Ursula, Nazi Were-Bitch of the SS


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The Sergeant tumbled into the next narrow corridor, aiming his rifle up as he rose to his feet. It was clear.

Sharp cracks burst out beside him, just beyond the corner of the building ahead. A woman and her husband fell into the dirt, gargling out blood. One of the Nazis gave a laugh at the sight of it.

He didn't bother to guess how many of them there were. That was too much for any God-fearing man to take. Springing from the shadows, Jack flashed out with his knife. Two dead Nazis fell onto the bodies of the villagers. Jack slipped back into the shadows with a snarl.

It was all well and good to pick them off one by one, but he needed a better plan, and soon. A hundred more of those monsters were swarming around through the streets. More could be on the way by daybreak. And God knows what that had been earlier, pursuing him through the castle...

As he slipped into the next street, a blanket-covered lump inside a long crate gave a shake and cried out. Peeling up the edge of the cloth, a few sets of eyes gazed up at him, wide-eyed in horror. Villagers. A small family, it seemed.

Jack put a finger against his lips. "I'm here to help," he whispered. He searched around the alleyway. They were going to need a better hiding spot than this, but where?

"You... USA?" a woman's voice asked, her voice a bit too loud for his liking.

Jack nodded. "Is there anywhere else you can go? Is there a way out of here? Out of town?"

The woman shook her head and whispered something he didn't understand. "Danger," she hissed.

The Sergeant's interests were piqued. He squatted down beside her. "I can handle danger."

Her family looked at her in naked horror, but the woman pushed on. "Hear soldat."

"Soldier", his mind corrected. She rattled on.

"Yeah?" he asked, cutting her off. "You heard a soldat what? What are those Krauts up to? What are they planning?"

The girl looked desperately around at the others, but now they wouldn't meet her eye. Using her fingers, she mimed someone walking around.

"Patrolling, sure," Jack prompted. "And?"

"New... day? Morgen."

"Tomorrow, uh-huh."

The girl bit at her lips, batting her wide eyes at him as her walking fingers suddenly stopped. She looked at him pleadingly again.

"That's it?" he said with a dry laugh. "They're just going to patrol until morning? That's what you heard?"

She nodded quickly. She pointed a finger at him and mimed him running off.

"Lazy Nazi bastards," he growled, spitting into the dirt. "Well, that's good for all of us. Now we just need to find a better hiding spot. You and the kid might fit, but not all of you."

They watched him blankly.

"We need to get your husband somewhere else. You're going to get killed, all hiding together like this," Jack went on, speaking as loudly as he dared, trying to get the meaning across. He pointed at the man and gestured for him to get out.

The woman pushed his hand away, speaking frantically to her husband.

"What is this?" Jack said. "Come on, more of them are going to be coming back through here. We gotta go," he said, reaching out to grab the man, ready to drag him.

The girl kept whispering something he didn't get. "English," he said, cutting her off again.

"You I go," she said. "Hide," she added, pointing off somewhere in the distance.

"And leave your husband with the kid? Are you sure?"

She clambered her way out of the crate. Hands like iron gripped around his wrist and pulled at him, directing him back in the direction he had come.

These people, he thought in amazement, there wasn't any sense in any of them.

He followed her through alleyway after alleyway. She had a sheet wrapped around her like a robe, covering her from head to toe. She slunk along through the streets, peeking around every corner carefully. Twice she went suddenly still, and a moment later a patrol passed by. Every time he moved to get ahead of her, she slipped away faster, leading him onward.

They reached the edge of town with only one small, broken hovel left between them and the mountain border. At first, he was worried she had meant for them to climb it. A few hundred feet of sheer stone and ice sat above them, with worse on the other side. But as she reached the small house, she dropped to her belly, worked at the latch of a cellar door, and pulled it free with a deafening creak.

"In," she hissed. Jack didn't need her to say it twice.

The girl went in easily enough, but Jack needed her help to pull his shoulders through the opening.

"God, what is this place?" he muttered.

The floor felt like dirt beneath his boots, and it sounded like mice were scattering away from them. From the cellar, they took the ladder up. The roof had fallen in above, blocking the doorway and the only window. The only hint of light came from a hole above them.

"Safe," she replied.

He heard the strike of a match and reached out to stop her by instinct.

She mumbled something in her guttural language and Jack waved her off. "Yeah, no window. I got it."

The place was clean enough, for a ruined hut. There was a table with one surviving chair. A bed of hay, topped with a sheet, sat undisturbed in the corner. The girl found candles on the shelf and lit them each.

