Unforgettable Fire Pt. 02: 10 Years Ago


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He tilted his head trying peek at my hips seated on the high stool under the little table with an expression of analysis.

I gave him an annoyed look, repressing a smile as he grinned widely.

"Did you just called me a fat ass?" I asked squinting my eyes at him.

Finn laughed.

"No, that's not what I said at all. What I meant is that you have the roundest, softest ass for grabbing, and I love it."

I threw a piece of muffin at him.

"Fuck off."

He caught it before it could hit his face and popped it into his mouth, its corner lifted in amusement.

I could think of a million things I wanted that mouth to do to me. I bit my bottom lip at the thought.

"Oh, no. You stop it now, you hear me, love?" He warned, pointing an accusatory finger at me.

"Whatever you are talking about, Finland" I smiled, faking innocence. I'm sure my thoughts had been clear as day on my face.

"I know what you're thinking about."

He made a small, quick gesture with his hands pointing up and down the length of his torso.

"You're having ungodly thoughts on that head of yours. You want all of this, but I have to go to class, and so do you! And besides, I need to regain my strength after what you did to me."

"I did nothing you didn't want." I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted like a child. "Or asked for." I added quickly.

I noticed his eyes on my breasts which were strained under my arms, popping out the low cut of my mauve blouse.

I uncrossed my arms and ran a finger up and down the exposed skin over my breast bone.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather study my anatomy, Dr. Harwood?"

Finn crossed his own arms over his firm and smooth chest and leaned back laughing.

"Honestly, Hero! Do you think you'd have the stamina do have more sex?"

"Why, absolutely." I said lifting my cup of tea to my lips and then licking them with affected seductiveness, battering my eyelashes at him. "And besides, you should feel flattered I want you this much."

I chewed on the last of my muffin and sucked on my fingers making sure to keep eye contact with him as I did it.

He clenched his jaw and let out a groan through his teeth. Taking his napkin, he wiped his mouth and was up on his feet taking the two steps around the table necessary reach me.

He bent down and took my lips on his. I stretched my neck and fisted my hands on his shirt, pulling him to me. He moaned on my lips and I could feel the words forming on his throat that I wouldn't let him pull away to say.

"No, no, no." He broke the kiss, pushing my hands away from his chest.

I pouted. "Please?"

"God, you're impossible." He said and I gave him my most devilish smile.

He kissed my hair and lingered there.

"I'll see you tonight?" He asked confirming the dinner we were suppose to have gone to last night.

"Yeah." I sighed, resignated.

He kissed me again quickly, and left. I watched him walk out the cafe's door. A couple of girls sitting at the far corner of the place watched him, giggling when he passed by them. I felt the corner of my lip twitching in a smile.

He was very much mine.

Finally finishing my tea, I paid the bill and left for class myself.

I thought it better to concentrate on my drawings and building's models in order not to think about how slow the hours would go until dinner time.


I arrived fifteen minutes too early in our favourite Italian restaurant.

I was on my second glass of wine when Finn arrived, eight o'clock on the dot.

I felt giddy already.

"Hey," He kissed me quickly in greeting. "I see you've started without me." He added glancing between the wine and me.

"The waiting was too much to bear." I looked up at him, feeling the stupid grin that parted my face, so happy I was to see him.

Three years ago I was nineteen years old, and was celebrating my first week as a college student in a dark little pub when Finn walked up to my table and blurted out the cheesiest line: "You are absolutely the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

From that night on we slept together every chance we got.

Officially we had only put a label to the relationship about three months ago. We didn't even know each other's families yet seeing that most of our relationship had been about the sex.

We just didn't want to admit we actually were a couple already when everybody else knew us to be.

Truth is, it all was my fault. I had a fear of relationships, even though I, for my part in things, had been sure I was in love with him from the first time we had slept together. That had been the best sex of my fucking life until it became a regular thing, and every time we did it we excelled ourselves.

He sat down on the chair across from mine and took a sip of my wine, nodding in appreciation. He took a second sip and I noticed him looking at me funny over the rim of the glass. I arched an eyebrow in inquiry.

He shook his head and smiled a broad, large smile that displayed his crooked bottom teeth I loved so much.

