Universal Acceptance

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A man is provided with the opportunity of a lifetime.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/21/2015
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Dave flopped onto his miserable bed, after a miserable day, with a miserable feeling. He was worn out after simply the first day of college. Unbelievably, they had 4 tests that day off of the insane amount of summer homework. Knowing he probably failed most of them, probably because he did almost none of the homework, he was beginning a slow spiral into depression.

Although he still had a mountain of homework to do (they were really trying to kill the college freshmen), he concluded that he should instead take a nap, maybe restart his brain so he can actually comprehend the subjects he is taking. Satisfied with this conclusion, he slowly drifts into a long sleep, and has the weirdest dream...

Dave opens his eyes to an expansive view of complete blackness. He thought this was quite odd, but settled for swimming around to see if he can find anything. After what seemed like an eternity of swimming, he comes upon a glowing orb. Chuckling to himself about this weird dream, Dave was just about to reach his hand out and grab it to check it out, a loud voice booms from everywhere.

"Hello Dave. You have been given a chance to rehabilitate your life. Although we will not provide you a new life, we can most certainly alter the current one you have. You should currently have the utmost joy at this wondrous opportunity."

Dave is in a state of complete shock. We? Chance? Opportunity? REHABILITATE? Dave certainly didn't do any drugs.

Right when he was about to protest, the voice boomed again.

"This orb, if you choose to accept it, will grant you the power of universal acceptance. This means that whatever you do, say, or anything of the sort will be instantly accepted as fact to everybody who witnesses it. You will also be able to command people, however they must remain simple, like questions or simple requests. There are also numerous small powers that come with it, however, you will have to find those out for yourself. Choose now, or forever hold your peace and swim away."

Dave's jaw was gaping open. What the fuck type of messed up dream is this? Dave knows that this is complete bullshit, however, he toys with the idea of having this omnipotent power. Anybody will do anything he says? He could not even attend college and still get perfect grades! The possibilities are infinite, and all he has to do is grab this orb?

Dave shrugged and reach out to grab the glowing org. As soon as his hands met it, the orb begin pulsating and growing before enveloping his whole body. As everything began turning blue with a fiery touch, the booming voice bellowed its last words.

"Wise choice. We hope you enjoy your newfound power."

And with that final message, Dave awoke. He looked about, and realized that the sun was out. Confused, Dave glanced at his alarm clock. 6:30? He's late for school!

Dave changes clothes real quick (he wanted to have at least some dignity) and ran out to grab his bike and get onto campus and reach his class.

As soon as Dave reached a continuous momentum on his bike, he signed. He hadn't done any homework and simply slept the day away. What a waste.

Dave tried hard to remember what he was dreaming about, but he didn't recall anything in particular. He only remembers a blank setting. Dave decides to shrug it off and ponder excuses he can give to his teachers about why he didn't complete his homework. At least he didn't have anymore tests today.


After a rather uneventful bike ride, he arrived at his university and dismounted from his bike. He decided to calm himself down and keep his stress at a minimum, knowing this would be needed to cope with school in the long run.

He pulled out his schedule of his new classes out of his pants pocket and headed in the general direction of his first class, English. He began coming up with excuses in his head to explain this his new teacher. Knowing this will display a very bad first impression to the teacher, he tried to come up with the most reasonable excuse that would be accepted and not change the teacher's opinion of him for the worse.

He finally came up with one as he entered the classroom, right when the bell rang. As everybody passed up their homework towards the teacher, who was sitting in his desk, I headed over to explain my problem.

"Excuse me, Mr. Smith?" I asked politely, wanting to maintain an innocent persona.

"Yes?" He responded tentatively, unknowing of what was going on.

"Last night, I had a terrible allergic reaction to my food and was rushed into the hospital where I stayed for a while until I returned home at 2 in the morning, much to my distress, as it didn't allow me enough time to do your given homework, while still attaining a good amount of sleep. Is it ok if I was excused from last night's homework and simply given no grade? This would be immensely helpful!" I begged, attempting at a display of puppy dog eyes, and genuine care, even though I felt almost none. I hardly doubted this extraneous situation would actually convin-.