"Safe," she said again when she was done.

"For now," he grumbled.

He didn't care much for this plan. Not one bit. Crawling through the dirt to hide wasn't his idea of warfare. The Nazis were still out there butchering the town folk like cattle. If more of them did arrive, he wouldn't know about it now until it was too late.

He turned back to the cellar they had climbed in from. "You stay here-"

The words died in his mouth as the girl slid out of her blanket wrapping. Her soft, pale arms stretched under the candle's light. Heavy, heaving breasts pulled at the stitching of her shirt. She bit at her thick lips and whipped a river of red hair back over her shoulders.

Her eyes settled onto him, noticing his stare.

"Safe," she told him.

Jack nodded, with an odd expression easing onto his face as she stepped closer.

"You... like USA?" she whispered. She was close enough now to smell the dirt and musk of her.

The Sergeant snorted. "I've seen every last country this world has to offer. And, yeah, I'd say we got the rest of them licked."

She nodded thoughtfully, taking a step closer. He could feel the heat of her now.

"You... could take me?"

The forwardness took him by surprise, until he sorted out her meaning. "Oh, take you to America? All of you?"

"No," she said, pressing a finger against his lips. "Alone. Family..." She bit her lip, and mimicked a gun.

"The Nazi bastards killed them? That wasn't your family you were hiding with?"

She shook her head. "You could... take?" she tried again.


But what he meant to say, he couldn't tell. With the flick of her long nails, the lacing of her shirt was free, and she slid it over her head with ease.

He had to give the Germans credit for one thing. They certainly didn't bother with modesty.

She buried her mouth into the nook of his neck as he pawed at her chest. Her tits were bigger than his head. If she'd been born in a proper country, they would made her a queen.

Jack pulled her on top of him as he fell back onto the bed of straw, and he buried his face between them. A man could die happy, drowning that way. He was certain of it.

The girl let him have his fun, rubbing his face between the heavy chasm of cleavage. She stroked her hips between his legs as he lapped and suckled at her. Her patience broke first, and she rolled to the side to strip from the hips.

The Sergeant bounded over to her, nestling his head between her legs before she could move again, and settling his mouth against her.

She moaned like the dead, quickly slapping a hand across her lips to hold the silence as he worked. She twisted, and they rolled back and forth against the sheet as she writhed against his lips and tongue. She was salty and sweet. There was the stink of animal need on her. The smell was what pushed him too far.

Grabbing her by the hips, the Sergeant peeled her from his mouth. She gasped, her eyes fluttering open in surprise and fear. He turned her over and set her sprawling onto all fours. She smelled like an animal, and he would take her like an animal.

The girl seemed to be waiting for it. She buried her chest into the straw and raised her hips for him to mount. Jack didn't need any more prompting than that. He kneed her legs open wider and stroked his cock between her wet lips. She thrust herself backward, pushing herself onto him, howling once more into her hand.

"Faster," she grunted from between her fingers.

Jack ignored her, and she pumped against him faster herself. His hands settled on her hips and he slowed her right back down. He knew what she needed, even if she didn't. They had nowhere to go, and no one in the world knew they were there. She was all his to enjoy.

He brought her to the edge and held her there, letting her weep from the building need. His hips pumped into her faster when he knew she could take it, and her body slowly sank to the sheet. He pressed into her slowly, digging the fat knob of his cock deeper into the muscles inside of her, stroking against every wall, setting nerves alive that no German cock dared to reach. He rode into her with all his weight, pressing against the very limit of her, stretching the lips of her open wide, driving the breath from her lungs.

And still he pressed in and out of her, beating his heavy sack against her swollen lips, rolling his body against hers, speeding and slowing to push her further and further to the edge.

Jack reached a hand over her leg and slipped it underneath her sweaty-soaked thigh. With an open hand, he reached between her legs and pressed lightly against her. She tensed, ready to burst, and he waited. When she breathed again, he stroked at her with his fingers, dragging them against her slowly.

Her weeping turned to shivers, and then to endless rambling nonsense as she spasmed helplessly beneath him. Warm sweat broke out down the length of her. The hairs of her flank stood on edge, bristling against his thighs as he slipped into her. Her fingernails dug into the sheets, slicing through them like tissue.

She bucked beneath him, and he was ready. With one final, slow stroke from his hand, he brought a high, quavering moan spilling from her lips. It was as if an ocean was unleashed from her throat. Jack held to her tight as she bucked and shook beneath him.

