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"Let's get dressed, Bert," she said.

She put the knife on a chair in front of her as she dressed and talked to Margie.

"You've had your fun today, Margie," she said, "I honored our agreement, but you broke it with your marking crap. I never agreed to the rough stuff, so the videos are mine.

"Listen carefully. I can tell you'll do nearly anything to get your hands on them. Besides your glowing reports, you need to find other ways to make sure Bert gets the promotion he deserves. There are enough men on the committee, and maybe some women, too, who would love a shot at you. Whatever they want from you, no matter how humiliating, you're going to give it to them to make sure they pick Bert.

"As soon as he moves into his new office, we'll invite you over for a champagne celebration. I'll cook up a great dinner, and afterward we'll watch the world premiere of my edited video from tonight."

"I know Bert will get the job, because if he doesn't, you won't be invited to the premiere, but some of the executives at your office will. In my introduction, I'll explain what you did to Bert and me. You've mortified me so completely tonight that I have no shame left. I don't care who sees the videos if it helps destroy you."

When she and Bert were dressed, she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the door, slamming it behind them.


Bert did get the promotion a month later, and he began leading his own teams, so he never saw Margie at work again except at larger group meetings. They didn't exchange many words.

Margie came over to their house for the celebration. After the video ended, she cried as she stared at the screen and then spoke.

"Can I say something?"

"Make it fast," Winnie said.

She wiped her eyes and sniffed.

"I'm sorry that I didn't understand you, Winnie. It's because I never met someone like you.

"I've always been the dominant she-wolf in the pack, so I didn't understand at first that you are queen of all packs, and I must submit to you.

"You've probably been thinking of how many girls you're going to mark and what they will do for you, but I promise you that none of them will give you the satisfaction that I can because dominating weakness is nothing like dominating strength.

"Can you imagine how exciting it will be to degrade and humiliate me -- alone or in front of Bert or in front of others. There's no exhilaration like it. I can tell you that from experience. And it makes the sex even more amazing.

"I know you understand what I'm saying, because you're just like me, except far superior. I'm ready to spend the rest of my life in your service."

Bert's jaw was hanging almost to the floor as he listened to Margie. When she stopped talking, the room was silent. He looked at his wife. Her eyes had a strange glow as she looked at Margie for a few moments. Then she shook herself, and her face was twisted in anger.

"Are you finished?" she finally asked.

"Yes, I'm ready to do whatever my queen wants," said Margie.

"I want you to get out."

Margie started to say something.

"Now!" Winnie shouted.

Margie shuffled to the door and looked back forlornly as she opened it.

"Wait a minute," Winnie said.

Margie stopped, and Winnie walked up to her. She almost fell over as Winnie embraced her and then handed her a package.

"This is the video, and all the raw footage from each camera in case you want to edit a different version for yourself."

"Why?" asked Margie.

"Because you're under my command now, and your life of evil is over. No more predator. No more rough stuff. You can still be the butch, but you're going to give your femme nothing but love and affection. The videos are your reward. Do you understand?"

"Will you be my butch and let me be your femme?"

"No. Goodbye."

"I promise to obey your command, my queen, and maybe some day you'll find me worthy --"

"Enough! Goodbye!" Winnie said as she pushed Margie out the door.


A few months later, Margie resigned. She told Bert that it was too painful to see him at work because each time she did she thought of Winnie. She left town, and later they heard that she had joined a successful competitor whose partners were all women.

For a week after the night at Margie's, Winnie spent each night in a hot bath, and she couldn't take a step without grimacing. It hurt Bert to watch her, and he felt overwhelmed by guilt.

He tried a few times to bring up what happened and how sorry he was and how it was all his fault and would she ever forgive him, but he only got a few words out before she would shush him.

"Not yet," she would say in a steely voice.

The second week, Bert noticed that Winnie was starting to walk less tentatively, and she didn't grimace as often. One night after dinner, she said, "Bert, I'm thinking some strange thoughts, and I need time to sort them out. I think it will take a few weeks. I'm still too sore for sex, but I can satisfy you orally if you want."

"What about you?" he asked.

"I don't know," she answered. "You can try, but very gently."

After the third week, they were both enjoying each other again. She finally listened to him as he groveled and apologized but didn't reply. He was worried and tried again a few days later, but she stopped him after a couple of words.

"Bert," she said, "I'd appreciate it if you dropped this for now. I've done a lot of thinking about what happened, but I need to do more. When I'm ready to talk, I'll let you know."

That scared Bert, and as the weeks went by without her saying anything, he became increasingly concerned that she was going to leave him.

