Until Tomorrow


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As I started to slow my breathing, Shannon also was coming down from cumming so hard. I turned around and lying on top of Shannon, we both licked the juices from each other's face. Putting my head down on Shannon's shoulder;

"You know butthead is coming home tomorrow, and I have no idea how long he will be here before he says that he has to leave once more."

Oh God Kayla. What are we going to do? I'm going to go crazy with you so close and yet not seeing you or being near you."

"I know babe's, I feel the same way." As I was running my hand up and down her arm.

"Do you know how hard it is going to be, not saying anything to him about getting a divorce, or calling him an asshole?"

"I can't imagine what that would be like, especially when he crawls into the same bed with you each night."

"Don't worry about that honey, he hasn't touched me in so long, he probably forgot what to do when he is home, besides, he's probably so worn out from his affairs, he's probably glad I don't want sex from him anyway."

Laying there snuggled up close to Shannon, "Besides all that I am is now only for you and no one else."

Shannon then raised her head, looking at me; "You're not just saying that are you?"

"No honey, I'm saying it because I mean it. I really don't want to share you, and I don't want anyone else but you. I'll always be here as long as you want me. I'll never leave you."

Still looking at one another, I could see moisture starting to form in Shannon's eyes; I reached behind her neck and drew her in for a kiss. Using my thumb, I wiped away a tear that fell.

"Honey, hold me close, don't ever let go!"

Shannon wrapped her arms around me, holding me tightly. As my head lay in the crook of her arm, even though I wasn't over her heart, I could still hear it beating within her chest. Slowly I felt her breathing slow to a steady rhythmic pace. I knew my baby was asleep and holding me tightly in her arms. Relaxing I to fell asleep, into a peaceful and restful sleep.

I woke to the smell of bacon and coffee in the air. Peeking out from under the covers, I could see Shannon in the kitchen wearing a long t-shirt frying something on the stovetop. I slipped out of bed, and quietly waked up behind Shannon wrapping my arms around her causing her to scream and nearly jump out of her skin. Her hands went flying up in the air; the spatula she was holding went flying off to some unknown corner of the room.

"Shannon spun around within my arms, "Shit you scared the living shit out of me."

I cupped her firm ass checks in my hands, "Let me feel if anything actually did come out?"

"Kayla!" She screamed as she hit me on my shoulders with her fists, that is so nasty, stop that."

"Well, you're the one who said I scared the shit out of them, I was just checking to see if I could really do that to you." Leaning in, I started kissing her lips and nose and anything else I could touch with my lips.

"Morning honey, it seems this is getting to be a normal routine, scaring you half to death in the mornings." I said as I broke away started heading towards the bathroom to pee.

As I turned, Shannon gave me a slap on my butt that did sting a little. "Ouch!" I yelled while rubbing my butt, "That hurt."

"It was meant to for scarring the shit out of me. Oh and good morning to you also."

Coming out of the bathroom, I slipped on a t-shirt and went to the table which was by then all laid out with scrambled eggs, biscuits covered in a white sauce, bacon and coffee with a glass of juice.

"Honey, this is way too much, I'll never eat all of this?"

Listen you, this is the last time I am going to be able to fix you breakfast for God knows how long, so you're going to sit, be a good girl and eat."

"Yes Ma'am!" Giving me a quick peck on the lips and went to her seat to sit down.

We didn't talk too much, since this was Friday, and we would be separated for who knew how long. I for one just wished that this whole mess were over and done with so we both could just move on and do this every morning.

Having finished breakfast, which I found I was a lot hungrier than I thought I was, we both started to clean up from the meal, and as our hands touched each other putting a plate into the dishwasher, Shannon looked at me, then burst into tears as she wrapped her arms around me. Between sobs and gasping for air, "I'm going to miss you so much," as she heaved and sobbed harder.

I too began to cry and hold her as tight as I could, feeling the same. After a few minutes, we both started to slow our crying and stood with our hands on each other's hips looking at one another. I took the bottom of Shannon's t-shirt, pulled it up somewhat, and started to dry the tears from my eyes on the hem of her shirt, and then I blew my nose into it.

