Under The Dresser


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"Get right next to that slut in the same position. I want to tie your hands like her." I told Tammy quietly in her ear.

She was sticking her ass out in the air just like Donna when I zip tied her wrists to the headboard. I knew what I was going to do next. I dropped my pants and spit on my cock. With no warning, I impaled Tammy's waiting ass. I reach over on the bed and took one of the largest dildos there was in Mr. Thomas's fun bag. I aimed it at Donna' ass and pushed it right in to the hilt. She lost her breath for just a second but seemed to push back against my hand. I stopped for a second and she was still pushing to get more of this monster inside her ass. I knew right then that the wife I knew was gone.

Tammy started to push back on my cock as I started to build up some steam. I started to give long thrusts in and out all the time picking up the speed and the power of my stroke. I looked over and all the guys tied together were hard as rocks watching me were they just had been. You could tell they were very horny and wanted to keep fucking, but that wasn't going to happen tonight.

I started to feel cum boiling inside my balls ready to erupt. Pushing with all my might I fucked Tammy with all my weight and force. Just as I was about to cum, I pulled out of Tammy's ass, moved around the bed and put my cock inside my wife's mouth. Aiming the gun at her head for show, she knew what I wanted. She opened up all the way and I blew my load right down her throat. She was so lost in the moment she started to cum with no one touching her. She swallowed my load and I pulled back off the bed and reviewed my handy work.

I got to my feet and looked at the guys daisy chained together. They were all still hard as ever and I realized they would have to fuck each other to get off. They at least had until morning to decide if it was worth it, I thought with a chuckle. My attention now turned towards Mr. Thomas.

I went over to where he dropped his clothes and took the keys and wallet from his pants. I took a piece of paper and wrote a note on it to show Mr. Thomas.

'Give me the pass word for your computer, NOW!' the note read.

Mr. Thomas looked guilty and said in a small voice "It's CUMONDONNA, all in capital letters". I wrote on the paper 'say it louder'.

"CUM ON DONNA is the pass word to my computer" Mr. Thomas shouted at me.

I just smiled as Donna heard what his private password was. She looked a little shocked at this, but not at the fact she was just getting gangbanged by six people. She was major league confused in my book.

Making sure they were all secure, I went to Mr. Thomas's office and started to look around. I found a small stash of photos and hardcore shots. My wife was on some of them, but there were other women who Mr. Thomas was also playing with. I took all the pictures and found another drawer filled with DVD and digital tapes. I took everything and stuffed it inside my gym bag. I then sat down at his computer and pushed enter.

His computer was already on but in deep freeze. I loaded in the password with my wife's name in it and turned it on. There were a stack of blank CD discs and I inserted one in the computer. I then clicked on documents and photos. What a treasure trove of smut. I recognized my wife, Tammy and what looked like tame pictures of what must have been Mrs. Thomas. She was sort of hot, but the expression on her face said she looked like a real bitch and didn't think pictures of her were sexy. Well that was the impression I got from the pictures, but I could be wrong (though I knew I wasn't).

The business records of the company were very interesting. One set of books were in green and another in black ink. The black ink ledgers were very plain and did not show anything that would look incorrect.

The second ledger book in the green ink was very creative with all sorts of entries marked 'CASH' or 'PRIVATE ACCOUNT'. These accounts were not in the other electronic files and I could tell he was ghosting the books as accountants say.

I copied all files big and small while I searched his office. There was a locked desk drawer that I used a letter opener from his desk to break it open. There in small bundles was about $100,000 dollars. I thought it was Christmas. This scum bag was fucking my wife and even inviting his friends to have a go with her. I knew I was going to love spending Mr. Thomas's money. I finished with his office and decided to check on the captive crowd. My gym bag was now much heavier than it was when I entered.

I looked at the room were Tammy and Donna were still tied to the bed. The other guys were still tied up, though they looked like they were trying to get out of their bonds. Some of them were rubbing their wrists. I knew it took a sharp saw or knife to cut that plastic and they were not going anywhere.

I went to my wife's office and went to start her computer but it was still on. I clicked all documents, photos, date books, and emails. I copied these and put the copied discs into the ever growing gym bag.

All this took about 30 minutes. The money alone weighed a lot. I then thought of the benefits of making it look like a robbery. Mr. Thomas would not be telling the cops the whole story about a missing $100,000 dollars he wasn't suppose to have.

Finally I loaded up all the stuff I found and got ready to go. When I came back in the room the men all jumped. I think they were trying to escape but all they were doing was rubbing their wrists. I smiled and knew they wouldn't be free until tomorrow. I just had a funny thought about how they were all going to go to the bathroom. Soon they would be pissing on each other. This made me smile even more.

