Until Tomorrow


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"Yes, Madam, I will personally tell him myself what you just said." With that he turn on his heel and walk away.

After he got out of earshot, I lowered my head and almost in a whisper I said, "Actually it was the best meal I ever had."

While finishing up the wine, Bobbie put her hand on my arm.

"Kayla, I have signed off on your case, but for you, I am going to find out everything I can on this Wanda person and give it to Kathrine. I'm doing this because I want to do it."

Putting my hand on top of Bobbie's, "If you're sure, I mean if Kathrine thinks it might help?"

"Can't hurt, why not?" Kathrine said.

"Thank you Bobbie."

I leaned over, giving her a half hug over the corner of the table.

On the way back to Kathrine's office, she explained that she will have the papers drawn up and a currier will bring them by the office tomorrow, I was to sign where indicated and the second copy will be mine to keep. She also said that he will wait until all the papers are signed then put them in another envelope and seal it and return them to the office where she can them have them filed with the courts.

"When do you think they would be served on him?"

"Well, if all goes well, as early as late tomorrow evening, why?

"I'm just not sure when he is leaving town again, and when he does, he will be gone for at least a week or more."

"Tell you what, you have my cell number on the back of the card I gave you, don't you?"


"As soon as you find out, night or day, call me. I may have to expedite things, but I agree, let's get the process rolling as soon as possible."

We rode in silence for a few minutes when she spoke up again...

"Don't worry honey, when I start turning the screws, you'll be able to hear him yell from Maryland."

I laughed a little, looking over at her as she gave me a little wink.

"You know, you have the perfect wife in Janice. I'm so jealous, not of you, but of the both of you. You both look so happy and content with one another. Anyone can find a spark, but I know it takes work and dedication to make that spark glow into a warm and caring relationship. Maybe one day I might have the same."

"Thank you Kayla for saying that. I really means a lot to me, just hearing you say it. I'm sure that one day, you will find your spark and make it glow also.

As she handed me my copy of the prints, she asked if I wanted them or to hold onto them until his attorney contacted her. I just told her to hang onto them. I got into my car and drove straight home.

When I got home, John was in his office doing his thing whatever that really is or was. After taking off my coat and putting my purse on the table near the door, I went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea to drink as I relax and went over the events during dinner. Just as the water was about to boil, John stuck his head in the door and said, "Kind of late tonight, heavy date?"

"We had a late meeting I had to attend about future projections." I knew I wasn't totally lying, but then he'll find out the true meaning soon enough.

"So I suppose we're not going to be eating this evening?"

"I really don't feel like fixing anything, but I can order you some take out, you want pizza or Chinese?"

"No, that's ok, I'll just get dressed and run to the deli on the corner and get a bite, maybe I have a drink or two while I am out."

I wondered for a brief second if that also included Wanda Pander and what kind of drink she was offering?

As I settled on the sofa, my hand caressed the cushion beside me, remembering when Shannon and I made love on this very sofa not so long ago. In my mind, I was wondering if her scent was still on the cushion.

Just as John was to leave the apartment, he dropped a bombshell on me.

"I almost forgot to tell you, I leave tomorrow afternoon, so I won't be here when you get home tomorrow. I should be gone two weeks this time."

As the door closed, counting to ten, I yelled, "Shit!" Even for John, this was quick. He usually was home for about five days at a time. Quickly getting up and grabbing my purse, I duped the contents out on the coffee table searching for Kathrine's business card. Finding it, I sat back down, grabbing the phone.

"Hello Katherine, this is Kayla. No, I'm fine, but I think we have a slight situation at hand. John has just informed me that he is leaving tomorrow afternoon sometime."

"I don't have to be in until eight in the morning, but I can be at your office by four AM if you need me to be there. Ok, I'll be there by seven AM. Sorry to call you so late about my problems, but I do appreciate everything you are doing for me."

"Ok, See you at seven. Bye!"

Feeling a little better, I began picking up the items from my purse and returning them. Taking a sip of my tea, which had grown cold, I stood and headed to the kitchen putting the cup in the sink, turning out the lights, I headed to the bedroom to pick out tomorrows clothes, take a shower and go to bed early for a change.

