Two Mothers, Two Daughters Pt. 01


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Jack thought about it, twenty years of marriage was at least worth waiting to talk about on Monday. Then he realized that Katie was also telling him once again that Donna would still be seeing her lover this weekend. She had told him that he knew the person and he needed to know, not for some silly revenge because he was morbidly curious about the person that could make his wife forget her vows.

"So you are saying that your mom is going to still spend the weekend with this person?" he asked tensely.

Katie could feel her father starting to draw a line in the sand with this question. She needed to erase that line.

"Promise me what I just asked you to promise and I will make it more clear to you but yes she is going to stay with her lover this weekend," she answered wondering if her father would understand what she had just told him.

Jack was turning it all over in his head when a light went off. What was it Katie had just said, that Donna would be staying with her lover this weekend. She didn't say seeing her lover she had indeed said staying with. All at once reality dawned on him and he could not believe what it could possibly be. All those nightly hours that Donna and Katie had spent together alone in her room with the door closed. Add to that the fact that Katie had just told him that it was something that Donna had fantasized about for some time.

He thought to himself, my god I pushed her into her new lover's arms and it was...

"Oh my god Katie, are you saying what I think you are saying? Are you and your mother...?"

Then Donna heard the words that would permanently change her life and her marriage to Jack. Oddly enough as they left Katie's lips she felt a feeling of calm come over her, a sense of contentment.

"Yes daddy, I am the lover that mother has been with and it's something we both have fantasized about for a very long time. It's something that while of course affects you it also has nothing to do with you. It's something for us that I hope you can understand and accept. Mom will still be your wife and I promise she will treat you special every week when she is with you. Then when she is with me on the weekends our love life is our own. That's not to say you couldn't be a part of sharing what we do, not with me mind you but letting mom share the details." She finished and wand waited.

Jack sat silently while images were filling his head; images that he was ashamed to admit were making his cock hard. He had secretly fantasized about Donna and another woman many times in their marriage but never thought of her and Katie together. He briefly wondered if they had started doing things here at home but then remembered Katie saying it started last week. With her admitting to everything else it would make no point to lie to him about that.

"Katie can you answer another question for me, this is all such a shock I hope you understand."

Katie was jubilant inside she had just outed her relationship with her mother and her father was still talking.

"Of course daddy, I will never lie to you about my relationship with Donna," she said purposely using her mother's name to try and downplay the incest side in her father's mind.

"It's actually two questions, the first is doesn't it bother you that it's your mom?" Jack asked.

"No daddy on the contrary it just seems so natural when we...well you can use your imagination, I know most other men would. I mean dad doesn't the thought of mom with another woman get you hot at all?" Katie asked teasingly. She was secretly wondering if her father was hard at the moment.

"Yes honey I can use my imagination and I have to admit I have wondered more than once over the years about...well the second question is a tougher one. Is it just you and your mom or would there be other people involved like..."Jack asked. He already knew the answer but was hoping he was wrong.

"Other men, well daddy like I told you when mom and I will be together what we do has nothing to do with you. To answer your question though because I told you I would never lie, yes I want mom to share some men with me and some other women too. I want to open mom to whole new part of her sexuality, to guide her into fulfilling all of her fantasies!" she told him truthfully.

"So it's true I guess she wants me to be her cuckold just like my father..." Jack said despondently.

"Dad what was that word you just used?" Katie asked even though she heard him clearly.

"Oh cuckold? It's a word for a man who accepts his wife having sex outside their marriage. Something that even your mother doesn't know is that my father was one for my mother," he told her softly.

"Then daddy why is that such a bad thing, I mean grandma and grandpa always seemed so close. They never got divorced either so maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing for you too? Promise me one more thing for this weekend please?" Katie said smiling on her end.

"What is it princess, what more can I promise you? I've already promised not to interfere with you and your mom this weekend," he asked.