These people made me sick and my wife was the worst of them all. She did this stuff because she wanted to, not because of blackmail or some other reason. Simply put, she was a cum slut!

Before I left I went through all their pants and took all keys, wallets, and purses. If this was going to look like a robbery, I should play my part. With a final wave I got ready to leave. I grabbed Mr. Thomas's gig bag, his expensive digital camera, and all the video cameras in the room. I just had to do one more thing.

Walking over to Tammy, I told her to suck my cock like it was her last time. This must have put real fear in her because she opened her mouth instantly. I pointed at the gun and she understood no funny business. I pulled down my pants again and took out my cock.

She started to lick and suck on it real good. Soon she was in auto mode and she was actually getting into it. Maybe being tied up or held at gun point was getting her excited. She sucked and licked until I felt it coming up my balls. I pulled out and let it fly all over my wife. I covered her face and hair really good. She would look quite the mess in the morning.

Without a word I left and went directly home. I ordered a pizza and complained my order was an hour late. The manager said he had no record of an order at my address, but the last manager who just left must have made a mistake. He apologized and informed me a pizza was on its way in a little while. I told him I would pay a handsome tip if it could be here in half hour. The manager said he would do what he could do. A half hour later my pizza was at the door. This was for an alibi if I was questioned later about any monkey business at my wife's company.

I started to eat the pizza and review all the records from Donna' and Mr. Thomas's computer on my own computer. I found out that Mr. Thomas was not too honest with the tax man. He also was fucking around on his wife (she actually owned the business). There seemed to be at least 6 different women he was fucking at once. All these women had files with pictures, video clips, old email and vital information. A plan was coming to me and I almost had an evil smiling like the Grinch did.

The complete files were sent to ALL the women, including my wife and his. That way when the pictures arrive at my house it will be a total surprise. I had made copies of all materials I found under my wife's dresser and returned them just like I found them.

I started to look in the gym bag and totally forgot about the money. It would be a good starting nest egg after I dumped my wife for good. I got copies of everything I needed ready and hide the bag in my car trunk under an old blanket. All the material from my wife and Mr. Thomas's computers were safely locked away.

I finished my pizza and thought about the future. I knew my wife would never be satisfied with me if she was addicted to cocks and cum. Her life style and mine would never work out. I pulled out a beer and reviewed my computer files for the last time. I packed up my laptop and went to the local coffee internet café.

I opened a new email account with bogus info and numbers. I then sent the files from Mr. Thomas (finance and smut too) to everyone on the list. He would be catching hell very soon if not first thing tomorrow. I then got ready to finish the rest of my plan.

As soon as I got home, about 9:00pm, I settled in like I was home all night. I opened our email account and found the files, videos and pictures I had sent anonymously. I had also added a few of my pictures I took with my digital camera before they knew I was there. That way the proof of a harmless business getting robbed would not wash with the cops.

I called several time to my wife's cell phone telling her we needed to talk right away.

The tone was very pissed off and I knew that the phone records as well as the contents of the voice mails would be reviewed later. I really wanted to cover my butt.

At 10:30pm I called my wife's cell phone and said we needed to talk, now!

"Donna you are half an hour late! I don't believe what has been emailed to our computer. You had better call me NOW!" I said sounding very pissed off.

"If I don't hear from you by 11:00pm, I am going to go to work and find you my fucking self!" I warned into the cell my phone.

"You have some serious explaining to do on why you are in very compromising positions naked with several men." I also added for good measure.

"Good BYE!" I added with anger in my voice.

I was angry before, but now I had accepted the truth and was just sad. I did love my wife, but she was no longer the woman I married. That woman was lost somewhere and I didn't recognize the current one at all. I returned home and changed my clothes getting ready for 11:00pm. I knew they would all still be tied up at the company and I needed to put on my best acting performance.

At 11:00pm I got in my car and went back to my wife's company building. I parked right in front and got out. I started to ring the door bell. I pushed the bell with just one long hard ring after another. Using the coded ring that will get you in after hours would have been a dead give away. I rang 6 or 7 more times waiting for someone I knew would not be there. I used my wife's pass key and entered the building.

"Hey Donna, are you here? I called out loudly. I repeated this as I got closer to their play area.

I started to make my way to the area I knew they were at. I could just imagine my wife still tied to the bed with my cum all over her, hearing me calling her. I rounded the corner and heard the men calling me over to them.

