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Love between a young mother and her son.
16.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/10/2023
Created 05/25/2022
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Thank you for taking the time to read this. This is a slower burn story, with no sex until near the end. This is not a quick stroker!

It is about the unexpected love experienced between a [comparatively] young mother and her son.

If incest/taboo is not for you, look elsewhere.

As always anyone in described/graphic sexual acts is over the age of 18, and consenting. This is a work of pure fiction, from the author's mind.

I hope you enjoy!



This was not how I envisioned spending my thirtieth birthday. I mean it was a Saturday, and I had hoped to be able to go out, share some brews with my friends, get plastered, and maybe pick up a lovely lady to bring home. God knows I needed to get laid. Ever since I divorced my wife for fucking around on me, while she acted like a sedated mattress with me, I found it difficult to get that particular scratch itched. Sure there were lots of women out there who would be willing to put out, but I wasn't going to pay and had certain standards.

Of course, my mates and I had just gotten to the bar, and the first round was ordered when my cell went off. There was an emergency at work, and being the newest HR manager, I was the one to have to deal with it. With a curse, I tossed down a bill to cover my drink and left. My mates didn't even raise a stink about me having to leave, or offer to pay for my drink. They just waved me on my way and cheered when the beer was delivered.

After spending hours at work dealing with the aftermath of a severe workplace injury and the investigation involved with that, after the sun went down and the summer storms rolled in, I made it home.

I tossed my bag aside and headed for my alcohol cabinet. I poured three fingers of whiskey, settled into my chair, and flipped on the TV.

This may not have been how I wanted to spend my birthday, but it is what it is. Right?

I sighed in appreciation as I took my first sip. It certainly wasn't the best whiskey in the world. I made good money, but not THAT good of money. Thank God for the prenuptial agreement, otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to afford what I had. But it was still a good drink.

I flipped on some game. Now, I couldn't even tell you what game, or even what sport. I wasn't really watching it, I simply turned my brain off, and let the alcohol wind its way through my veins.

There was a crash of thunder, and a moment later my house went dark, as the power went out.

"Great! Just fucking great!" I exclaimed into the darkness. After feeling my way to the kitchen, and after banging my knee off a stool at the breakfast bar, I managed to find the flashlight in the junk drawer.

When I was about to sit back down, there was a knock at my door. "Who the hell could that be?"

I wonder if it's a robber, I thought, the knock and power going out... awfully convenient. Ah, well, I'm a big guy and can handle myself.

I wandered to the door, and wrenched it open; the entire street was dark. I guess that means it isn't a robber who knocked out my power. Keeping the light low so as not to blind whoever was there, I shone the light out to see who it was.

I was greeted by the sight of long graceful legs and manicured feet, in high-heeled sandals. As I moved the light higher, her legs were exposed up to her creamy thighs. The woman's little black dress would have been perfect, were it not for the fact that she was as soggy as a drowned rat due to the deluge still streaming from the sky. Even still the dress clung to her body, accentuating her natural curves.

Not even having seen everything this woman had to offer, I was having some impure thoughts. Maybe my mates got me a gift for my birthday, after all.

I continued to move the light and my eyes higher and was met by a perfect rack. Not too big or small. The perfect size for the woman's frame. At this point, I could feel my body beginning to react to the bombshell in front of me.

Finally coming to the top of her 5'-6" my eyes settled on the woman's face. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. My vision was filled with her heart-shaped face, perfect pouty lips, and wide expressive green eyes. Her strawberry blond hair would have been done up fancy were it not for the rain plastering it to her head. Her makeup had run, and emotion filled her eyes.


The fact that I called her 'Mom' was proof of how shocked I was. Now I guess I should explain that statement. I was raised by my grandparents, alongside my mother. Our relationship was one closer to that of siblings than parent/child, and because of that I often called her by her name. But I'll explain more about that later. I hadn't seen my mother in close to five years, though we occasionally spoke on the phone.


As soon as she spoke, she let out a sob and stepped forward hugging me. Tears flowed from her.

