All Comments on 'Twilight of Siblings Love'

by laimun

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
great story

Please write a second chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
why no editor?

you really need to use a good editor before posting. the best thing you can do is delete and rewrite after you go back to school and learn.

hornacekhornacekover 11 years ago
too one-sided

So he wants to fuck her because of his obsession with her. And she wants to fuck him because ...? She is happily (?) married with a baby on the way, and with no reason or justification she returns his advances?

Maybe this will explained in another chapter (if there is one) but for just this story, this is poor characterization.

juanviejojuanviejoover 11 years ago
So, I like it very much.

Cinco Estrellas!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

left us in the dark with to many unanswered questions . did not vote

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Awesome!Awesome!U can feel the love existing between the brother and his sister!!When there is incest, sweet love between both siblings MUST ABSOLUTELY exists!However the story should continue,it cannot end like this.It leaves us on our hunger!I cannot wait for a second chapter!Plse write it quickly.Thks.

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123over 11 years ago
Twilight of Siblings Love Ch. 01: Danny and Anna (Brother and Sister)

It appears Anna, Danny's sister, has only empathy for him; she has expressed no love, as in man and woman. The minimal foreplay and eventual coupling did not have the passion that an intense, deep love should have; in fact, Anna lay in bad with her back to him as he exited her bedroom, he said, "I love You", to her; she gave him no response whatsoever! She got married, she said, "because I was lonely", after his tour began in the Middle East and three months after getting married she is pregnant! Danny needs to move on; his love-interest pursuit of his sister is useless and futile!! Unless...she suddently becomes "single" by either divorce, abandoment, death, annulment, etc. Of course, unless the Writer/Author has plans to give us an additional chapter or two, we readers won't know anything about any future for them.

prop69prop69over 7 years ago
tender and loving

will you add more chapters...Does she love her husband?

PrinceLukePrinceLukealmost 5 years ago
Eh More

l we get more?

PrinceLukePrinceLukealmost 4 years ago
Second read

This needs a chapter 2 and 3 and 4 etc

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Requires some proofreading.

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