Two Masters: Dressed for Adventure


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"My dear, you tempt me to such unspeakable acts."

}"M- Master... I have a discomfort."

"How's that?"

}"Right here, I'll show you."

She takes David's right hand, looking away bashfully. Slowly she drags it down her chest, opening his palm to slide over her left breast. She looks over at him out of the corner of her eye, then lowers her gaze as she continues pulling his hand down her belly and then along the inside of her thigh.

}"It... um... it's right..."


David pushes boldly forward as his fingers dip beneath her miniskirt. Layla nods vigorously, still not meeting his gaze, when he finds the cleft between her legs. She puts her face into his chest, muffling her voice as he begins to gently probe.

"What kind of discomfort?"

}"It tingles!"

"You're wet. And you don't wear panties?"

}"Sometimes. I think they're in Max's dryer still."

"You got your butterfly wings, but forgot your underwear?"

}"We were in a hurry. I had to choose, and only one of them was good for my costume."

"...nevermind. Would you like me to do something about the tingles?"

}"Please, don't make me stay like this! I think I'll die."

"Lie down, I'll see what I can do."

}"Ohh, please help me sir."

David sets Layla down on her back on the couch, lets her remove the butterfly wings attached to her back, and faces her on one knee. He trails kisses and nibbles up her thigh, making her yelp as his teeth nip on her soft skin. She's squirming by the time his tongue gently brushes against her labia. She can't keep her hands from pulling her breasts loose from the purple, stretchy dress material. She's not wearing a bra, either; her bust is as perky as her frizzy lavender-streaked hair. She tugs and twists her nipples as the first slow strokes fall on her clitoris.

}"You should know, I've never- NNGH!"

"Wot's thet? Ah couldn't hear yeh."

}"I've... oh yes... nev- never come from... ooh don't stop!"

"My god, how is it that you taste like honey? That's not natural, but I like it."

}"Noooooo plea-hee-heeese don't stop, you're so good at that, I'll tell you the oils I use, I promise."

"Well since you ask so nicely..."

Layla squirms, beginning to flush under the careful stimulation she's getting from fingers and tongue.

}"Oh, you're only making it worse, I can't stand it. I've never been able to come from being eaten out, it just makes me more needy. There's only one way to fix it now."

"What's that?"

}"I need your..."

"Yes? My what?"

}"I can't say it. I have to show you."

Layla scrambles up from lying prone, gently pushing David to an upright standing position, and grabs his crotch. She sucks in her lower lip as she looks up at him.

}"This. I need this, I need you inside me."

"We haven't talked about exclusivity, so we'll use a condom this time. Stay right there."

}"Please hurry."

David returns quickly; he's been somewhat prepared for this moment.

"Have you ever put on a condom bef-"

That's as much time as David had to speak before Layla had his pants undone and latched onto his cock with both hands, stroking to full hardness.

"On second thought, come with me."

David leads Layla to his bedroom, where one side of the bed has a mirror running the same length.

"Do you trust me, Layla?"

}"I do, I do!"

"OK, for now all you need to remember is say 'stop.' You can say anything else, but if you say 'stop,' I'm going to stop."

}"Oh no, please don't do that!"

"You're way too wound up, I need to keep you a bit more still. So I'm going to put these on you, and then we'll see if I can't fix your problem."

David pulls out two sets of linked, padded cuffs. He straps Layla's wrists to her thighs, so that her arms must remain at her sides.

"Think you can handle this without your hands?"

Layla leans forward without hesitation and licks up the shaft of his penis, from the side. She uses the tip of her tongue under the head to hold it steady so she can rotate her head around and take him straight in. He's barely got the condom package open before she's sucking him deeper into her mouth.

"That's it. The harder I am, the easier the condom will go on, and the sooner you get what you want."

He's quickly hard, but she keeps at it, and the wetness quickly spreads further down his shaft as she takes him further and deeper.

"Hey, you need to give me a second to put it on."

She makes a small squeal of disappointment as he pushes her head back to put the condom on.

}"Hey! I wasn't done with that."

