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The joining of a unicorn with a virgin maiden.
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Lucien had watched her for a long time as she turned from a curious girl into a lovely young woman. Today was different, she was not out gathering apples or some other chore. She was running blindly deeper into the forest. He had long ago marked her, which granted her his protection in these woods. He followed silently shadowing her until she stopped. There was something dire that seemed to linger about her, it concerned him.

She finally stopped running, but the tears continued to come. Mal could barely believe what she had heard and at the same time it was all too plausible. "Mother whatever shall I do?"

He looked around expecting to see the older female, then realizing no one was there, he relaxed. He listened to her speak and the pieces fell into place and the sadness was finally explained. Until now he had not discerned that her mother had died many years ago, that the woman he had thought of was her father's second wife. Of this he was glad as that woman was mean with a soul bereft of kindness. He discovered that three of the young men who had retrieved her in the past were her older brothers, all of whom had left home. The other two were the welps of her step mother. Those two seemed to do nothing with their lives. Her face was blotchy from crying, the tears leaving streaks on her dirty face, and her rust colored hair was a perpetual tangle. His soul ached out to touch her, to calm her troubled spirit.

"I'm not pretty, and we no longer have any money." She wiped the tears back, "They plan on marrying me off to the worst sort of man." Mal quieted for a moment and looked up, she swore she heard something. "My brothers have their own families and worries. I have no where to go." She cleaned her face off and looked around again. What she saw was beautiful, a gleaming white stallion, with a long golden horn. She blinked and he was gone, and she wondered if she had really seen anything at all.

Then she heard the crashing bumbling footsteps of her stepbrother Trenton, who had made a habit of trying to catch her undressed. It was why she rarely bathed at home anymore. He was by far nicer than her other stepbrother Ian, who was not so secretive about his leers.

Lucien hid from them and patiently waited for the young maid's return. It was not too many days later and by then he had found a way to speak to her. It would be painful, but considering the reward, he felt it would be well worth it.

She looked more haggard, as if she had not slept since their last meeting. He stepped out ready to meet her. Then she laid down, and within a few moments she was asleep. He moved towards her in his natural form and laid down with her, basking in her pure lovely innocence. Despite the pain and darkness that surrounded her, she remained untouched by it, even as it clouded her very being.

She dreamed of the noble unicorn and her hand stroked the luscious mane. It somehow gave her peace and within her dream she relaxed. Lucien shuddered in delight as the feel of her fingers roaming through his mane. He knew she still rested and wished he could keep her with him forever. He knew of a way, and it was even more dangerous than the transformation, but he knew it was worth it. So when she stirred he did not flee, he awaited her reaction with trepidation.

She awoke feeling a weight in her lap, and her eyes took in the glorious creature that lay before her. She was stunned and could do little more than to continue stroking the unicorn. Her hand moved to the horn, marveling as the smooth feel of the golden curves. He moved and she wondered if she had displeased him, but instead he seemed to say come with me as he stood. She was not afraid as she reached up and mounted him.

Lucien knew of the risks and accepted them as he carried her deep within the forest, to a place no one would ever find them. Amidst the ruins of a stone cottage, there was a large clear pool, and several fruit bearing trees. He had much to do as he left her there, knowing she would be safe.

Mal was scared once he left, and she felt dirty. She glanced around the quiet glen and decided to take advantage of the pool of water. She carefully removed her garments, revealing milky pale skin, full soft breasts, and a body that spoke of creating children. She slowly slipped into the water, luxuriating in the feel as it enfolded her in the surprisingly warm water. She dunked her head under the water, feeling refreshed as the water covered her. She took a deep gulp of air as her head broke the surface of the water and was unaware of the eyes that watched her.

Lucien had collected what items he needed for his transformation. He watched her from above, seeing the beauty of her unclad form, his body instinctively responding to the sight of her ripe soft curves. He knew it would all be worth it, as his form shivered and he became a human male. Lucien took a few moments to adjust to his new body and hoped she would find him appealing. He carefully walked down, noticing how sensitive his feet were now. As a stone shifted from under his feet and it was noisy, he once again hoped for the best.

