Two Mothers, Two Daughters Pt. 01


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Both Joanna and Katie were waiting to see if Trish had remembered her last command about sharing. Donna was waiting too because she wanted to taste Frank's cum, it would be only the third variety she had ever tasted. She had licked Scott's cum out of Katie's pussy last week and now she wanted to compare again.

For her part Trish was ready when Frank started shooting, she let his first shots fill her mouth then swallowed. She had told the truth about never swallowing but she always let her boyfriends cum in her mouth so she was familiar with the taste of cum. At the moment she couldn't remember why she had never swallowed but as the first swallow sent some cum into her belly she decided she would never waste it again.

Frank produced more cum by at least double than any other guy she had been with and after the third swallow she got scared she couldn't handle it all. It actually made her panic slightly because the idea of not having an orgasm till tonight was terrifying to her. Her pussy needed a release and if she didn't get it she might just curl up in a ball in the back of the limo.

But she then took the fourth and fifth mouthfuls and swallowed them down. Then she remembered her mistress's last command and as she was rewarded with a final and sixth mouthful of Frank's creamy offering she slowly removed her mouth from his cock.

She looked up at him with admiration and lust in her eyes then showed him and the three women in the room her mouth, it was still filled with his cum. She pulled Donna closer and sealed her mouth over the older woman's and swapped Frank's juice with her. Donna was moaning heavily into her mouth at the first taste of his cum and was kissing her frantically.

"Tell your pet she should swallow that mouthful, its reward for a job well done!" Jo whispered to Katie.

"Mommy pet keep the cum in your mouth and stop kissing Trish. Then I want you to crawl here and thank Joanna for her gift before you swallow!" Katie said firmly. Her cunt was absolutely on fire with the show they had just watched and if she had her choice right now she actually would blow off Nobu.

Donna was loving the taste of Frank's cum it was at the top of her list in flavors. She wondered if it was because his balls were so big and produced so much. While Scott's cock was around three inches longer than Frank's the driver's balls were pronouncedly larger making them produce a wonderfully flavored cream in her opinion.

She positioned herself in between both Katie and Joanna and spoke softly, "My mistress has instructed me to thank you for such a wonderful gift. Thank you for allowing me to pleasure your friend and for letting me share in the rewards!"

It came out slightly garbled but when she finished she proudly opened her mouth and with a slight flourish made a show of swallowing. After she was done she was like a little girl when she smacked her lips loudly and proclaimed proudly that it was all gone.

"You did very well Donna, your mistress must be proud of you. Now I have an instruction for you, if it is okay with your mistress I would like you to be the one to give Trish her well earned orgasm. I am sure it won't take more than a minute but still I would like you to do it for her!"

Donna just looked to Katie amazed at how she just naturally did that. She was totally immersed in this fantasy role right now and didn't want to stop.

"Well Katie will you let your pet do this for me?" Jo asked. She was curious how the young aspiring mistress would take to her giving her pet an order without first talking with her.

Katie felt like she was being tested somehow and she thought of what she thought was a perfect response.

"Well Jo, I will allow her to do this for you, but I reserve the right to give Trish one command at any given time today or tonight without going through you!" Katie said boldly.

Joanna's laugh was deep and genuine, "My god girl you are going to make some lucky pet a great owner. I definitely grant you that command; I hope you save it for something dirty and juicy. My pet has no boundaries so if you can think it she will do it, isn't that true my little fireball!"

"Yes Mistress Joanna, anything at all!" Trish said. She was almost incoherent now with her the desperate need for an orgasm. She sat up and got on the seat and sprawled her legs in anticipation of Donnas' instructions. She was actually going to have her best friend's mom get her off, she wondered if she would eat her pussy or...

"I think you are forgetting something Donna," Jo told her while handing her the little pocket rocket vibrator. "No eating of that pussy, just get her off quick with this, just enough to get the edge off till tonight!"

