Under Her Spell


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I stripped naked and tried the panties on for size. The anticipation I felt was excruciatingly delicious. Standing there in my pretty lavender panties I looked down at the bra. It was too far -- I just couldn't do it. I took the panties off right away as I at wanted to save the power of it all for later.

Part 10 – Hesitant resolve

After work on Friday I came home, grabbed a quick bite, and started to get ready. I stripped and put the panties on again and stood in front of the mirror. I felt very sexy but looked ridiculous. I was wanting to look and feel feminine but my hairy legs ruined the effect. In the shower I felt an impulse to shave my legs and went with it. I had never done anything like that before. I was amazed at how sensitive it made the skin on my legs feel.

I donned the panties and then dressed the rest of the way in my regular clothes, except I opted for slacks and a dress shirt. I took along a nice bottle of Pinot Noir and a bouquet of flowers and set out.

I arrived a few minutes before 7 pm and let myself in past the low iron gate. I crossed the open courtyard and climbed a short flight of stairs to a recessed front door. The row of three panes at top was dark, the small sheltering enclosure was dimly lit. It didn't appear that there was going to be a dinner party. I rang the bell without an answer and couldn't hear any sound from within. I walked back to the gate and rechecked the address and my watch. Back at the front door I waited a while longer until I noticed a small card pinned just below the brass knocker. Unfolded, it bore a single handwritten line: "Back door girl."

I didn't know whether it was even meant for me, and if so, quite what to make of it. But two things suggested it was for me – "back door" could be a directive; and "girl," well, after all I was wearing panties. So I went around to the back of the building. On a brick pylon a small lantern cast a flickering light that lit a back door. Another card was pinned near the door. On the outer cover it simply read "Service Entrance." Unfolded, it said inside, "Enter, Jeanie."

I tried the door and found it unlocked. Once inside, I was at the base of a long staircase that led to a dimly lit second floor. As I got to the top of the stairs I could see hear music playing softly. "Regina?" I quietly called. No answer. I made my way past an entry of sorts and into a large room that was softly lit. I could smell her perfume in the air. "Regina?" Still no answer. As my eyes adapted to the dim light I started to make out what was in the room. It was richly decorated with dozens of interesting artifacts.


"Over here, Jeanie."

Part 11 – The Rabbit Hole

I moved from the dimness of the entry towards the other end of the room, where a wicker chair with a large fan back sat under a spot light. She sat like a queen, resplendent in a short black cocktail dress with her legs crossed.

I shyly approached her.

"You're late, Jeanie. That's unacceptable. Tell me what time it is."

I shifted the flowers to my other hand so I could look at my wristwatch.

"Oh, um, seven ten. It took me a while to figure out . . ."

"I don't like to be kept waiting, Jeanie. It's disrespectful."

"I'm sorry, it won't happen . . ."

"It better not or there will be consequences. What do you have there?"

I presented my gifts.

"Mmm hmh, very well. Go to the sink over there and trim those stems. You'll find a vase under the sink. And while you're there open the wine and pour me a glass."

I scurried to the sink and did as she instructed then returned with a glass wine and presented it to her. She took it and motioned to the floor in front of her. It took me a moment to understand, and I took my place kneeling at her feet.

She took a sip of the wine and looked down at me, "Finally, in your proper place." She smiled and gave me a little poke with her foot. "Why did you come here tonight, Jeanie-jay?"

"Your invitation?"

"Well of course you wouldn't be here unless I invited you, silly girl. What I was asking was why did you come?"

"I've wanted so badly to see you, and . . ."

"Jeanie, you did read the invite, did you not?"

"Uh, yes."

"And what did it say?"

I had read it so many times I knew it by heart, "It said that you 'requested my presence' here tonight at 'seven sharp'"

"Yes, and for what?"

"For an 'evening of service and transformative transcendence'."

"Yes, that's right. And you came here knowing this?

"Yes, I did."

"And what manner of service do you think you'll be providing to me tonight, hnnnh Jeanie?"