She heard the sound and turned towards it. Mal was standing in the water which was only a few feet deep, her hands at her sides. She was stunned unable to move, and then her hands rose attempting to cover her breasts. She failed miserably due to their size and quickly pulled her long hair forward. It helped conceal as much as possible, she was unsure of what to do as the man moved quickly down towards her. She was frightened, even as she felt completely safe. He slowed his approach as he hit the bottom of the stairs. She wasn't sure why he hadn't spoken, but the size of his manhood between his legs spoke volumes. He was handsome, athletic build, pale hair, and his eyes were strangely familiar. She remained still as he entered the water.

He approached her with his hands outstretched, he did not wish to scare her away so soon. The water felt strange to Lucien as he moved closer, he had a comb in his hand and he slowly moved behind her. He slowly pulled her hair back and began working the snarls out of her long silky tresses. He never understood why she kept her hair such a mess, but he hoped that such a task would be calming.

She couldn't help feeling she knew this young man, even as she was sure that she had never seen anyone so handsome before. Then instead of ogling or groping her, he began combing her hair. She started shivering as the water evaporated off her bare breasts.

He noticed she was getting cold and swept the smoothly combed locks back over her shoulder to once again conceal her lush breasts. In doing so he stepped closer to her, his body pressed against her soft back. She shivered, but in a far different manner and he allowed his arms to slowly encircle her, unintentionally trapping her arms at her sides.

It was odd to feel safe while trapped, as she felt his warm breath on the back of her neck. He had smoothed out her tangled hair and the wavy strands only partly covered her body. His hands rested against her reassuring, loosely held, she could break free at any time. Mal slowly turned towards him, her hands moving up his chest to touch his face. There was something familiar there, even as she felt the strange warm bulge press against her body. He had not spoken yet, and she has this strange feeling he could not speak. She brushed his forehead and it was only then that she noticed a strange golden marking that had lain hidden under his pale locks. His eyes widened and she was unsure of what to do, she longed to be with him, despite knowing how animals mated, she did not want to think that human mating would be so rough.

Lucien was calm as she touched him, trying not to be alarmed as she revealed the mark of his horn in this body. His hands stroked gently down her back to cup the soft flesh of her buttocks. She yielded up to his touch in the most trusting manner, and he felt a brief flash of guilt about his desires. Her legs spread and moved to surround him in a motion that brought her warm sex into direct contact with his engorged cock. He fought with his animal instincts, and carried her out of the water, enjoying the feel of her soft body pressed against his.

He laid her down a soft patch of moss and gazed down upon her trembling body. He had always know she was a virgin, but faced with her complete trust, he felt as if he were betraying her. He spread her hair out, revealing the pale soft mounds of her breasts. He inhaled deeply, he had not even thought about timing as he sensed her fertility. He wasn't sure if it was a good sign or bad sign, as he gazed down at her.

Mal's fingers roamed along his shoulders, unsure of what to do even as her hips shifted, rubbing against him. She noticed the look on his face, and so continued moving against him, feeling his warm thick rod rub against her softness.

He wanted to ask her to stop, to give him a chance, but until he had fully claimed her verbal communication was impossible. He did the only thing he could think of, he pulled back. He saw the puzzled look on her face and he smiled at her and pressed his lips to hers. It was sweet in a way he had not thought possible, and it made him more away of the sensitivity of his skin. His control was slipping and so he moved his lips downward, kissing soft delicate flesh. He heard her soft gasps and at first thought he was injuring her, until he glanced at her face, and quickly realized that her skin was just as sensitive as his. Lucien kissed downward to her hardened nipples, his long warm tongue expertly tormenting her. He could have spent forever suckling at her sweet breasts, but a heady scent drew him downward. He continued kissing along her so very soft skin, making note of what spots delighted her the most.

