Us Against the World


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"Go for it." Jess whispered.

I wasn't sure which of us she was speaking to, but I guess in the end, it hardly mattered. Jess pulled back from Dani and my sister ducked down to kiss me. I caught her in an embrace and slid my tongue against hers.

She whimpered, but didn't stop.

"Are you...?" I started, pulling back slightly.

She pressed her lips firmly against mine and shut me up.

"This is so fucking hot." Jess observed, beside us.

I pushed Dani over onto her back and I slid on top of her, almost without breaking our kiss. I kissed her throat and then her neck, working my way down. For the first time, in the grey light of our first true morning, I saw her breasts. They were beautiful. Smaller than Jess's, little more than a gentle swell, crested by the tiniest nipples I'd ever seen. For all that they were tiny, her nipples were stiff, and Dani cried out as I ran my tongue over one.

"Easy." Jess reminded me. "She's crazy sensitive."

"It's fine." Dani gasped. "It's fine. I was just surprised."

I ran my tongue over her other nipple, and she cried out again. I laid kisses all over her chest, circling my tongue around those tiny, sensitive buds, leaving her gasping.

"Jesus." Jess said, in wonderment. "I think you're going to make her cum."

Dani was writhing beneath me, as I continued my assault, and although I'd only meant to tease her, I now saw it as a challenge. I kissed and I licked my way around her ever so modest bosom, not daring to suck or nibble just yet. Her cries were becoming more urgent, more, insistent. Then I hit her with the coup de gras. I placed my lips over her right nipple and gently sucked.

Her hands gripped my head and her hips bucked as she came.

"Holy fuck." I heard Jess breathe.

Dani panted as she tried to catch her breath, her hands still around my head, pressing me to her tiny little tits, but relaxed now.

I lifted my head, carefully and gazed at my beautiful sister. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Wow." She breathed.

"Wow?" Jess demanded. "Wow? That's all you can say? God damn it girl, he just made you cum without either of you touching your button, and all you can say is wow?"

"Wow." Dani repeated.

I lowered my head again and kissed her belly, slowly working my way lower. Dani caught my head and I looked up at her.

Jess scooted over to lie beside Dani and took her hand.

"Tell him what you'd like." Jess whispered, as she kissed Dani. "Be the filthy little slut I know you are."

Dani blushed hard, the looked at me.

"Will you fuck me?" She asked, with a slight tremble in her voice. "I want you to fuck your little sister and cum inside me again."

There was never a doubt that my dick would fail me. I gazed at Dani and smiled.

Jess watched us gaze at each other.

"Oh." She said, with a slight catch in her voice. "So that's what it looks like."

"Of course I will." I told her.

She glanced down along the line of her body and stared as I slowly lowered myself down to her. She closed her eyes and lay back, as she felt my head nuzzle her entrance. I slowly eased myself forward and felt my dick slowly slide into her love canal. She gave a little gasp, and my tip was inside.

I thrust gently, pushing myself deeper. I didn't worry that she might not have been ready, she was as wet as Jess ever was. I looked down and watched as my cock slide in and out of her. While Jess was waxed and smooth, Dani trimmed. She had a small, tidy little bush that left her lips bare. She was tighter than Jess, tight enough that already I was having trouble controlling myself. There was just so much sensation.

I glanced over at Jess, my wonderful girlfriend and she was watching me, while slowly playing with her clit. She winked at me, and I blew her a kiss back.

"You're going to cum in your little sister, Tom." Jess breathed. "You're going to cum in our girlfriend."

Dani moaned a little at that.

"You hear that, pet?" Jess whispered into Dani's ear. "You're going to have your slutty pussy filled with your brother's seed."

Dani groaned again.

"You're such a dirty little slut." Jess murmured, as she kept working on her own clit. "What are you?"

"A dirty little slut." Dani moaned back. "I'm a dirty little slut and my brother is about to fill me with his seed."

I had to close my eyes and focus on not cumming yet. This was so much hotter than I could ever have expected.

"He's going to fill you with his seed." Jess repeated, her breathing coming a little quicker. "If you were fertile, he might get you pregnant. It'd be so risky."

Dani started breathing even faster, her hands grabbing bunches of the duvet.

"You'd like it risky, wouldn't you?" Jess asked her, as she started driving the fingers of her other hand in and out of her bald pussy. "You'd love to feel him plant his seed in you."

"Yes." Dani moaned. "I'm such a slut. I'm a slut for my brother's cum."

"Fuck, I'm going to cum." I gasped.

