Unicorn Fire


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I was surprised. I always thought that mating went hand in hand with love and commitment. But if I could spend time with Jacqueline where we could explore each other, and we didn't have to be in love...that seemed perfect.

"I never thought two people could do that."

Nodis laughed.

"Yeah, forest-dwellers tend to have very traditionalist views. What, does that sound appealing to you?"

"I mean...yes."

"Well, the next chance I get I'll put in a good word with Jacqueline. She'd like you. If she's interested she'll let you know. But right now I should get back to my squadron before Keket gets upset."

I nodded. I didn't want Nodis to get in trouble because of me.

We had made it to our final destination before I thought about it some more. When Nodis said "she'd like you" I didn't give much thought to what he meant. At first I assumed that it was because he and I were friends, and that may have been part of it, but then something else occurred to me.

Most of the merfolk in Peregrine, male or female, were very tall and strong. Nodis was smaller, more slender. He was able to slip out of sight easily and was often used as a spy by Peregrine. He didn't look like most of the other males in the battalion. He was softer, more spritely. He was more like Hush.

Or like me.

The next day I went back to my tent, exhausted from my training. I was able to load the crossbow five times in a row, but it took a lot out of me. I was so exhausted that I didn't notice the note at first.

In the archers' tent everyone had their own space. For the other soldiers, it was their bed, but my area was on the floor in the corner. That's where I kept my clothes, horn cover, my old bow and arrows. But there was also a folded up piece of parchment that hadn't been there that morning.

Excited, I opened it, reading the note by the light of my unicorn fire.

Meet me in my tent tonight.


I hadn't been so nervous since I first entered the battalion. After most of Peregrine had gone to sleep, I slipped away quietly and walked to Jacqueline's tent, trying not to be seen. Gathering my courage, I went inside.

Jacqueline was sitting on her bed, looking as beautiful as ever.

"Hello, Wisteria. Come, sit." She patted the spot next to her.

Apprehensively I sat down. I had never been so close to her before.

"Nodis let me know that you would be open to the same arrangement he and I had. Is that true?"

I nodded, nearly trembling.

She ruffled my hair. Feeling her hand on me, her fingers on my hair and ears, it was so soothing. I relaxed immediately.

"No need to be scared, little one. I won't hurt you."

She petted me more and I felt myself lean into it.

"I could tell you were drawn to me, but if anything were to come of it you would have to act first. I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want." She continued stroking my hair and ears. "But I'm happy you made your move. Truth is, I'm attracted to you, too."

My eyes widened. "Really?" I almost whispered.

"Absolutely. You're beautiful, Wisteria."

I sighed a little without thinking. I wanted her to keep going, but she took her hand off me and pulled back. I must have looked disappointed, because I saw her smile knowingly.

"There will be more of that later, but first we need to make the expectations clear."

The valkyrie turned to face me more and I mirrored her body language.

"I want this to be a mutually beneficial relationship. You and I can enjoy ourselves and each other. But our connection can only be physical."

She looked me in the eye.

"I'm not in love with you. I wasn't in love with Nodis, either. You're both wonderful, but I'm not ready for love. I won't be ready for a long time."

That was such a strange thing to say. Why not? I thought love was a wonderful thing. I wanted to ask what she meant, but something in her tone and facial expression told me that I shouldn't.

"That's why we can't do this if you're in love with me. I can't hurt you like that. Do you love me in that way, little one?"

I swallowed before answering.

"I...I don't think so. I'm not sure if I know you well enough to love you like my parents love each other."

"Alright, but you need to let me know if that ever changes. Will you do that?"

I nodded.

"This also won't be a secret. Keeping this from the battalion would be more effort than it's worth. But I won't treat you any differently because of it and I can promise you that nobody else will, either."

She put her hand on mine.

"Are you willing to agree to all that?"

I looked at Jacqueline. She was so beautiful. I always thought an attraction like this had to be romantic, but maybe not. Perhaps I saw her as beautiful the way the rising sun is beautiful, or a great tree is beautiful. She was powerful, majestic. I was awestruck. If that was the case, it wasn't really the kind of love Hush and Gerard had, or my parents. There didn't have to be true love for us to make each other happy.