Her legs spread unbidden and as he moved downward she raised herself up on her elbows to watch him. He was so beautiful, she wondered how anyone like him could be interested in someone like her but dared not ask. His warm hands remained on her breasts kneading and massaging her tender flesh. She gasped softly as his mouth and tongue ventured into virgin territory. Mal had not known it could feel like this, she felt hot and empty somehow, it was then she realized just how their bodies would fit together. She wanted to feel him intimately inside her and quickly determined that what his tongue was doing was only a preview. She couldn't see what he was doing as his pale hair concealed his face from her view, but it felt amazing.

Lucien tasted her, savored the sweet juices her body was producing, had he known it would be like this, he would have taken her long ago. His desire for her firmed and he would stop at nothing to make her his. He heard her gasping, just as her thighs gripped his head, and her juices flowed freely along his tongue. Her breath was ragged and he paused unsure of what had happened. He moved back up to look deeply into her eyes and sensed everything was fine. In doing so he aligned his throbbing cock with her hot wetness.

Mal looked up at him with such a trusting look, she bite her lip as she felt him pressed up against her. His manhood was enormous to her mind and shyly her hand ran down to gently shift it to slide inside her. She tensed up slightly as the warm bulbous tip attempted to penetrate her slick folds.

He felt her tighten up and he lowered his head to capture her sweet lips again. He waited for the kiss to deepen before trying again. Her body was extremely tight and once the tip was in he waited until she caught her breath and continued kissing him to very slowly drive deeper inside her. He sensed her hesitancy in the kiss and he drew back.

He wished he could talk to her, ask her how she was feeling. Her legs had tightened around him as he slowly drew back. His animal instincts told him to drive deeper, to thrust into her, but his connection to her told him to tread carefully.

She bite her lip as he pulled back, it had hurt, but it was fading and now it was barely a dull throb, and she didn't want to stop. She ran her hands along his arms and as he moved to pull completely out and sit on his heels she moved with him, ending up in his lap. She had heard some girls talk about being with guys and now wished she'd paid more attention. Her weight had caused her to shift down further than before, and she kissed him as she slowly worked her way down until she felt completely full. His firm hands gripped her butt and guided her in a easy rhythm up and down, feeling him slide in and out of her body, until she was once more engulfed by the delicious feeling that had overwhelmed her earlier.

He was taken by surprise how quickly her body adapted to him and how it would feel to be surrounded by her. It was a strange sensation, as he grew to understand her on a deeper level as their bodies joined. It was tough to be gentle as he moved inside her, his primal animal instincts were growing tougher to ignore as her body pressed against his. At some moment her eyes closed and he sensed a change in her body. Her legs had tightened around him briefly and then her body relaxed. He managed to pull away, and for a brief moment he felt guilty about what he planned to do to claim her.

Her eyes opened, lazy and lusty as she licked her swollen dark lips. Her fingers trailed along his skin and she glanced downward. Mal was surprised to see he was still aroused and her gaze turned questioning.

He gently rolled her over, caressing her soft smooth skin of her back as she instinctively raised her hips for him. He mounted her and let the animal part of him take over, and for the brief moment of his release he reverted to his natural form. Lucien collapsed on top of her, licking the nape of her neck as his thoughts stopped racing. He found his speech and whispered, "I love you."

She felt peaceful and after several more rushes of warmth throughout her body, she felt him surge inside her. Mal was nearly asleep when she heard a melodic male voice murmur. She whispered, "I love you," before drifting off to sleep.

He awoke first, he felt empty somehow as he pulled away from her and reverted to his natural form. She looked so peaceful, and he noticed her skin had taken on a golden glow. She looked radiant, her auburn tresses had a healthy sheen, her strong legs. He shook his head, the combination of equine and human definitions of beauty were difficult to merge in his mind. Then again it had been nearly a century since anyone had joined with a human or horse. There was only one more step, and then she would his life mate. Her legs were already spread, and he could smell her need. He lowered himself between her legs and with determination guided his golden horn to invade her.

