Unusual Inheritance Pt. 03

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New discoveries lead to startling revelations at the mansion.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/16/2021
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My mind was going a mile a minute as the elevator came to a stop. It seemed as though the elevator doors took an eternity to open and I was momentarily blinded by a very intense light as I stepped from the elevator. And when the sensation ended there in front of me was my Dad.

"Dad? What?" I said and stood there in shock.

I moved to give him a hug and passed right through him. What was this a hologram or something!

"We've been waiting for you son. Come on and follow me and I will explain everything. But wait, let me lock it all up first." He opened his I-pad and tapped a few buttons and then said, "Okay. It's all locked up again."

I followed my dad, or what appeared to be my dad, down a long winding hallway. He was dressed in a long white lab coat. His hair was totally white and he was wearing glasses, a collared blue shirt and nondescript tie, long dark pants and black wing tips. We must have walked 60 meters or so before coming to a solid white wall. He looked at me and said, "Find the entrance son." And then the hologram vanished.

I was still a little unsure of what was going on as I stumbled to the wall in front of me. It was all so weird. I pinched my arm to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. "Ouch. Yep. Real." I thought to myself.

I then stood back about 10 ft and looked at the wall in front of me. I searched the wall with my hands and determined that it was about 8 ft high and 12 ft wide. The surface was smooth, almost like plexiglass, or something like plastic. I took out my flashlight and shined it at all of the edges and found no irregularities. I made a fist and wrapped on it with my knuckles and it sounded hollow. I tapped the wall in several different spots and listened for any change in sound, but there was none. I was miffed so I sat down on the floor and just looked at it.

I looked all around me, at the ceiling, at the walls and then again at the wall. I then had an epiphany and I sprung up quickly. "It can't be that easy." I said under my breath. I walked to the center of the wall and placed both of my hands flat on the wall in front of me and pushed with minimal effort. And the wall began to move forward until it appeared as though I was cupping a woman's breasts. I gave it a little more effort and then just the middle section moved inward.

I stepped back when it would go no further and saw a vagina emerge...or was it a handle. I grabbed it and turned it and the door vanished into the floor. The way before me was black as pitch and so I said, "Lights!" But nothing happened. So I pulled out my flashlight and turned it on and started to make my way through the opening.

I walked about 25 feet and came to another solid wall. I thought, "This is creeping me out." But when I turned to go back the way I came in I found that the entrance I came through was no longer there. I hated tight spaces and I started to have a panic attack. So I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths and when I opened my eyes again, the wall in front of me had disappeared and I was now in a much larger space. The place was no longer pitch black. There was light in here but I couldn't see where the light was coming from.

I barely took 2 steps when I stumbled into some kind of console in front of me...which moaned as I hit it with my leg. "Shit. Where did that thing come from?" It was some kind of optical illusion of some sort. I thought I'd turn around and backed into something and when I lost my balance and fell, I landed in a soft chair.

The chair must have activated the console because suddenly I could see that I was seated in some kind of cockpit. Two arms or belts wrapped around my chest and the scene in front of me burst into a million little starbursts, much like you would see in a Star Wars or Star Trek movie when going into warp speed. I was pressed back into the soft chair as the g-forces pinned me there. It was fascinating and scary all at the same time and before I could even utter a scream, it ended and I came to a stop. (And I heard a woman moaning)

The room became illuminated and the straps holding me into the chair retracted and I was back on my feet again. Although a bit unsteady standing up, I stumbled as I felt the floor began to move forward. Scenes began to materialize on the wall in front of me. It was my Father and Mother and they were talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Or could I?

"Son, your Mother and I have been researchers since we were teenagers. We worked with several different frequencies which I'm sure you have figured out, can cause people to do things that they normally wouldn't do. A kind of hypnosis unlike anything we have ever experienced before. It allowed us to manipulate people to get anything we wanted, but it also opened a doorway into another consciousness. A hidden one that is deep inside each one of us.

Your Mother and I discovered this purely by chance when we induced your sisters to engage in lesbian incest with one another. The hypnotic suggestion opened up a new consciousness and it was there that we stumbled into a new pathway of unlimited possibilities to explore a persons sexuality."

