Unchained Sorrow

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It came to an end in one day!
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Unchained Sorrow



Cathy waited to hear the garage door going up before getting out of bed. She still couldn't face Ray on days when she was going to be with Jackson White.

As usual, Jackson arrived in town last night. They would be sharing the morning together at the Country Roads Motel before he had to start his meeting in the afternoon. She was used to the routine. It had been repeated for three months now.

I've been thinking about Jackson, ever since the fire went out. I'm going to Jackson. I'm going to mess around.

Was the fire out between her and Ray? Not really, but it sure didn't match the fire that she currently had with Jackson.

As usual, she had breakfast and waited for the rush hour traffic to clear. She hated to wait, but she needed to minimize the risk of being caught by a friend or acquaintance.

She was sipping her last cup of coffee when she got a phone call. She didn't recognize the number but since it was a local call, she decided to answer it.

When she said "Hello," little did she suspect that she was about to experience a sea change in her life.

"I need to talk to Cathy Wilson, wife of Ray Wilson."

Cathy felt a pang of fear as she said, "That's me. What can I do for you?"

"My name is Sandy Elliot. I'm a nurse at Saint Luke's emergency room. I regret to inform you that your husband has been in an accident this morning. We have treated him and he's now in our Quiet Room. You need to get here as soon as possible."

"What happened? Is he going to be alright? If so, I can have our daughter, Alice Wilson, pick him up. I have an important meeting this morning."

"Ma'am, I'm very sorry to be bringing you this news. The sad fact is that if you want to see your husband alive, you need to get here as soon as possible. Dr. Gates has done everything possible, but he was too late. Your husband is dying. He will not last much more than an hour, if that."

"My God! Are you kidding me? What happened?"

"Ma'am, we will go into all of that when you get here."

"Ok. I'm on my way."

The enormity of the news hit Cathy like a ton of bricks. Her thoughts of passion were replaced by a rapidly-growing fear. She had avoided her husband this morning. There was no kiss at the door. No goodbye. My God! What kind of wife am I? I need to make this right! I have to level with Ray.

Upon arriving at the ER, Cathy met nurse Elliot who began her conversation by asking for the name of Ray's favorite song. She explained that she liked to play the favorite song of anyone that ended up in the Quiet Room. She would do anything to bring them some peace at this dreadful time in their life. Cathy told her that Ray's favorite song was Unchained Melody.

As she walked with nurse Elliot toward the Quiet Room, Cathy learned that Ray had been in a one-car accident at the entrance to the Country Roads Motel's parking lot. He had passed out or fallen asleep as he was making the turn and had struck a light pole.

That was devastating news. Ray knew about her and Jackson! Her husband knew she was a cheater! She rallied and asked, "How fast was he going? It couldn't have been all that fast! How could he have been injured this much?"

Before getting an answer, they arrived at the Quiet Room. In an instant, Cathy was at Ray's bedside. She was crying hysterically as she told him how sorry she was for breaking her wedding vows. She vowed that Jackson meant nothing to her. Even less than nothing. She didn't love him. She knew that it was incredulous, but it was just sex. Nothing more.

"I've only loved one man in my life and that man is you. Please hear me. You are my rock. You are the man that made it possible for me to survive losing our second child. You were there for me every time I lost my way. Can you be there for me just one more time? I've lost my way again, Ray. I need your help now more than ever."

Oh, my love, my darling

I've hungered for your touch

A long, lonely time

Time goes by so slowly

And time can do so much

Are you still mine?

"Ray, I know that I have been rejecting your sexual advances and even your touch lately. I was infatuated with a sleazy guy and I let him rule me. He told me to withhold sex from you and I was stupid enough to do it. In my mind, the infatuation would end soon and I would start making it all up to you. Please let that happen now. Pull yourself back from the abyss and come home with me.

"I love you. I love only you There's never been anyone else in my heart. I need you. Alice needs you. Give me a chance to make this right."