"Of course! I'm so sorry, are you all right?" Mr. Smith's eyes filling up with concern.

"Erm." This caught Dave completely off-guard. He was sure he would believe him. "Yea I'm fine now after they did some stuff to me. I'm ready for school now..?" Dave made up as he went along. He honestly didn't plan on getting this far.

"Great! In that case, let's begin the class. Remember that if you ever need anything, my desk and office are always open." Mr. Smith reassured a very confused Dave.

"Thanks..." muttered Dave in response as he went back to his seat.

Dave immediately tuned out the lecture as he tried to figure out how he believed him so easily.

Concluding that the teacher was simply gullible, he tuned back in just as the bell rang, signaling his prompt retreat from the class and onto his next one, Math. He sighed as this was one of his worst subjects, and dreaded the class.

As soon as the bell rang, his overly excited teacher, Mrs. Martin, jumped up from her chair and exclaimed, "Today we'll be working in partners!". This caused Dave to take a quick glance around to confirm that yes, he did not have any friends in the class and he would be stuck with some random loser.

As everybody scrambled around to group with their friends, Dave simply stayed in place and watched the chaos unfold. Eventually, as the dust settled, everybody had a partner besides Dave it seemed. As Dave's fate was almost sealed, the door burst open and a beautiful blonde came forth, panting from running all the way to class. She walked over to the teacher, short of breath, and whispered something to her ear. She nodded in understanding and pointed to me. She gave me a warm smile as she walked over to me with books in her hand.

She had a great figure! Her blonde hair fell down to the middle of her back, her skin tan from having a great deal of fun in the sun, and her legs were perfect and appeared very long. She was wearing very short denim jeans (Dave thanked his lucky stars for the lax dress code), a tight tank top that accentuated her ample breasts, and sandals that showed off her flawless feet. Dave was also glad he chose a school in California, and hoped there were a lot of places where girls like this inhabited.

"Hello Dave! My name is Megan!" she joyously greeted, proffering her hand. All the guys looked jealously at me, stuck with regular beautiful girls, and not with this Californian beauty.

I hesitated as I looked her over. Eventually I noticed her hand extended towards me, and quickly shook it as he stumbled out a greeting.

"himeganimdave" I spilled out, embarrassed to be with somebody so out of my league.

She gave a polite chuckle. "I already know that, hence me using your name in my greeting!" She said, finding my greeting humorous. This caused my blush to deepen towards this babe.

"I'm messing with ya! Don't take it too seriously!" Megan reassured, finding my embarrassment funny.

I gave her a small chuckle as I caught myself from overreacting from the ordeal, and pushed a math worksheet towards her.

"So then, how do you want to go about doing this?" I asked her, wondering if she was competent in math.

"Well, it appears we have the whole class period to finish this, and because it doesn't look quite too long, maybe we can work together on each problem to make sure we really understand it?" Megan replied, offering her ideas.

"Sure that sounds good..." I said, as I brought a desk next to mine for her to sit in.

"Thanks!" Megan exclaimed as she sat down, and put her bag next to the side.

For the next 50 minutes, I forced myself not to sweat and break down in front of her every time she brushed my hand or something silly like that as we worked to complete the worksheet. She seemed to know the subject very well, correcting me in most things and even mock-tutor me in some problems I had a significantly hard time with, the whole time smiling, joy radiating from her body.

As we turned in our worksheet right before the bell rang, she asked me about my next classes.

I took out my schedule for Tuesday and found out my next class was a general science course all freshmen were required to take. As I turned to peer at her schedule, it seemed that she had that class next as well. In fact, most of the following classes were the same as ours. Actually, they were all the same! Dave couldn't believe that he didn't notice her in his first class, as somebody like that definitely deserved to be noticed.