"Help us, we were robbed and tied up!" the men said together. I looked at them for a second and then turned to the studio bed with my wife and Tammy still tied to it. I ignored the men and went over to my wife.

"What the hell has been going on Donna?" I asked in a hurtful voice. I tried to sound sad and angry at the same time.

"Well? I'm waiting for an answer!" I shouted at Donna.

"This man broke in and attacked us. He tied up the men and sexually attacked Tammy and me. He robbed the whole place." My wife started to tell me. I don't think she knew, I knew the rest of the story.

"Oh my God, I've got to call the police." I responded.

The men in the corner, Donna and Tammy didn't think that was a good idea by the expressions on their faces. They however couldn't tell me this because it would blow holes in their story. I got on the phone and called the police. I told them someone broken in at my wife's business, sexually attacked my wife and robbed the place. I gave them the address and they said they would be right there.

I went over to my wife and looked her in the eye.

"Someone has sent us pictures and videos of you with several other men. In fact they sent a clip and pictures from here earlier tonight. You are begging for that stranger over there (pointing to a very embarrassed Billy) to CUM in your mouth after he fucks you in the ASS!" I started to shout at Donna for effect. Deep down I really needed to vent and here she was all tied up, a real captive audience.

"Is that cum on your hair and face Donna?" I asked as she lowered her head so she didn't have to look at me.

"Is this robbery business just a ploy to get out of trouble with me?" I asked her.

"I can explain, I really can explain." Donna tried to tell me.

"Save it for divorce court! I am done with you slut!" I really shouted at her.

I was really getting pissed now that she thought she could explain away over 300 pictures of her sucking down some other men's cum, not to mention the videos. I ignored the pleas of everyone and went over to where all the men were tied to the pipe in the corner.

"You Mr. Thomas and you, and you and you are all on the pictures and video sent to my house." As I said this I pointed out Mr. Thomas, Steven, Harry, and Billy.

"You were all fucking my wife just hours earlier!" I shouted at them. They all looked away and did not look up.

The door bell rang and I knew the police had arrived. Now was the time for some serious acting. I went to the door and let in the police.

"Hello, I'm Bobby Adams, I just called you." I told the first policemen to arrive on the scene.

"I came over to see my wife as she was over an hour late getting home. I got some disturbing stuff on my email concerning my wife and this company about 9:00pm tonight. Using my wife's extra work keys I let myself in after knocking and I got no answer. There were cars in the parking lot including my wife's. She told me the door bell didn't work so that is why I knocked. Hey! Come to think of it why did it work for you just now but not me? My wife said it didn't work." I added with suspicion in my voice.

"I'm not sure by whom, but I also was emailed pictures, financial info and a clip from here earlier. You might like to see them, before you ask for their story. I asked my wife but she just said they were robbed. I personally think this has something to do with the crap that was sent to my computer at home." I told the police listening to my story.

'I've had enough of this bullshit tonight gentlemen, you can come over to my house and I will give you everything I was sent tonight. I am very sad right now and don't want anything more to do with my wife or this prick tonight!" I said while pointing to Mr. Thomas who was rubbing his wrists after just being freed.

"I will give you my address and you can take a statement there as well as get the pictures of Mr. Thomas's gang, or should I say gangbang." I added a little sadness to my voice for good measure.

"Ok Mr. Adams, we will send a detective over to the house in a little while. Is there anything more to add before you go?" the policeman asked me.

"Tell Mrs. Adams to get a hotel room tonight, she is not welcome in my house anymore." I stated flatly to the officer.

I could hear my wife crying but I didn't care. I used to care, but not anymore. I was really sad now that the whole business was over. The fact my wife of five years was a slut for other men made her worthless in my book. Trust was always important to me, and now it was gone.

When I turned around my wife was looking right at me but had nothing to say. I really didn't want to hear it anyways. I walked out Mr. Thomas's building and was very pleased with my acting. A police detective showed up about 30 minutes after I got home.

He took copies of all files sent and left after I gave him a detailed statement. He said the department would be in touch.

The detective hinted that the only thing stolen was some camera equipment. He said the robber could have taken more expensive stuff but went for the electronics. I don't think he knew what was on the tapes. The real story it seems was not being told. I had proof, so I didn't care what they said after the fact.

I called my boss the next day (Donna never showed up or called that night). I told him parts of the story, and said I needed to use my vacation time now. He understood and wished me the best. The next call I made was to Donna.

Her cell rang and she picked it up very fast seeing my caller ID. She said "hello" very softly and let me talk.