"He's going to do it." Jess moaned to Dani. "He's going to cum inside you."

I couldn't hold on anymore.

I thrust deep into Dani, my beautiful little sister, and I shot stream after stream of cum deep into her.

She cried out and I could feel her pussy tightening around my cock, squeezing me tight.

Jess moaned loudly and started thrashing beside us as she climaxed.

I thrust, as much as I was able, into Dani a few more times. She had locked her legs together as she came though, and I was trapped inside her, until she relaxed. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced.

Jess started kissing the back of my neck and running her hands over my chest. She pulled me over, as Dani finally relaxed and released me, on to my back, and slid downwards. I looked over to Dani and I took her hand in mine.

"I love you." I said, plainly.

"I love you too." She replied.

And she did. I could see it now. It was so clear that I wondered how I'd never noticed it before.

I hissed in surprise as Jess slid my softening cock into her mouth.

"Oh fuck." I groaned.

She popped my dick out of her mouth and licked her lips.

"I can taste you both." She declared, before sliding dick back into her mouth.

She sucked and cleaned me until I begged her to stop. I was too sensitive right now. She made a little sound of disappointment, then smiled slyly as she turned her eyes on Dani.

Jess slid between Dani's legs and ran her tongue right over my little sister's leaking pussy. Dani moaned and squeezed my hand. I looked down and watched as my girlfriend ate out my sister's pussy. As with me, she cleaned and licked, and it was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen. When Dani, just like me, begged her to stop, she climbed up until she was face to face with Dani, and kissed her passionately. They made out like they were breathing each other in, and Dani let my hand go.

I watched as they almost tried to consume each other. It was beautiful. Dawn had broken outside, and a new day had begun.


I woke, with both girls curled up beside me. I stretched and yawned, and settled down to wait. I didn't have to wait too long. Dani work first. She turned her head suddenly, to look towards me, and smiled, as if in disbelief. Her head slid into mine and I smiled back. A few moments later Jess woke and she took my other hand. It was close to midday now, judging by the light coming through the curtains.

"So." I said.

Jess laughed and hugged me.

"What do you call it when there's more than two in a relationship?" Dani asked.

"A thruple." I replied

"Oh." She said. "So we can be a thruple?"

"Absolutely." I replied. "Although, I don't know how I'm going to keep up with you both. I'm only one man."

"But what a man!" Jess laughed.

"I suppose it should have been obvious." I mused to Jess. "You really do get off on the idea of risky sex."

"I guess? I don't know. I just thought it'd be so fucking hot if you and Dani were taking a chance."

"What about you sis?" I asked.

Dani shrugged. "I don't know, but Jess was into it. For me it was more to do with the fact that she was reminding me that it was you inside me. Wait, what do you mean it should have been obvious?"


"What you said to Jess."

"Oh. That. Uh. We had a bit of an accident, but we went to the pharmacy, and it's all taken care of now."

Dani rolled her eyes. "Jesus Christ Jess, you're barely fucking two weeks, and you've already almost gotten yourself knocked up."

"You've had him inside you, you know what he feels like. I can't wait to see you try to be careful when you're fertile."

Dani blushed. "I'll be careful."

This was all getting a bit much. "How about breakfast?" I asked.


For the next month and a bit, we fucked at every given opportunity. True to her word, Dani was careful and made me pull out a day or two after our first night and for a week or so after that. Jess and she fucked like rabbits. If they weren't on me, they were on each other. They hadn't had sex since Dani had put a stop to it, but now that we were all together, there was nothing to stop them. It seemed like they were making up for lost time. Once they became comfortable with fucking in front of me, I began to see another side of my sister. Clothing became more or less optional over time and it wasn't unusual for me to come home and find Jess and Dani fucking each other.

Jess took me aside, one evening when she came over.

"I don't want to freak you out." She said.

That certainly had my attention.

"I want to do things with Dani, things we haven't done in front of you properly, yet."

"Oh?" I asked, intrigued.

"You must have guessed that she's submissive, right?"

She all but told me, really."

"Well she is, and I love being her mistress, but she's worried about how you'd react to seeing me use her."

"I've seen you use her."

"Not really." Jess disagreed. "You've just seen a little. I, want you to see it all, but you know what she's like."

"She wants to, but can't bring herself to do it?" I suggested.

"Exactly. If she could, it might just be you and she."

I hugged Jess. "Never, not without you."

Jess hugged me. "It's okay, I know you love her more, she's your sister. You don't need to reassure me."