"I...I agree."

She put her hand on my head again and I felt myself relax once more. I was helpless, swooning at her touch.

"Let me bare you, little one."

I moaned affirmatively and she took off my tunic and pants. Suddenly I was naked as I was the day I was born. She could see my smooth, hairless chest. She could see my toned legs like that of a spotted horse. And where they met, she could see my sex, sensitive and aching with need.

"You're gorgeous, Wisteria."

I felt myself blush. I never thought of myself as attractive before. I always wished I was taller, more masculine. But Jacqueline wanted me just the way I was. She touched my body and I reeled from the sensation. I had never experienced intimacy before, and I wasn't prepared for how powerful it felt. I was supine, prostrated by the sensations she was giving me. Then she kissed me and I felt my entire world change. Something primal awoke inside of me and I returned the kiss with intensity. We battled for control, and even though she won easily, I didn't go down without a fight. The valkyrie loomed over my panting body, not even looking fazed.

"Looks like the foal has some fire in him. I need to make sure he behaves."

At last, she began to undress. She had been fully clothed the entire time, wearing the same armor she always wore, but now she removed it and I could see more of her body.

The valkyrie was covered with rippling muscles. She was a powerful force of nature. But her form wasn't like that of Luristan or Gerard. Her shape was curvy, rounded in the perfect places. Her breasts were so big it made me wonder how she put on her chestplate.

She and I couldn't be more different. I looked at her body next to mine and I knew who was in control.

"Will you be a meek little foal and let me do as I please?"

"Y-yes, Jacqueline."

The valkyrie covered my body with hers and I felt myself melt. At the moment, I belonged to her. I wanted her to use me in any way she could.

We kissed more until she pressed her sex against mine. The shock of pleasure made me see stars.

"You've never done this before. I can tell."

I nodded, somewhat embarrassed.

"Just lay back. I'll do all the work."

She lowered herself onto me and I felt myself enter her body. It was so warm, so wet and tight. It felt better than I ever thought possible. I couldn't speak. I couldn't even move.

Up and down, in and out she used my body for her pleasure. When I felt release she didn't even slow down. I whimpered, overstimulated and overwhelmed, but she just kissed me and kept going.

I don't know how long she mated with me. It wasn't lovemaking, it was more physical than that. More primal. I felt myself submit to her more and more as time passed. Jacqueline made me well and truly hers.

After an eternity, she sped up until she found her own release. She kissed me one last time before pulling off.

The two of us laid on her bed, tired and thoroughly sated. Jacqueline pulled my body close to hers and I relaxed into her bosom.

"How do you feel, little one?" She asked finally.

"I've never felt so happy in my life."

She laughed. "That's good." She petted me some more. I wanted to relax, but something occurred to me that brought me sharply back to reality.

"Wait, we just mated. My seed is in your body right now. Doesn't that mean you—"

She put a finger on my lips, silencing me.

"Don't worry about that. Valkyries can't reproduce."


We were silent some more before my curiosity got the better of me.

"Well, if valkyries don't reproduce...how were you born? Where did you come from? Now that I think about it, I don't really know anything about valkyries."

She laid back, placing my body on top of hers.

"Valkyries are a rare species, exclusively female. We're born from the wreckage of particularly destructive battles. I suppose it's like a rebirth. When enough life is lost, a new life is created. Every valkyrie carries the strength and fighting spirit of the soldiers that died in the battle which birthed her. That's why I'm a warrior. It's in my blood."

I relaxed into her, eager to hear more.

"It's not often that a battle causes enough destruction that it creates a valkyrie. We're often seen as bad omens because of that. If it weren't for the kind soldier who found me and raised me as his own, I don't know if I would have had anyone. He saved my life and gave me a home. I wanted to fight at his side forever. But when I was sixteen, the two of us went into battle together and he lost his life. I was crushed. I was alone again."

Without warning, I felt tears fill my eyes. She noticed and wiped them away.

