Two Women


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We were very fortunate to have Brenda getting to work mostly from home, giving us the relief of not requiring full time day care.

When I'd work longer hours on a particular case, either my mom, or Brenda's mom would help out with the girls.

Just as we thought, the older they got, the more they looked like each other.

Janet was always helping Lindsey with every new experience. Walking. Talking. And, yes, getting into trouble.

If any of you think little girls can't be mischief makers, you've got another thing coming.

As the dynamic duo were turning three and two, we were making love one night, when Brenda grimaced, as if she were stabbed in her lady parts.

I quickly disengaged, noticing some blood leaking from where my cock had just left.

As soon as the sun came up, and my mother came to our house, off we went to the ER.

It took about an hour of tests, to discover the start of uterine cancer. As another specialist was called in to consult, we were advised to have not only her uterus removed, but her ovaries, too.

Talking with both sets of parents, we made the decision to follow the medical advice we'd been given.

We had already decided that our two angels were more than enough, and we were given as much certainty as possible that these surgeries were more than adequate to stem all the cancer that had been found.

Even as young as our girls were, we sat them down with her doctors and explained in basic terms that mommy had to have some bad parts removed, and she would be 'sick' for a week, or two.

We were told that they were about 95% certain she would not need any chemo, or radiation, but would be regularly checked for the near future.

Never during this time of medical trauma did I ever think about losing the love of my life. I just couldn't go there.

Just over a week later, mommy was back home, and on the mend.

Yes, she was looking a bit frail, but even after two kids, and nearing thirty-five, she still looked like a college student.

With all the encouragement we could muster, she was doing remarkably well.

The color returned to her face. She was getting outside to play with our girls, and vise versa.

Life was returning to normal.

We even started to rekindle some of our bedroom activities.

Very gently, at first, but we both agreed that even a little was way better than the alternative.

As our girls were closing in on school age, we actually started thinking about taking longer vacations.

We did start taking family trips around our state, showing them both just how beautiful Washington state truly is.

One day, out of the blue, both girls calmly asked if we would take them to Disneyland.

Wow. Talk about being blindsided. Brenda and I just looked at each other, thinking, could we do this? If needed, Brenda could ride around in an electric cart, if she got too tired to walk the enormous distances.

We made plans to go in early June, when our area was starting to get very, very hot.

For those who think Washington state does nothing but rain, the Tri-Cities area stays near triple digits most of the summer.

We made all the reservations needed, and headed to 'The Happiest Place On Earth'.

We just couldn't have had a better time. Yes, we needed to pace ourselves, giving my magnificent wife all the time she needed, getting from one 'land' to another.

Our girls loved riding along with mom, giving her all the relaxation needed to keep up with both our five year old, and her four year old partner in crime.

Each night, the three of them collapsed back in our hotel room, exhausted, but in the best way possible.

Unbeknownst to us, at the time, but these eight marvelous days, gave us the strength needed to survive what was on the horizon.

Just a few days into the new year, Brenda started to get very tired, each afternoon, and started losing the color in her normally rosy cheeks.

A trip to our doctor, coupled with a myriad of tests, gave us the worst possible results.

Cancer was found in multiple organs, with most deemed inoperable. We talked at length with experts, even traveling to Seattle, to hear from more experts at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, and the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Both entities working under the umbrella of the University of Washington.

They didn't sugar coat anything. What they all recommended was for all of us to keep Brenda as comfortable as possible.

If she wanted anything at all, we were to give it to her. If she refused any of the recommended treatment, that was her prerogative. If she wanted to try any of the treatments, the doctors told us all there were no guarantees.

It could have been a very long, sad drive back home if Brenda didn't have this angelic look on her face, and insisted on talking on our drive home.

"You know, Jax, I'm at peace with whatever is in store for me."

"I'm very aware of that fact, and both sets of parents are teaching our girls about what you're going through. I hope you know they are very knowledgeable about sickness, and what cancer means. It's so unfair, to them."

I couldn't continue, and only started to calm down when my love lightly patted my hand with hers.