"Kayla!" Shannon screamed, trying to jump back but I had a firm grip on her shirt holding her close to me. "Oh God girl, whatever am I going to do with you, that was so uncouth."

"I had to do something, it was starting to run out of my nose and you wouldn't kiss me with snoot on my lips would you?"

"eeehhh, that's even worse the blowing your nose in my shirt."

Lifting the bottom of my t-shirt, I wiped her face, then put it over her nose, holding my fingers on each side of her nose, I said "ok, blow your nose," as I held the shirt to her nose. Once she was done, I asked, "Feel better now?" I reached back behind my neck, and started to pull of the t-shirt over my head, tossing it towards the bathroom. I reached to the back of Shannon's shirt also pulling it off from the back over her head.

"You are so bad Kayla, what am I ever going to do with you?"

"You could give me a kiss, and love me, and fix me breakfast every morning, and you could wash our t-shirts in the meantime." Wrapping her up in my arms.

"hmmmm... I'll kiss you gladly," as I got a peck on my lips. "I'll love you with all my heart, but I'll be damned if I'll be your maid, but I will wash the t-shirts out because they are both mine to start with." She then hit my ass with both hands leaving a red mark on both cheeks.

You go and get ready for work, I'll finish cleaning up here, and then I need to get ready to go also." She said as we gave each other another peck on the lips.

Work was the usual Friday, a few inquisitive calls, but for the most part we weren't very busy. It was almost noon I receive a call back from my attorney Ms Burgess, and she assured me that it was already her intent to get John to pay half of the rent for the rest of the lease. She went on the explain that John's plane had landed some fifteen minutes ago, and that she would have three copies of the pictures by Monday morning, one for me, one for the courts and one for his attorney, should he decide to fight the divorce, which she said he probably wouldn't because of his position. She also said that he did make a lot more than what I believed he made, therefore was going to go after a bigger settlement, even though there was no evidence that he was moving any around to hide it. I thanked her for all her work, and made an appointment with her for Monday late afternoon.

I felt a little at ease knowing the apartment would be mine for at least a year, and a little excited that I was finally going to get my chance to see the kind of women my soon to be ex was seeing.

When I arrived back at the apartment that evening, it was empty and no sign of John's luggage. About an hour later, John came in looking tired. He stated that his plane was late leaving Chicago and he just got in a short time ago. I of course knew he was lying through his teeth, but bit my tongue.

"I was sorry you had a rough day, but I've already eaten not knowing when you were going to be home, but if you wish, you can order out. I'm going to take a long hot bath and go to bed early, I also had a rough day." Rough finding out not only is your husband a cheat, but also a liar.

The weekend went quickly. I did my usual running around on Saturday. I passed through the lobby, hoping to see Shannon, but she was nowhere to be seen. On Sunday, I went and spent the day with my mom and dad. At least I didn't have to spend it in the apartment with John. Whenever I was in the apartment, John was always in the spare bedroom where he had set up an office for himself.

On Monday, it was rush time as usual. People looking for any deals they might be able to get over the coming weekend. I remained fairly busy for most of the day. I did take the time to call Shannon. She was also busy, so we didn't get much of a chance to talk, but I did tell her that I missed her very much, and the first chance I got I would come and find her, no matter what.

Around four o'clock I told Melanie that I had an appointment with my attorney and if it was ok to leave. Assuring me that it would be fine, I left to see Ms Burgess, my attorney.

At four forty five, I walked in the reception area of the law firm and saw June hunched over looking into the monitor of her computer, her brow all wrinkled up trying to read something.

"Hi June, how are you today?"

"Oh hi Mrs. McBride, I doing great, how about you?"

"First off June, please call me Kayla, all my friends do, and I consider you a friend, and I am doing just fine now that I'm here and maybe we can really start the process going."

"Ok, Kayla it is. Well, Ms Burgess is with a client, and I'm afraid she is running a little late, should I buzz her to let her know you're here?

"No, that will be fine, if it gets past dinner time, I'll just have her buy me dinner tonight. I really have all the time in the world today. So tell me, what were you reading when I came in?"

"Oh this," as she turned the monitor towards me, "it's a legal brief I was trying to read, but lawyers have no idea who to write simple English. It is mixed with a bunch of 'whereas' and 'therefore', then they list other statues to refer to, which you have to stop reading and try and figure out if they apply to your situation. I have no idea why they make it so complicated."