"Don't worry, it's not done with you, either."

He stands her up to lean her over onto the bed, face-first. He leans forward to softly speak into her ear, as the head of his cock presses up to her pussy, ready to thrust in. Layla whimpers, struggling to grab David and pull him onto her.

"Shh, just a moment. That's a good girl."

He waits a moment longer, then pushes into her gently. Her eyes start to roll back into her head. He pulls her by the hair, forcing her to look up, seeing both of them in the mirror, with him standing behind her, eyes boring into hers through the reflection.

}"Oh fuck meeeee!"

"You know I do it my way, right?"

"I don't care where, I don't care how, I need you all the way in me please please fuuuuuck meeeeee."

The lubricated condom gives enough glide to let him penetrate all the way, slowly.

}"Ohhhh-ho-ho yes, that's what I neeeeeed."

Layla hangs on to herself and pushes back with her knees as she starts to rock with David's motions. He nibbles her on the shoulder, the neck, the earlobe.

}"What are you waiting for?"

"You'll see."

David works in and out slowly, testing. Making sure she can take him all the way in. Finally, he snaps. Hips fly into motion, muscles clench, and he drives into her like a pneumatic piston. In, out. In, out.

Fast and hard, he violates her with an animal ferocity. She begins standing at the edge of the bed, but is driven slowly into the middle under the relentless onslaught. There isn't time to stop to change positions, it simply happens out of pure necessity. Doggy style morphs into spooning as she falls over onto her side, and then transforms into her leg over his arm, and finally ankles around his neck as he grabs the short chain attaching her wrists to her thighs. Her cries change from vexation to relief, and finally to bliss when he finally lets go of his tightly restrained orgasm. Minutes pass, then the cuffs are removed, and condom discarded.

}"Master... will you hold me?"

"Are you crying, little one?"

}*sniff* "...maybe."

"What's the matter? Did it hurt too much?"

}"No. I get real emotional sometimes, when I have a big release. I'm sorry, I'll try to stop. Sometimes I can't."

"Ssh, it's okay, let it out. You don't need to hide yourself from me."

}"No, I know better. You'll leave me alone. You'll think I'm a weepy little bitch and dump me."

"You make it sound like this has happened before."

}"Yes." *whimper*

"Hush, enough little one, come here. No one's leaving you, I promise."

Layla shivers, then settles into David's shoulder.

}"You better not be lying to me."

"When I'm done with you, you'll wonder how you could ever doubt a single word I say."

}"...thank you."

David brushes the hair out of her eyes.

"No, thank you. You gave me the most precious gift, yourself. As long as you are mine, I will treasure every bit of it."

}*sniff* "You're not helping me stop."

"I told you not to stop. You're safe with me, let it out."

Layla shudders, sobs, and then goes still for a moment.


"That... is not the sound I was expecting."

}*snrk* "Bahahaha."

"Um, are you OK? Layla?"

}"Pfft. Eeeeeehehehehehehehe!"

"Oh, hell. When I told Max I break girls, this is not what I meant."

Layla thrashes, pounding on David's chest uncontrollably laughing.

}"Uggggh, OH MY GOD who ARE you guys!?"

"Gods among men, why do you ask?"

}"Ooh, take me with you when you go back!"

"What? Back to where?"

}"To wherever you gods come from, Valhalla or Hades or San Francisco. Let's go home, I'm ready."

"I was being metaphorical. Besides, it's after midnight."

}"Aww. I wanted to go to the moon! Or Uganda! Or the dildo narwhal rainbow beach lagoon!"

"...please tell me that's a real place. I need to see this."

}"I know, right!?!"

"But no, you're not going anywhere. You're staying right here and keeping my bed warm."

}"Does it get sad and cold in the night?"

"N- Yes. Yes, it does. And hungry, too."

}"Hungry? No, I don't want it to eat me!"

"It won't eat you, it feeds on sex. It's fine for tonight, it just needs you to keep it warm."

Layla face-plants into a pillow.

}"OK, Mr. Bed. You can count on me."

"Good girl. Sleep well, little one."

