Unbroken Ch. 06


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"What's going on?" He shouted. But only the echo of his voice answered him back. "Please, stop this. I need to go and..."

Just as he was about to finish that sentence, something happened, something that made him freeze. As he stood there, he heard a number of voices together. They felt so strong and they sounded like four people were actually speaking to him.

"Could those elements have been speaking to him?"

"Aidan!" A voice was heard, echoing through his mind. "Don't be scared."

"Embrace what you have." Another voice echoed. He looked around and saw nothing. It was like he was going insane.

"What's going on?" He asked, trying to see who was speaking to him. "What's all this?"

"Water..." A strong voice echoed through his head. "The most powerful element on earth. It can create many things and it gives life. Without it there is no life to embrace." The voice sounded really strong and it spoke with such authority. "A gift so rare that you can do with it whatever you want. Its ability is so strong that you can use it in any way you want. Water is a part of you."

Then the voice was gone, leaving Aidan wondering what was going on.

"Fire," Another voice started. "Fire destroys everything it touches. It is powerful and it can make someone really powerful..."

"Earth..." A distorted voice started. "The very foundation of the earth is powerful. It builds and withholds humanity. It makes the earth what it is."

"Air..." A strong voice started. "Impossible to live without but stronger and destroys everything. Just embrace it and it can breed better results..."

The voices all went away leaving Aidan lost and in deep thought. He moved his head on the bed, pulling on his sheets. He wanted to wake up and realized that he couldn't do it. He was panting on the bed, moving his body from side to side.

Then just when he thought everything was over, a strong wind, stronger than before blew on him. He could feel it on the bed. That wind felt like it had entered his body, travelling to every part of him. He felt his whole body responding. He closed his eyes and opened them, nodding his head.

"Strong as one," The voices, now together spoke to him. "But when combined," The elements that were circling him combined into one and created a huge dark blue ball with strands of bright red and yellow. Everything else got dark and he tried to move away but he realized he couldn't do it. "They become one and get stronger than before." They echoed, stronger than before. "From these four powerful elements is everything made on earth. They are really powerful that...they are almost undefeatable. From these four elements come the most powerful magic on the whole earth. But from these elements shall no harm come to you. They are a part of you and were always since your birth."

"Show yourself," Aidan shouted. "Who are you? What are you talking about?"

"Powerful as a whole, destruction as one, you will embrace these elements..."

"What are you talking..."

"Don't be scared," The voices echoed. "Don't fear anything. Just don't worry about anything. They are a part of you and you are a part of them."

"Wait!" he felt such a big headache. "I still do not understand anything."

The voice couldn't be heard any more. Aidan looked all around but he couldn't see anything. Suddenly the huge ball separated and each element returned to its original, circling him like before. He couldn't understand what was happening. Then he heard another strong wind blowing. He looked around and realized that water was coming in closer to him.

"Water," It splashed on him, making him wet all over. "The strongest will make you stronger." It surrounded him, entering into his body while he screamed and fell to the ground. The water kept on entering making him feel really powerful.

Aidan's body felt charged up. His mind felt sharper and he was suddenly rising from the ground. The more the water entered the more he rose from the ground. After what felt like hours, all the water entered him and he felt it moving inside of him. His whole body felt charged up and he felt really powerful. He clenched on his fists so hard and got up, standing straight. He was standing in the air as if he was standing on land. He didn't fear at all and his hair was blowing back.

"Fire," The fire hit him, covering his whole body. He screamed out in pain, gripping his head so hard. He cried, feeling hot tears like magma leaving his eyes. The fire covered his whole body, slowly entering him. His eyes opened wide and there was fire in there.

""Earth," The stones hit him so hard he felt like he was about to be killed.

"Air," The wind was the last element to hit him. It surrounded him, mixing with the other elements. Then a huge ball that had formed earlier came and surrounded him. Then just like a flash, it hit him, sending him flying to the ground.