Having left Katherine's office by seven thirty, gave me just enough time to get to work without being late, barring and traffic jams, which Washington is noted for.

The day had gone very well for a change, no problems, and then at three twenty my phone started ringing. I noticed that it was John calling. Giving a half smile, I figured he was just served.

"Hello Kayla McBride speaking."

"What in God's name are you doing Kayla?"

"What do you mean John?"

"You know what I mean, filing divorce papers on me just as I am about to leave town."

"As a matter of fact, the serving of the papers just happened to be a coincidence to your leaving. But if you must know, I've been thinking on this for some time now. I will have the door locks changed, and will leave word with the manager that we are now officially separated and you are not to be let into the apartment without me present. I will have your bags all packed by the time you get back. Just bring a truck to load everything up, unless you would prefer me to send them to Wanda Panders for you."

John began to sputter a word or two before he quickly said, "We'll talk when I get back." And hung up the phone.

Gently setting the phone back onto its cradle, I pumped my fists into the air, shouting, "YES!"

I got up out of my chair and started doing a crazy little dance around my desk, clicking my heels together before noticing Melanie and a couple other office workers looking at me with bewildered looks on their faces.

Melanie then asked, "Kayla, is everything alright?"

"Oh yes! Everything is good, matter of fact it's perfect, maybe more than perfect." I reached out and gave Melanie a big hug, then reached and gave each of the other workers hugs also. Everyone was still staring at me like I really lost it big time while I did a little sashay dance back to my chair.

Melanie then motioned everyone back to his or her desks, while she stepped into my office and started to close the door.

"Ok Kayla, tell me, what was all that about a few minutes ago?"

With my elbows on my desk, I was clapping my hands together like a child would at seeing her favorite cartoon on TV, "John was served the divorce papers as he was boarding his flight to God knows where and I really don't care where. I can't believe it's really going to become a reality."

Melanie raised her hands shouting, "Hallelujah!"

She proceeded to walk around my desk as I stood and gave me a big hug. Pulling back a little, she looked into my eyes and said that I deserve the best and now it was my time to go out and get it."

I squeezed her once more and whispered, "Thank you," into her ear.

As she was about to leave my office, she turned and said, "don't wait too long to tell the others the news, you know they are dying to know what it's all about."

I sat at my desk, collecting my thoughts before I went out and told everyone what was going on, and that I really wasn't going crazy, if getting a divorce was a sane thing, and I probably as sane as everyone else.

I got home at five thirty, went to the apartment, checked for any messages, which there were none, stripped out of my work clothes and jumped into the shower. After drying my hair, and applying a little makeup, I threw some clothes into a large handbag, slipped on my sandals, put the house phone on forward to my cell phone, put on a long coat, turned off the lights and grabbed my stuff and headed down to Shannon's apartment naked as a jay bird under my coat. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise... Shannon will never know what hit her in a few short minutes.

Standing in front of her door, instead of using the key she gave me, I knocked lightly, standing aside so she couldn't see me through the peephole. As she was opening the door, I stepped aside of her and entered the apartment, walking over to the sofa, dropping my handbag, turning around and slipped off my sandals, the slowly unbuttoned my coat pulling it off my shoulders and letting it drop to the floor, standing before Shannon, mouth wide open along with the door, naked in all my glory.

"Shannon, don't stand there with your mouth open catching flies, shut the door and take off your clothes and come over here and fuck me."

Shannon's lips were moving, but no sound was coming out. Suddenly, she grabbed the door and slammed it shut. She then started to take her clothes off. As she worked on removing her clothes, she would say a word or two, then try and concentrate on what she was doing. When her zipper got stuck, in the middle of a senseless question, it took every ounce of concentration to keep from rolling on the floor laughing my naked ass off at her.

I could feel my pussy getting wet, just looked at the woman I grew to love so much. As she shed the last of her clothes, I caught her panties in midair, holding them to my nose, inhaling her aroma, the scent of the woman I loved so much. Shannon took two small steps before she sprinted the last few feet to me, jumping into my arms and knocking me backwards onto the sofa. As I was falling back, I gave a squeal of surprise and excitement as she landed on top of me.

We both began raining kisses on each other's face. After a few minutes, I placed my hands on her cheeks, looking at her, "wouldn't it be more comfortable on the bed?"