"God, you look beautiful in this dress." He said sizing me up.

I blushed and felt a stupid smile lift my cheeks.

"Why, thank you, Doctor."

I was wearing a white dress. He loved it when I wore white.

The dress was very sensible, no breasts or thighs showing. It was knee length and backless, tight enough to mark my curves tough.

"You know, you don't look too shabby yourself." I remarked.

He was wearing a gray suit.

Jesus, Finn in a suit.

There's something about a man in a suit, especially an attractive one like Finn.

He had that smile on his face, that smile I wanted to feel on my lips and every inch of my skin.

His hair was a dishevelled mess. He ran a hand over his curls trying to keep them from falling over his forehead. I pressed my thighs together.

Unable to contain my curiosity as to why he wanted to take me out to this dinner so much, I finally asked.

"So, Finland. What was it you needed to tell me?"

He reached for my glass and drank more of my wine.

"Actually, is something I wanted to ask you, but-" He stopped abruptly when he saw my eyes go wide. His lips twitched. "Oh, don't be daft. I won't propose or anything."

I let out a relaxed breath. I loved Finn like crazy, but that didn't mean I wanted to marry him in my early twenties without knowing what would become of our lives in next insecure couple of years after college.

"At least I won't propose marriage." He added, eyeing me carefully.

"Right." I replied mirroring his careful tone. "What will you propose, then?"

Finn's fingers made a motion for the waiter and he ordered the menu and some more wine.

"Let's eat first. We can talk after the sex." He said matter of factly.

I arched an eyebrow.

"After the sex?"


"Well, I thought you were too tired after last night...and this morning"

"I didn't say I was tired, I said I needed to regain my strength and I did. All I need now is some food and we're good to go again."

I pressed my lips into a line, wanting to laugh. Now I knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy my meal properly, considering all I wanted was to get out of here and get to more private place where I could get him naked.

We ate rather quickly, talking about our respective days.

Mine had been long and boring. I'd spent most of my time bent over a desk drawing lines and cutting cardboard into squares.

His had been long too, but exciting.

He was working his first shifts at the college hospital as an intern and couldn't be happier. Some more years of internship and he'd be on his way to become a heart surgeon. He most certainly had the hands for it.

Once we were done eating, we paid the check and headed to his car, parked in a dark spot behind the restaurant. Once we were inside he asked, smiling pervertedly.

"Your bed or mine?"

It was a twenty minute drive back to campus. Too bloody long in my opinion.

I shifted in my seat, bringing the hem of my dress up my thighs so I could take my underpants off.

I heard his smile on his voice when he asked.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking my panties off because I can't wait for twenty bloody minutes until we get back. I want you now." I replied taking my underpants down my legs.

I shoved the lacy piece inside my purse, threw it the glove compartment, and then moved to straddle him on his seat.

Finn, laughing all the way, put his hands on either side of my thighs.

"Are you mad?! Someone might see us! Or hear you!"

"They will only hear me if you make me scream." I said leaning in and pulling his bottom lip in my mouth, sucking gently. He groaned and ran his hands over my thighs, feeling the exposed skin there.

I ran my tongue over his lips and he opened his mouth giving me access to his tongue. My hips, moving of their own volition, rubbed my pussy on the growing bulge on his pants.

Finn's hands moved to my shoulders and he peeled my dress down to my waist, freeing my breasts. He sucked and nibbled at my neck while his hands massaged them.

Inside the car, I had to keep my head bend down and I buried my nose in his curls, inhaling deeply. Finn smelled wonderfully and just his scent made me wet.

Craving to touch his skin, my fingers made a quick work of pushing off his jacket, and unbuttoning shirt.

After longing for his touch throughout the day, all I wanted now was to have him inside me as quickly as I could get him.

On his arms I was lost. I was no longer me, I was an extension of him. He did to me what he wished. Every inch of my skin his fingers touched became inflamed, it burned, and it ached, and the only relief it could find was in another one of his touches.

His lips came in contact with mine again and it was turbulent, indelicate. I moaned in his mouth. His tongue caressed mine in agonizing slow swirls. Just that kiss alone made me feel indecent, made me wild and anyone who could have seen me would have thought I was a mad woman, whimpering his name, asking him to touch more of me.