"Whatever you want."

"Yes, that's exactly right. I'm glad you understand that. Whatever I want; whenever, however, and in any way I want; and for as long as I want. And you think you can handle that, hnnnh?" She poked me with the toe of her shoe.

"I . . . I want to."

"I know you do. You're eager to submit to my feminine authority, aren't you Jeanie?"

It pained me to hear her say it so blatantly and make me admit it but it was true, "Yes. Very much so."

"I recall that you liked my pretty panties, didn't you Jeanie?"


"Say it."

"I . . . I liked your pretty panties. Very much."

"Tell me why. What do you like to do with my pretty panties, Jeanie?"

"I . . . I . . . like to smell them, . . . and kiss them, . . . and lick them, . . . and suck your juices out of them."

"Mmmm, that's right! You're Regina's little pussy licker too now, aren't you Jeanie? Say it proudly, girl."

"I'm Regina's little pussy licker," I squeaked.

"We aren't in the library this time, Jeanie. You are very fortunate to have been invited to my private space. There is so much more we can do here. I'm going to have a lot of fun with you tonight, Jeanie. I think you're going to learn a lot about yourself, sweetie."

She held her shoe up to my face and puckered her lips at me. I knew what she wanted and kissed the toe of her shoe. She nodded her approval.

"Jeanie, what else did my invitation say?"

"Dress appropriately for the occasion."

"Unh hunh. And did you know what that was about, Jeanie?"

"I . . . I . . . think so."

"Oh, I bet you did, honey. What did you think would be appropriate for you to wear here tonight? Was it that shirt or those pants?"

The moment of truth had arrived. "No . . . I think you meant panties. I think you're expecting me to be wearing panties."

"Really?" she said sarcastically in mock surprise, "Girl's panties? And why would I be expecting you to be wearing something that girls wear? Tell me in your own words, in detail, why you'd think such a thing. "

I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat. "Because you know how compelled I was to masturbate to your worn panties . . . and you know how I like the silky feel of nylon . . . and you teased me about wearing your panties and saw that it excited me . . . and started calling me Jeanie with a J . . . and you jerked me off while I wore your panties and made me come in them . . . and I came when you teased me about wanting to wear panties and dresses . . . and I've been thinking about that ever since.

"Very good, Jeanie! That's all exactly right! I'm so glad you understand that. You see, I recognize your most secret forbidden desires. I can see right into your heart, honey. And I can help you come to terms with those desires. So, did you follow my instructions?"

"Yes." I couldn't look her in the eye.

Show me, Jeanie. Show me that you knew what I meant. Strip."

I suddenly felt extremely embarrassed. I stripped off my clothes until I stood before her wearing only the lavender-colored panties. It was only then I remembered shaving my legs.

"Ha, ha, ha! Oh, honey, that's just so much better than I'd expected! Look at Jeanie, wearing pretty lavender panties! And good god, did you shave your legs, too?"

I was absolutely mortified. But also extremely excited to be exposed to her in this way. "Yes, I got the urge, and . . ."

"Oh, my! You are much further along than I'd expected. Where did you get the panties? Did you steal them?"

"No, of course not, I . . . I . . . bought them" I said. The shame was excruciating.

"Did you now? See Jeanie, a real man would never do such a thing. He would know that panties are for girls. But wait, you are wearing panties. Pretty panties that you bought for yourself! What's that make you, Jeanie, hnnnh? What's that make you?"

"A girl?"

"No, no, no, Jeanie. You aren't a real girl. You just dream of being a girl and it excites you. You're a sissy that wants to dress in pretty feminine things and would really like to feel like a girl. A sissy that wants to submit to feminine authority and serve a real woman. Isn't that true, Jeanie?"

"Oh, god, yes!" I was almost in tears from a combination of the humiliation and the joy of being understood.

"Then follow me."

