resisted a bit, wanting to help, but I told him that it wasn't very much, and I could handle it. Leftovers put away, dishes in the dishwasher, and it was time. I poured a glass of wine, mentally prepared myself, and went into the livingroom for the confrontation.

"Jack, darling, we need to talk." I began.

"Sure, sweetheart. What's up?"

"OK, Jack. I understand that this may be difficult for you to accept right now, but this is something I really need to do. Please also keep in mind that this is only temporary."

"OK, so what do you need? If this is so important to you, of course I will do anything I can for your happiness." Wow. He was taking this pretty well so far. He wasn't even getting anxious.

"Good. So, we've been discussing starting a family, and I'm just about ready for that, but there are still a couple of things that I feel I need to do first. It should only be a couple of months at most, then we can start working on making a few kids."

"That's great, baby. So, what are these things that you need to do."

This was it. I took a deep breath and prepared for the fireworks.

"Well, Jack. I need to sow my last few wild oats. It will only be temporary, then I will be able to completely settle down and be the best wife and mother to our kids that you could possibly dream of."

"OK, my love. That sounds reasonable so far, but just how are you planning to sow these wild oats?"

Wow, he was really taking this well. I was expecting him to go ballistic.

"I'm going to be dating a few other men for a while. We will still be making love on a regular basis, but I will also be having sex with some other guys to get everything out of my system. Keep in mind that it is only sex with the other guys. You are the only one that gets my LOVE. After a couple of months, I will come back to you and be your loyal wife again, then we can start working on having the family we planned on."

"Well, Kayla. It sounds like you are not asking my permission to do this, so I assume that you have already made up your mind. If that's the case, I would just like to go on record and state that I am not in favor of this. If you are asking for my permission or acceptance, I am not giving it. That being said, you are a grown woman with your own mind, so I will not stop you if this is something that you truly believe that you need to do."

This was going better than I could have possibly dreamed. He never even raised his voice. Everything was said in a very conversational matter. Mary must be right. Jack would accept the new role that I would be training him for.

"So, Kayla, how exactly is this going to work? Will you be moving out, or are you expecting me to move? Are you planning on bringing them here to have sex? Will you be going to their place, or a hotel?"

"Oh. Well I figured that we would both continue to both live here. After all, we will still be married, and, as I said earlier, we will continue to make love as well. The other guys will just be sex. With you it will be making love. I would imagine that I would occasionally go to their place, but I will probably bring them back here sometimes as well. On those instances, you would need to sleep in the spare bedroom for those nights. I really don't see the need to have to pay for a hotel room, since we could just come here."

"OK. Again, let me reiterate that I am not in favor of this. That being said, I must insist that we will not be having sex as long as this is going on. I'm sorry, but this is for my own health. Since I will have no idea who these men are or what their backgrounds are, I will not risk catching any STDs that they may transmit to you. Furthermore, once you have finished and decide to return to me, we will need to wait until you have been tested and are cleared of anything. You go out and have your fun, and don't worry about me."

"Well, Jack. I can't say that I'm not disappointed in that. After all, I love you and always enjoy our love making, but I understand your concern. I guess that I will have to live with that."

"Great, honey. So, when do you plan on starting your little flings?"

"Well, Mary and I made plans to go out to a club and meet up with a couple of guys from work tomorrow night. I'm not sure what will happen, but I may bring one of them back her for the night. Since you aren't going to be having sex with me while I'm doing this anyway, maybe it would be best if you just moved into the spare room for the next couple of months then."

"OK, Kayla. Don't worry about it. I'll make sure that I'm moved out by the time you get home tomorrow night." Jack said before going back to reading the newspaper.

I just couldn't believe how mature he was being about all of this. My heart soared. Sure, he had voiced a weak complaint and was refusing to have sex with me, but he was completely accepting of everything. He wasn't the least bit angry, either. Mary was definitely right. In two months, Jack would be under my thumb. Besides, I knew that this no sex thing was only temporary. After a week or two, he would be back in my bed. Then I would just use the vaginal wrench to get him to fully accept his new role as my submissive little hubby.

The next afternoon:

"Hi Mary. It's Kayla."

"Hey girl. So, how did it go last night?"

"Oh, my God. You wouldn't believe how mature Jack was about everything. I was expecting a nuclear explosion from him, but he never even raised his voice. He was just so calm and accepting about it all."

"Wow. That's great! I told you that he would fall in line. Do you think that you'll be able to convince him to watch tonight?"