"Uh," Aidan cried out, trying to get up from the ground. Something was moving in his body. It was really powerful and it felt like it was circling in his body. He felt it expanding in his body, moving violently inside of him. He felt like he was about to explode into shreds. His whole body was contracting, making him feel even more powerful than he had ever felt. It was like fire was burning deep inside of him. It was like air was making him cool. It was like water was soothing and earth was building deep inside of him. But he could feel the impact of them all together. He opened his mouth and tried to scream but strong wind blew him away and he closed his mouth.

Aidan's body convulsed furiously on the ground, feeling like something was hitting him hard all over his body. He closed his eyes and quickly got up, balancing on his hands. He was on all fours and the impact of what was moving inside of him was too much.

After what felt like hours, Aidan felt something moving on his neck and then into his mouth. He opened his mouth and a loud screeching sound came out followed by a strong wind that began blowing all over. Suddenly he opened his eyes and they began glowing brightly. They turned light blue and he felt powerful. His hair blew even harder, moving from side to side. He gathered his courage and got up from the ground.

Then he moved his eyes to his fists and clenched on them so hard. He couldn't feel any more pain or anything moving inside of him. It became a part of him and he just felt like himself again. His eyes kept on glowing brightly, brightening every space there. The wind's power grew stronger and it was like there was vapor splashing on him from that wind.

Opening his fists, a small blue ball formed in his hand which suddenly started glowing into a huge ball. It kept on glowing and glowing until it became really big. He raised his hand together with the ball and then threw it far ahead. When that ball touched the ground, there was a huge explosion. Many stones, powerful and sharp stones rose and pointed towards him. Then they began rushing towards him at a faster speed with their pointed edges.

Feeling a strong wind, his hair suddenly became white, glowing brightly too. The stones kept on coming and coming towards him, threatening to kill him. Just when those stones were only a second away from Aidan, they stopped and then turned into soil. They fell to the ground and everything turned to normal.

"Part of me," A voice escaped Aidan and he didn't even open his mouth.


Back on the bed Aidan was sweaty. He was panting and his hold on the sheets got tighter. He suddenly began convulsing panting while he moved from side to side trying to wake himself up but he couldn't do it.

Suddenly his hair changed its color into a bright white color. His veins shot up all over his body and his pants got intense. His movements on the bed got out of control. Then with a loud gush of air on his body, he suddenly opened his eyes and they turned light blue right there for a few seconds. Then both his hair and his eyes returned to normal without him realizing it.

"What?" Aidan gasped, furiously rising from the bed. "What the hell was that?"

He looked all around, trying to see if anything was wrong somewhere but he was alright and nothing was happening. He scanned the whole room and wondered why he had such a dream. It was definitely crazy and it made him really scared. The surprising thing was that he had felt as if everything that had happened was a reality.

"Phew!" He took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "I am okay." He breathed. "It was just a dream and I am fine."

Then he rubbed his face and saw just how wet it was. He breathed again and tried to rub his face before he realized what was happening to him. Instead of standing on the floor like he normally would have done, Aidan was not exactly on the floor. He was about 50 cm away from the floor, floating in the air.

"Oh my god," Aidan gasped, jumping on the bed. He was trembling in fear and he didn't know what had just happened. "That didn't happen," He argued with himself, trying to understand. "What the fuck just happened to me?"

Aidan's heart was pounding in his chest. He was sweating badly and his whole body was hot. He felt really cool at the same time and heat was getting to him.

"That didn't just happen?"

Aidan thought his dream had gotten to him. He didn't just float did he, he asked? There was no way he was gonna believe that had just had happened to him. First he done something extraordinary the previous night then he had a dream that was terrifying and now he was floating. He wasn't gonna believe it happen.

Taking a deep and nervous breath, Aidan slowly moved his leg down the bed, carefully directing it on the floor. He was nervous. He wasn't gonna believe he had floated. He extended the leg all the way to the floor and it touched the floor.

"Thank God," He breathed, putting his hand on his chest. He then extended his other leg and it touched the floor. He walked a distance and realized what had just happened. It was just his imagination. Human beings couldn't float. It was impossible.

Getting back to the bed, Aidan buried his face on his palm and breathed in as deeply as he could. He felt himself getting calm inside. Fuck, for a moment he had thought he had floated. For real, that had been really scary.