It was more than two months later when she said to him one morning, "Tonight we can talk if it's okay with you."

He didn't get much work done that day, and several colleagues asked him if he was feeling well.

She was at the kitchen table when he got home.

"Take off your jacket and sit down," she said as she put a piece of pizza on a plate and handed it to him. While he ate mechanically, she talked.

"Bert, you need to forget about apologizing to me, because it makes me sick," she began. "I hated you for getting off on watching Margie and me, but what happened was not your fault. You never tried to talk me into it, and I made the decision without consulting you. Every time you bring up how sorry you are, it reminds me of my humiliation, and my stomach starts turning somersaults.

"I can't stop you from feeling guilty, and I know you're used to blurting out whatever's on your mind. But in this case, I would really appreciate it if you would just shut up."

"I will, Winnie," he said. "I just ..."

"Let me finish, Bert. My brain has been hurting for weeks while I tried to figure out how to tell you this. You may not even want to be in the same room with me when I finish."

Bert was startled. He started to say something as he watched tears begin to flow from Winnie's eyes, but he thought better of it.

"Do you remember what Margie told me that night, Bert? At the time, I dismissed it as her attempt to provoke me for her excitement. I'm sorry to tell you she was partially right. I've been tormented and confused, and I've done a lot of research.

"I'm not a real lesbian. I'm what they call a bisexual. Just saying that makes me nauseous, because there's only one person in the world I love, and that's you. I never want to lose you, but I can't deny what she brought out in me, and not just when she was pleasuring me.

"When I went down on her, at first, I hated it, but in a few minutes, I found myself doing things that I couldn't believe. It seemed to come from inside me. I knew what to do, and my body wanted to do it.

"You wouldn't believe the things that have been going around in my mind. Margie was right. I've been thinking about other women, but not for marking or dominating. I'm not into her evil power trips.

"I have something special to offer other women, and once the word gets out, I think they would line up for a chance to be with me. It sounds conceited, but I feel confident about my capabilities.

"I had fantasies of you being a part of this, and not just watching. They would have to agree to a threesome, and they would have to allow you to use their bodies as well as mine. That would be your compensation, and I think you wouldn't mind -- at least for a while.

"But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that we would be having sex like animals, without love, and maybe you don't need the love, but I do."

"How can you say that, Winnie?" Bert said in a pained voice.

"I'm sorry, Bert. You're right. That was unfair. I take that back. I'm trying to blame what I feel on you. You don't deserve that. I know you love me the way I love you, and sex is only part of it."

She got up from her chair and leaned over and kissed his eyelids and then his mouth. Then she went back to her chair, sat down and wiped away her tears with a tissue."

"I'm so stupid, Bert," she said. "I'll try to finish without insulting you again.

"Anyway, I realized that while I desired woman love, I didn't want any lover in my life except you. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I was in dangerous waters.

"One solution would be to suppress what I was feeling and pretend nothing ever happened. I might be strong enough to do that, but I'm also worried that my desires could get shaken up like a warm bottle of soda and explode some day and destroy us. If I lose you, there is no other Bert for me to go to.

"I thought of one more thing, but it's completely unfair and bizarre and humiliating for you. I must be the biggest pervert in the world to even think of it. I don't expect you to go for it, but I've got a feeling that if you did, it would work. So I'm frustrated.

"I thought of it a few weeks ago, but it's taken me all this time to gather the courage to tell you. I'm so scared that you'll recoil from me and think I'm totally depraved."

"I would never..." Bert began.

"Please don't say anything until you hear me out. My solution would be to not deny my lesbian side, but also to never go outside our marriage. How is that possible?"

She stopped and took a deep breath before she continued.

"What I'm suggesting is that I make you my lipstick lesbian lover.

"I'm not talking about surgery or hormone injections or anything like that. My heterosexual side wants you to be just the type of lusty male you are right now.

"You think of me as your equal, but I've told you before that even though we argue, I look up to you as my rock of security. I love to be your pampered girly girl as much as you love to spoil me.

"I don't want to change that, but I want to add something else to it. Occasionally, I want to be the butch and I want you to be my femme. If you let me, I think I can make you into one of the hottest lesbians on the planet.

"I'm not sure yet how far I want to go with how you look. We'll only do stuff that can be concealed when you're outside the house. Nobody but me will ever know. That's important. I would die before I ever did anything that would embarrass you.

"I was thinking that when swimming season is over this summer, maybe you'll let me remove every hair from your body -- except of course that big bush around your giant clitoris. I want to shave you. I want to rub creams on you. I want to wax you.