I pulled her against me, and kissed her delicately. "No."

"No?" She asked.

"No." I repeated. "I do not love her more than you. I love you both equally, unreservedly."

Jess smiled and kissed me back.

"Really?" She asked. There was that vulnerability again.

"Really." I assured her. "Never think you're less, I won't allow it."

"I love you." She breathed.

"And I you."

She kissed me again, then pushed me away.

"You're distracting me." She accused, as she straightened her hair.

"Am not." I laughed. "If you both want to be exhibitionists tonight, It's fine with me. I know you won't hurt her."

Jess stretched up and kissed me again. "I kinda wish you were my brother too and Dani were my sister."

I hugged her. "I always thought of you like a little sister." I laughed.

"Mmmm." Jess groaned. "Hot."

"Do you just want me to sit back and watch, tonight?"

"We're not putting on a show for you!" Jess said, firmly. "It's for us."

"Of course." I said.

Jess blushed. "Fine. It's for me, mostly. And Dani doesn't know we're doing it tonight, yet."

"Oh?" I asked.

"Will you just go with it?"

"Sure." I said. "Whatever you need."

"Any other time and I'd be telling you to stick your dick in me."

I grinned. "But you want Dani tonight."

"That. And..." She shuddered a little. "If I sat on your dick, I wouldn't be able to stop myself."

"Oh. Are you...?"

"Yeah. But don't worry, you'll get to have your sweet little sister's pussy instead."

I kissed her.

She leaned against me and pressed her hands to my chest and groaned. "Next week you can fill me up again."

"You want it." I whispered, as I kissed her.

She groaned again, a little flustered. "You have no idea, the thought of you, inside me, god, it'd be so..."

She desperately pushed me away. "I need to find Dani."

An hour later we sat down to dinner. We flirted, held hands, and kissed. We did all the things that couples do, but there were three of us. I cleared away all the plates and Jess excused herself. Dani helped me at the sink and bumped her hip against me.

"Love you." She said, with a smile.

I bent down and kissed the top of her head.

"Love you too."


I nodded. "Your pervert."

"What do you think you're doing?" Jess asked sternly, from the doorway.

I turned to look and saw Jess wearing a tight dress, that barely covered her sex. The top of the dress was of some gauzy material, that did a very poor job of concealing her tits. I guessed that concealment wasn't really the point. She was stunning. In the short time she'd been gone, she'd braided her long red hair into a single plait, and it completely changed her appearance. Beside me Dani had gone a little pale.

"Jess?" She asked, weakly.

"Excuse me?" My girlfriend hissed. "What was that?"

Dani made an involuntary noise and dropped to her knees, facing Jess.

"Good girl." Jess said, warmly. "Follow me to the living room."

"Yes mistress." Dani breathed.

She was obviously a little excited, but she was also blushing a little. Probably embarrassed that I was seeing this side of her.

"Come on, pet." Jess encouraged my sister, as she slowly walked out of the kitchen.

Jess gave Dani a sharp slap on the ass, as she passed. "Good girl."

Jess grinned at me and nodded her head towards the living room. I got the message. She held out her hand and I led her to Dani.

I sat on the couch, and Jess sat beside me. Dani knelt on the mat that Jess must have moved, before walking in on us in the kitchen.

"Are you forgetting something?" Jess asked, looking at Dani.

Dani bit her lip and shook her head.

"Have you forgotten how to speak?" Jess asked, firmly, while leaning forward, intent on my sister.

"No mistress."

"Glad to hear it. I'll ask again, have you forgotten something?"

"No mistress." Dani replied, her head held high.

Jess sighed theatrically and stood up. "Sometimes she gets a little bratty and needs to be taken down a peg or two."

I sat back and watched with interest. This was new to me. Jess had shown she could be headstrong, at times, but this was a whole other level.

"Stand up." Jess ordered, as she crossed the distance between them.

Dani shook her head.

"Stand up!" Jess repeated the command. "So help me you little cunt, if you don't stand up, you'll regret it."

I had to stop myself from saying something. This was a bit beyond what I'd expected. I took a breath and waited to see how it would play out.

Dani slowly got to her feet, and she lowered her eyes a little.

"That's better." Jess purred.

She walked slowly around Dani, sliding her hand across her ass, as she passed behind her.

"Okay pet. Take your clothes off for me."

Dani bit her lip and shook her head.

"If you don't take your clothes off, I'll get your brother to do it."

Dani's eyes flashed towards me.

