Undercover Agent I.A. Pt. 01

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Sea City, Moon Ganymede, Mission Chicago, The Museum.
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Allow me to introduce you to Ia'lena; she is 34 years old from the planet Zigrida. Former leader of the Azulla people in a province of one of the continents. She is 5 foot 8 inches tall, slim built. She has long light brown hair that flows down her back. All Zigrida females are born with telepathy to influence all life and possess potent, irresistible pheromones to attract males. For reasons still a mystery in many ways, males on their planet have been dominated by them for centuries.

It was only that a radiated meteorite decimated the male population to the point of extinction that It was necessary to use extreme measures to find them in any way they could. They created a resonance beam that eventually pushed this radiation far away from their planet; however, most males were gone from the radiation.

Earth investigation

A spacecraft was sent out from Earth to this focused beam detected by satellite systems on a research station on Neptune. The sent-out spacecraft was damaged attempting to find the signal; however, it reached the planet. Ia'lena's family saw him, and an ensuing adventure followed.

A few years later, the engineer repaired the ship with the commander and Ia'lena escaping the planet making it back to the Earth.

After meeting with Commander Scott's parents, a crisis developed when a wealthy organization threatened a world war if this new planet's information was not released soon. Earth Space Security stationed on Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, asked Ia'lena that with her unique abilities, to help them find out who was behind this dangerous organization so that they could be brought to justice.

Ia'lena agreed to help them. She had seen Earth's history of war and violence and did not want this brought to her planet.

Ia'lena had noticed strange differences since she had left her planet. Her planet was twice the size of the Earth, making her bone structure twice as strong. She looked small but had the power of a muscle-built 6-foot 8-inch male, with her being 5-foot-8 inches tall. The Earth's size triggered her lung capacity enhancement as of an Olympic long-distance runner. She did not know it yet, but she would have the ability to do everything twice as much as any earth being. These differences were unknown to anyone, even Commander Scott, who had been around her longer than anyone. So far, the changes were not harmful.

Moon Ganymede

As the Earth Security Service meeting was being held, Ia'lena dressed up as an attendant/usher to scan everyone. At the top of the conference room was a stage with 15 chairs, while the floor held 200 seats. She was then introduced to the staff backstage with ten members, especially becoming friends with a young woman 24 years of age named Orchid, who was from the South American Country of Peru. Orchid's father was a top member of the officers in the service, her joining him quickly after graduating high school. She showed Ia'lena the ropes on what to do, which she caught on very quickly.

The room filled up with all manner of security personnel of various ranks of service.

While seating one man, she overheard him saying to himself under his breath how much he hated the security service his father made him join, but it was nothing subversive.

Director Gardner and Commander Scott walked in and were seated. Then the others walked in.

Ia'lena standing and guiding people to their seats, noticed a few of the stage officers were thinking about DR Mellissa and how they wished they would have been more direct than to just leave a warning. One was even going over secret plans in his mind. The other's thoughts were on asking Commander Scott to join them. If he refuses, use his parents and relatives to persuade him if necessary. More thoughts coming to her were the masking of the influential people behind all this. Not even they knew who was behind it all, but guessed it was the Director of the science organization that gave Mellissa the National Medal of Sciences award.

Ia'lena had a clipboard and flower in her hair attached with a micro-video recorder. These devices were designed to follow her eyes, giving Director Gardner a visual picture of the ones, they needed to start surveillance. She also had a photographic memory which would be particularly useful for someone undercover. Ia'lena also had a good grasp for picking up movements from anything she saw.

After the meeting concluded, she, Scott, and Gardner met in a soundproof room.

Ia'lena told them of the two men and women with questionable thoughts concerning the Earth's security events.

Director Gardner told Scott he would be going to wear protective services are keeping his children and parents.

Then he turned to his newest agent from another world, saying, "I know we are asking a lot, and we will equip you with the best technical stuff we have. I am going to send you to an advanced self-defense program."

Surprisingly, it took her only a few weeks to complete the program with the highest score ever recorded. Ia'lena also watched movies with Bruce Lee and Scarlett Johansson, laughing about the special effects but saying to herself I could probably pull that off for real.