Trish couldn't care less who was going to make her cum in fact she had only expected her mother to tell her to get herself off. Still she couldn't help but lock eyes with Donna as she approached her with the tiny vibrator in her hand. She had desperately wanted to let Donna or Katie make her cum last weekend but had resisted, she had wanted to give her lesbian virginity to Joanna. Well that had happened on Wednesday night and now all bets were off. So she opened her legs wide and pulled the skirt she was wearing up around her hips leaving herself sprawled out and exposed.

As she was doing this Frank was recovering from his amazing blowjob from both Trish and Donna. He was zipping himself and then carefully left the passenger side of the limo. He returned to the driver's seat smiling broadly thinking about how much he loved being Joanna's driver. Then he started for the restaurant again. He of course couldn't help but keep glancing in the rear view mirror at the women in the back.

"Look at them Katie, don't they both look like they are soooo happy. I am so happy that you and Donna found each other if you hadn't I would never have discovered my true daughter. You know she signed a contract with me, she did it eagerly and I now control her completely. I don't know if that's what you have in mind for your mom but if you do I will be happy to have one drawn up for you too. I always suspected your mom was a closet sub and it would seem I was quite right," Jo told her while Donna was getting ready to give Trish some well earned relief.

"Jo I don't really know why my mom and I are getting into this game so easily but it just feels natural, for both of us. I really can't say how far we want it to go but if it gets to that point I would love to take you up on your offer," Katie said with a smile.

"Well I have a fun thing planned for us all tonight after you and Donna get finished rocking the internet to its core. I can't believe what the two of you have planned; it's going to be so fucking hot! I only hope you will both be ready for the aftereffects, I mean what if your dad finds out?"

"Well my mom and I are hoping that your husband will have some luck in convincing my dad that being a cuckold isn't such a bad thing. If he can do that then I will take mom home next weekend and we will come clean so to speak, maybe even give him a demonstration," Katie said hopefully.

Joanna just smiled, "Well I hope Steve has some luck tonight, your dad called him about meeting for dinner tonight. It seems your dad is already suspicious that your mom has a lover so he's going to talk some more with him."

"OOOOOOO...YYYYIP...YIP...YIP...YIP...FUCK... FUCK...FUCK...YES...YIP...YES...YIP...YES...OOOOOOOO" suddenly burst from Trish's lips getting everyone's attention again.

Donna had only put the tip of the vibrator on Trish's clit for a few seconds before the girl exploded. Her hips just started spasming and bouncing around on the back seat while she started screaming and barking.

"Isn't she beautiful when she cums, she's such a good little puppy too!" Joanna said to Katie.

Katie was giggling because the whole scenario was so sexy and over the top but Joanna was right Trish was beautiful when she came.

"Mother pet, let her rest now and come back to my side!" Katie told Donna firmly.

Donna went back to Katie and snuggled happily in her arms, she also returned the vibrator back to Joanna.

"Would you like Trish to help Donna now Katie? It wouldn't be an issue at all," Jo asked holding out the vibrator again.

"Thank you but no Jo, I gave my little one a nice cum back at the house before you got there. I am sure she wouldn't mind but I want her to be on fire tonight for the cameras," Katie told her as if they were discussing the weather. She didn't even acknowledge her mother verbally instead she just stroked her lightly.

"Ladies we are just about there, so maybe you all need to get freshened up a bit!" Frank warned.

"I understand I can only hope that at some point tonight when we are all alone that you might loan me the use of her, I've wanted to use her for some time now." Joanna asked while looking Donna in the eyes.

Donna couldn't help herself and whispered to Katie, "Please say yes honey, I would love to have Joanna show me how much she's wanted me!"

Katie giggled and smiled down at her mom then told Joanna, "Actually I am hoping that by the end of the night tonight we will all know each other, inside and out!"

"Spoken like a true slut Katie, I promise you one slut to another that we will not disappoint you or Donna!" she said as she moved next to Trish once more.

The four of them checked each other to make sure all their clothes were in order. Then they all fixed their makeup and headed into Nobu, one of the most exclusive Sushi restaurants in New York City. For Joanna it was just another meal but for the other three it was like walking into a cathedral.