I was at a loss. I simply closed the door behind her and held her crying form to me. I set the flashlight on the table beside the door, so the light was shining up, giving us the best light possible, and freeing my hands to comfort my mother.

Sometime later, her sobs subsided, though I could still feel her shaking. Her shaking clued me in. I started rubbing my arms along her back and up and down her bare arms, trying to work some warmth into her.

"C'mon. Let's get you dried off, and then you can tell me what's going on."

She didn't say anything, simply nodded and followed my lead.

I led her right to my room, only stopping long enough to grab some towels from the closet in the hall. I pulled out a t-shirt and sweatpants for her to change into, and grabbed the flashlight I kept in my nightstand.

Turning the flashlight on, I handed it all to her. "If you want a shower, the water will still be hot. The power just went out. When you're ready, c'mon out, and you can tell me what's going on."

My mother nodded. "Thank you, Rick."

I gave her another hug and kissed the top of her head. Once I grabbed a dry t-shirt for myself, I left, closing the bedroom door behind me.

I returned to the living room, and sat, downing the remainder of my whiskey.

I thought again, how this was not how I was expecting to spend my thirtieth birthday.

Twenty minutes later my mother stepped into the living room. She was wearing my clothes, and she looked like she was swimming in them. The t-shirt looked more like a dress, and she had to roll up the legs of the sweatpants so that she could walk without tripping.

I couldn't help but picture again the gorgeous woman I saw on the steps before realizing it was my mother.

She sat on the couch and reached her hands out to me. I heaved myself to my feet and sat beside her. Immediately she snuggled into me.

"Thank you."

I screwed up my brow in confusion. "For what? Making sure you wouldn't catch a cold?"

She laughed bitterly. "No-- Well thank you for that too. But for showing me some kindness. Today has to be one of the worst so far."

My eyebrows raised at that statement. I knew my mother had had some bad times. Remember how I was saying how I was raised by my grandparents? Well, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for one of my mother's worst days. The pastor of my grandparents' church took some-- liberties-- with my mother when she was only nine, and I was born nine months later on my mother's tenth birthday.

It wasn't only scandalous, but also shocking because of her age. The doctor that oversaw my birthing wrote a paper on it.

The only thing I have to say is that the bastard got what was coming. He was convicted of child rape, and sentenced to life in prison, and the church had to pay out a huge sum in reparations. The judge just happened to also make sure that the bastard was in with the general population of the prison, and that the other inmates knew what he'd done. He didn't last two days inside his final cell.

Though my grandparents ensured Mother and I wouldn't need for anything, they resented her, because of what happened. They were forced to leave the small town where they grew up rebuilding their lives because of that situation and took it out on my mother.

"What happened?" I asked quietly.

She took a shuddering breath. "Julius kicked me out. He's bedding some bimbo from his work." She gave a dry chuckle. "He said he wanted to tell me something important. We got all dolled up and went on a date. He wined and dined me. We drove an hour to get here to go to the restaurant where he made the reservation. It was nice enough, and he made sure I had lots to drink. Then after dinner, as we were leaving the restaurant he told me he wants me out of the house by Wednesday, so his bimbo can move in by the weekend. I was so shocked I stood there. He just turned and left. He left me in a strange town with only my clutch." She let out a sob. "I thought he was going to ask me to marry him."

I hugged my mother close, as a wave of cold anger burned in me. I'd never liked Julius. He was a prick that treated everyone like they were less than he was. I'd stayed away because of him. I only spoke to my mother on the phone, and electronically, but hadn't seen her in the past five years. All because of him. Now I simply wanted to smash his face in for not only hurting my mother, but for leaving her somewhere potentially unsafe.

She took a deep breath, snuggling closer into me. "I'm just glad he took me to your town, and that I had enough money to get a cab here. It took all I had."

I didn't say anything. I knew if I did, my anger would get the better of me, and I'd go show Julius what I really thought of him. There wasn't much that could truly get me angry, but mistreating my family was certainly one of them.

I just held my mother close, giving her the comfort she needed at that moment.