When we got home, we sat with our entire family, even though Brenda was exhausted from the drive, plus all the tests and information we'd been given.

The girls sat on either side of mommy, more than filling the overstuffed chair they sat on.

They listened, intently, absorbing all the information we gave them.

Yes, they were sad, but even at six and five years of age, they understood most of what we told them. We both guessed that both sets of grandparents talked with them while we were in Seattle talking with all the doctors.

For the next four or five months everything seemed to be in some sort or remission. Yes, she tired easily, but she never complained.

If either Janet or Lindsey had a school event, both of us were there.

With me being promoted to Lieutenant, I was able to have any needed time off that came up. My entire department knew of the battle our family was fighting, doing our best against impossible odds.

Just as school was letting out for the summer, Brenda and I had a very long talk with the entire family. Both with our girls, and just with the adults.

We all came to the conclusion that we thought it best not to have our girls in the same room when Brenda's time came to an end.

We all knew it was coming, sooner than later.

Just three weeks later, being in home hospice care, her body finally lost its brave battle against a nearly incurable disease.

Yes, there were tons of tears shed. But, there were many happy times revisited, by all the family and close friends.

Her funeral was attended by nearly every off duty Richland police officer. Plus many, many deputies from both Benton and Franklin counties. There were other police officers from at least twenty other departments within a hundred miles of us.

I was given an entire month off, both to get ready for the enormous task of raising our two wonderful girls on my own, plus getting the mountains of paperwork completed.

The one positive in all this sadness, was the fact our daughters had many friends and relatives to help with our overwhelming grief.

There were days when I had difficulty just getting out of bed, let alone trying to keep the girls occupied.

There were also days when neither of them wanted to do anything, but mope around the house

We all tried reminding them what mom had talked about over her final few weeks. The main point she tried getting across to all of us, was to keep on living, doing our best each day.

Each time I'd sit by myself, after the little ones were down for the night, I'd have my private conversation with God.

"You know I'm not an overly religious man, but why couldn't you give my Brenda a few more years? Thirty-eight years wasn't nearly enough," I whispered, through my tears, knowing I'd never receive an answer.

It took nearly six full weeks before I could sleep an entire night, without waking up in a sweat. My dreams finally allowed me to catch up on my sleep.

At what seemed like the same time as my sleep got better, I started having conversations with Brenda.

She told me several times that I should get out of our house, by myself, even if it was just to have dinner with some of my fellow cops. I did give that idea some thought.

Yes, I realized that there were a few female cops on our force, and some of them were single.

Even without a second thought, I knew I just couldn't date a fellow cop.

When the girls started back to school, I started feeling a little bit better. I did have the advantage of them being able to ride the school bus, and talk with a bunch of other kids who made them both feel better, talking about whatever seven and six year olds talk about.

As the school year was ending, I thought I had the summer figured out.

Between nearly four weeks of summer camp, and both sets of grandparents taking them for a week at a time, both girls were well taken care of.

My loneliness was slowly diminishing, and I'd go out with a group of cops, once or twice a week, never having trouble finding babysitters for my girls.

Yes. there was the occasional female, or two at these get-togethers, and yes, one of them once suggesting that she was available if I wanted to practice the horizontal mambo.

I couldn't justify meaningless sex, even though I knew at some time I'd have to dip my toe back into the pool, so to speak.

My primary duty, aside from my police work, was the well being of my girls.

My police career was advancing, nicely, getting promoted to Captain. More administrative duties, than actual on the street crime fighting.

I was extremely lucky to have both my mother and mother-in-law to help with issues my girls didn't want to discuss with dad.

As the next two years literally flew by, my oldest was entering the fifth grade, and the younger one, the fourth.

It must have been the second or third week of school, when they both were very quiet when I returned home from work.

I thought something was wrong, when neither of them jumped me, walking in from the garage.

They were both sitting in the living room, with serious expressions on their faces.

"What's up, kids?" I asked.

"Dad, there might be a problem with a boy in my class," Janet said in a hushed tone.