"Promise me you will think about becoming mom's willing cuckold. Daddy I promise you that if you do that we will let you share in everything we do...we might even do it in front of you too!" she teased.

"In front of me huh...well I promise I will think about it. Don't get too excited yet though because even though I never want to lose your mom this is still not decided. I love the both of you and if I had to admit it I would have to say I understand how it happened between the two of you, I'm just so scared of being the odd man out in the family," he told her honestly.

"You just said the key word daddy, family. That's exactly what we are and will always be no matter how much sex goes on I know mom's heart belongs to both of us equally," Katie told him with a tear in her eye.

"Let me say goodbye to her honey," Jack asked.

Katie handed the phone back to a shocked and speechless Donna.

"Yes Jack?" she said hesitantly not knowing what he would say.

"Donna, I just want you to know I love you, more today than I ever have before. I will do a lot of thinking this weekend while you and Katie...Well I think we both know what you will be doing. I promised her I would think about becoming a willing cuckold for you. If you need to know what that is just ask her she will tell you. If I do this it will be because my love for you is more important that my pride I just ask you right now, do you plan on leaving me over this new part of your life?"

"No Jack and I love you too, I've loved you since we met but this is something different. I promise this will never make me leave you honey it's just something I really need to do. I hope you can understand and I promise I will answer any questions you have on Monday," Donna said still in shock with the sudden turn of events.

"Okay well I guess I will say goodnight, the only thing else I will say is please be careful. I love both you and Katie and this really puts my love for the both of you to the test. I will see you Monday when you get home!" he said before hanging up.

My god he thought to himself, my wife and daughter are fucking each other. Katie must actually be fucking her based on Donnas' comments he overheard on the phone. It was with that visual in mind that he became once again aware of his cock and how hard it had gotten. He might have to try on the title of cuckold after all but he would wait until he saw his wife on Monday to make the final decision.

Right now though he needed to take care of this hard cock so he closed his office door and locked it not wanting to be interrupted. He took it out and stroked it picturing his wife on her back with Katie wearing a toy and fucking her. It only took two minutes before he was shooting off into the wad of tissues in his other hand.

He would still meet Steve for dinner and now they would be meeting as peers in a possible new world for him. He still wanted more input from Steve but now it was more on logistics of how they loved their life rather than whether he could accept it. This was because in his own heart he knew that he would agree to be Donnas' cuckold and quite possibly his own daughter's too.

After Donna hung up with her husband she was totally in shock. Her feelings were washing over her body and through her mind in waves. There was so much to think about now, so many issues to consider not only for the future of her marriage but also the future of her new relationship with Katie.

Her beloved Katie had once again not only surprised her with her take charge attitude but also with the serenity in which she just had that conversation with her father. Except it really wasn't a father daughter conversation but instead a conversation between sexual rivals for the same woman. In it Katie had made it clear that while she respected and accepted her mother's history with her father it didn't mean she would allow him to interfere with their time together.

She couldn't believe when if she was assuming correctly, Katie told him no that Donna was not coming home early this weekend. Donna wondered if Jack realized by not standing his ground there he had inadvertently opened the door wide to being openly cuckolded by his wife and daughter. Katie was like a pit bull in the sense that you couldn't back down to her because she could sense the opportunity it would give.

In this instance it had led to her daughter actually sweetly talking her husband into considering being a willing cuckold in his marriage. Donna knew Jack so well and knew that besides Steve there wasn't a person on earth who could have gotten Jack to accept what just happened on the phone other than his little girl. Jack had always been wrapped around Katie's finger while she was growing up and now he might just be on the verge of discovering what it would be like with her as an adult.

In two weeks time and in only two short conversations Katie had gotten him to agree to two things Donna would have thought impossible. The first of course was allowing Donna to give all of her weekends for at least the next six months to their daughter. Of course that was under the guise of a slight lie by omission in which Katie only told her father that Donna was going to help with her film project, never mentioning the film project involved them fucking each other.