She led me to a side bedroom. She explained that she was dressed the way she was because she had attended a campus function, and that she wanted me to help her change into more appropriate attire. She removed her black dress revealing a slinky black slip underneath. She had me assist her as she donned a garterbelt, dark brown stockings, and black gloves. She sat on the bed, which was covered with a satin bedspread and motioned me to sit on a low stool in front of her. She spread her legs and put her hands on her stockinged knees.

"That's more like it. Now, Jeanie, I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be totally honest with me. This is very serious, sweetie."


In a soft, nurturing voice she said, "Jeanie, do you want me to feminize you?"

"Wh . . . wha . . . what do you mean?"

"Feminize you – help you be the girl you dream of being. Do you want me to help you? I can help you push past your fear and reluctance, so that you can freely embrace those enticingly forbidden, feminine desires. Isn't that why you are here tonight? Because the thought of wearing panties and dresses excites you?"

I looked at the floor and couldn't answer. I was only able to nod shyly.

"Mmm, that's what I thought, Jeanie. You see, Regina knows very well how much that thought excites you. I understand how badly you ache to experience what it feels to be a girl. You've already enjoyed wearing my panties and you even bought your own pretty panties to wear. And I know you feel compelled to go farther, Jeanie. Just the thought of wearing a dress was enough to make you come, wasn't it Jeanie? It's all true, isn't it, Jeanie?"

She could look right into me, but I could barely look her in the eye. "Yes. Everything you said is true," I said quietly.

"You want it so badly, but you're scared to go too far by yourself. But if someone made you, you might be able to let go of that better, right Jeanie? Someone tender but strong; nurturing but demanding – you dream of submitting to feminine authority, hnnnh? So Jeanie, tell me, does the thought of being forced -- by a dominant woman -- to wear panties and dresses excite you more than anything?"

My reaction to that remark was obvious. My panties were tented out in front of me and I had acquired a glassy stare.

"Jeanie, if you are serious and not just playing games you will have to ask me. It's an important part of the process -- because to be able to ask you must first face and admit to yourself that that is your real heart's desire. Acceptance of that is the key to your transformative transcendence. Do you understand?"

I knew that she was right. She seemed to know me better than I knew myself. It took all my will to choke out "Yes."

She stood and towered over me with her hands on her hips. "Are you ready, Jeanie? Are you ready now to properly ask, sincerely and in your own words, for me to feminize you?"

With that last word she executed the by now familiar hand pull and shoulder push that was a sign to kneel. I felt as though I was shrinking in every way but one.

I deeply craved submitting to this woman. I did want her to feminize me. It was so clear to me now. Yet it was excruciatingly hard to express that to her. I finally mustered up the courage to speak. For all I knew it might be my last manly act.

"Ahem. Regina, I don't know how you do it but you know my desires better than I know them myself. You are the most amazing, intensely attractive woman I've ever known. When I'm near you I have the strongest desire to give up all control to you. That scares me and excites me, and the more I imagine what that could be like, the more it makes me feel both ways. But beyond all that I do trust you."

"That's very good to hear, Jeanie, and a good start. Do go on; just say whatever comes to you."

"Ahem. When you let me see your legs in stockings like this it disarms me. I feel helplessly attracted and I . . . god I want to serve you orally! I live for that! I love when you make me serve you. When you call me Jeanie and tease me about wanting to get all girly it makes me feel very passive and like I have given you all control. And that excites me terribly. More than I ever could have imagined."

"Yes, dearie, I can see that. And it pleases me very much. Continue."

"You made me see how much it turned me on to put on girly panties. I know now that I want to explore that more. I need to know what it really feels like to be a girl. I am dying to wear a party dress! And I know that I could never do that by myself. I need your help, as a strong, demanding, dominant woman, to help me experience that. I know that I don't have the guts to do it on my own and that you will probably have to coax me or even force me – and that thrills me even more. I bought these panties and couldn't wait to wear them in your presence. I tried shaving my legs and now I'm dying to wear stockings like you are."

"Yes, Jeanie, I must say you are turning out to be quite a promising candidate for sissyhood, and perhaps even a prospective sissy maid. Do go on."