She squirmed in her sleep, dreaming of him taking her once more from behind. Mal had not expected it to feel so good, as her hips moved against him. His member seemed more rigid this time, yet it rubbed inside her in the most delightful way. She began to whimper for more, as the sensation grew inside her, building to an amazing rush of sensations. She cried out in the beauty of it and drifted off to sleep once more.

The sounds she made only urged him on, and after her body surged and slickened his horn he finally withdrew. He returned to human form and lay down with her, hoping he didn't do any internal damage in his haste. Lucien yawned, he was tired and ravenous. The joining had taken a lot out of him, yet he did not want to leave her.

Mal awoke feeling strange, it had all seemed so surreal last night. The feel of the strange mans body against hers was very real and very warm. She snuggled up against him, and for some strange reason she licked his neck. She could feel the pulse of his life force racing under his skin.

"Do you hunger?" his command of human verbal speech patterns was limited.

"Now that you mention it, I am quite hungry." She smiled at him and she once again had the strange sense of knowing him. It troubled her even as it soothed her spirit. For once in her life it seemed as if everything would turn out all right.

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AmariaBlackAmariaBlack12 months ago

As much as I love the story I've been lately finding unicorn stories that don't give an epilogue or seem to be complete it doesn't give you a HEA. I just wish it told me more about what happened with Lucien and Mel. Yes it was sexy and Entertaining I just love a unicorn story that fulfilled me.

BadCittyLadyBadCittyLadyover 10 years ago
Loved it!! More please!

I loved the story! I would love to read more on this story or more like it! I would love to see what happens to the characters! :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I absolutely loved this! I just wish it were longer. A lot longer.

GreenEyedDemonGreenEyedDemonover 12 years ago

This is a beautifully written story please please pretty please with sugary sugar sprinkles on top?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I've always wanted to see a story like this! Sequel pretty please? :D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I see the makings of a fine series

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Madam, you are a wonderful writer, I'm so glad to have read your story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I really enjoyed your storey and hope for more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Just another unicorn fan ; )

I am so delighted to find a good unicorn story here! They are my favourite animal, and I resemble one in spirit. Thank you so much! This is one of my favourite stories! Your male was so gentle, and kind... *sigh* You really know how to alight one's dreams on fire. I wish to ride and transform into a unicorn, then I would be wild and free to roam. My love for virgin stories, (I am a virgin), and unicorns, you managed to put the two together! I LOVE THIS STORY! KEEP ON WRITING! *sigh* There is a special magic in a unicorn horn, its what bonded them together. I love how you made them shape shifters : D The mechanics etc... of your story were very good, you paid attention to all the small details ; ) and your plot was AWESOME! Keep on scribbling, words are magic... That reminds me of that book Scribbler of dreams... not the book, the title. Keep on scribbling, scribbler of dreams. They tend to take flight with a flick of your pen. I swear's there's pure magic in that ink of yours ;) My heart grows light with joy, and my blood boils, continue to alight my dreams. You should make the unicorns a hybrid of pegasus, when they're love is complete, wings shall sprout and the free spirits shall roam and soar in their eternal love... Most fitting to your enchanting free spirited unicorns. Just keep on doing what you do best. Making people like me happy, with that talented hand and pen, O great scribe. Just keep on scribbling those dreams... ;)

touchetoucheover 17 years ago
Good start!

This has the beginings of a really good story. Will we get more? I hope so. Keep it coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

it was really good to see a mix of man and beast togther in one story absolutly awsome

Black_WidowBlack_Widowover 17 years ago
Not bad

I really did like it. Interesting plot, arousing to a point, and wonderfully put together.

There was a few parts that confused me, and you piled alot of information in at once (example: brothers), however I know it was needed.

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