"You turd, first you knock on the door, stand aside so I can't see who it is, then come waltzing in here nearly naked. Just what the fuck do you expect out of me, do you have any idea how long it's been since I felt your lips on mine?"

"About as long as I felt yours on mine. Now get off me and let's move to the bed."

As Shannon started to twist to get off me, she fell to the floor with a loud thump, as loud moan escaping her lips. I could no longer hold it back and I burst out laughing at her. Shannon half got up, grabbing my arm pulling me off the sofa onto the floor beside her. I loud moan escaped my lips. It was not a moan of pleasure, but a moan of pain as my ass hit the floor. We both sat there laughing at each other.

As the laughter died down, Shannon managed to get up, pulling me up with her. With both of us now standing, we fell into each other's arms, our lips pressed onto the others. I reached around Shannon, pulling her ass to me, grinding my pelvis into hers. I could feel our juices mixing on each other. As I started to moan into her mouth, I pushed my tongue into her mouth, running it over her teeth, then going deeper searching her tongue. She starting sucking on my tongue, while using her tongue to flick at mine.

Pulling back from each other, I grabbed her hand and began to lead her to the bed. Once on the bed, I rolled on top of Shannon, holding both hands above her head, I began kissing her lips, lightly biting on each lip, gently licking them. I kissed her nose, across her eyebrows, on her eyes, and cheeks, returning to her lips, licking them with my tongue, and lightly grazing them with my lips.

I slid down, kissing her neck, going out to her shoulders, where I sucked on her skin, leaving little bruise marks, knowing that they would not show when dressed. Coming back to her neck, I started going lower until I reached the top of her breasts.

Letting go of her hands, I slid my hands down until I got to her upper arms. Slightly pushing on them, indicating to her that I wanted her arms to remain in place for now. I again starting giving light nibbles and kisses on her breasts, going up and around the areola, but not touching her nipples. Shannon had now begun to push her chest upward, trying to get me to kiss and suck on her nipples, which I could see were now hard as little rocks.

As Shannon started giving little moans and grunts, I knew it was time to give her some relief. Starting on the outside of her breast, I slowly worked my way towards her nipple. As I reached the nipple, I let my tongue circle her nipple, I flicking it with my tongue, causing Shannon to moan and push her chest higher. I sucked her nipple into my mouth, lightly chewing as I continued to suck on it. When I pulled my mouth from her nipple, Shannon cried out, "Oh Fuck!"

Quickly going to her other breast, I wasted no time in sucking the nipple into my mouth, again lightly chewing on it as I sucked hard on her nipple. By this time, Shannon had moved her hands to be back of my head, pressing me onto her breast, as I sucked and nibbled on her nipple. She was constantly moaning, her pelvis pressing into my stomach.

Pulling away from her breast, I started sliding lower, nibbling on her smooth cool skin, while giving her little bites here and there. I licked around her belly button, before going lower, following the thin hair line from her navel to her now soaked pussy. Shannon's hands now were pushing with more urgency. I just resisted her pushing; taking a detour to the side towards her hip, then slowly back across her lower abdomen just above her mons to her other hip. As I crossed over her mons, Shannon parted her legs wider, which caused me to inhale her womanly scent. After kissing her other hip, I quickly returned to her mons, again nibbling on them, before licking each side.

Shannon tried desperately to move her hips trying to catch my lips. I placed my hands under her knees, pushing them up until her knees were pressing against her breasts. Looking into her now open pussy, I could see her juices pooled just inside and her wet lips with a line trailing down to her anus. Lowering my head, I rimmed her anus, getting her juices. Shannon gave a long low moan while raising her hips higher forcing my tongue to press on her little rose bud. Slowly I licked high pushing my tongue into her pussy, gathering her juices and drinking them down.

Withdrawing my tongue from within her, I started licking her labia, chewing and pulling on them. I knew by now Shannon was about to reach her limit of teasing. Her hands on my head had become more insistent in trying to guide me to her clit. It was at this time she called out... "Kayla, you fucking bitch, eat me, fuck me... I need it so bad... Please!"