His hips pumped into her as steadily as ever as she collapsed against the sheet, howling into the straw. He rode her until the howls died and the trembling slowed. Her eyelids fluttered open and closed. As her breathing eased, her eyes gently shut and she drifted to sleep.


The woman gasped back awake, lying between the warmth of his legs. She rolled against him roughly, and he eased himself up, letting her out. Slowly, she rose onto shaking legs, her eyes flashing back and forth across the room, a painful grimace locked on her face.

"Well, hey there," Jack grinned.

"Fool." Her voice was a whisper.

The soldier reached out and found a stub of a cigar he had left in his pocket. He searched around again and came back with a Zippo to light it.

"Arrogant fool," she spat, rising to her full height.

The man puffed his cigar to life and finally looked up at her.

"You could not help yourself!" she laughed. "You American soldiers cannot help but to please a woman!"

Jack shrugged in the glow of the candlelight. "Hey, that's what I've heard."

"You will hear your shrieking death, American dog! A woman's pleasure is the very gate to hell! We of Germany have always known this! In your pig-ish American ignorance, you have broken the seal to my power!"

The soldier huffed out a trail of smoke. "I was just getting started."

Ursula staggered forward, her bared teeth growing from the jaws like a fanged horror. The hairs of her bristled again, darkening, growing.

"Run, pig! Run while you still can! Oh, how long it has been since I have had the thrill of the chase! You do not yet know the horrors I have in store!"

The nails of her hands grew before his eyes.

Jack snorted. "I know that girlie you sent after me before decided she'd rather take a leap off the balcony than see what you had in store."

"Ah," the Baroness sighed. "So that is how you survived! The peasant scum could not handle a taste of my true power! But my work will live on through her shame! And soon, my ancient bloodline will meet the Füher's! We shall rule the world as one! My sisters' lives will be avenged!"

Jack snapped his fingers, cutting her short.

"I thought you looked familiar. Your sisters liked some good ole American ballistics, too."

Never had she looked as much like a wolf as she did in that moment. Her eyes swelled wide, the pupils narrowing to violent slits.

"Lies! You were not there!"

The soldier gave a great big belly laugh. "And they weren't the only Nazi scum I killed that day."

She dove at him as his knife flew out from under the sheet. Her hand batted it away, her fingers already shrinking down to paws, the backs of them sprouting red fur. Snarling, she landed on empty hay as Jack rolled for safety.

"You will not live to see your world destroyed, American dog!" She snarled at him as her jaw pushed forward, growing to the mouth of an animal.

A deafening boom issued out above them, freezing the she-wolf in her tracks. Her head turned upward toward it and sniffed at the air.

"An attack?!"

"A timer," Jack told her, pulling another huff of his cigar. "How's your devil magic compare to that?"

An unearthly, mournful howl poured from her throat.

"NO!" she screamed into the open air.

Through the hole in the roof, they saw the fireball unfolding into the sky. The witch's laboratory was gone, and every last Nazi scum inside.

Jack bellowed out another laugh. By the time her eyes found his again, his hand was already on his gun.

"Say hi to your sisters for me," he muttered. He pulled the trigger as she leaped.

The soldier dodged, letting her hit the mat of straw. She landed limply, her one remaining eye already glossing over. He held his rifle on her until the fur retreated back beneath her skin.

The last of her kind was dead. The world was better for it.

As he emerged back into the village, the streets were in chaos. The soldiers, panicked from the flaming debris that rained down upon them, had stopped to watch the scene. The hiding villagers had taken their chance to strike back, and the hunter became the hunted as they tore the living soldiers apart with their bare hands and primitive tools.

Jack puffed at his cigar and laughed all the way to the gate. The last of the guards there died without ever catching a glimpse of him. He flicked the ash of his cigar over the bodies as he stepped over them and headed back towards freedom.

The horror of Castle Derschau was over.


At daybreak, the first crowd of villagers left. The town could be rebuilt, of course, but someone would come to investigate what had happened here. And the blame for such destruction would fall to someone close at hand. Someone who could not fight back. It was best to be far away when they came.

By ones and twos, the caravan of peasants headed south, headed toward unpaved grounds, hoping to perhaps find peace in solitude.

However, one survivor among them had no such aspirations.

Clutching her one ruined eye, a woman wrapped tightly in a darkened cloak staggered onward behind the rest of the train. Her teeth were bared tight, curses flooding out beneath her breath, swearing oaths to all the beasts of Hell that she would have her revenge.

And it would be repaid in BLOOD.

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JorunnJorunn7 months ago

Really interesting concept. I never would have thought of linking what you did together. Hope to read more.

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