"No need to cry, little foal. With that devastation came a blessing. In the ruin, the death and destruction of the battle that ended his life, something miraculous happened. A valkyrie was born, and I took her in. That was ten years ago. I've done all I could since then to make sure she wants for nothing. I want to create a future where less valkyries are created only to be scorned and abandoned by the world that made them. That's why I started the Peregrine Battalion with Gerard. I want to fight so she doesn't have to."

I sniffled.

"You're amazing, Jacqueline."

She petted me affectionately.

"I wouldn't be who I am today without my family. Not just my sister, but my brothers and sisters in arms as well. I'm just doing what's right."

I cried more and she comforted me. When my tears had dried she stood up and dressed me.

"Go get some rest, Wisteria. We'll meet again like this some other night. But until then, focus on your training and your family in Peregrine. Understand?"

I nodded, sad to have to leave.

I left and went back to the archers' tent. The walk seemed longer than it had before. As I covered my horn and snuck inside, I thought about what had happened.

Jacqueline had shown me something incredible. I wanted to see more of it. But could it continue without me falling for her? I didn't know, but one thing that was clear was I didn't want it to end after one night.

My eyelids became heavy, and I felt happy. I felt older, wiser than I had before. I didn't feel any more of the trepidation I had when I first joined the battalion. Now I was sure that this was where I belonged.

This was what I was meant to do. This was who I was meant to be.

Calm and satisfied, I went to sleep.


My life continued in the Peregrine Battalion. Things went exactly how Jacqueline said they would, to an almost eerie extent. Within two days, it felt like everyone knew what we had done, but nobody talked about it. Nobody treated me any differently, either.

Meanwhile, I continued my training. Three days after my night with Jacqueline, I was able to load and fire ten bolts on the crossbow. I saw Luristan genuinely smile, not the half-smile he usually gave me.

"Well done, Wisteria."

That meant I was able to train alongside all the other archers and even got a new bow made for me. Luristan, Graphire, and I all met one afternoon to discuss what features the bow would have, and a few days later it was complete.

My new bow was light and strong. It had the pulleys and levers the squadron leader's bow had, but instead of amplifying the strength of the archer and launching the arrow farther than it would otherwise, mine did the opposite. My bow was actually easier to draw and fire than my old bow, yet still had more power. I like to believe I also got stronger and that contributed to the ease of use. I got custom arrows, weighted and sharp to make up for the lower force.

Luristan explained to me that the crossbow training was less about improving my physical strength and more about helping with my self-discipline. Archers that lacked in other areas would have to improve their accuracy or firing speed with that same crossbow. From the beginning he had intended to take full advantage of my accuracy and ability to hit a target while moving.

The last step before I got my new bow was to make it truly mine. I asked Ruelle to attach my wisteria blossom to it, and she did so. Now this bow had elements of both my old life growing up in my forest and my new life living in the Peregrine Battalion.

That night there was a small celebration in the archers' tent. Seeing all my new brothers and sisters in arms genuinely happy to welcome me as one of them, it was a moment I know I will never forget.

When the festivities died down and most of the squadron was asleep, we got a visitor. Nodis walked inside and approached me.

"Wisteria, Jacqueline wants to see you."

I was talking with Naja at the time, and he grinned, knowing exactly what was happening. I felt myself get embarrassed.

"Enjoy yourself, you earned it," he whispered.

Jacqueline was much more physical with me that night than she had been. She picked me up and molded my body and used me in various different positions. There was a point where I was bent in half, my legs back against my chest. She almost looked impressed.

"Doesn't this hurt you?" she asked me.

I was a little confused. "No. Why, should it?"

She just chuckled and continued her assault.

Once again the sheer power and dominance of the valkyrie brought me to my knees. It was a humbling experience, but in a way I enjoyed it. The sensation of being not only owned, but also cherished, even for a short while, it felt nice.

Just like last time, Jacqueline held me after we were done. She asked me about myself and I told her about my life in the forest. I told her how I wanted to be a hero and knew that the Peregrine Battalion would help me achieve that.

She caressed my face and smiled.

"It seems you're on your way that goal, little one." She stroked my lower lip with her thumb.