"Want to be my walking buddy for all my classes?" Megan asked, with genuine interest in her eyes.

I nodded my head a bit too quickly as she chuckled again, and I blushed, again. It seemed like this would be happening a lot.


As the last class finished without too much of a hitch, Megan walked out with me. She then turned to me and asked me a question before I wandered off to my apartment that I was currently renting alone.

"Hey Dave, do you know any places I can stay? I am currently staying with my friend, but she can't accommodate me much longer and I need a place. I kind of need to have a roommate who can also help me pay the rent, because I don't think I can sustain an apartment by myself without aid. Do you know of anybody?" Megan inquired, awaiting my answer.

"Well, you should stay at my place then!" Dave joked, hoping to earn a good chuckle from Megan for once that wasn't at his expense.

"That sounds perfect! Where do you live?" Megan accepted, ready to follow Dave to the destination.

Dave froze. What. His mind became jumbled as he tried to understand why a girl, especially one like Megan, would accept such a proposition.

He eventually awoke as Megan waved her hand in front of his face.

"Hello? Earth to Dave? Where is it?" Megan laughed as he tried to wake up the non-functioning Dave.

"Erm, right this way?" Dave said, still puzzled from why she would accept.


The walk to Dave's apartment was quiet, with almost no words exchanged as Dave thought of how lucky he was that somebody this beautiful would do all of these things with him.

They finally reached Dave's apartment and arrived to his floor (the 3rd). Dave stopped in front of his door, 302, and plunged his key into the door's lock, turning it and opening the door to reveal his abode.

As it opened, a humble apartment was seen. Dave hadn't fully moved into it yet as he searched for a roommate that could help pay, guaranteeing that he would be living here long-term. Because of this, the apartment was mainly empty, save for his computer, stuff needed for school, and stuff needed to live.

Megan began walking around, eyes wide open as she took in everything. She eventually turned back to me to give her thoughts.

"I...LOVE IT!" She expressed as she hug Dave. "Can I pleaseeeee please stay here? I'll pay half of everything!" She begged Dave, on her knees.

Dave, still shocked, eventually broke out of his stupor and agreed.

"Awesome! Thank you so much, I am a great roommate!" She assured him as she embraced him again. This definitely brought some life into his nether areas as she finally let go and beamed energy. "So how much would I pay?" She finally asked.

Dave thought for a bit, before giving her his monthly rent cost. She heartily agreed as she began heading out, explaining that she was going to go ahead and get her stuff to be moved here. He waved her a goodbye as he sat down on his sofa, and went over the events that just happened today.

Once he finally got everything organized, he realized that he'd be living with an insanely hot girl! He thought of all the situations that could occur as his dick began giving itself life in his pants. Dave decided to give it a go with it and ran to his room to grab the lube and tissues. He walked back to the couch and began having a little bit of fun. His fantasies ran wild as he accelerated his stroking.

Right when he was on the brink of orgasm, the door opened and there stood Megan, with a terrified look on her face. Dave had turned around and forgot about his orgasm and cum flew out of his cock, landing on the hardwood floor in front of him, missing the tissue that stopped its efforts as soon as the door had opened. Before Megan could open her mouth or do anything Dave decided to fix it.

"Please don't think any less of me! I just had a really stressful day and I really needed to relieve myself. Please don't let this affect your view of me!" I begged, knowing the efforts were fruitless.

He face turned from one of petrified fear to beaming joy as it always had been. "Of course it won't! I know a guy has to relieve stress somehow and masturbation is a great way to do it!" She replied, completely cool with the situation. My mouth was gaping open as she simply sat down on the couch right next to me, and turned to tell me something.

"So my stuff is coming in tomorrow morning, so I'll need to use some of your stuff tonight. Is that all right with you?" Megan explained, hoping he would be fine with it.

Dave shook his head from shock, concluded this was a dream, and replied affirmatively.

"Great! Thanks so much roomie!" Megan thanked, and hugged me again, despite the fact that I was naked. My dick twitched because of this, but this went unnoticed by Megan.