"Did he do something to you?"

"No, dad, not like that, but for the second day in a row, he's come to school with a bruise or two. First, just on his upper arm, but today, he had a black eye."

"Daddy, when we saw his mom picking him up, today, she had a black eye, too," Lindsay added.

I knew the school was obligated to report any possible physical abuse to the police, and to my knowledge, we didn't have any reports, in the past two days.

I checked all the incoming calls for the past two days, the next morning, and decided I'd pick my girls up from school, that afternoon.

Right around lunchtime, we got a call from one of our hospitals of a boy being admitted with bruises, and a possible broken wrist. His mother also had a few bruises.

I followed one of my detectives to the hospital, to check for myself.

My detective went to talk to the admitting nurse, while I checked in with both of the patients.

Sure enough, the boy was the same one my girls had told me about. Darnell Coleman. His mother, was sitting in the exam room, with him, and I noticed two fresh bruises on her face, too.

I waited for the doctor to wave me in, and looking at the mother, I hardly recognized Connie Nichols. My high school friend, who was thirty-three, like me, looked fifty, at least. Not only did she look much older than she was, she also had to be thirty pounds heavier, or more, since I'd last seen her in high school.

I wasnt going to say anything, but after she looked at me for a minute, or two, she put her hands to her face, and whispered, "Jaxson, is that you?"

After telling her she was correct, I bent down, and quietly asked her who did this.

Without waiting for her answer, I remembered a Charles Coleman, who had several arrests for both drug offenses, and assaults, on his rap sheet.

Not hearing any answer, I looked at Darnell and heard him whisper it was his dad who hit them both.

"Darnell, please don't say that," his mom pleaded.

"Mom, don't wait until he kills one of us to speak up. I'm tired of us being his punching bags."

"Jaxson, please don't make me testify against him, he'll kill me, for sure."

"Miss Nichols, we will arrest him, and he will be giving every opportunity to explain what happened. Do you and your son have anywhere safe to stay, until he's in custody?"

She just nodded, silently.

I noticed a call coming into my work phone, that told me that one Charles Coleman was taken into custody, and was at our office, waiting for his lawyer.

I excused myself, and took off to meet this piece of shit, face to face.

Getting to our headquarters, I made a beeline to the interrogation room where Coleman was being held.

Walking in the room with his folder in my hands, and seeing him handcuffed to the restraining bar, and his shyster lawyer sitting next to him.

"Officer, unlock my client's hands."

"Not a chance, and it's Captain Harris, to you."

"He's not saying a word."

"Fantastic, because I'm going to talk, and I seriously hope he listens."

Taking a few breaths, I started, hoping to keep my cool.

"I see that you are no stranger to our legal system. Twice serving time for drug possession with the intent to sell. Once for assault. So, when your convicted for beating your own son and his mother, that will make you a three time loser, meaning a mandatory sentence of twenty to life."

Not hearing a word, I started to leave.

"Ain't nobody gonna testify against me, man"

"Shut your mouth, Charles, dammit."

"Take your lawyer's advice, and just know both of your victims have already given my detectives detailed statements concerning these beatings."

He wouldn't even go before a judge until the following morning.

I checked with the hospital, telling the charge nurse, that Coleman was in jail, and would be arraigned the next morning.

I then went home to let my two junior detectives know about all the happenings of this day.

Just telling my girls that their school friend and his mother were safe, for the time being, gave me some comfort for a job well done.

The next afternoon, I was in the Benton County Courthouse to give testimony against this thug.

When Coleman was led into the courtroom, I could see several large bruises, plus one eye swollen shut. I guess word spread quickly about the reasons he was jailed.

People who beat up children are not held in great esteem in jails. If those children happen to be their own, its even worse.


"Your honor, we request Mr. Coleman be released, as he's not safe in jail, as you can see."

"Denied. Any other motions? Lets move on."

"Prosecution calls Captain Jaxson Harris to the stand."