Director Gardner called her to a meeting with him; she entered and was seated. He said," You're ready and given the code reference I. A."

She knotted her head.

Ia' Lena stayed at the base hotel that night, then took the subsequent jump transport to Earth the following day.

The South American Spaceport was the Onyx just outside the city of Lima, Peru. She got off then contacted Orchid, her friend from the security services. Orchid lived in a small town in the southern part of the country, called Copiague, with a population of about 30,000.

Ia' Lena asked Orchid about the floating city in the ocean she saw while she visited Commander Scott's family.

Orchid told her it was a wonderful place that she visited once, that it was full of sea creatures and was the most modern place on Earth, but she did not like being underwater, just a personal thing. But I'll go with you and show you around.

"Okay," her best friend said.

Orchid showed her the ancient ruins and stories of the Quechua who lived in the Andes Mountains and the Inca.

Ia' Lena had read about the history of the people of the Earth, but to see the places where these events took place was so disheartening, she silently thought.

Ia'lena spent the next few weeks with Orchid; both received briefs from the space security command.

Orchid made reservations at the floating cities undersea hotel for that upcoming Wednesday night, this being Sunday; she could hardly wait. The next afternoon Orchid took Ia'lena to a soccer game then that evening horse racing. She loved every event she saw, of course, seeing these for the first time.

Underwater Sea-City

Finally, Wednesday came; they took a regular plane flight to the sea city whose airport was a platform that after landing had a converter that lowered like aircraft carriers, drop their planes into the lower deck. It was wonderous, looking like a giant sea star whose tentacles were the hanger decks. The whole jumbo jet lowered into the base of the airport. The passengers walked out of the door to a conveyer belt walkway equipped with stairs.

Ia'lena was in awe at the crazy mechanical devices these earth people made. She wondered if her people could see all this, what would they think.

Orchid suddenly said, "Hey, let's go get into a Simmer Marine; it's like a car/submarine only smaller."

Ia'lena replied, "What is a submarine?"

Orchid said, "Oh, never mind, just come on."

The Simmer Marine looked sort of like the space cars shown on a cartoon called the Jetsons broadcast years ago.

It used water for propulsion, Orchid told her.

Orchid said, "Let me drive."

Ia'lena shyly scolded her, "Are you crazy? I am not touching any of these machinery things."

The rented sea-car putt-putted out of the seaport to a land track made of seashells. Extreme pressure surrounded them, but they could hardly tell due to it being in a tube.

Orchid said, "this will take a while; the seaport is a few miles away from the city.

Then appeared the Earth Aqua City on the seafloor; this was an international city with all of the nation's contributing funds and materials to build. It had its private government and monetary system and was self-sufficient.

It was huge, five miles in circumference, and a large dome covered it like a bowl. The city was beautiful as they came into closer view. Ia'lena saw what looked like plastic molded buildings of different shapes, sizes, but primary colors. Everything had a bubble-like tone to it, understandable, she thought. As they approached, a round door opened, and each simmer marine went in one at a time.

Orchid and Ia'lena's sea car went into the door; it closed with a conveyer belt causing the vehicle to rise while the chamber they were in pressurized to surface levels. They parked the sea car and then took a tag chip bracelet, guiding them to their transportation when they were ready to leave.

As she walked into the city proper, the lighting was unique; she could not tell where the light was coming from; it seemed like the walls glowed. Trees and vegetation are scattered throughout. People were hustling and bustling about.

Ia'lena walked into a large shopping area, then to the glass dome seeing all manner of sea creatures of the earth swimming.

She saw a school of Dolphins not too far away; using her telepathy, she called to them.

All of the Dolphins looked at the glass towards Ia'lena, then swam over; it was the first time they noticed a human communicating with them in their language. One large male looked like perhaps the leader said to Ia'lena, "How are you doing that, speaking to us.' 'No other being like you has."

Ia'lena told it she was not like the other walking beings; she could speak to all creatures.

She did not want to say she was not from their planet, fearing he would not be able to understand.

A female Dolphin spoke next, asking what her people call her?

