Two Mothers, Two Daughters Pt. 01


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Joanna had shared her own fantasies about Trish with Aiden and from then on the beautiful starlet had always made it a point to introduce her to hot young women. Especially women that fit the mold of the daughter she had shown a picture of. So she was always greeted by a redheaded nymph or two when she and Bill would go to the Upper Floor. Of course Bill wasn't always with her and she had taken to going to the club even on her own especially when she knew Aiden was in town.

So lots of ideas were running through her head as she heard Katie describe the reasoning behind her film and the website. She couldn't wait till tonight to see Katie and Donna actually play together while they had an invisible audience. Donna had told Katie about running into Naomi and how word of mouth was spreading too. So Joanna knew there would be a target audience tonight also.

She fantasized about helping Katie and Donna become the biggest porn stars since...well maybe ever. Of course it was all just a fantasy but she had learned through her adventures, all the things she was doing and had done at one point had just been fantasies. She couldn't wait to introduce Trish to Aiden and see the look on her face when she realizes that Joanna had made that dirty incest fantasy a reality.

She had also texted her friend the web address of Katie and Donnas' show tonight telling her that she had to be on that site at 8. She didn't tell her what to expect but she just mentioned that she would never forget what she would see tonight. She hoped Aiden took her word for it and watched because it would make later tonight even more interesting.

By the end of the meal all four women were so overwhelmed that sex was the last thing on their minds. Chef Nobu made a point of giving his farewells at the door once again leaning in and politely kissing their hands. All in all it was a wonderful magical experience and they all wondered when Nobu finished his farewell in Japanese to Joanna while glancing over to Trish.

As they all piled into the back of the Limousine Joanna received a text and frowned slightly when she noticed it.

"Mom is everything okay, you look upset?" Trish asked.

"Yes honey, it's just I was hoping to spend the rest of the day and night with all of you. It seems I have to go back into the office for a couple of hours but I promise I will be at your place before the show starts tonight okay?" Joanna said while hugging her daughter.

"Okay...mistress?" Trish asked tentatively.

Joanna stroked her hair and smiled at her daughter after hearing that. It was just another affirmation to her about how willingly Trish was embracing her place in their relationship.

"Yes my sweet, sweet pet. You know you make your mistress very, very happy!"

Trish smiled and playfully barked snuggling into her mother's side as Frank drove them back to the girl's apartment.

Donna looked lovingly into Katie's eyes and silently mouthed the word Goddess. Katie smiled back at her and just nodded yes also. Then Donna imitated Trish and snuggled into her daughter's side.

There was no sex play in the back of the limo because they were all so sated over the lunch. Katie looked at her phone for the time and noticed it was slightly past 3. She was glad because all she felt like doing right now was taking a nap and she wanted to feel her mother's naked skin pressed against her while she did.

As they got out Donna and Katie exchanged brief friendly kisses with Joanna and Donna gave Frank a big hug. He whispered a sincere thank you in Donnas' ear causing her to blush and he smiled widely when Katie mentioned that someday she would have her turn too.

Trish was a little longer getting out because her kiss with Joanna was one that promised much more for later in the evening. As she was leaving she lowered her head and yipped softly while her eyes looked up into her mother's.

"Go my pet; get some rest because tonight is going to be a long, long night. In fact this weekend is going to be very long too!"

Trish just smiled and ran upstairs with Katie and Donna.

"Trish your mom is just full of the most amazing surprises!" Katie gushed in the apartment.

"I know, she makes me feel so special too. Katie it's just what I always wanted and more from my mom. I'm her princess and her pet all at the same time, it's filthy and hot and sweet and wonderful all at the same time, and I'm soooooo happy!!" Trish said while twirling around in front of Donna and her friend.

When she finished twirling both Katie and Donna took her in a group hug and they both told her how happy they were for her too!

"Pet go and get the bed ready so we can nap, Trish would you like to join us for a snuggle for a few hours?" Katie asked her friend.

Donna did as her mistress commanded and went to make sure the bed was in good shape after her squirt fest this morning. The sheets were still soaked so she searched until she found a new set and remade the bed. It felt so natural because it's what she has done her whole life, she even changed Katie's sheets at home right up until the time she left for school.

She couldn't help but observe also how different Katie was from Jack with her. Even when they weren't role-playing at mistress/pet she was much more assertive. There was a strength and confidence in her daughter that made her commands feel so natural. That's not to say that she didn't think Jack wasn't strong and confident it's just that he didn't always show that when it came to dealing with his wife.

Trish once again lowered her head then answered, "I would love to snuggle with you both but you have to promise to behave!"

Katie giggled, "Of course we will, I wouldn't want your mom to have to punish her pet for misbehaving."

The thought of Joanna punishing her flashed through her head and she shook from the image. It made her hot and wet thinking on what kind of punishment she would receive. She decided that at some point she would have to purposely misbehave to see how wicked her mom really could be.

So 10 minutes later every man's wet dream was all sleeping away in Katie's bed. Three naked women with Trish in the middle were all breathing deeply and probably dreaming of all the possibilities their new relationships would bring.