Trish was surprised when after they entered and sat down and Katie and Donna had excused themselves for the restroom Joanna turned to her and told her that she was just having lunch with her daughter not her pet at the moment.

"Honey there are people who just wouldn't understand, anyway it will give us both a chance to catch up with Donna and Katie. I'm sure that if you obeyed my instructions they are both in the dark about the other night. I wanted to be here when we talk about it but we will do that tonight and maybe we can even give them a visual demonstration!" she said.

Regardless of what she had just told her Jo still couldn't resist the urge to reach under the table and slide her hand under Trish's skirt. She quickly ran a finger through her pussy lips causing the girl to shudder. Then she made a show of bringing the finger up to her mouth and cleaning her daughter's juice off.

In the ladies room Katie and Donna were chattering about actually being in Nobu for the first time. Besides their love of sex both of the Calloway women also shared a love of gourmet food and Nobu was in the top five restaurants in the city consistently. Donna remembered Jack wanting to take her here for their tenth anniversary but getting a reservation was impossible.

As they were leaving the restroom Katie whispered "Goddess" in Donnas' ear essentially letting her know that they were here as mother and daughter. She wanted this experience to be shared in that relationship not in the one of mistress and sub. To her it was a special milestone in her relationship with her mother having lunch in such a special place together.

Donna thanked her because she felt the same exact way. She was coming to realize and recognize how in synch the both of them seemed to be in their moods and feelings. It made her feel extra warm and tingly inside when she considered how close she felt to her daughter. For the first time it actually occurred to her that her feelings for Katie were growing into feelings of Love, not the normal mother daughter type but a deep feeling of being in Love. It caused her to pull Katie to her and hug her tightly before leaving the bathroom.

Katie picked up the emotion behind her mother's embrace and questioned her, "Mom what's wrong, is everything okay?"

"Honey everything is absolutely perfect but ask me later tonight when we are alone I will tell you then I promise." Donna told her with a smile.

Katie shrugged the feeling off for a moment and briefly wondered what it was. They both returned to the table just in time to see Jo pulling her finger out of her mouth.

"My gods were you doing what I think you were doing just now Jo?" Donna asked freely, the reluctance to speak gone.

"You let your pet question me like that sweetie?" Jo playfully asked Katie.

"I released her from that role while we were in the bathroom. It seems that you will be having lunch with your best friend and her daughter! Should I go back to Mrs. Edwards for now?" Katie said with a huge smile.

"Well if it will make your smile any wider I also released Trish for the afternoon so it seems as if you also will be having lunch with your best friend and her mother! To answer the question you asked Donna, yes I was doing what you thought. I mean just because Trish isn't playing my pet right now doesn't mean I still don't find her irresistible and oh soooo delicious!" Jo laughed.

Trish blushed bright red to match her fire colored hair and giggled, "Mom, if anything you are the delicious one!"

Jo smiled with love in her eyes and hugged her daughter.

"Speaking of delicious ladies, I hope you enjoy lunch. I have loved coming to places like this for more than few years now. It will be nice to finally share them with people that I love. Steve really has no interest in the gourmand side of life but I know both you and Katie do. I'm sure Trish told you about dinner the other night Katie but did she give away the surprise?" Jo asked. She was testing to see how much her daughter had shared.

"Oh god's yes, Per Se on Wednesday night and now here at Nobu tonight. She told me you know the Chef and she also told me about the play and that you know ...Katy Perry!" Katie said with all the wonder revolved around hero worship. Katy Perry was an idol to both young women and Bill Armstrong the Chef at Per Se was considered one of the top five chef's in the country.

"Jo did you really take her to Per Se, it truly was a special night for you wasn't it Trish?" Donna asked.

"My mom made me feel like a princess from the moment I got in her car Wednesday. It was the most special night of my life," she said while staring adoringly at Joanna.

"So I guess my beautiful daughter obeyed and didn't give any of the deeper details of the night away. I'm sure you both want to hear all the dirty little details but I'll save that for tonight. I will however share one little, no make that two little tidbits. I'm a little more than just friends with both Bill and Katy and Trish got to experience a little bit of both!"