Sometime later, I knew from her deep breaths she had fallen asleep. I let out a yawn, the long disappointing day catching up with me. After a little fancy manoeuvring, I managed to pick my mother up, with one arm behind her back, and another under her legs. In her sleep, she wrapped her arms around my neck and tucked her head into my shoulder.

With the flashlight gripped awkwardly in one hand, I made my way to the spare bedroom. When my ex and I bought the house, we had originally planned on this room being a nursery. When I filed for divorce I was glad that we hadn't had any kids.

I kicked the blankets back and tucked my sleeping mother into the bed. She rolled away from me with a sigh. I leaned in and kissed her temple. "Happy birthday Ang."

She mumbled back, "Happy birthday Rick."

I closed the door behind me. Before I could head to my room the power came back on. With a sigh, I went through the house and turned off all the lights, and locked everything up before going to bed.



I felt warm, safe and secure. I peeked my eyes open in the early morning light. I didn't recognize my surroundings, but I did know I was in a safe place. I felt the strong muscular arms around me, and the thick rod poking me in the back. I knew this wasn't Julius behind me; he wasn't this muscular, or large. I remembered that much from the day before at least.

Remembering why I wasn't in Julius' arms brought tears to my eyes. I'd honestly thought he was going to ask me to marry him. We'd been living together for a few years. I thought we were happy together. How wrong can a girl be?

Trying to figure out who I was in bed with, I peeked over my shoulder and caught sight of the short warm brown hair of the man behind me. I couldn't see more without moving more, and that could potentially wake whoever it was behind me, and I wasn't ready to face that confrontation yet.

I tried to think through the alcohol haze of the night before. Trying to think about who it could be. I was sure I hadn't had sex. That satisfying feeling wasn't there. That or the sex was so short and bad, that it didn't leave an impression on my body. I doubted I would be in a man's arms without having put out so that just added to my confusion. I also doubted I would feel this safe and secure in a stranger's arms.

Just then the room brightened as the sun came out from behind a cloud. The blinds were down in the window, but the sun shone in through a crack at the edge and went right across our heads.

The arms around me tightened, a hand coming up and firmly grasping my breast. I hadn't felt like this in a long time, if ever. When that hand grasped me, it sent an electric jolt right to my womanhood. Instinctively, I pushed back against that hard rod nestled into my butt.

A deep baritone voice mumbled, "Mmm, Liz?"

Hearing that voice made the blood drain from my face. Now I knew why I felt so safe in the arms of a man whom I hadn't put out for. I gently pulled away from him, disengaging his hand from my body.

I cleared my throat. "Um, no, it's not Liz, and I hope you aren't still hooking up with your ex."

Rick rolled onto his back and reached up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Sitting up he looked around. "Mom? W-- How-- Did--" He glanced at his hand, my t-shirt covered breasts, and down to his lap, before blushing furiously. "Sorry."

I didn't say anything, simply not looking his way.

"How did you get into my bed? I put you into the spare room."

After he said it, another piece of the night before came back to me. "I vaguely remember getting up and coming in here because I didn't want to be alone."

He nodded. "I guess that's understandable given the circumstances."

I nodded in reply.

We both sat awkwardly in bed for a moment, but it didn't take long for the call of the bathroom to override the awkwardness. Rick headed for the master bath, and I headed for the communal bathroom in the hall.



I took a little extra time getting ready for the day that morning. I was embarrassed about groping my mother, yet couldn't believe how good it felt to have her in my arms. I could still feel the hard nub digging into the palm of my hand. I didn't want to face her right away.

After taking as much time as I could in the shower and getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen. I found my mother cooking up a storm. It looked like she was putting together a full breakfast. I didn't even know I had all the fixings for a full breakfast.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and took a seat at the breakfast bar to watch her work. Again I was taken with her. She looked younger than her forty years, and, still dressed in my clothes, she looked more like a hot girlfriend than my mother. With her back turned to me, I could easily imagine she was a date who stayed the night, rather than the woman who birthed me.

Catching these thoughts running through my mind, I chastised myself.

"So, what are you going to do now?" I asked, before taking a drink.