This was all so bizarre and I was having trouble making sense of it. I was also very aware that I was getting an erection but when I looked down at myself, I saw that nothing was showing in my pants. This was the first major clue I had that something just wasn't adding up here.

I tried focusing my mind and thought I heard a woman moaning again, but almost immediately my consciousness sprang back to my father speaking about worm holes in the subconscious. And then it hit me like an electric shock. None of this was real!

I thought back to when I came out of the elevator. I was hit with some kind of beam that was affecting my mind, deep into my subconscious. That had to be it. And rather than be hypnotized by it, my mind fragmented into this alternate reality? So I closed my eyes and told myself to wake up...(more moaning) Wake up...(something was beeping) Wake Up!...(I could hear someone breathing) WAKE UP!!

And when I opened my eyes I was laying on a hospital bed and wearing a cloth gown. My vision was hazy and I felt groggy, almost drugged. There was some kind of contraption on my head and it was pulling and pushing me in and out of consciousness. There was an IV in my arm and I also noticed a very low humming noise.

I willed my hands to obey me and I managed to remove the gizmo from my head.

What the hell was this? And where the hell was I?

I sat up and looked around for my clothes but didn't see any. I pulled the IV out of my arm and slowly sat up. I had to figure out what was going on.

Since my mind was free of the thing on my head, I heard voices. Someone was talking nearby.

"He's out and won't be waking up anytime soon." A male voice said.

"How did he find this place? I thought you told me that no one would ever discover this part of the mansion." A female responded.

"Well he did and I really can't blame him for finding this place. He does love to tinker on things. His mind is geared for solving puzzles. I thought that we would have more time to prepare for this day." The male voice said again.

"You should have tried harder to induce him when he was having sex with Sara and Susan. And we better figure something out quick or his sisters are bound to grow suspicious of his absence." The female replied.

"Not to worry my dear. I have already taken care of that by inducing his sisters to forget that Steven was ever even there. They think he is back at school. But besides that, the hypnosis doesn't seem to be working on him. It's like his mind is resisting somehow." The male told her.

"I think you are right. Your notion to have him engage in incest with Sara and Susan should have been enough to make him susceptible to more hypnotic suggestions, but..." This was as far as the female was able to get out.

I concentrated hard on disrupting their conversation. And in my mind I kept repeating...stop talking, stop talking, Stop Talking, STOP TALKING, STOP TALKING!!

And there was silence. Wonderful, blessed silence...

I slowly got to my feet and shuffled my way to the doorway. I didn't feel very good and my vision was starting to become wonky, so I reached out and grabbed the door jam to steady myself until things stopped swaying and my head stopped pounding.

I then very slowly peered around the edge of the door frame and there were my mom and dad. They both were standing there in white lab coats. Their eyes had this far away look to them and their mouths were open as if they were about to speak, but they were stuck like a couple of statues.

I needed answers. Why were they still alive? What were they doing here at the mansion? Why were they doing experiments on their own kids?

Something had changed in my mind. Of that I was certain. I had gotten my parents to stop talking by just thinking about it. So maybe I could get them to forget that I was even there as I followed them and listened to their continued conversation. And maybe even plant my own questions in their minds to get the answers I was looking for.

So I concentrated really hard as I focused on my parents in front of me...And I started this mantra in my head...You won't see Steven even if you are looking right at him. You will talk about the car crash and why you are doing experiments on your children...You Won't See Steven Even If You Are Looking Right At Him. You Will Talk About The Car Crash And Why You Are Doing Experiments On Your Children...YOU WON'T SEE STEVEN EVEN IF YOU ARE LOOKING RIGHT AT HIM. YOU WILL TALK ABOUT THE CAR CRASH AND WHY YOU ARE DOING EXPERIMENTS ON YOUR CHILDREN.

And that's all it took.

My parents started walking down the hall. I was right behind them shuffling along.

My mom said, "You were really smart finding those two cadavers that resembled us in Sacramento. It was really ingenious of you to place them in our car and rig it to go off the road the way you did. And that explosion definitely covered our tracks."

"Thanks. It was destiny I think. We needed to get the feds off of our trail. Things were beginning to heat up with this new hypnosis technology and the wolves were beginning to circle. We are just on the cusp of discovering what this technology can do." My dad responded.