"I guess so they can charge us an arm and a leg for understanding what we can't."

"You know Kayla, you just might be right!"

Chuckling a little, "I'll just go over and have a seat and maybe read something while I wait." As I started to turn, I saw June reaching down inside of her desk drawer...

"Here Kayla, this is mine from home," handing me a copy of Women's magazine, "at least this is written in simple English."

We both giggled a little while I proceeded to a seat. As I sat reading an article in the magazine a very well dressed woman came out of Ms Burgess' office looking very pissed off.

June quickly got up and went into the office, closing the door behind her. I sat, thinking that if maybe Kathrine was angry, then now might not be a good time to see her. After a few minutes passed, June opened the door, saying that I could go in now. I walked slowly towards the door, dropping the magazine off at her desk. Once inside the room, June closed the door.

As I made a step or two, trying to read Kathrine, I blunted out, "if now is not really a good time, I'll gladly make another appointment at your earliest convenience when you're not so wrapped up in other problems?"

Looking at me with a face showing no emotions at all, she raised her finger as to tell me to wait a moment. She picked up the phone punching a number. Shortly who ever she called answered.

"Janice, are you busy? Ok... yes... can you and Bobbie meet me at the Shark Tank, say in twenty minutes? Ok, see you then." Kathrine hung up the phone and started gathering items on her desk.

You told June that you had all the time in the world tonight and if I kept you waiting past diner time, I had to buy, right?"

"Yes, but that other woman who just left here, I thought maybe you were a little upset and maybe would want to meet some other time?"

"Oh her! She's just an opposing attorney who just found out she lost her case for her client. Pay her no mind." Giggling like a little schoolgirl getting her way.

"Tonight you're going to meet my wife and also the agent who followed your husband around the country and took the pictures. You up for diner?"


Walking into the parking garage, Kathrine had me get into her little red car. It was a Mercedes SLK350 Roaster. After putting her purse and papers behind the driver's seat, she got in and started to buckle up.

"I only buy sports cars, because if anyone wants to car pool, I just tell them I don't have the room." I gave out a little chuckle on that, saying, "That's not a bad idea."

Pulling up in front of the restaurant and the line of people standing out in the cold, I said, "Maybe we should go somewhere else less crowded."

As we started to get out, a young man came running up, "Ms Burgess, welcome back to the Sharks Tank."

"Thank you Harold, this is my friend Kayla."

"Hello Ms Kayla."

"Hello Harold, how you this evening?"

Giving me a funny look for a second, he broke into a wide grin, "I'm doing quite well thank you."

Kathrine by this time had gotten her purse and papers out of the car and turning to Harold, "now you take care of my baby, you hear me?"

"Yes Ms Burgess." While smiling and giving me a little wink.

As we were walking towards the entrance, Kathrine was telling me that Harold was as straight as they came, but helluva nice person. Another person at the door opened it up and again welcomed Kathrine to the Sharks Tank. I began to realize that she is well known here that must visitors rarely received this kind of attention.

The Maitre'D immediately spotted us and walked up to Kathrine and welcomed her.

"Your table is right this way, and your guest's have already arrived. I do believe they have already ordered your favorite wine, so if you will, this way please."

As we started walking, I grabbed Kathrine by the elbow, drawing up near her, "Next time I'm in a hurry, you're going to be my guest of honor, I feel I need service like this all the time."

Kathrine couldn't contain herself and burst out laughing. The Maitre'D just looked over his shoulder at us, but kept on walking.

We arrived at a table near the back of the restaurant. As we approached, Kathrine took my arm, and made introductions. This lovely young woman sitting here," pointing towards the woman with short dirty blond hair, "is Janice, my lovely wife." This of course brought a big smile from Janice.

"This other woman to her right is Bobbie, one of her assistants."

As she rose and offered me her hand I shook it, feeling her firm grip. She had shoulder length brown hair, and the brownest eyes I think I ever saw. She was a few inches shorter than myself. Her breasts, nice B cup filled out the blouse she was wearing nicely. After we were seated the Maitre'D took the wine bottle and began filling the remaining two empty glasses.