Both Katie and Donna were sitting there with their mouths open in surprise and wonderment. Donna because she once again had no idea how deep into her lifestyle Joanna actually lived. Katy was in awe though that Trish might have actually shared a kiss or more with their idol and judging by the smile on her face she liked it.

"The surprise though is that I convinced Bill that it might be in his best interests if her were to make a private dinner for you girls at your place one night. Just imagine having one of the top five best Chef's in the country making a personal dinner for you girls. Of course me and Donna would have to be there too as chaperones to make sure you girls behaved properly," she smiled and said with a wink.

"Jo, I had no idea you knew all these famous people," Donna was saying when as if to add a punctuation mark to her thought the chef/owner himself came to their table.

Chef Nobu Matsuhisa actually presented himself to Joanna with a bow and greeted her in his native Japanese tongue.

In a surprise to all the other women at the table she answered him fluently in his own tongue and they traded what must have been a humorous anecdote or two. They were both laughing and it was obvious they knew each other also.

"Joanna, my dear it seems as if you always surround yourself with the most beautiful women. May I have the honor of introductions please," he asked politely.

All three women were in awe and once again star struck, this man who was so famous was humbly asking to meet them.

Joanna smiled and did the introductions while Chef Nobu took each woman's hand and gave it a polite kiss. Donna giggled like a school girl as one of her culinary idols actually kissed hers.

"Ladies, you may wonder why there has been no menu given. That is because whenever Joanna decides to grace us with her presence I always make a special menu just for her. I hope it will please you all to have me do the very same thing for you today!"

All three of them were speechless until Katie found the use of her tongue.

"Chef Nobu, my mother and I would be more than honored to be treated so special by one such as yourself, "she told him humbly.

He smiled and returned to the kitchen and when he left Joanna felt like the dam burst as she was hammered with questions.

She answered them all telling them how her business has allowed her to make so many connections over recent years. She also apologized in advance for seeming aloof to all the celebrity they might meet with her around. It seems that she had lost the sense of awe when dealing with people of Chef Nobu's stature many years ago.

Then of course Trish whose pussy was wet once again as fantasies ran through her brain asked the one question that quieted everyone.

"Mom did you...I mean have you ...have the two of you had sex?" she asked shyly.

Joanna laughed loudly at her daughter's question completely understanding where it arose from.

"Honey, do you think I fuck every person I meet. I mean I am a slut yes but no there are still a few people in this big city that I haven't sampled. Of course with Chef Nobu it wasn't from a lack of trying."

That immediately got Donna and Katie asking for more details, to which Joanna explained. She told them she had closed the restaurant down one night and had blatantly propositioned the Chef only to be politely turned away. It seems that there were still a few men in the world who would not compromise their wedding vows. They had become friends that night though because she had hung at the bar here drinking Saki till the sun rose.

She explained that was why she never needed a reservation here and how she was able to just casually get them in today.

So the four women sat and enjoyed each other's company for the next three hours. To all intents and purposes they looked just like four beautiful women with no hint of the special relationships they shared. Of course the conversation would always drift in the direction of sex and for the few who caught bits and pieces of it they would give a double take at the table.

Joanna was very curious about Katie and Donnas' willingness to share themselves on the live streaming site tonight. They had no idea but her interest wasn't completely prurient on the subject which was why she was also interested in the movie they were making. Through her years of playing and fucking so many different people she had met people from every walk of life including some serious players in the adult entertainment industry.

She had always fantasized about being on screen for all the world to see in all her glory. Her job however was way too lucrative to ever risk doing that. However when Trish had shared the things that Katie wanted to do with her mother the businesswoman in her came into play. She knew that their willingness to not only expose the true nature of their relationship but to embrace it and flaunt it would be a huge attraction in that industry.

Joanna had been turned on to lesbian incest porn by her good friend Aiden Starr, the actress who she hoped they all might meet this evening. She had explained to Jo how the industry had slowly embraced the idea of incest but still played it safe with the use of the word step in all their films. She had shared how she believed that if they ever came across a mother and daughter who would freely allow themselves to be filmed how it could change the industry.