"I . . . I didn't want to tell you this before, but when I bought these panties I also bought a matching bra. But I couldn't bring myself to wear it, it was just too humiliating. I brought it with me tonight. It's in my coat pocket. Would you like to see it?

"Oh, that so cute! Jeanie is so excited to show me her pretty new brassiere! Yes, you may go get it but I want you to come right back and get in position. I don't want you to lose momentum" I rushed to get the matching bra and quickly resumed my position.

I held the bra out to hand it to her and said, "Will you please teach me what it's like to feel like a girl? I desperately need to relinquish all control to you, and I want to worship you in the most intimate ways. Regina, will you please feminize me?"

As she listened to my request and accepted the bra I handed her, her eyes burned with lust, "Yes, I can; and I will."

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Lking4u2Lking4u27 months ago

Isn't it time to reprise the story and add parts 1, 12, 13 ,14, and 15...

pantyhosefunpantyhosefunabout 2 years ago

Oh how I wish there was more to this story. I could picture myself as Gene/ Jeanie. What a lucky guy/girl. I would need that powerful and sexy woman to help bring my fantasies to life. Please continue with this story.

HappilyLockedManHappilyLockedManover 5 years ago
Wonderful Story

I loved it! I loved how 'Aunt' Regina lured Gene with her feminine beauty and controlling personality. It was great how you slowly, bit by bit, revealed the direction the story was going to take. Isn't Gene, or should I say Jeanie, a lucky young fe/man!

MatureandkinkyMatureandkinkyover 6 years ago

Such a shame this brilliant start was not continued as a series .........

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Iss there no more??

Please do go on...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Error - 5 stars were intended

I clicked the wrong end of the scale, and now can't change it from one start to five.

I liked this tremendously, and can't wait for the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
life imitating art.....

Life can sometimes imitate art......today I was ordered by my online Mistress to visit a local library and search for anybody resembling Aunt Regina. I was dressed as a male but feminized underneath and made to do certain humiliating acts before I was allowed to leave.

I loved this story and I loved the control that Aunt Regina was able to bring over her hapless sissy and I hope there will be more some day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Where is the rest?

Please, don't stop............I need more, much more


FailedscoutFailedscoutover 9 years ago

I can't believe that it took me over three years to find this story. It is a wondeful fresh take on one of my favorite themes. I was very disappointed when I came to the end and found that you have not continued it beyond this point. I hope that the author is still out there and will post many more chapters of this story.

Thank you for writing and sharing this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I like it

This is a great story, it seems slow moving but it isn't, it draws the reader on as inexorably as Regina drew Jeannie into her web of control.

I have been hoping for a continuation, but it doesn't look like it will be forthcoming. Darn.

Still a great story. Thank you for posting it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great story

Please keep going!

I do remember the first bra I bought--"Hanes Her Way" 36A, at K-MART. Surprised it fit so well! After that I got my first 36A underwire, then found the Maidenform outlet! At this point I have over 50 pairs of panties. Boyshorts don't work so well, due to tiny hips, but the other styles are fine. My fav is a thong.

My current sizes are:

- 38A bra

- 8 XL panties

38A is so hard to find in the store. I'm quite comfortable in a lingerie store, but since I now have a long, blond ponytail, I think all the clerks consider it might be for me! Oh well, I hate wigs!

I'm thinking of starting to shop online. But where to ship it? Well, only solution seems to be PO box.

Funny, huh?

- K

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Please continue, this is so much the way I am, I yearn to be dominated and feminised in this exact way, please don't keep me waiting too long.

Please continue, this is so much the way I am, I yearn to be dominated and feminised in this exact way, please don't keep me waiting too long.

dacoach44dacoach44almost 11 years ago
Very erotic

Looks like lots of fun. Keep this story going, if you will.

briefloverbriefloveralmost 12 years ago
fantastic, please continue!

fantastic, please continue!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Disappointed that...

...you started a blockbuster of a story with so much going for it on every level last year and since then just left it hang there. Poor form, mate.

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