"Donna before I leave for a much needed vacation can you tell me why you did these things to me?" I asked her point blank.

"I ….just….I ….was…" said Donna' soft voice as it trailed off into nothing.

"Do me a favor, don't ever bother me again! Goodbye" I added as a final word.

I packed my bags and got ready to spend some of Mr. Thomas's money. If he was going to take my wife then damn it, he was going to pay. I wondered where my passport went to?


Mr. Thomas was accused of stealing money from his wife's business. The records I sent via email would put him away for a while for tax evasion if nothing else. I was told his wife is in the process of getting a divorce and fired him. I also counter sued for alienation of affection and other legal mumbo jumbo and won a huge settlement.

The other women I emailed were all pissed off and in trouble at the same time. I don't think the spouses of these women were too happy to see their wives sucking Mr. Thomas's cock in vivid digital quality (he did have a nice camera-now mine by the way). Some of them sued because of the released photos. All the material was court evidence and quickly was made public. It was a big scandal for quite a while with it being tied up in court for over a year.

Our divorce was final about two months after I went to see Donna that terrible night. Everyone left town including my wife. I am not sure where she is right now, but I know there is a big spurting cock stuck in her mouth. Some things will never change.

I now fuck other ladies while watching the video tapes from all of Donna' and Mr. Thomas's collection. I just tell the ladies I like amateur porn. Once and a while I play my wife's tapes of her getting ganged banged and pound who ever is under me. They all love it after I get my frustrations out on their pussies and they always keep returning.

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Schwanze1Schwanze1about 1 month ago

And then he woke up from his nightmare to a life that actually made sense. Seriously, this read like a bad acid trip.

schulz777schulz7778 months ago

What a stupid story


Medussa55Medussa559 months ago

Silly, leaving his DNA everywhere and of course his wife wouldn't recognise his male parts or even his voice? Come on!

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

Well what a fantasy that was, I liked the idea but you made it just to silly.

redboat7redboat7over 1 year ago

Very Nice!! Loved it!

viper1307viper1307over 1 year ago

Das Ende ist wie bei deinen meisten Geschichten Scheiße !!!!!

pummel187pummel187about 2 years ago

just an average woman story!

jimjam69jimjam69over 2 years ago

A good BTB even if somewhat fantastic.

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

Well he certainly turned out to be a real man set out for revenge which he got big time and a shit load of money to boot. His only mistake he made was not using a condom when he fucked the two ladies, he should have been more concerned about leaving DNA and getting an STD, other than that it was a great ending to this BTB story. 5 stars

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

At least he had self respect!!! No CUCK here!!#

lee5456lee5456almost 4 years ago
Ting tang

Walla walla gang bang

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
Nice BTB

and cash flow to boot

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

One nasty little BTB. Don't need many like that. Kind of ruins the effect

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Agree with others DNA

Sexy watching wife with all those men and cum?

Should shrink STDs some deadly some lifetime

Don't know your city but Indianapolis in top 10 of some STDs

Run to your doctor

ThematchthatBurnsThematchthatBurnsover 4 years ago
Simply super!

High level justice! Almost divine.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
MrRobbur is our LE Soap Opera author

with all the utterly far fetched fantasies.

By the way the guy would have been the prime and the first suspect so yeah DNA would be fished out by the competent police. But this story would never happened anywhere other than in MrRobbur dreams.

PaulFellyPaulFellyover 6 years ago
DNA - Not always a problem

Yes, he left his DNA at the crime scene. But DNA doesn't identify you by itself. Unless the police have a sample from him to compare to what they found at the crime scene, the DNA he left behind is pretty much useless.

Of course, if he is ever involved in another crime and they take a DNA sample, he is royally fucked!

JackmoftenJackmoftenalmost 7 years ago

Ever hear of it? The police could use the "DNA" from the "CUM" that Mr. Adams left at the "CRIME" scene.

OverthefallsOverthefallsabout 7 years ago
That's one way to open up a can of Whoop ass!

And it's definitely BTB to the max. Funny stuff. But he made a pretty big mistake by cumming on his wife's face. Especially when she tells the Police that the robber came on her face. You don't think the Police took a DNA sample? And regardless of her cheating, didn't Donna get half their assets, including the sale of the family home that the divorce caused? So she may have gotten embarrassed, but she came away with a nice nest egg and just found another cock to suck. I hope he enjoyed his vacation. He lost quite a bit too. Entertaining story.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
terminal case

of sloppy writing. so many ways the police could have linked it back to him. very little reward for the risk taken. and that is before you consider his risk for STDs.

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