She told her Ia'lena.

The Dolphin said, "I am called Trasca; it means nosey in our language.' 'My mother told me I was going to get into trouble being so nosey.' 'When I was born, the first thing I did was swim up to a crab, asking what it was.' 'Mother said, leave that thing alone, calling me nosey."

The large male butted in, saying, but you look just like the walking stick beings comparing people to trees.

Then Ia'lena showed these sea mammals a telepathic vision of her and her sisters with various sea creatures from her planet, how they were communicated, and how they were treated.

The male Dolphin relayed all Ia'lena showed him to the other dolphins, they all began to whistle their language.

She said, "hold it, I can't answer everyone at the same time, laughing.' 'We will see each other later. I got to be going but tell all your friends about me, okay?"

"Yes, they will," they all said, then swimming off.

Suddenly Orchid caught up to her, saying, there you are. I looked up, and you were gone. She grabbed hold of Ia'lena's hand, saying, "You gotta come see this."

They both got on another sidewalk conveyer belt that traveled deep inside the middle of the city; then, towards its eastern edge, a vast enclosed oval-looking glass area.

Orchid then explained, "This is the largest fish hatchery in the world." She showed Ia'lena thousands of fish eggs of all kinds in hundreds of aquariums divided by species into various layers and separated into seven floors.

Orchid relayed this is my favorite place. I wanted to show you what our people are doing that is helping all life.

"Wow," Is all Ia'lena could muster.

They took an elevator to the seventh floor's upper level, where the fish was old enough to be let out into the ocean.

Ia'lena walked up to an aquarium full of guppies, remembering the swimmers down on her planet. She used telepathy to communicate with them; suddenly, 100 turned, looking at her hooting, "Mother, mother." Ia'lena turned towards Orchid, saying, "So they were raised without a family?"

Orchid stated, "The smaller fish do not have families."

Ia'lena said, "Then why did they call me mother."

Orchid said, "Huh."

Ia'lena said, "Never mind."

Then saying to them, "No, I'm not but remember my voice, I will find your mothers for you someday, okay?" They just looked at her.

Next, Orchid took her out to dinner and a movie. She saw a massive 125 miles circumference forest in an oval dome preserve with all the land animals from the North American biosphere, managed by the earth wildlife sanctuary. Then Orchid took her to one that was like the jungles of Africa. A huge amusement park owned by a partnership of the amusement industry, contributing funds to maintain while equally sharing the profits. The most advanced mall in the world with shopping areas from China, India, and Africa, just about everything earth people produced.

The city was called one of the wonders of the world.

After two weeks, it was time to move on to the mission at hand, but they both had a great time.

Mission to Chicago

Director Gardner video messaged both of them at 9 pm in their hotel room; they were being sent to the North American City of Chicago to begin their surveillance of the No Secrets for free Information Organization. He said you would get a visit from one hundred thirty-nine.

Orchid, confused, spoke in, "139 what's?"

The Director jumped in before she or Ia'lena could ask anything else; he said 139, then hung up.

But before leaving the underwater city, Ia'lena wanted to learn how to operate the Simmer Marine Sea Cars. Now, with her photographic memory and keen intelligence, it did not take long for her to get quite good at driving them. It was just getting used to metallic, plastic, and mineral-created devices her people never pursued; she had to get accustomed to using.

Ia'lena and Orchid left the undersea city, boarding an air flight to Chicago the next day arriving at Midway international by 6 pm that day.

They both departed and headed into the passenger lounge area when suddenly an overhead announcement asked for Orchid Cabrera; she had a message at the service desk. Both she and Ia'lena went to the desk. They gave Orchid, after she showed them her passport ID, an envelope marked give to Ia'lena in the Taxi.

A man was at the service desk with a picture he was looking at; he walked up to Ia'lena, saying, "Ma'am, I have a taxi waiting for you, please follow me." He showed both of them an ID badge that showed he was from the Earth Security Service. His badge said agent 139. They both followed him to a Taxi numbered 139.

Ia'lena and Orchid got in the Taxi closing the door; it took off driving. An old-fashioned tape recorder was sitting on the seat. The Taxi was an automated car with sophisticated software.