Now the second impossibility had just occurred, Katie had tentatively gotten Jack to accept that same sexual relationship between the two of them. The admiration and love she felt for her daughter was overwhelming right now. Katie was all the man she ever wanted out of her husband but with all the soft curves of her sexy daughter. She felt grateful and honored that her young daughter had chosen to take her under her wing, make her the sub to her mistress. It might purely be her emotions speaking but right this minute if Katie commanded that they take their lifestyle to the same extreme Joanna was planning on with Trish she would fall to her knees and willingly accept.

"Mom are you okay, I'm sorry..." Katie said concerned that maybe somehow she truly went overboard.

Donna stopped her apology in mid sentence," My mistress never needs to apologize to her pet. What mistress just did was what needed to be done and I am grateful to you for every word you said to my husband. The sooner he comes on board with our special relationship the easier it would be for him."

Katie breathed easier at her mother's acceptance of the turn of events of a few moments ago. She had no plan to take things to a confrontational level with her father so soon. She had at first imagined it might be months away but then had thought maybe one month, nowhere in her mind did she see this happening this weekend.

"Well okay then my pet, we should get ready because we have a very special show to put on in a little more than 2 hours. So I want you to go and take a nice warm bath and make yourself all soft and sexy for the cameras tonight. I want us to be completely dressed in normal clothes too because I want to show people how we are just a normal mother and daughter tonight, except for the special physical side of our relationship," Katie instructed her lover.

"Mistress one last thing but I'm sure you already know this. I lied to your father when I told him there is no way I would ever leave him. If it ever comes down to a choice I will choose you, I realize now I love you, I also realize that ...I'm in love with you too!" Donna confessed.

Katie's heart soared at hearing her mother vocalize what she had thought she herself had been feeling since last weekend. She wasn't sure because she had never been in love before but now that Donna had mentioned it she knew it was what she felt too.

She took Donna in her arms and looking deeply into her eyes she told her, "Mother I'm in love with you too, I think I have been for years but now I know it for sure. Thank you for telling me about who you would choose but I hope that it will never come to that!"

Of course Trish had been just lying on Katie's bed taking in the tumultuous last hour of conversation. She was ecstatic for both Katie and Donna but she was also very grateful that this was one part of her own new relationship with her mother that she would have to deal with. Instead her father already was a more than willing cuckold for her mother. This weekend she would go home with her own mistress and together they would let him see their new relationship too.

Her thoughts about all of this were distracted when Katie was telling Donna about how she wanted their show to play out tonight. She was quite proud of her own efforts to help make this a reality for Katie and Donna. She utilized every computer and IT connection she knew at school to make this a reality. Even though she had always considered herself a computer geek her knowledge wasn't all encompassing.

There were serious issues with tonight's show first and foremost was the need to block any kind of recording for this broadcast. She would be recording it here in the apartment but the last thing they wanted was a flood on the internet. It would go viral just by word of mouth and Trish was sure that by the end of a month if they get that far then it could possibly be the most viewed live streaming sex site on the internet.

She hadn't shared her expectations truly with Katie because she didn't want to make her roommate nervous. Katie wasn't aware that incest role playing porn had grown into a huge market in recent years. Trish believed that if people went nuts for the fake stuff just imagine how it would react to the real thing. She of course wasn't aware of how right in line her thoughts were with her own mother's and her fantasy about making Katie and Donna famous.

"Wow, fucking wow, wow, wow...God Katie I can't believe you just told your dad! That is so fucking awesome, maybe by next week he might be one of our viewers too!" Trish said excitedly.

"I actually came very close to giving him the site address for tonight too but I think it would be too much. I think the first time he actually sees us it should be in person so we can hold his hand and help him get over any anxieties. As calm as he was with me right now I'm sure he's sitting at home going nuts right now. I wonder if he will still be meeting your dad tonight." Katie said while still contemplating the far reaching effects of her dropping the double bomb on her dad.