As he sat on that bed, something happened once again that left him scared and speechless. He heard that voice again and it made him tremble in fear.

"They are a part of you." The voice echoed in the room. "Embrace them and you will see just how useful they can be."

"He...hello..." He quavered, moving to the middle of the bed. He took the beddings and covered himself up trying to avoid whatever was in room. "Is anybody...in...in here?"

He looked all around but there was nothing. He was really scared and whatever he had felt added to his fear. He wanted to run away but he was too scared to do so. He regretted rejecting to sleep with his brother. He regretted sleeping alone. He had never been that scared in his life before. Why were bad things happening to him?

"It's probably my own imagination," He tried to encourage himself. "It is nothing and I will not let it make me fear. I will just forget about it and sleep. I will probably not have any more nightmares."

Encouraging himself, Aidan took a deep breath. He held it for a few seconds and released it audibly. He buried his face in his palms and just tried to calm down. Then just if it was a dream, he found himself seated on the bed in the position he had been. He could still feel that he was dreaming but it felt so real.

"God," He exhaled loudly. Just as that air was leaving his lungs, a strong wind blew throughout the room disarranging everything in the room. It was like a big storm had just entered his room, scattering everything.

Papers, clothes, cups and everything in that room rose and began spinning in the wind. Aidan stared at them in surprise. He didn't fear what was happening at all. He just stared at it and he couldn't explain the calmness that he felt.

"Air gives life but it can also destroy..." That voice suddenly hit him. With the events that had happened, Aidan began thinking. Surely it was no coincidence that all those strange things were happening to him. Could his dreams have been a revelation or something, he thought as he stared at the strong wind.

He was seeing that wind as normal and he didn't fear. Was what he had dreamt a revelation of why strange thing were happening? Could he definitely be able to do anything that had been explained to him? It was confusing but he wanted to put an end to that foolishness once and for all.

Confidently standing up from the bed, Aidan connected his eyes with the wind. He imagined the wind had stopped. He imagined everything was back to normal. Then just like a flash, the wind disappeared and everything in that room was back to normal. It seemed as if nothing had happened in that room.

"Oh my god," Aidan gasped and sat on the bed, resting his head on his fists. "This isn't happening."

Aidan's mind was now confused. He needed answers of what was happening to him. He needed to know everything that was happening. Why was all that happening to him, he thought? Was he a warlock or something?

"Embrace what you have?" Aidan heard an echo. "Never doubt your abilities. You are really unique and you will soon learn how to control them."

Aidan looked around and suddenly felt a soft swoosh of wind. "Is there anybody here?"

"Don't be afraid." He heard another voice. "That is your special gift."

"This is insane." Aidan said softly, burying his face into his palm. Then he raised his face once again and got up. "Who are you? Show yourself. I know that you are here."

A light suddenly appeared in front of Aidan, brightening the entire room. Seeing that bright light, Aidan snapped and quickly jumped up from the bed. His heart was already pounding and he was sweating. "Holy shit!" He gasped. "What the..."

"Aidan..." A voice was heard from that light. "This is who you are?"

"What am I?" Aidan asked, looking straight at the bright. He didn't seem to be afraid and he had no idea why. "Why is all this happening to me?"

"You are special and unique that's what." The voice sounded so sure. "These special powers make you different from the others. You can do whatever you want with them. You can do wonders with them. They are not just your powers...they are your gift. Embrace them and never fear anything. They will always guide and keep you safe."

"What if I don't want them?" Aidan asked. "What if I want to be just like an ordinary..."

"You don't reject a gift," The voice said. "It is what you are born with."

"But why now?" Aidan asked. "Why did they have to show up now?"

"It is not just now." The voice sounded sure. "You have used them a couple of times. Remember that time Luis got hit?"

"What?" Aidan remembered his wish and how Luis got hit. "That was my doing?"

"Yes," The voice spoke. "There are a couple of times too. In time you will realize why you have that gift. Embrace it."