"Do you have any regrets about using our daughters as guinea pigs to test these hypnosis frequencies?" Mom asked.

"Maybe at first I did. But like you, I have enjoyed sampling our daughter's sexy bodies. Remember when you took Alex as she was changing for the night. Your hand slipped right inside her vagina and she didn't even flinch. Her sister Dana looked right at you as you removed your wet fingers and she licked them clean. You yourself told me to fuck Sara and commanded me to cum inside her while she was licking Susan's pussy. And then you licked my cum out of her sopping wet vagina. Oh, those were the days! I'm getting hard just thinking about it." Dad responded.

"I know dear. My panties are soaked. I remember when Steven brought that nice girl home to meet us and we induced her and you fucked her right in front of our son. It was my first time fucking Steven under hypnosis and I so wish his conditioning worked because I still hope to suck him off one day. He has such a beautiful thick cock much like his father. What was it that you told the dear girl?" Mom intoned.

"I told her that Steven really didn't love her and that he only was using her for sex. I regret that I had to do that. But I did it for you hon." Dad said honestly smiling.

I couldn't believe it! My parents were evil. I was so angry that I wanted to knock my father out and beat him with my fists, but I kept my cool because I wanted to see how far down this rabbit hole went.

We came to a small elevator and I squeezed inside it with them. My dad hit the button that said 3 and we started going up. The doors opened to a huge loft-like area. It was nicely furnished and surprisingly all the hired help was there too. Still as statues against the wall.

I walked up to one of the maids and waved my hand in front of her face and she didn't even respond. "How does she move?" I thought to myself. And Mom walked over and reached her hand up to the maid's breast. She pulled her bra down so that her breast was showing and pinched the maid's nipple. And a humming noise started and the maid disengaged from the wall and came alive.

"How can I be of service?" The maid asked.

"Be a dear and help me out of my clothes." Mom told her.

The maid did as she was told and her movements were so fluid. It was really strange to watch. She was almost human. "Where did this technology come from?" I I asked myself again.

"There is a company in Malaysia that makes these robots." Mom told me.

"They must be expensive." I thought again.

"$500k each." She said again.

"What was that hon?" Dad asked from across the room.

I looked over at him and he was naked and one of the other maids was on her knees and giving him a blow job. I couldn't believe it.

"I sure wish Sara was here and sucking my dick. That girl can really suck dick good, but this will have to do." He groaned as he was nearing a climax.

I so wished that I could control the maid to bite his dick off. The bastard.

I then watched as my mom put on a strap-on dildo and lubed it up with some k-y jelly and then shoved it in his ass.

Seeing my mom fucking my dad made me grow a boner and looking at her naked body was making really horny. So I went over to her and removed my gown and reached my hands around her and started to play roughly with her nipples. I thought in my head, "Your pussy is getting wet Mom and you are wishing your son were here to fuck your tight little cunt."

I reached my right hand between her butt cheeks and began to finger my mom with 2 fingers. She was really wet and so I moved my cock between her legs and slowly inserted my dick inside her pussy.

"Ohhhhh," She moaned as my full length went deep inside her vagina. I grabbed her nipples roughly again and the four of us rocked back and forth as each of us got closer and closer to our impending orgasm.

Dad was the one who was going to cum first so I quickly connected my mind to his and said, "You won't be able to cum. Not now and not ever again. You will get hard but you will have blue balls for the rest of your life."

I then connected with Mom and said, "Your orgasm will be so intense that you will actually gush fluids the moment you feel the cock inside your pussy begin ejaculating. You will only be able to cum when a cock is cumming inside your pussy."

I then removed my wet dick from my mother's pussy and stood back and sent, "Dad, you will only fuck mom from now on and neither one of you will ever be able to cum again no matter how long you spend fucking each other. Now get to it and spend the next 4 hours fucking without any chance of release."

I then grabbed the maid and had her straddle my waist and she rode up and down on my dick on the couch while I watched my mom and dad grow increasingly frustrated at not being able to cum as they fucked each other.

I admit that it was a mean thing to do, but I planned to do far worse with my new powers of persuasion.

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