"I can call and ask him if you want me too," Trish offered.

"That would be sweet, you can tell him that my dad knows now too but please ask him to act like he doesn't know this," Katie asked as she patted Donnas' butt as the woman went to take her bath.

Trish ran to her room and got her phone, she noticed that she had two texts from her mistress. The first was a request for her to call; the second was an admonishment for her failing to call and it promised punishment. She shivered with lust wondering what her mother would do to actually punish her tonight.

Before she even considered calling her father though she returned her mother's calls because it just seemed the right thing to do.

Joanna picked up on the third ring and waited silently to see how her young pet would respond.

"H...hello mistress, I'm sorry I didn't see your..." Trish said shivering with erotic anxiety.

"One rule I guess I didn't inform you of was that you will always have your phone by your side and turned on. If it causes problems in your classes or anywhere else...well I guess that is your problem. Normally I would overlook this transgression but I think as part of your training you need to be disciplined so tonight you shall be. Later tonight you will find out what happens when my pet makes me wait," Joanna said sternly.

What Trish couldn't pick up from her side of the phone though was the fact that Joanna was talking to her with personal assistant's head between her legs. The young woman bore a striking resemblance to her own little fireball and Joanna had used her for some serious mother daughter role play both in the office and outside of it. In fact she was the one steady young woman that she played with at the Upper Floor, both she and Aiden loved to punish the fiery redhead.

Aiden had encouraged Joanna's incest fantasies freely over the last year and she had no doubt that was why she had taken to being Trish's mistress so easily. She had been primed and ready to do so and now her fantasies were all becoming realities.

"Yes mistress, my biggest apologies and I promise it will never happen again," Trish said humbly.

"Very good my pet, now this is what I want you to wear tonight," Joanna proceeded to tell her before hanging up and enjoying a nice cum from Yvonne her assistant's mouth.

The young woman Yvonne lifted her head up and shyly asked Joanna, "Mistress Edwards, is it true have you finally taken your young Trish on as a pet?"

Joanna looked down with affection to this gorgeous young creature between her legs. She could see some concern in her eyes too. She was sure the young woman was scared she was about to be replaced and her fear was genuine. After all no one in her life right now and probably for all the future she could think of was going to be as important to her as Trish. She would move the universe if needed to insure that Trish's year long contract would become a permanent one at the end of that year, except then it would be a legal binding one in the form of a marriage certificate.

She had no desire to divorce Steve but she was sure she could find some legal loopholes to allow her to take Trish on as her spouse. Then she would truly have the total best of both worlds, a marriage to a submissive man and a marriage to her sweet young submissive daughter/pet.

"Yes my sweetness and thank you for that wonderful orgasm, it hit just the right spot. I don't want you to worry Yvonne, if things get serious with me and my pet I promise I will find you a new mistress. You will also always have your job with me because outside of the bedroom you are the best person I have ever had. Speaking of my newest pet would you maybe like to meet her someday?" Joanna asked.

"If it were to please you mistress of course I would like to meet her. It would be an honor to meet the young woman that you have had me imitate so many times for you and Mistress Aiden," Yvonne said softly.

Joanna just smiled down at her thinking suddenly that Aiden would be the perfect woman to hand Yvonne's leash off to. The porn star had often commented on how she would like to have private time with the curvy secretary but she would never presume to do so without her mistress's permission.

"We shall see my sweet, we shall see..." Joanna told her as she got back into work mode and started wrapping up her desk for the weekend.

Then her cell rang again and she noticed it was Trish calling once again. She picked it up and soon she was sitting there with her own jaw hanging. Trish had called to inform her of the earth shattering news about Katie's talk with Jack. She was amazed at how bold that young woman was and quickly thought of how much she reminded her of herself. That young woman knew how to take charge of a person or a situation and she was going to have to try harder to let her mentor her in her life choices. The world truly was an oyster for someone like Katie with drive and guts.