The whole car was robotic.

Orchid picked up the tape recorder; it began playing a message listing people and addresses telling Ia'lena to open the envelope.

Ia'lena opened it, seeing pictures of people and places. The tape player began to play as she opened the envelope. It gave no names as either they did not know who these people were or were unimportant. As each person was listed, it told both of them to not write anything down for their protection, only use memory.

Orchid stated, "I am not going to be able to remember all that."

Ia'lena spoke up, "Don't worry about it; I can remember for the both of us."

After the tape player's message completed playing, it told her to throw it out of the window to the car's right and for Orchid to throw the envelope out of the left window. They did as instructed; the tape player turned white, floating up into the air like a balloon, then disintegrated. The envelope turned into smoke and floated away into nothingness.

"Wow," Orchid said.

Ia'lena replied, "You earth people are so theatrical," laughing.

The automated Taxi took them to the Sofitel Hotel in downtown Chicago. The hotel maître d led them to the seventh-floor room, 707. They both walked in, paying the waitperson a tip, of course.

The room was beautiful as they settled in; being late 7:00 pm, it was getting dark due to it being so late fall, thought it best to rest for the night.

0200 in the morning, Ia'lena looked over to the other bed seeing Orchid fast asleep, went to the bathroom, putting on her black ninja-looking jumpsuit. She had a thin wire rope and special shoes earth security gave her, opening the window. She lowered herself down the seven floors to the ground outside the hotel.

Ia'lena looked very sleek in her black outfit and knew one of the leads from the taped player was a building in downtown Chicago. She thought it best not to involve Orchid unless she needed backup.

There it is, Ia'lena said to herself the Field Museum, it was near the lakeshore. All was quiet; she went around the back to a fenced-in area where she saw people milling about. She got behind a storage container listening to the conversations they were having.

Suddenly she could sense something moving around the corner, then coming face to face with a huge German Shepard. It started to growl.

Ia'lena using her telepathy quickly, said, "Hey, big fellow."

The dog perked up its ears; not believing she was communicating with him, the dog barked, "What did you say?"

Ia'lena replied, "Keep it down. I don't want to get noticed."

The dog said, "You cannot be here. I get paid food and stuff to watch this place."

Ia'lena sent telepathy images of food, female dogs, and meaty bones, then told him he would be very well cared for if he did not bark and stay quiet.

He agreed, then said it is pretty cool to talk to a, he smelled, human female. He walked away, disappearing around the corner.

From this white storage container's right edge, Ia'lena peered around the corner, seeing a tall fence, running quietly to it, she climbed over it. Now she was on the grounds of the Museum then moved to the back door, which appeared locked. She took her special small wire rope climbing onto the roof. Walking, she came to the inner area jumping down into the open Atrium where Museum pieces and vegetation were scattered.

Ia'lena tried several doors, but they were all locked; then, she overheard people talking. She hid behind a huge bush seeing if she could listen to what they were saying.

Then the night patrol security guard did his rounds, walked around the building, and checked the doors.

Ia'lena used her telepathy, suggesting that he leave the north door unlocked.

The guard walked to the north door, checking to make sure it was locked, then unknowingly unlocked it, walking on down the hall.

From the bush where she was hiding, Ia'lena peered through the unlocked door then walked in quietly. She walked towards all the conversation she heard while outside behind the bush. As she got closer down the hallway tip-toeing, she noticed a housekeeping closet. She pulled on the door. It was unlocked; she walked in to hide. Listening, she overheard voices and this conversation from a man and a woman.

Patrick, I love you, but you're getting involved with the kidnapping and following that crazy Neptune governor. I don't trust him; we are living fine why tempt fate.

Patrick returned, Clarice, you've heard the stories of the two men who supposedly survived a coma; Mason believes it's more than that, and Earth Space Command is hiding it. He then said, "Let's discuss this at another time; the meeting will be starting soon.' 'Hey, we forgot to turn on the robotic surveillance system."

Clarice replied, "Oh, it will be okay; no one is ever at these get-togethers but us."

Patrick replied, "Just do it anyway."