I felt the warm wetness of his lips nibble along the skin on my neck, where he bit me with enough pressure to leave a mark.

The man loved his hickies.

His erection pressed up against my soaked pussy and my hips moved more wildly. He buried his fingers in my hair as he blindly sucked and nibbled at my shoulders, my chin, my bottom lip. The sounds coming out of my mouth were those of a pussycat in rut.

One of his hands moved down my body, and he ran his index finger along my clit, making me shake in pleasure. He proceeded to rub it with his thumb while he slipped his index finger inside of me, right where I craved to feel him. I moaned hoarsely, mumbling words that made no sense.

My nails dug at the skin on his shoulders, running down his chest, over his nipples, to the smooth, firm skin of his belly.

I was breathing hard through my teeth. I bent over and took his lips on mine, invading his mouth with my tongue, demanding hungrily for more.

His fingers sped up their rhythm, his middle finger going in after the index one already inside.

I couldn't wait any longer.

"Finn." I managed to say through ragged breaths. "I need you inside me now or I swear I'll fucking come all over your fingers."

His smile was pure indecency when he removed his fingers from where they were working miracles inside me. He sucked them, his eyes growing dark with lust.

Quickly, my own fingers started their work undoing his pants. He lifted his hips on the car seat and I tugged his pants, along with his boxers, down to his knees.

My right hand grabbed his pulsing cock. It felt hard as a diamond and it was slick due to my wetness rubbing on him.

I ran my thumb on his tip.

Fuck. I wanted to put him in my mouth so badly, but the space was limited inside the car.

In a moment of clarity, I put my hands on his shoulders and pulled myself off his lap, going back to my seat.

Finn furrowed his brows in an expression of confusion.

I leaned in to kiss him and spoke on his plump lips.

"I need to remember what you taste like."

Last time I had tasted him had been the night before.

My mouth left his and went down to kiss his chest.

I licked his left nipple teasingly before biting it lightly.

He groaned, his hand massaging the naked skin on my back, and I moved further down to where we both wanted me to go.

I fisted my hand around his cock tightly.

Looking up at him I licked my lips tentatively.

Finn's expression was one of agonized expectancy.

Still holding him firmly on my hands I stroked him long and hard once, and then I brushed his tip all over my lips, slowly, my eyes never leaving his face.

Finn's hands came down to hair. He put both his big hands on my curls, one in each side of my head.

His hands were so big and large the tips of the fingers from one hand touched the tips of the other behind my head.

Demanding, his hands shyly pushed my face closer to his gloriously hard cock.

I let my tongue peek out and lick his head.

"Shhhhhhh- FUCK." He hissed, bringing his hips closer to the edge of his seat.

I opened my mouth and sucked his tip a little, just enough to make him shift on his seat and groan.

My tongue then licked him from his tip all the way down to his base. I did it slowly, feeling the engorged veins pulsing on my lips.

I went up again, and this time when I reached his tip, I took him inside my mouth, almost choking.

"Jeeeeeeeesus, Hero." His voice was barely audible.

Starting slowly, I took in more and more of him with every movement of my head.

I could feel his fingers tense and pulling at my hair.

He was holding back, afraid of being too rough or too demanding.

I loved how he worried about me. But this was as much for my pleasure as it was for his. I didn't want him to hold back.

Roughly, I ran my nails over his thighs. I wanted him to see the scratch marks there tomorrow and remember my mouth had been on him when I did it.

Picking up a rhythm, I went all the way down his length, with my nails digging the skin on his strong, muscular thighs.

When my mouth went up again I swirled my tongue around his pulsing head carefully letting the tip of my tongue work under it.

His groans and noises guided me and I could feel he was getting close to losing control.

All I wanted was for him to let go.

Going up and down with my mouth on his cock again, I began humming to his favourite song, Neil Young's Harvest Moon.

Finn laughed, a sound that started out throaty, and became a full groan of pleasure.

The humming made my full mouth vibrate.

Finn went wild and gave up trying to hold himself back.

His hips began rocking up and down while his hands brought my head further down on him.

The pulsing on his cock was stronger and I felt on my tongue as his tip swelled. Sucking him harder I barely had enough time to take him deep inside my throat when he came hard.