She is asleep before David flips the light off and climbs back in with her.


David cracks his eyes open. Something is very different. It's not the light streaming through the blinds, that's normal. It's not the sound of a neighbor dragging his trash can to the curb. Also normal. It's not even the very feminine bundle lying next to him in the bed, smelling inexplicably of- well, he didn't know what, actually. In fact, she's not next to him, and that's why he's noticed. She is actually wide awake, hunched over him, drawing his cock up into a full erection with one hand and her mouth.


}"Mmm, you remembered my name. You need to cum harder if I'm gonna make you forget."

"What are you doing?"

}"Mr. Bed needs breakfast."

"Nngh. That feels amazing. Layla, you're not using a condom. We haven't talked about this."

}"So talk to me. What do I need to do?"

Layla continues stroking with her hand.

"Fuck, I can't talk when you're doing that."

}"Then I'm doing it right!"

"Get up here, dammit."

David pulls Layla up to look him in the eye.

"Look, Max and I have talked about getting a girl we can both have. But we haven't worked out all the rules and everything. What we've agreed on though, is if we're going to go without a condom, she needs to give up being with anybody else. I don't want to rush you into anything-"

}"I don't want anybody else but you and Maxy Max, and I need to taste you. Get me a pen and tell me where to sign."

Layla looks down, solemnly.

}"If you don't have a pen, get me a knife; I'll use my blood."

"Uh, that won't be necessary, you just have to tell me, and I'll tell Max. Are you sure?"

}"Cross my heart and hope to never eat pixie sticks ever again. Even on Halloween."

"Coming from you that... somehow sounds like you've put a lot of thought into it."

}"A fate worse than death, I tell you! I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed I woke up and you and Daddy Max were gone, I couldn't find you and I didn't know where I was and I was lost. I woke up for real and I cried. Then I thought about it, and then I knew. As long as you want me... I don't want anyone else."

"You could have woken me up to talk about it."

}"What do you think I just did?"

Layla takes his hand and puts the index and middle fingers in her mouth, while wriggling back down to eye level with his pelvis.


"Oh sweet gummy Jesus, that feels good."

}"Wanna see a magic trick? Watch, I'll make it disappear!"


"Bluggah! Waugh!"

}"You say the sweetest things to me. But if you really liked me, you'd give me a giant load of cum to swallow."

"Oh that's it, you're in for it now."

Layla gasps with pretend shock as he reaches for her head; her eyes betray her excitement and desire. David turns on his side and pulls her onto her side next to him, and directs her with his hands, setting the pace of the blowjob, and testing the strength of her gag reflex. He does not thrust too hard, but does not shy away from pushing as deep as she can take him, quickly drawing towards the point of no return. When the moment comes, she groans as hard as David does, shocking even more semen out of him. She laps up the leftovers greedily where he pulled back to avoid overwhelming her. She waits for him to catch his breath, then speaks.

}"I do so witness."

"Eh? What's that?"

}"You consummated. The agreement is binding now. I'm yours! And you're mine."

"You sneaky little bitch. I'm gonna have to watch you, aren't I?"

}"I hope so! Somebody needs to appreciate my cute little ass."

Layla wiggles for emphasis.

"Spank it, at least."

}"Whaa-at? What did I do to deserve that?"

"You don't conduct negotiations with a man through his cock, certainly not when he's just woken up."

}"But I just did!"

"I do so witness."

}"Ooh, you're confirming the consummation!"

"No, I'm confirming your admission of guilt."

}"...crap, you got me."

"Your sentence is a spanking, to be administered until I judge that you're sorry enough, or until you cry."

}"Aww. That's mean."

"To be delivered in several sessions, not to exceed one per day, which are deferred... oof. Deferred until at least I can move again."

}"Hehe! Totally worth it."

"Specifically, deferred until it provides a good object lesson for what might otherwise be a less severe offense."

}"So you're going to spank me for any little thing you feel like, even if I don't deserve it? That doesn't sound fair."

"You've already earned it. But your punishment will not last forever, and I will always announce when it is finished being served. If you still feel it's unfair once it's no longer being deferred, you can appeal the decision then. But wait until then to protest."