"I'll be gentle as possible, but if some of it hurts, I'll comfort you in special way with my fingers, tongue and mouth. I want to turn the pain into such pleasure that your pussy juices explode into my mouth. You won't have to pull out anymore before you come.

"I would love for you to wear elegant, sexy women's lingerie. I'll find special makeup and become your beautician. I think I can turn my he-man into a woman who would arouse any man who saw her -- as well as any lesbian.

"Of course, no one but me ever will see you like that. As we do this, I will teach you to assume a totally different personality, and our role play will take us to places that I can't even imagine.

"I can't promise you anything equal to the raptures that I will enjoy once I teach you everything I know by instinct, because you can't come as many times as I can on a good night. But I will try my best to give you almost as much pleasure as you give me.

"For every time you are a lesbian for me, I will insist in giving you anal the next time we make love. I will even enthusiastically make love to your ass with my mouth and tongue. It can't be more disgusting and humiliating than what Margie did, and it will make me feel better about what I'm asking you to do.

"So there it is. When you're at work or anyplace else, you'll be the same old Bert, my macho hero. But at home when we're both in the mood for lesbian fun, I'll be your butch and you'll be my femme."

Bert stared at her with his mouth open. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Winnie was waiting for him to say something, but he had no idea what to say.

With tears in her eyes, she finally broke the silence.

"I think maybe you're too disgusted to say anything. Please think about it and give me an answer whenever you're ready. Whatever you decide, I'll love you for the rest of my life."

That night, she jumped through hoops for him, and when they were done, he was lying in a lifeless pile on the bed. She was also exhausted and taking deep breaths.

She struggled to speak. Finally, she said in a soft voice, "Bert, except for anal, that was my greatest hits, at least so far. As long as we're together, I'm going to give you that, maybe not all in one night, because I don't want to kill you. But I'm not going to stop there. I'm going to keep learning how to do new things to please you. If you can accept being my lesbian lover, this is just the beginning."

For the next three days, they didn't talk about sex and didn't do anything either. The fourth morning at breakfast, Bert smiled at Winnie.

"I get off early tonight, so we can go shopping at Victoria's Secret," he said, "I wonder what size I am. I'm really excited about screwing your ass this weekend."

"Oh Bert," she said with a laugh, "You're so romantic."

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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Freudzslip69Freudzslip69over 1 year ago

I just discovered this writer. Having read “Pig,” and this story, “Uncomfortable,” I’m looking forward to reading some more his/her work. It’s certainly different, and I guess one would have to say highly imaginative. There are some very similar themes in both of these two stories. I’ll hold final opinion until I’ve read a few more,

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Pretty weird, but I enjoyed reading it. 5 stars

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Haven't read one of your stories yet that I could read all the way through.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Ohhh, edrider...

The main body of your work went up till 2014.

Since then, there was only one in 2018, and now this, in 2019.

Why? Why?

Why are you back?

Say it ain't so, Joe.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Seems you are still the same psycho as formerly!!!

Some things never change! Still the same crap as always! Try a new one!!!

liz33ndliz33ndalmost 5 years ago
i got confused on page one

he said she said and .. i didn't follow and skipped to leave this comment. sorry.

ReadyOneReadyOneover 5 years ago
I missed a turn

With the MFF 3-way option, Winnie says that it would only be raw sex, never making love, and Winnie can't do raw sex. She always needs love.

OK, her encounter with Margie was raw sex, not love. Once her she became aroused, until the time Margie started the rough stuff and hurt her, Winnie was doing fine enjoying "raw sex" and lots of orgasms.

Winnie's unconditional dismissal of a MFF fails 2+ ways. First, she could well have loving sex with Bert with another person present. Second, she could enjoy pure sex with the other female as evidenced by the the period she enjoyed Margie.

Finally, she might also find another female she could have loving sex with (though she does say that she can only love Bert).

Given how numerous women have said that FF is very different than MF, Winnie could almost certainly love a female, even as she differentiates the love of Bert from the love of a female partner.

I see that Ed wants the story to turn Bert into a "lipstick lesbian". IMHO the FFM option would be more workable, and it wouldn't prevent Winnie and Bert agreeing to "role play" the pseudo lesbian relationship Winnie suggest.

Author's prerogative prevails.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Just plain NO

None of this was up to Edrider's usual standards. The character development was lacking, the dialogue was trite and confusing. The whole premise worked but the way you went about it was severely lacking. One dim star. Okay, moving on to the next story.

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

was first used by Mand01 of Aussie Land, Where is she today, 2019, TK U MLJ LV NV

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 5 years ago
Crazed Genius

edrider73 is a crazed genius. A complete original, despite feeling like taking a shower after reading one of these stories.

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