"Oh you'd like that, wouldn't you? You little slut." Jess growled. "You want him to take your clothes off one at a time. Don't you?"

Dani lowered her eyes again. "Yes mistress."

"Do you want him to look at your flat little chest?"

Dani nodded slowly.

"Say it." Jess ordered.

"I want." She coughed and started again. "I want my brother to look at my flat, little chest."

"Good girl." Jess said softly. "Good girl."

Jess gestured to me and pointed to Dani.

"Care to help out?"

I grinned. "Sure."

I moved to my sister and moved to kiss her cheek. Jess, though, put a hand between us.

"Please don't interfere with my property." She requested.

I nodded. "Sorry."

I put my hands under the edge of Dani's tight little t-shirt and slipped it up over her head, revealing her little buds in all their glory.

"See that pet?" Jess whispered to Dani. "You've made your brother hard. You're such a disgusting little slut. Do you want to show him your pussy next?"

"Yes mistress."

Jess wasn't wrong. The sight of Dani's tiny tits always got me hard.

I popped open the button on her jeans, and slid them down, taking her panties with them. She stepped out of them and I tossed the clothes aside.

"Good girl." Jess said again.

"Would you like to be your brother's cock whore for the night?"

"Yes mistress." Dani said, a gleam in her eye.

"Good girl. You'll have to take all of his cum tonight as I can't."

Dani hesitated.

"You'll do as your told." Jess admonished her.

"Yes mistress." Dani said weakly.

"Now stand there and behave."

"Yes mistress."

Jess turned to me as she slid a hand over my crotch. "I might not be able to have you inside me, but I intend you suck you off at least once tonight.

I smiled and kissed her, hard.

"Did you like that?" She asked.

"It was, interesting." I admitted, as she liberated my cock.

"I'm so fucking horny." Jess admitted. "I'd love if you just bent me over the couch and fucked me hard and fast."

I groaned, as she slid her hand along my stiff shaft.

"I would, if I thought I could control myself." I confessed.

"At least one of us needs to be in control." She groaned. "And I'm hopeless."

She bent down and took me in her mouth. I groaned as she liked and sucked me.

"Fuck." She gasped as she came up for air.

Her fingers were under her dress and she closed her eyes for a moment.

"I'm so fucking wet."

"Show me."

I growled, completely turned on.

Jess turned desperately to Dani.

"Come over here, pet."

Dani eyes looked a little glazed.

"She's already turned on. Aren't you, you little slut?"

"Yes mistress." Dani groaned.

Jess stripped out of her dress. She was completely naked beneath. She climbed onto the couch and sat on the back cushions, her back to the wall and her feet on the seat. She spread her legs for us both to see.

"Come here pet and satisfy me. You're not to stop until I tell you, do you understand."

"Yes mistress."

Dani slid forward, as though in a trance, and she leaned over the seat of the couch, to bury her face in Jess's pussy.

I watched it happen and groaned. This was so fucking hot. Dani had her head thrown back, her hands in Dani's hair, almost crushing my sister's mouth against her pussy.

"Good girl." Jess said, with a catch in her voice. "That's it, good girl. You're such a good girl."

Jess was breathing hard, but she managed to open her eyes, long enough to get my attention and she pointed to Dani's little ass.

Oh fuck yes. I was going to fuck my sister, while she ate out our girlfriend.

I slide a finger between Dani's moist lips and I heard her moan into Jess's pussy.

"Oh that was fucking nice." Jess gasped.

Dani was soaking. I don't know if it was being Jess's little fuck slave, or the fact that I was watching, was getting her so wet, all I knew is that she was ready, and so was I.

I crouched down a little and slid my hard cock long her pussy, spreading her lips and slipping over her clit.

Dani moaned and Jess gasped.

"Hard and fast." Jess moaned. "I'm going to watch your brother fuck you, my little pet."

I slid into Dani with almost no resistance. I pushed deep into her and once again she moaned. I pulled back then slammed my cock into her again. Jess's eyes were rolled back in her head as she listened to my flesh slapping off my sister's little ass.

I fucked her, like Jess suggested, hard and fast.

I felt her pussy start to tighten around me, as I began to reach my crest. She was almost there, and so was I. I grabbed her hips and rammed myself in and out of her. She was moaning almost constantly now, drawing a ragged breath when she could. Jess close as well, it wasn't hard to tell. Her hand was still at the back of my sister's head as forced her bald pussy hard against my sister's mouth. I felt that moment, that slight moment just before you cum.