Back in Connecticut while the women were dreaming Jack was walking around in what he was starting to consider a waking nightmare. He had been dwelling all day on the comments he overheard from his wife on the telephone.

He kept hearing it word for word over and over, "Oh yes baby, I can't wait to have you inside me again. Yes of course I did just as you told me; I fucked him to death this week. Well except for tonight, I begged off tonight because I want to be fresh for you tomorrow. What's that? Why yes of course I love him and I have to admit the sex this week was amazing but it still didn't compare to last weekend with you. Jack has always been a great lover but the taboo aspect of our lovemaking takes you and me to another level, one he can't compete with. No don't worry he's deep asleep," Donna had whispered to her mystery lover.

In Jack's mind there was no other interpretation of those words that would make him believe his wife wasn't having an affair. What also felt like a dagger to him was if his wife had been with her lover last weekend their daughter had to know about it and was covering for her mother.

He wondered briefly if there really was any movie that Katie was working on or was it an excuse to help her mother be with her lover on the weekends. Some men might have been on the next train to Grand Central Terminal to confront the situation but he was instead choosing to try and remain calm.

He figured there were three options he had in front of him none of which would have seemed like possibilities in his life not so long ago. The first option was what most men would do if it was true, file for divorce and break up a marriage that had lasted for more than twenty years. This option left him feeling empty and hollow because his whole life and all his future were wrapped up in Donna. He loved her from the moment they met and even with what appeared to be happening he knew in his heart he still did.

The second option was to just let things go on as they are, to implement the military mindset of don't ask don't tell. In this way he would still have his wife and marriage and he could always hope that whatever Donna was doing would run its course and fade out. This option had no appeal to him only because it was living a lie and he couldn't do that. He couldn't watch his wife leave every weekend and welcome her home while knowing what she was doing and not say anything. No he knew that whatever happened he was going to have to have a sit down with her when she returned this week.

The third option and it was one he couldn't even believe he was thinking was to get the truth from her and then allow her to continue, to become her cuckold the same way his father and his friend Steve lived their lives. If you had asked him three weeks ago if he could ever consider living like his father had he would have looked at you like you had two heads. He had seen the things his father accepted from his mother and he could never dream of accepting the same things.

That is of course until the shoe was now on his foot and he was faced with the same decision his father and his friend had face. He knew it would all boil down to his love for Donna and the question he kept asking himself, would he be happier without her in his life. He knew the answer to that was a resounding no; he would be devastated and miserable. However to even consider taking this option he had to juggle in his mind what was the more important of two things, his pride or his love for a woman.

Even though Steve had not felt like it was a hit to his pride to allow Joanna to have other lovers his father had admitted that it was the toughest thing to overcome in allowing Jack's mom her liberties. He had told Jack that he mulled the balance of those two things for quite some time. He had imagined his life without Jack's mom and he decided that his pride over this one thing in his life could take backseat to his love for her.

When Jack had left his father's house last weekend he found that instead of his respect getting lower for his father it had actually gone up. Here was a man that in all areas of his life had shown nothing but pride, from his workplace to the way he carried himself in public. This very same man who it was obvious was a very proud man had given that pride up selflessly in the bedroom.

Thinking back on it now Jack realized that it never reflected on his father outside the house and his mother never treated his father with any outward disrespect at home. In fact if he stood back and analyzed the whole situation he couldn't ever remember his parent's having an argument or disagreement where they raised their voices after their arrangement.

It was a far cry from before because Jack had overheard them so many times shouting and cursing at one another. It had gotten so bad at one point that he kept wondering what day he would go home and hear the words divorce from one of them. Is it possible that Steve was right and living like this and letting your love for your wife be the guiding force in your marriage could actually strengthen the bond?

He felt like he needed to hear the woman's side of how she still looked at her husband while this was happening. He wondered if Joanna would talk with him about this, he decided that he would ask Steve tonight if he could join them tomorrow for dinner too. He shook his head because he couldn't believe that the more he thought about it the more the third option seemed like the one to choose. The question of course would once again come down to a choice between his pride or his love for Donna.

As his mind was trying to grasp the reality of the situations he might be facing he found that his heart ached more over the thought of Donna leaving him than at the thought of her having an affair. He knew he had agreed to leave Donna alone while she was with their daughter but he just needed to speak with his wife and hear her voice.

He dialed her cell wondering if she would even answer. He was almost half hoping she wouldn't answer because he wasn't sure he was ready to ask her the question he needed an answer too.

"J...Jack...what is it, why are you calling me?" Donna asked groggily because her husband's call had woke her up from the nap she was sharing with Katie and Trish.

"Donna I wanted to call and tell you how much I love you and never want to lose you!" he told her.

"What are you talking about Jack, why would you think you're going to lose me? Didn't we just have one of the best weeks we've shared in months?" Donna asked now wide awake.

"I have to ask again my love, please don't explode like you did the last time but are you having an affair? Is there someone else in your life and why do you sound like you just got out of bed?" he said barely able to get the questions out.

Donna was at a loss for words and she did remember how she treated him the last time he asked the same question. She had screamed hysterically at him and that was before his concern was even a possibility of being a reality.