"I doubt it. In fact, I don't think that I will even suggest it yet. He did say that he will be refusing to have sex with me while I'm fucking anyone else."

"I'm sure that won't last long. After a week or two of using his hand while knowing that there is a beautiful woman available right beside him, and he will be right back. He'll probably be so desperate that you could insist on giving him sloppy seconds right after your lover just came inside you."

"That might be a lot of fun. Since he was refusing to touch me, I just went ahead and made him move into the spare room anyway. He's packing his stuff up right now. He promised that he would be completely moved out of the MISTRESS bedroom before I get back home tonight."

"Hahaha. I love that you changed the name from master bedroom to mistress bedroom. I will have to start doing that myself."

"Oh, definitely. Anyway, I should probably start getting ready. I'll meet you at the club."

"OK. Bye, bye."

Later that evening:

Jack had made pretty good progress in boxing up everything from my bedroom. I wasn't sure why he actually needed to box things up when he could have just carried armloads of stuff down the hall, but he explained that this would be better. This would be less trips and he could go through everything and leave things that he really didn't need in the boxes to get rid of. I guess that it made some sense, but I was too busy getting ready to really pay much attention. He did say how sexy I looked in my thong, garter belt, stockings, and 5-inch pumps. He didn't say anything when I put on the little red cocktail dress that I had gotten for our fifth anniversary last year. That was actually the only time I ever wore it, but I look damn good in it.

"OK, Jack. I'm leaving. I'll probably be back around one in the morning, so you don't need to wait up for me. Besides, I probably won't be alone." I told him as I picked up my clutch as I was about to walk out the door.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I will be moved out by then." He promised as he was closing up the last box.

Something was nagging at me in my mind as I left the house. I couldn't place what it might be, but it did bother me a bit. I decided that whatever it was wasn't important, so I put it out of my mind and began thinking of the fun and excitement that I was going to have tonight.

I met Mary, Larry and Josh at the club. Larry and Josh were account managers at work. Both were really good looking, and, according to Mary and a couple other girls at the office, really well hung. While Jack is a bit larger than average, I couldn't wait to get a really big cock inside me. Supposedly, not only were they big, but they also knew how to use them to full advantage.

"So, Jack really moved completely into the spare bedroom?" Mary asked after our first drink order arrived.

"Yeah. He had just finished boxing everything up when I left. He promised to be completely moved out by the time I got back." I replied.

"That's what he said?" Josh asked.

"Yes. When I told him what time I expected to be home, he said, and I quote, 'I will be moved out by then.'"

All four of us laughed at that.

"Damn. And I was hoping that we could just make the little cuck move over so we could do it on the bed right beside him." Larry laughed.

"Maybe after I've worked on him for a week or two." I giggled. "But first, why haven't either of you studs asked me to dance yet?"

We danced and drank for a few hours. I danced with both guys several times. We were tight against each other during the slow songs, and I could feel their erections pressing against me. Of course, their hands were on my ass most of the night. Mary and I went to the powder room to discuss the end of the night. Three rounds of rock-paper-scissors had me taking Josh home, and Mary taking Larry.

The house was dark when I led Josh through the front door. Jack must already be in bed. That's OK. We didn't need him to watch yet anyway. I led Josh down the hall and into my room. Sure enough, all Jacks stuff was gone. Maybe I should reward him by offering a hand-job tomorrow. Something to think about later. I had other things demanding my attention right now.

It didn't take us long to get out of our clothes. Josh wanted me to leave the garter belt and stockings on, though. I had lost my thong a couple of hours ago. I'm still not sure whether Larry or Josh ended up with it. It didn't matter; I Jack made enough money, so I could always get more.

The next couple of hours were pure bliss. I started off with a blowjob to get the first one out of the way. That way, he would last longer when he was pounding my pussy. We started with missionary, then turned to doggie. In order to keep him from wearing out too fast, we finished that round with cowgirl. We took a couple of minutes to rest, then I sucked him hard again, and I rode him reverse cowgirls for a while. I loved it when he was spanking my ass as I rode him. I lost count of the orgasms I had that night. He even took advantage of my arousal and convinced me to give up my ass. I felt a tinge of regret at that, because I had never even allowed Jack to do that. While it was painful at first, I soon found that I loved it. Who knows, maybe I would allow Jack to do that on his birthday or on our anniversary. No other time though. I would keep that for my other lovers.