}"Oh. So if I suck you hard again and then fuck you until you pass out, I get a good head start?"

"I um- I plead the fifth."

}"Nuh-uh! Only a defendant gets to do that. You're the judge, you have to answer."

"Damn, you're right. Not that I have to tell you the answer you're actually looking for, but I think it's important to establish trust right now so I will. Uh, you probably would get a head start."

}"Yes!! Hold still, this won't hurt a bit."

"Oh, no you don't."

}"Think carefully, now. Are you sure you're going to give up a good cowgirl ride just so you can spank me a little sooner?"

"You've got five minutes to convince me."



"Uuugh, you could teach Johnny Cochrane a thing or two about oral arguments."


*riiiiiiing* *glooooong*

*clack* *thump* *creak*

"Hey Max."

]"Hey David. She wasn't any trouble was she?"

"She was no end of trouble, Max. You know how to pick 'em."

]"Shit. Sorry man, I was so sure. Come on Layla, time to go."

"You don't understand. She actually got out of my steel handcuffs."

]"Aw, man. Need a new pair now? I guess I can buy some for you. Layla, come on! What's the matter?"

"No, I just need to make sure she doesn't have any clips in her hair before I do that. Or any pens within reach. Speaking of which, she's not allowed to get any piercings."

]"OK, dude, seriously, what did you do to her? She's not looking at me or saying anything. You didn't drug her did you?"

"Nothing, we're doing posture training right now. She has a slouch I want to cure her of, and I told her not to move or speak unless she had to for half an hour. If she was good, I'd let her have ice cream.

You've been very good, haven't you?"

}"Mm hmm!"

]"Aw man, I wanted to take her for that."

"Well, I'll tell you what. I wasn't going to let you have her back yet, but if you want to take her for ice cream I'll delegate it to you. Go on Layla, you're done, good job."

}"Yaay, Maxy's back! Hugs for daddy Max!"

]"Oof, hi sweetie. Wait. Does this mean you like her?"

"You're off the hook for drinks on movie night. But you're in charge of birthday presents. You might wish you'd been wrong about her."

]"No way man, I love it! That's awesome! I knew you'd like her."

"Oh wait, I lied. I did do something to her, I spanked her earlier for being bratty. So she might sit a bit funny for an hour or two."

]"Did he really?"

}"My tooshie is sore."

]"Did you deserve it?"


]"Well learn to behave and you won't have that happen again, OK?"

}"OK. But what if I liked it?"

]"I think you could ask for it. You don't have to misbehave."

}"I did ask for it."


}"By putting water in my mouth 'til I looked like a chipmunk and then squishing my cheeks in to spray all over him."

"And then wiggling your butt at me and running away."

}"Well it's more fun if you chase me!"

"Just be careful what you do or I'll find something you don't like. I have a lot of ideas."

}"Eep! I'll be a good girl, I promise. Mostly."

]"You two are something else. I don't think I could do it, but I think I'm starting to understand."

"Finally. What's it been, five years now?"

]"Closer to ten."

"Well, five since we started looking for this and I told you what I wanted."

]"Yeah, I'll give you that."

"OK, have fun you two. Oh, Max, I'm delegating taking her to the park to you too."

]"Sweet, I get all the rewards."

"And you can leave all the punishments to me. Just don't forget to tell me, I'm sure she'll remind you about all the rewards. Won't you?"

}"You can count on me!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wild story

I found that so funny and weird which is perfect for me.

SunsetFollower511SunsetFollower511over 4 years agoAuthor
Author's note

This is a stylistic experiment. The original draft used italics and bold to denote the speaker in dialogue. I may come back later and update to match that formatting, but it takes longer to publish than straight text and I wanted to make the contest deadline. Thank you for your input on this reading experience.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You need to learn to write properly.

If you can't even be bothered to learn how to write dialogue properly, nobody who is even slightly educated will want to read your stories. Why not spend the time learning how to do it properly? At this moment in time your writing is an absolute mess and not remotely clear.

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