"Ohhhhhhh! Shit! FUCK!"

I swallowed all of his release, sucking him more as I did it to make sure I had gotten everything.

His cock was still pulsing inside my mouth when I let it go, kissing its tip before I sat back on my leather seat and licked my lips.

Finn was a marvellous thing to behold. He had his head thrown back on his seat, his chest heaving, and glistening with sweat. His lips were parted as he breathed through them.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're a fucking goddess, you know that? Fucking brilliant." He said in between laboured breaths.

I leaned in, smiling and put my fingers on his chin, turning his head to me.

"I haven't even started yet, love." I said teasing him and then kissed him so he could taste himself. "You taste fantastic, by the way."

He moaned when I kissed him again.

"Not better than you do." Finn replied, voice soft and lusty.

I just smiled and rubbed my nose on his.

Between my legs, my wetness had pooled due to all Finn's sounds and groans. It was already uncomfortable and I needed him inside me, moving like the world would end tomorrow

With my goal in mind - my goal being to come endless times on his cock - I downed the little zipper on the side of my right hip, and pushed the white piece of fabric all the way down to my feet, kicking it to the car floor.

Finn had been watching me while his heart rate got steadier.

When I was completely naked he extended his left arm to me, inviting me to climb back on his lap, but I had other plans .

Ignoring him, I brought my feet up to the seat and stood up as much as I could until my back hit the car ceiling. Then, with one hand on Finn's shoulder, and the other on the back of my seat for support, I crossed one leg to the back seat, followed by the other leg and the rest of my body.

Finn laughed loudly and turned his head to look at me over his shoulder.

I sat crossed legged on the large leather seat with an inviting smile on my lips. Calling for him to join me, I made a come on motion with my index finger.

"Come here, Finland."

He bit his bottom lip and I instantly wished I were the one doing it.

I heard the jangling of his belt when he removed his pants all the way down his legs. His head disappeared from view when he bent down to take off his shoes.

Finn was very tall, 6"2', so his climbing to the back seat was not quite as gracious as mine had been.

He was all arms and legs and his head hitting on the car ceiling.

I moved more to the left and pressed myself to the door laughing horribly when his second long and pale leg crossed the gap between the two front seats.

"Are you laughing at me, you little tease?" He asked once his whole body was in the back seat with me.

Moving to straddle him again I answered. "Yes, I'm laughing at you."

With a promising smile, Finn put his arms around my waist and leaned in to kiss me.

We both moaned in unison as though we haven't kissed each other in ages.

I could have spent the rest of my days kissing him. My fingers entangled on his curls pulled him as close to me as it were humanly possible, but still I wanted more and more of Finn.

"Turn your back to me." He said, breaking the kiss.

Gasping, I did as he asked and turned so that my back was pressed to his chest.

Finn lifted my hair and kissed my nape, producing a shiver that ran down my spine to command my pussy to get wetter. And it did. I felt like I was dripping.

His agile hands came from behind me and cupped both my breasts, massaging them before he pinched my nipples and moved one hand further down.

He ran his index finger over my clit. It felt so sensible I screamed at the light touch.


"Fuck, you're soaking, love." He said and then sucked my earlobe. "Is all this for me, um?"

I could hardly speak through my moaning.

"Yes! Yes!"

Finn knew my body better than I did myself, he knew exactly what to do to make me go crazy.

He pressed his index finger to the hood of my clit and pulled it up, exposing more of the pulsing clit which he began rubbing at with his middle finger.

I could feel the skin of his chest rubbing slickly against my back, his mouth and nose pressed to the curve of my neck.

I went completely wild.

I started moving my hips on his fingers, circling them. I felt his cock hard on my ass. The more I moved, the more I rubbed on him.

Finn's long middle finger moved over my clit and down until he just reached my entrance, but didn't go in.

It was torture.

"Finn, please. Please!" I begged him.

"What, love? Tell me what you want, my Hero." His breath was hot on my neck.

I arched my back and turned my head so that my lips almost touched my shoulder.

"Please, get inside me, for fuck's sake!" I pleaded, looking at him under my lashes, full of need.

He leaned in a little more and kissed my shoulder, our lips inches from each other's.