Taking one last deep swipe with my tongue into her pussy, I went directly to her clit, gently kissing it and licking around it before sucking it into my mouth. As I was gently sucking on her clit, I slowly slid two fingers into her soaked pussy, as I pushed them into her to the knuckles, I felt the walls of her vagina clamping down on my fingers. As I slowly started to pull my fingers from her pussy, I started sucking harder on her clit. With my fingertips at the entrance of her pussy, I added a third finger, and again slid them in deep until my knuckles were pressing on her lips.

Wanting to take her higher and higher, I started slowly fucking her with my fingers, while continuing to lick and suck on her clit. I felt Shannon start to reach the verge of her orgasm, turned my hand upwards, letting my fingers caress her G spot. I let my other hand open her lips, exposing her clit to my waiting lips and tongue. With me caressing her sack and G spot, I sucked harder on her clit. Shannon began to buck and stiffen her body. Her vagina began clamping down hard on my fingers. Taking my thumb and forefinger, I pinched her clit and rubbed it between my fingers while covering her pussy with my mouth to catch all of her girlcum.

It was the most agonizing scream groan you could ever have heard as she peaked. Her hips were at least a foot off the bed as she held onto her legs. I felt squirt after squirt into my mouth. I eased up on her clit, not wanting to make it to sensitive, while continuing licking her pussy and fingers as I pulled them from within her.

Lowering her legs, I crawled up and laid on Shannon and half way on her, I was lightly caressing her face, as I nuzzled into her neck. As I laid there, watching my beautiful baby lay beside me, resting... no, she has fallen asleep on me, her mouth slightly agape open, her breathing slow and steady. Reaching down, I pulled the covers up over the both of us. Laying my head back down on Shannon, I never felt so at peace with her in my arms.

Not having sex in so long, my dreams were constantly being filled with Shannon and I making love every second of the day. My dreams were of her putting on the strap-on and fucking me senseless. Feeling the wetness between my legs growing, I started to reach down to my pussy when my fingers encountered hair and a bobbing head licking my now soaked pussy. Realizing where I was, I gently held onto the Shannon's head, "Oh my precious baby, don't ever stop loving me."

The only answer I received was a loud moan, and fingers grasping my nipples and rubbing and pulling on them. I knew I wasn't going to last long, having gone for so long without sex, I started moaning and humping my hips to my lovers mouth and tongue.

Suddenly Shannon pulled away, I nearly cried while saying; "No baby, I was so close, I need it, I need you so bad right now... Please baby..."

My legs were being lifted and pushed up to my chest. Shannon put my hands behind my knees to hold them in place. She spread my knees open wider, exposing my open pussy to her. Lowering her head, she lightly licked my clit, using her hand to spread my lips open exposing my little nub, she circled it a few times with her tongue before going lower, her tongue going deep into my pussy, going lower and lower, I felt her tongue begin to rim my ass. Using her hand to spread my cheeks open more, she began pressing harder with her tongue until it slipped inside, sending reverberations throughout out my body.

As her tongue began fucking my ass, I felt a fingertip entering my pussy, as another finger began lightly rubbing my clit. I began moaning and humping my hips up and down on her tongue now buried deep in my ass. As I started into my orgasm, Shannon again pulled back, but this time she starting licking upwards, her tongue sliding into my soaked pussy. Again she was tongue fucking me, this time in my pussy. I could hear her sucking up my juices and they were now flowing freely.

The finger that she had partially inserted into my pussy was being pressed into my ass. Relaxing my ass her finger started sliding in, at least to the first knuckle, then stopping letting me adjust to it. Her thumb and forefinger was constantly rubbing and pulling on my clit. After a few minutes of her sucking, and sliding her finger in my ass, I felt two of her other fingers now entering my pussy and her lips sucking on my clit. I was constant moaning, my hips were franticly bucking in every direction. Every nerve cell in my body seemed to be alive and electrically charged.

With both my pussy being fucked deep and hard and my ass was being rimed by her finger. Again, Shannon slowly started pushing her finger back into my ass. After I relaxed, She added a second finger, slowly pushing both into my ass. Shannon bit down on my clit, sending me higher and high towards my edge. Sounds I didn't even recognized escaped my throat. Suddenly Shannon rammed her fingers deep into my ass, forcing my clit even deeper into her waiting mouth. My body seemed to be paralyzed in a ridged state of eternal bliss.