Her hands slowed as she thought about my question. "I don't know. I don't know that there's much that I can do. It's his house."

The anger from the night before at Julius flared in me again. "Well, you're more than welcome here for as long as you need. It probably wouldn't hurt to contact a lawyer though, just to cover all your bases, and then we can go and get whatever stuff you want to get."

Without turning to look at me, she began plating the food. "I don't want to go back. I don't want to see that bastard again."

She turned to me and placed the plates on the breakfast bar. I could see the tears filling her eyes.

She came around the island and sat on the stool beside me. I simply reached out and wrapped my arms around her. That simple action broke the dam, and again she sobbed out her grief. I held her for as long as she needed, only letting go when she signalled to do so.

We started eating in silence. "I think you're right about talking to a lawyer though." She glanced over at me. "After breakfast, could we stop by someplace to pick me up some clothes before finding a lawyer to figure out the next step?"

I smiled down at her. "Of course. Though I kinda like seeing you in my shirt."

I don't know why I added that last part, but it was true. Mom gave me an odd look, but with a smile on her face.

We finished eating, cleaned up, and made a trip to Walmart. It didn't take Mom long to find several sets of clothes and some other essentials. When she went to pay though, her card was declined. She tried another, and it was declined as well.

"I bet that bastard cleaned out my accounts and filled my credit cards," Mom exclaimed.

I sighed, as my anger toward Julius climbed higher yet. I pulled out my wallet and paid for everything.

The cashier glanced between mom and me but didn't say anything.

While Ang went to the change room to get dressed, I pulled out my phone and called a buddy.

"Hey Steve, this is Rick. Listen, I need a favour. A... friend of mine... she needs some advice. Her man kicked her out..."

I hung up as mom came out of the changing room. She looked fabulous. She only had on jeans and a blouse, but she wore it well. I don't know why or even how my mother was stunning me the way she was. But the fact of the matter was that I was seeing her as a woman, not my mother/pseudo-sibling.

She smirked as she walked up to me. "What's the matter, Hun?"

I shook my head and tried to remember if my mother had ever called me 'Hun' before. I'm sure she had, I mean what mother doesn't call their child Hun, but I couldn't think of a single time.

"Nothing at all. You look great."

Her smirk widened into a smile. "Thank you. Who were you talking to?"

"What? Oh! I called in a favour. A friend of mine from uni is a lawyer. He usually deals with divorce cases, and I figured this would be as close to that without the whole being married part. I asked him if he could see a friend of mine and give some advice."

Mom came up to me, and in the middle of the store reached her arms around my neck. "A friend, huh? Is that what I am?"

I couldn't reply. I swallowed in an attempt to be able to get a word out. "Something like that."

She laughed and loosed her hold on me. We gathered up the few other bags and headed for my car.



I don't know what was coming over me. Earlier that morning feeling so safe and secure in Rick's arms, and the warmth he gave me whenever he did something to show he cared for me. Not that it was much, but without hesitation, he opened his home to me, without really knowing me for half a decade. He paid for my clothing without a second thought. And even calling in a favour so I could talk to his lawyer friend on the weekend. Never in all of my forty years had I felt as loved by a man, as I do by my son.

And I loved being able to make him turn into a puddle of jelly by something as simple as wrapping my arms around him.

Maybe I was just rebounding from Julius to Rick. Maybe it was something else. All I knew is that I hadn't felt as loved by anyone, man or woman, as I did by Rick. Not even my father made me feel as loved.

Though things were going down a potentially rocky road, I wanted to see what was at the other end.

Together Rick and I loaded my newly acquired things into the trunk of his car before he drove me to the lawyer friend's house.

While he drove I looked him over, all 6'-6" of him. Rick had broad shoulders, and I knew from that morning that he had light curls covering his chest. He was muscular. I knew from our talks on the phone that he went to the gym regularly, and he and a bunch of friends regularly got together to play baseball on the weekends. His facial features were strong. I knew he wasn't considered classically handsome, and that women weren't dropping their panties at the sight of him, like some movie star. But I thought there was a rugged quality about him that appealed to me.