The only minor disappointment from the night was that Josh refused to go down on me. That was something that Jack always did for me. Typically, he would eat me to two or three orgasms before actually making love. Josh just laughed and said that only proved what a pussy Jack is. He said only a small-dicked wimp would eat a pussy, because they didn't have a big enough dick to satisfy a woman any other way. We ended up doing it again in the shower before going to sleep for the night, and again when we woke up the next morning.

Josh had to leave and get back to his wife and kids after that, so I put on my robe and went to get some coffee. I was kind of disappointed that Jack hadn't made the coffee yet. It was after nine o'clock after all. Usually, he's already been up for an hour already. I'll have to talk to him about that later. I mean, would it kill him to have coffee and breakfast ready for me after I had a late night? So much for the hand-job I was going to offer him as a reward for getting moved to the spare bedroom while I was out.

I had a bagel for breakfast, then went to shower and get dressed. The hot water was just what I needed to soothe my sore muscles. I didn't have anything to do today, so I decided on an old pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. Since I was only going to be around Jack, I threw on a functional bra and an old pair of regular panties. I just finished pulling my hair into a ponytail when my phone rang.

"Hey, girlfriend." I saw it was Mary on the caller ID.

"Hi, you sexy thing. So, how was Josh last night?"

"He was awesome. It was everything I thought it would be. The only minor issue is that he refused to go down in me."

"Yeah. Larry won't do that either. You'll find that most real men won't. That's why I have my husband. He has an awesome tongue, and he never refuses when I tell him to lick me -- even if my pussy is still full of cum from my stud."

"Wow. Jack always goes down on me and gives me at least two orgasms before he sticks it in me. He's really good at it too."

"Speaking of Jack, what was his reaction this morning?"

"I don't know. I'm kind of pissed because he seems to be sleeping in. I was disappointed that he wasn't up fixing me breakfast with coffee already made this morning. I had been thinking of offering him a hand-job for getting moved to the spare room, but I don't think so now."

"Yeah. Make sure that he knows how disappointed you are and what you expect from now on. Keep being aggressive with him, but make sure that you give him some small rewards when he does something good. That will give him an incentive to try harder."

"I'm actually starting to get pissed that he's still not up yet. Hold on a minute while I get his lazy ass out of bed."

I marched down the hall to the spare bedroom and pounded on the door yelling out his name. There was no response. I tried again. Still no response. Finally, I turned the knob and threw the door open.

"OH, SHIT!" I cried out.

"What's wrong?" Mary asked over the phone.

"Jack's not in the spare bedroom. His clothes aren't even in the closet. Hold on." I said as I began running through the house. "Shit. His truck is gone, as are all his tools."

That little niggling in the back of my head was starting to take shape. "Oh, no." I gasped.

"What? What is it?" Marry asked.

"Jack moved out! Now I understand things that he was saying. He never said that he would move his stuff to the spare room; he only said that he was moving his stuff out of my room. He then said that he would be moved out before I got back. I thought he meant he would be moved out of my room, but he meant moved out of the entire fucking house! Shit! I need to call him and find out where he went."

"No, no, no, no. That's the wrong thing to do. That sends him a message of weakness. You need to remain strong. Don't contact him, let him contact you. Believe me. He is just having a little tantrum right now. In a couple of days, he'll come crawling back to you. This is actually a really good thing. Now, you have a reason to punish him and have him beg to do anything for you to allow him to return. This speeds up the process. I'll bet that you can even let Josh or Larry knock you up and make Jack raise the kid."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Look at the things my husband does for me."

"Well, I have to admit that you have been right so far."

"Of course, I am. Oh, and Larry wants to meet you in the storage room at works for an hour on Monday."

"Can we really get away with that?"

"Of course. At least half the girls are doing it. It's so bad that I have to do all the scheduling for it. I'll email you the time to meet. Just put it down as a meeting somewhere else. Don't worry about it. The boss never goes in there, and everyone that ever does need anything from there knows to ask me before they go in to get anything."

We chatted a bit more before hanging up. I admit that I was nervous about Jack moving out. Aside from what my actions might suggest, I really do love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him. It's just that Mary made the FLM sound so good, and it would allow me to sample a variety of men. Sure, I would give up other men eventually, but I would still have Jack as my loyal submissive husband. Maybe I could make a deal with Jack in a few years to allow me to start pegging him if I give up fucking other guys. Obviously, that wouldn't happen until I was ready to give that up on my own anyway, but he wouldn't need to know that. Hmmm, maaayyyybbeeee, I could use pegging as a condition of allowing him to come back. Need to think about that one.