"Do you need help cleaning up your cum?" Megan asked nonchalantly, pointing to my cum on the floor.

Dave stammered as he tried to comprehend the situation. Megan smiled and walked to the kitchen to grab some paper towels and a hardwood cleaning spray and returned back to the location. She applied some spray, and began wiping off the cum. Dave was still shocked, however, his eyes wandered to Megan's amazing ass as she bent over in front of him to clean it off. Although Dave's dick was just spent and had immediately wilted when the door open, it became hard again as Megan cleaned it up.

"Got it all!" She exclaimed as she stood back up to appreciate her efforts, and went over to the trashcan. Dave quickly put his clothes back on before she returned in case he offended her again. Megan returned to the couch and sat next to him once again.

"So, whatcha want to do?" Megan wondered innocently, her eyes looking up to Dave.

"Erm, I think I have some homework that needs to be completed." Dave responded honestly, still unsure of what was going on.

"Me too! Let's do it on the coffee table!" Megan agreed, and went off to grab her bag and her homework. Dave put his work on the coffee table and began just as Megan returned with her items.

They worked diligently as night slowly creeped upon them, forcing them to eventually retire. Megan followed him to his bathroom to get ready for bed. The bathroom was made for two people and therefore had two sinks, so they both got ready in their individual sinks. They both ended up having to share Dave's toothbrush and paste, hairbrush, and a few other minor things.

After their nightly routines were finished, Megan popped a surprise question onto Dave.

"So where do I sleep?" Megan inquired curiously.

Dave left to find the other available room, but to his distress, found that there was no bed in it. It appeared that another bed was actually needed. Dave slapped his forehead as he realized he didn't bother to check the other bedroom in his two bedroom apartment. Dave finally returned to Megan.

"So, you'll sleep in my bed!" Dave joked again, hoping to bring Megan into a good mood before laying upon her the bad news. Much to Dave's chagrin, she eagerly approved of the idea, before leaving the bathroom. Dave fell back into a stupor as his jaw gaped at the her approval. There was no way this was happening to him. He was absolutely dreaming, or this girl was clinically insane. He shook his head, and assumed that the girl was probably just messing with him the same way he was messing with her, and went back to find her to show that he was smart on his feet, and found out her trick.

As Dave tried to found Megan, he saw out of the corner of his eye Megan protrude from the bathroom.

"I'm onto your joke Megan! I'm smarter than I lo-" Dave began as he turned around. As soon as he saw Megan, he froze, jaw gaping, which seemed to be happening a lot to him lately.

Megan appeared from the bathroom not in her day clothes, but what appeared to be what she wore at night. This would have been fine and understandable, however, he night clothes were simply a large shirt, and (assumably) panties. He flawless legs were completely exposed to Dave, her thighs beckoning for him to check out what she was hiding underneath her shirt.

Dave's heart began pumping blood fast, but it didn't seem to be going around his body, but instead to one very specific place. Luckily, Megan didn't notice as she was studying the look on Dave's fact. "What's up?" Megan asked, wondering why he seemed so taken aback.

Dave swallowed and managed to stammer something out. "N-n-nothing, just...nothing." Dave meekly replied, unable to think of a reason why he would be doing that.

"Oh ok. Anyways, I'll be heading to bed. Good night Dave," the beauty said, and she heading back to Dave's bedroom, her amazing ass swaying behind her unconsciously. Dave's dick was completely erect now at the thought of having her in his bed sleeping next to him as he followed, letting the gorgeous girl lead the way.

As she climbed into his bed, Dave saw a hint of black, lacy panties tightly clad to her butt underneath her white shirt with a picture of a beach on it. Dave moaned very silently as his dick threatened to break past his shorts. He quickly went to the bathroom, put on his pajama shorts (which he brought for cold nights, but in this case, not to disturb the pretty girl), and came out without a shirt, as that bothers him at night. Dave was a pretty average guy in almost all aspects, where he had no abs, but no belly fat, no muscles showing, however he had good muscles, and regular legs. There was nothing bad about him, but there weren't any things going for him either.