I need your love

I need your love

God speed your love to me

"Ray, it will kill me if we have to end this way. I need time to regain your love and your trust. You just have to do this one last thing for me. I swear that I will love you like never before. I will be the wife you deserve. Baby, I know you can hear me. Squeeze my hand if you understand. Please! Just squeeze my hand, honey.

"Come home with me Ray. Please don't hate me. Please forgive me. You are a forgiving person. You never hold a grudge. I'm so sorry for what I've done. Come back to me."

It was at that very moment when the monitor at his bedside beeped. The pulses that had been on the screen had been replaced with a single flat line. Cathy felt nurse Elliot's arms enfolding her and urging her away from her dead husband's body.

As they walked away together, Cathy broke away and ran back to Ray. She grabbed his hand. It was already feeling cooler. She wouldn't let go. Nurse Elliot couldn't budge her. Finally, a big orderly told her that they had to start processing the body as he forcibly removed her hand from the hand of her dead, betrayed, husband.

She barely heard as nurse Elliot explained that Dr. Gates was quickly aware that Ray's injuries did not coincide with his condition. It all cleared up when the chief EMT handed him an envelope saying, "The patient had this beside him in his car. You need to see it."

Upon looking at that evidence, Dr. Gates suspected suicide. After performing a gastric lavage and submitting the evidence to the lab, he soon had the verdict. The patient had taken at least 20 sleeping pills. He must have done so quite some time before his accident. By the time his stomach was pumped, it was too late. The COD was officially listed as suicide.

Upon hearing that, Cathy was beside herself in agony. She was the real cause of death. It was on her and her alone. It was her wifely duty to reject the advances of Jackson. She had failed.

She asked to see what was in the envelope. What she saw broke her heart even more. It was a PI's report that outlined her betrayal in mind-boggling detail. The attached pictures made it even more damning. They showed everything! How did the PI manage to take those pictures? There was also a video and a soundtrack.

She didn't need to see or hear. She was devastated enough. Her husband had both saw and heard. He had been her rock, but he couldn't take what he saw and heard. It drove him to take his own life. She wished that he had taken hers instead.

It was at that moment that her phone announced the arrival of a new message from Jackson. He asked, "Where are you, Cathy? We had quite a commotion here earlier. Some drunken nut- ball ran into the light pole out front. They blocked the entrance for quite a while. You can get in now."

She replied, "That nut-ball was my husband. He found out about us. As to where I am, I'm in the hospital where they brought him to die. He did that just a few minutes ago. I don't want to see your face or hear your voice ever again. It would turn my stomach to do so. Stay away from me. Stay out of my ruined life."

As for Jackson, he was thanking his lucky stars that he had gotten off Scot-free once again. He had been worried about his latest female slave, but not anymore. She was fading away and her husband was dead. Jackson was in a celebratory mood as he left to attend his meeting. Little did he know that the PI report delivered to the dead husband contained contact information for Mrs. Jackson White!

The last thing Ray did happened just before he left for the Country Roads Motel. He sent Mrs. Jackson White a copy of the PI report. It was complete with the pictures, the Video, and the soundtrack. Jackson was celebrating way too soon!

On her way home, Cathy stopped to give Alice the dreadful news. She didn't hold anything back. Her daughter was mortified. After much condemnation, she ended up throwing her mom out of her house and out of her life.

Cathy was alone. She was so alone.

I'll be coming home, wait for me.

But Ray wouldn't be coming home. Not now. Not ever.

She arrived at home, except it wasn't "home" anymore. It was just an empty house except for one dastardly slut. That slut opened her husband's medicine cabinet and grabbed his remaining sleeping pills. She also grabbed one of his anti-nausea pills. She had to make this work. Failure was not an option.

She knew the number she needed. The number was 20. She counted 25 pills left in the bottle. She carried them to the kitchen. She fired up the Keurig. Hot water was absorbed quicker. The quicker the better. She began sipping and swallowing.

Lonely rivers flow

To the sea, to the sea

To the open arms of the sea,

Lonely rivers sigh

"Wait for me, wait for me."

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Any slut who cuts off her husband who she professes to love, to quote the orange skinned traitor, is a WINO. ( wife in name only) No way she takes sleeping pills. She would have been contacting her attorney, to figure how much cash she would her out of the deal! At least he sent documentation to the scumbags wife-

3 stars.