I sat looking for a menu so that I might look at it and try and figure what to eat, when Kathrine noticed me looking around.

"Looking for the menu?"

"Yes, I was going to look at it and see what I could order."

"What would you like to eat?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped a second to think, when Kathrine again with a straight face spoke up, "I'm sorry honey, but they don't serve that on the menu here."

My mouth snapped shut realizing she meant pussy, Janice and Bobbie both began laughing and I turn a bright red, wishing I could just crawl under the table and hide.

Bobbie reached over and laid her hand on my forearm; "Trust me, it took me a long time to get use to the both of them. One is as bad as the other and together, they're impossible."

As Bobbie was pulling her hand back everyone kind of laughed a little. Kathrine said, "unless you have something you can't eat, tell me else I will order for you tonight."

"That will be fine, I trust whatever you order will be great."

"Bobbie, why don't you be begin by telling Kayla all about what you found when you followed John across the country." Kathrine said while smiling at me.

She began by telling me that whenever John flew, he would always fly first class, and each time she would wear a different disguise so that he wouldn't recognize her. Through her contact with the airline, she was able to get his entire flight schedule and made arrangements to be onboard the same flight he was on.

She stated that in each city, after he checked into a hotel, he then went to an office building, but did not follow to closely for fear that eventually he might recognize her letting him know that he was being followed. After he left each office, he would meet up with a young lady, and then go to a restaurant, then back to the hotel, but sometimes going straight to the hotel.

"Tell me, what time did his flight arrive back here in DC, and where did he go, because he said his flight had been delayed out of Chicago and got home near seven PM."

"His flight arrived at ten thirty from Huston TX. He left the airport-parking garage by eleven forty five. He went directly to six twenty one Birch Ave. When he arrived he proceeded to apartment two fifty one. Looking at the mailboxes I determined that it belonged to a Wanda Pander. That is all the information I have on her."

I sat there, stunned into complete silence. Slowly I felt the tears beginning to form in my eyes. I stood and excused myself stating that I need to go to the restroom. While standing in the restroom, I couldn't hold back any longer and starting cry, almost to the point of sobbing. My shoulders were shaking, when I felt someone's putting tissues into my hands. Through blurry eyes I was able to make out Kathrine standing there.

"Oh Kathrine, I'm so sorry for spoiling your evening with your wife and her friend."

I started crying again, this time Kathrine pulled me in, giving me a hug and laid my head on her shoulder. I finally got my crying under control, stepped back, and lowered my head.

"Over the past year, I may not have been the perfect wife, but I was lonely, bored and will admit, starving for love and affection. Now I feel like I was nothing more than a stupid ignorant trophy wife."

About this time another lady had entered the restroom, looked at us a moment, then went into the nearest stall. I really didn't care at this point.

"Kathrine, I want you to hang him by the balls, hang him so high he'll need an oxygen mask."

I then heard a muffled giggle coming from the stall behind me, knowing it was the woman who walked in a short time ago. Again, I really didn't care anymore.

"Can you do that for me Kathrine?"

"Honey when I get done with him, his attorney won't even want to deal with him, promise."

"Good, now you go order for me while I fix my face, and thank you for everything."

"Sure babes, take your time, we have all evening." She put her hand on my arm, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I was standing at the counter, re-applying my eyeliner when the woman came out of the stall. She went to the other sink and began washing her hands.

"Let me guess, just found out your husband was out cheating on you, right?"

Looking at her in the mirror, I gave her a slight smile, "Soon to be ex-husband and yes to the second part."

Her smile grew wider, "Go get 'em girl, make the bastard pay."

I smiled back and nodded my head, "Oh he will."

Just as I sat down, our food started to arrive. There wasn't much on the plate, but by the time I had received the seventh course, a fluffy cheesecake made with yogurt covered with a sweet, but tangy cherry sauce. I was stuffed, and wasn't afraid to let everyone know it. I saw the Maitre'D about to pass by us, and motioned him over to me.

Everyone kind of looked at me, wondering what I was about to do. When he arrived, I reached out and took his hand, half turning in my seat: "Please tell the chef that this is one of the best meals I have had in a long time. If you could possibly do that for me."