I took the stand, and gave the court all the evidence that we had attained, including Coleman's statement bragging that nobody dared to testify against him.

Even though his son's words did damage, the cast on his left arm did far more harm.

"I'm setting bail at $250,000, and issuing a restraining order against Mr. Coleman in case he's able to make bail.

"Next case."

I just stood and watched as this piece of shit was led out of the courtroom, and back to his cell. I quickly noticed his bravado from yesterday was missing, and his swollen face was looking at his feet.

I did hear that his lawyer was trying to get a far more favorable outcome, by having his client plead guilty to a lesser charge.

It must have been two more weeks when my girls had a little interesting information for me to digest.

"Daddy, when Darnell was picked up from school, there was an older girl, with a little baby, already in his mom's car," Janet told me.

The next afternoon, I was at my kids school to see for myself.

I saw Connie's car, and sure enough there was a girl who looked like she was fifteen or sixteen, with a tiny baby girl in a car seat.

My police instincts took over, so I went up to her car, and asked if I could follow them home, to ask some questions.

After some hesitation, Connie agreed, so I followed them to their apartment, in a less than desirable neighborhood.

"Jaxson, this is my daughter, Korista, and my granddaughter, Charlene."

"Korista, how old are you?"

"Um, almost sixteen."

"Would either of you tell me who the father of this baby is?"

"I'm waiting. Or I could get a court ordered DNA test, if you prefer."

I heard a very quiet "Charles" from Korista.

"He didn't rape me, Captain, you have to believe that!" she cried.

"Even so, you were either fourteen or fifteen, when you became pregnant, correct?"

Korista just nodded, with a tear falling down one cheek. "I want both of you to know, Charles committed a very serious crime."

"Oh, Jax he's going to kill both of us."

"Believe me, both of you, he's going to be a very old man by the time he gets out of prison."

The next day, I had a meeting with the County Prosecutor, giving him the added information I'd received from Connie and her daughter.

Two days later, in front of the same judge, Charles Coleman had the charge of Statutory Rape added to the growing list of charges against him.

I hoped his upcoming trial wouldn't traumatize Connie and her kids, too much.

If wishes could come true.

Two days before his second preliminary hearing, Charles was attacked in the showers at the county jail, and sustained life threatening injuries.

Shock of shocks, nobody saw or heard anything. Let it also be said, that while questioning several prime suspects, none of them shed a tear over his multiple broken bones. Two of the prisoners we questioned, even asked us why would we even try to solve this case. The most hated people in any jail are people who hurt children.

Even with all his injuries, he was moved to the State Penitentiary, in Walla Walla, after his conviction.

Things on that front calmed down, and my two girls kept me informed about Darnell's recovery. They also found out about his older sister, and her baby daughter.

It seems as if Connie was pregnant as we graduated high school, with her daughter. Darnell told my sleuths that he didn't know where her father was, as he never met him.

Wow, could Connie pick them!

Out of the blue, one sunny Spring afternoon, Janet asked if we could invite Darnell and his entire family over for some sort of Bar-B-Q.

"Are you and Darnell still just friends?" I asked.

"Daddy, we're only eleven, and he hardly has any friends. And besides, his sister and niece have nobody, either."

All I could answer is we'll see.

I started thinking. In high school, Connie and I were good friends. While nothing sexual ever happened, we would laugh and kid each other. Yes, there was the occasional kiss, or two, but nothing close to a serious involvement.

Could I look past her two children? And her granddaughter!? My God, she is only thirty-four, like me. And a grandmother.

After a second request, I did relent and called Connie, just to talk.

We wound up talking for nearly an hour, with me finding out she was in fact a year older than me, having to repeat the third grade due to a lengthy illness.

The following Saturday, we did meet for lunch, just the two of us. Oh, yes, her granddaughter, too, as she was giving her daughter a little free time.

It didn't take more than a few minutes for Charlene to literally steal my heart.

We wound up talking for another hour or more after lunch. Sitting on a nearby park bench, watching her little one sleeping in her car seat, Connie started talking about her horrible choices in men.