Ps- Any wife who cuts their husband off from sex while they are having an affair, does not care if he finds out and divorces her. Remember that guys!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Well written. Consequences are a bitch.

mariverzmariverz6 months ago

Anonymousabout 2 months ago

Sorry but it's totally stupid to take your own life, There's no cheating slut whore out there worth it. Pussy is cheap out there, Just go out and meet someone new

Te apoyo!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Well written. Quite sad.

MoustacheSmugglerMoustacheSmuggler10 months ago

I don't mind suicide being the subject of fiction if it's treated well and with respect. Or even in black humour.

This was a sketch of a story, trying to get the boo-hoos through unearned means. It's is too complicated a subject for that. Really tasteless.

So annoyed that I want to kill myself.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Can there really be that many women out there that secretly yearn to be subs in BDSM relationships? I think not. Women who do cheat do so for a wide variety of reasons, not the least of which is boredom. This would have served much better as a reason for the wife's affair than the far fetched desire to be a slave to some arrogant deviant.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

What puzzles me so much is why anyone would cheat on someone they love strongly enough to consider suicide in the event of losing them. Makes no sense.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Those martian slut ray ladies love their husbands more than life itself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is an fantastic story that all should read especially would be cheaters. It depicts more truth and the reality of how evil and painful the act of cheating is. Cheating is one of the biggest causes of suicide and people need to be made aware, especially on this site which glorifies cheating wives making them out to be heroines of the feminism ideology. I would easily bet my life that cuckolding husbands has caused more of them to end their lives than ones to accept it and even fewer still to accept it willingly! FIVE STARS!

kamdev99008kamdev99008about 1 year ago

reality is strange than fiction

no logic for real emotions...............

he does nothing except suicide

so in spur of moment......... she decided to suicide

MasterKoteMasterKoteabout 1 year ago

Suicide is not the answer and a shame lover boy gets to live

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Dark ,

Opinionated1Opinionated1about 1 year ago

nice usage of a wonderful song..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why? Her suicide reflects shame, guilt, remorse: conscience. Cheaters are so selfish, self absorbed, and entitled that they would not commit suicide . . . , what's in it for them? The husband's dead, so no divorce. The evidence is contained, so no discovery. And the sex is so fucking good! Suicide? I think not. But thanks for the effort. While you're popping pills the whore is realizing she doesn't have to sneak around anymore. Jackson is just the beginning.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Don't lie Buster2U. The real reason you feel the need to turn off comments is because your writing stinks as badly as your story lines.

mathur_nkmathur_nkabout 1 year ago
What is erotic in it?

Where is the fuck. Neither as verb, nor as abuse? Atleast the daughter should have said to her mom "fuck off" or Jackson to Cathy " go fuck yourself" or Mrs Jackson to Jackson "you are screwed/ fucked". Lacks any drama. Dark double suicidal

KittyCampbellKittyCampbellabout 1 year ago

"Finally, a big orderly told her that they had to start processing the body as he forcibly removed her hand from the hand of her dead, betrayed, husband."

That doesn't happen.

KRD19254KRD19254about 1 year ago

She did him wrong and she had enough guts to make it right - bravo.


BTW, it takes a lot of guts to do suicide. You must be in the right mental despair with conviction to follow-thru. I've tried many times and always rationalized myself out of it - lacking the courage to pull that trigger or make that leap.


It is ONLY our narcissistic Western Judaeo-Christian religious culture that labels 'suicide', taboo. We are NOT allowed to cheat the tax-man or stop giving the Sunday holy-dollar. West is so narcissist that even euthanasia is frowned upon for the terminal - it is better two watch them fade in pain/diminished-capacity wasting family funds than relieve suffering - only a sick society govern by religion/IRS would approve this. Eastern cultures find suicide acceptable for a multitude of reasons - we in the West will never understand.


6*****, Hooyah, Salutes....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

very sad very real very good theme but mostly sad that two died because of cheating

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