Dave cautiously entered the bed from his side, and saw Megan look up to see him enter the bed. She gave an inviting smile, and patted the spot where he should sleep. Dave was so happy he got a queen-size bed instead of a regular single-size bed, just in case some lucky moment like this came.

Once Dave got in and lied down, he relaxed his tense self as he drifted into sleep mode next to Megan.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Wow. You have made QUITE a good thing right here. I found this from a good story on another site. AND IT HAS ONLY BEEN DAYS! Keep this up, and this might be to mind control what MAU or Spells R Us is to gender swap.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Loved it !

Universal acceptance is definitely amazing! Thank you for writing about it! You rock!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
change of person

Change of person from third to first is a little jolting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Fun story, good job holding off the sex until later. But the only real problem is POV; you switch between "he did," "he does," and "I did" multiple times, often in the middle of a paragraph. When telling a story, avoid present tense altogether. As for "he did" or "I did," you can take your pick. Just, please, pick one. Thanks for reading!

mtmaninbluemtmaninbluealmost 9 years ago
Great premise

Great premise. Good story for the most part. Only thing I would change is the dialog. Nobody actually talks like that, and it makes it kind of distracting. Keep up the good work though

PenTrinityPenTrinityalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Author here

Hey guys,

Wow, I wasn't expecting anybody to even see this, let alone like it. It's something I wrote really quickly on a plane trip back home, and something I didn't really edit. I had been wanting to post something like this for some time now, but never had the time to.

Anyways, I'm glad you liked it! I'll try harder on the next chapter, and will definitely aim to incorporate more sex. This chapter was supposed to introduce the whole idea and set up the area.

Also, this was originally supposed to be in high school (hence all the weird timings), but it didn't have a nice enough touch, plus I didn't want to only be able to deal with the senior class (because this site has an only 18 rule I believe), and so college was the only way to guarantee all of this.

Hope you guys enjoy, and I'll keep making more!

mharrisonmharrisonalmost 9 years ago
Good start

Hope you continue this soon :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Write MORE

I would like more of this series. It's a great beginning to a series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago


cool_sega_dudecool_sega_dudealmost 9 years ago
Please write more!!!

I'm begging you, please write a lot more! I really really like where you are going with this story. I need to know what happens next, so exciting, so much potential. Do not listen to critics, your story is perfect as it is you just need to continue it !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
good start

I hope we get an update very soon that is more sex filled. With a power like that... I like your writing style so I hope I get to see more very soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Point of view!!!

Switching from first to third person without rhyme or reason makes no sense in context. Please fix that next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great story but some deatils make it feel fake

1. College classes don't start until 8 am.

2. There are no bells in college to signify class changes, there are far too many classes going on for this to make sense.

3. Teachers don't care if you do the homework.

4. You will almost never have a partner in class unless the class is structured to be taught to partners such as a lab. No lecture will give you a partner, college is individual.

5. The shortest time between college classes varies between schools but is generally at least 15 minutes, however sometimes you can have hours between classes. Here is an example of a typical class scehdule, http://www.nwmissouri.edu/masmc/images/Schedule.jpg

6. Most freshman live on campus. In fact, colleges give preferential spots in dorms for Freshman.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Silly, naive, provacative

Waiting for what 'comes' next.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
No sex

no sex, why publish an unfinished story?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
so much potential

Really like the idea and how you treat your story so far (not knowing he has power is great and very exciting), please continue it very soon !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Looking forward

I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Keep them coming!

ap2techap2techalmost 9 years ago

A unique story so far. He kind of knows what he can do, he just can't comprehend it at the moment. Aside from a few spelling errors I thought it was good. There some potential here if the plots are thought out.

Hoping the next part sees him realizing what he's doing and expanding his influence on people.

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