Before I left she informed me that I was exceptionally flexible. She recommended that I tell Luristan about it because it could prove useful on the battlefield.

I followed her advice and found out that using my flexibility to my advantage was indeed helpful. I had better endurance, more lasting power in my muscles. I could dodge attacks in unusual ways. I was nimble, quick on my feet. It helped make up for my lower physical strength.

I found my own style, a way of fighting that was all my own. Jacqueline was right. I still had a long way to go, but I was on the path to becoming a formidable soldier.

I was on the path to becoming a hero.


A fortnight after we set up camp we conducted the raid to rescue prisoners of war from the Southern Territory. Our first step was to create a distraction. In the dead of night, the battalion leaders approached the compound and made their presence known by bombarding the front gate with explosives. When the enemy soldiers stormed out to retaliate the fighting began in earnest. Gerard shot a smoke signal in the air and everyone in Peregrine covered their ears. Even despite that, we could all still hear Wendigo's scream.

Her wail shook every bone in my body. The entire world seemed to come to a standstill, stopped dead in its tracks by the banshee's cry. Our battalion used the moment to our advantage to fight the stunned enemy soldiers. The swordfighters and lancers attacked on the front line while the riders and berserkers scattered around the battlefield, causing chaos. The archers were further back, supporting our troops from a distance.

It was an intense battle, but in the grand scheme of our plan it was all a ruse. While we fought, about a third of our ranks were storming the compound from the rear. The stealth of Nodis and Hush was put to use and they were able to sneak in unseen. When they opened the doors, the team of soldiers stormed in and took the compound while the stationed warriors were mostly distracted by the rest of us.

Our strategy worked, and eventually we heard the drums and bells indicating that the prison had been taken. Most of the remaining enemy surrendered, knowing they had been defeated.

It was an intense, scary experience, but I had done my part, contributing to our triumph. Still, that victory didn't come without a cost.

Femt, Hush, and the rest of the medic team were able to save almost all our injured, but three of our comrades lost their lives. It was heartbreaking.

We held a funeral for them under the rising sun. Gerard also prayed for the souls of our fallen enemies.

"Whether from Peregrine or the Southern Territory, the spirit and bravery of these warriors will live on forever. Let us honor their memories and fight for a better world!"

We all shouted out in agreement.

"Sleep, my brothers and sisters. You've all fought valiantly. Rest your weary souls and know you have done good this night."

The atmosphere was heavy in the archers' tent. One of our own had been lost. I saw the empty bed of my fallen brother and wept. Naja and Xipe held me as I cried. I found myself wishing Jacqueline was there to comfort me.

After such a long day, we eventually slept, weakened but far from broken.


The battalion packed up and left the following afternoon, eager to get out of enemy territory. I was on edge until we crossed the border, worried that soldiers from the Southern Territory would ambush us.

Thankfully, that didn't happen. We returned to the Northern Kingdom without incident, bringing the freed prisoners of war with us. At this point, the battalion would head to Castle Town, where most of its members lived.

I hadn't given much thought to what would happen after this mission, when Peregrine wasn't deployed and living on the road. As a new member, I would get a sum of money from the royalty for helping, but it certainly wouldn't be enough for me to buy a house. I also didn't like the idea of living in Castle Town alone. But, to my relief, Naja was more than willing to let me stay at his house, whether temporarily or for the foreseeable future.

One of the nights during travel Jacqueline summoned me to her tent again. It was bizarre; she really seemed more beautiful every time I saw her. It's like I discovered something new about the valkyrie with each visit. Her hair was golden and straight, often put into braids. Her skin was a beautiful tone, olive-tinted and faintly exotic. Her eyes were a rich yellow, bright and full of life. Every time we mated, every time she used me, I was more and more in awe of her. When she held me, I felt so safe. Her bed became a safe haven, a place free from all the worries and fears of the outside world. I was sad to leave that night. I almost asked if I could stay a little longer, but when I looked at her I knew I shouldn't.

There was a day where we passed the forest I had lived in for almost my entire life. It was a somber feeling, returning to what had been my home, intending to walk by and take root somewhere else. When we did, I excused myself and went over to the forest's edge.