"Well let's answer the last question first; I sound like I just got out of bed because I am actually still in bed. When I got here we all had lunch together and Joanna joined us too, afterwards I came back here and me and Katie flopped on her bed for a nap," she answered one question leaving out the fact that they were naked and Trish was in bed with them.

"As far as having an affair, where would I find the time Jack? I mean I'm here with our daughter and her best friend so how could I be seeing someone else. It certainly isn't at home because you saw the dinners you came home to this week, those took hours to prepare. So please Jack tell me why you might think I'm having an affair?" Donna answered trying to defuse what could be a serious situation back at home.

"Honey I just want you to know that if...if you are seeing someone else...well I don't know what would happen with us. I can't stand the thought of ever losing you but I don't know what I could do if it were the case. I heard you this week on the phone, I heard you telling someone how great it was and how you couldn't wait to have them inside of you again this weekend," he said finally letting it out.

Donna as in full on panic mode at the moment because she realized she had been careless when she was talking with Katie. She didn't know how to answer him and she found herself staring at Katie who was now awake and looking at her intensely.

She watched as her mother mouthed the words 'he knows' silently and she felt her heart beating faster and faster. She reached up and took the phone from her mother who reluctantly let it go.

"Daddy, what did you say to mom she's sitting here speechless and looking awful?" Katie asked. She was going to take charge of the situation and see what damage control needed to be done. It might seem that things would come to a head much faster than they had expected but would that necessarily be a bad thing here. At one point or another they were going to have to force Jack's hand with or without Steve's help, she had just been hoping for more time to let Trish's dad explain life as a cuckold.

"I'm sorry honey but I overheard your mom speaking to someone this week. She was telling them how much she liked being with them last weekend and how she couldn't wait for more this weekend. I couldn't hold it in anymore so I asked her if she was having an affair. I guess her silence is my answer but I don't know what to do with these feelings right now." Jack told his daughter.

Katie thought hard about where she was going to take this conversation before she spoke. She could try and manipulate her father into not believing what he heard or she could take this unexpected opportunity to grab the bull by the horns. For the bold and confident young woman there was no real doubt which direction she would go in.

"Dad do you love mom?" Katie asked softly.

"With every ounce of my being honey but I don't know if that would be enough to help us stay together," he answered honestly.

"Daddy do you love me?" she then asked him.

Jack was confused by this question wondering what it had to do with his marriage.

"Of course I do honey, both your mother and I love you with all our heart. Why are you asking me this?"

"Because daddy, I want you to know you are right. Mom is having an affair and it started last weekend. I know all about it and I even know the person she is having it with, so do you!" Katie said softly once again.

Donna was staring at her daughter in a panic wondering just what was going through her mind right now. She had just confirmed to her father that Donna was indeed having an affair that started this last weekend. Her mind was racing wondering why Katie would tell him that when the real bomb exploded out of her daughter's mouth.

Jack was silent on his end of the phone, its one thing to have suspicions but it's another thing entirely to have them confirmed. Not only had Katie just confirmed Donnas' affair but she had also basically admitted that she knew about it and condoned it.

"Katie, honey, I...I...don't know what to say. Can you please ask your mother to come home tonight so we can talk about this," he pleaded.

"Dad I won't do that, this is something she needs. I asked if you love her and you said yes right?" Katie said firmly.

"Yes...I's just that this is so much to hear...does she not love me anymore is that why she is doing this?" Jack asked searchingly.

"No daddy, I can guarantee you that what mom is involved in has nothing to do with her love for you. In fact she told me that she went home and it was like a second honeymoon for you this week, is that true?"

Jack's mind flashed to Steve telling him how allowing Joanna to play and his being her cuckold had led to the greatest sex he had ever experienced. He wondered if this past week would become the norm if he didn't leave his wife over her infidelities.

"Yes honey that is true, it was like the clock turned back twenty years. It's just so much to expect though if she thinks I can handle her being with someone else," he said while he sat down.

"Daddy I can remember so many times hearing you over the years telling mom there was nothing you wouldn't do for her, was that just lip service?" Katie asked. She was encouraged because her father hadn't repeated his request for Donna to come home tonight and he was still talking.

Jack knew she was right but he would never have taken those promises to such an extreme in his head. He never would have thought he would be standing here now officially in his father's shoes.

"Yes I said it and I meant it's just that..."

Katie cut him off gently, "Then daddy just take my word for it, mom still loves you just as much as she ever did. What happened with her last weekend wasn't something she ever expected to become a reality it had just been a fantasy of hers for a long time. In fact I will let you know something else, but you have to promise me something." Katie said preparing the final approach.

"Oh honey, I hope you are right about her still loving me...what else is there and what am I promising," Jack asked with a morbid curiosity. He wasn't sure he wanted anymore information.

"You have to promise me that you will wait until mom comes home on Monday to talk with her. Promise me that no matter what I tell you next you will not do anything hasty or rash. Your life with mom might change some but I think I can tell you for sure that she will never leave you. Just think how good this past week was and imagine getting that every week!"