Then the light suddenly vanished and the whole room turned to normal. Aidan slowly walked to the bed and sat on it. He was really confused and he felt like a burden had just been placed upon him. He didn't know what to do. His heart was racing and his whole body felt different from before. He could feel that something was definitely different.

After thinking for a long time, Aidan just accepted everything. It was impossible to believe but something inside of him calmed him down and he just chose to believe it. He accepted everything as it was and just left everything to his destiny. Surely, the almighty gave him that power. He was gonna embrace it just like it had been revealed to him.


Aidan suddenly opened his eyes, realizing that he had just been dreaming, again. His face was still buried on his palms and he was sweaty. Realizing what had happened, he quickly raised his face and looked all around, checking everything in the room. Everything seemed to be normal. Surely there was no light and wind. It was all just a dream.

One thing Aidan couldn't quite understand though was how he had slept for such a short time. All he did was bury his face in his palms and everything happened so suddenly. Was that really a dream or it had just happened or maybe a revelation, he thought? Why was all that happening to him? His heart was pounding once again and his body felt cold. He was really tired and much as he wanted to think about everything he was really tired. It was just a dream and he was gonna accept it as that.

Quickly nodding his head to think clearly, Aidan made his bed quickly and slipped under the covers. Instead of sleeping like he had just planned, so many thoughts came to his mind, making him wonder if he could really do that. But it was crazy. It was just some crazy dream.

After a long thought, Aidan felt really tired. He covered himself completely and in no time he was fast asleep. He felt refreshed and his worries suddenly went away from him.


Luis' movements on the bed were getting out of control. He had his grip on the sheets, tightly pulling on them. His breaths were really harsh, making his whole body vibrate. His heart was racing, pounding in his chest while his whole body was covered in sweat. He was shaking, trying to wake up but he couldn't do it as he was having a really wonderful dream about Aidan. It was really beautiful and try as he did, he couldn't wake up. It was like his mind was controlling him.

He was making love to Aidan on the beach and it was absolutely beautiful. There was so much energy that was flowing through his body that he couldn't understand. It was like his soul was being joined with Aidan but spiritually. He could feel something moving inside of him, awakening something that he had buried. All of a sudden, a wind, a strong wind blew on his body, stopping the whole body. A really powerful vibration passed through his entire body, taking something from him. Something was gone but something else was rising.


Luis suddenly woke up from his sleep, panting and sweating. He was wet all over and it felt as if a bucket of water had been poured on him. His heart was pounding, making the blood rush in his veins. Adrenaline was taking effect and he could feel just how hot he was. His face had a big frown and he couldn't express the way he was feeling. He was so lost.

Luis had just woken up from a very erotic dream. It involved Aidan and they were making love on the beach. This dream was nothing like what they had the other night but it was closer. In that dream they were happy and he made sweet to Aidan in the most passionate and lovable way.

"What the fuck is happening?" Luis moved his hands to his head and rubbed the sweat off of him.

Luis couldn't believe after trying to avoid Aidan's topic he was suddenly back to square one. He quickly nodded and got back to himself. As always, he wasn't gonna allow Aidan to ruin his mood and his day. Aidan was gone. But what was happening to Luis. He seemed to be getting out of his mind.

Slowly moving his face, he caught a glimpse of the clock on his table. It was already 8 and he was dreaming like that? It was so unlike him. He slowly got up from the bed and got another big surprise. Luis' crotch was really wet from his cum.

"What?" He gasped, looking at the big wet spot.

Luis was so mad. He was so mad that he had just had a fucking wet dream like a teenager. That had never happened to him before. No matter how much fantasies and erotic dreams he had, he never ejaculated while he slept. Something was definitely wrong with him.

Luis groaned in anger, staring at his huge wet spot. He quickly rose from the bed and took a really hot shower that soothed him and made him forget he had even dreamt about Aidan. He quickly went back to his room, dressed in a tight blue skinny jean and white shirt and had his breakfast in his room. Then he went downstairs to greet his granny and his mother. Unlucky for him, Hanna was not in the room. She was probably somewhere and he wasn't gonna tell her anything. He was just too mad at her for what she had done even though Aidan was to be blamed.
