Vacation in Lockdown Ch. 01


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The air hostess came back on the check round and collected her untouched lunch tray, smiled back at the both of us without saying anything, and kept moving along the aisle, clearing empty glasses and trays, and asking if we needed anything else. I did not let go of the blanket from my lap till the time the flight started its descent, and by then my hard-on had subsided. For the next half hour, we talked about the upcoming holiday and things we planned to do, hoping the weather would be amiable.

Not until when the attendant announced asking us to fasten our seat-belts, and the blanket removed, did we both realize my left-hand fingers were interlocked with her right-hand fingers. We tightened our seat belts, lowered the hand-rest in the middle, and rested our elbows on top of it. Our fingers locked again until the plane touched the ground.

While deplaning, the air hostesses smiled back at all the passengers, greeting everyone goodbye, and reserved a little extra large smile for me.


We reached the resort around 6 pm and were tired of the long flight. The luxury resort was very well lit up and sat at the end of The Strip. Its Casino Wing was inviting even before we could enter the lobby of the hotel. All kinds of people were coming and going from the Casino gate as we alighted from the cab. In the hotel lobby, the picture was somewhat glum though. There were a very limited number of guests in the lobby, the staff seemed scarce when we reached the check-in desk.

The reception looked short staffed and was manned with senior and junior managers, not just receptionists. We headed towards an oriental female who was very beautiful and seemed very attentive. We were welcomed with a warm smile from her. Her nametag gave her name as Nin. Our luggage had been given to the bell-desk and for no reason that we know of, we were upgraded to suites. We would be later told by Nin that the reason for its upgrade was indeed low occupancy, and they were also trying to spread people into far-out rooms as much as was reasonably possible.

When we reached the floor of our suites, mine was adjacent to the one given to Mom and Dad, I was super impressed and excited. I could not wait for Natalie to join me later in the week. I quickly glanced out from the window to see the lovely view of The Strip. I moved about and went to the bathroom, which was more like a room in itself and had all the trappings of modern high-end living. I shunned all my clothes and quickly took a shower, the buzz seemed to have worn out from the flight, and I was ready to have a party.

Mom and Dad were waiting for me near the elevator, and we went down together for our dinner at one of the hotel's restaurants and enjoyed a lovely long meal. Mom dressed in a smart evening dress as if it was to be worn on a big occasion. A full white gown from her collar bones to her toes, and sleeves cut around five inches below her shoulder. Hugging her every curve - she looked beautiful, as ever. All through the elevator ride, the evening, and during dinner, I did not happen to get behind her, and it did not cross mind to check her dress out from the rear.

When I did happen to get up from the table after them, to exit the restaurant, my heart skipped a beat. I saw her back, a very low cut dress held together with just a string high up on her back and nothing else until the lower back. Dad put his hand on her bare back to guide her on his way out and they moved around slowly trying to get out of the restaurant. Pride must have been top of his mind, with a wife as beautiful as her; he could not but smile on the inside being the subject of envy. Right before they exited the restaurant she turned to look for me and caught me staring at her back. She let it slip and smiled back, egging me to rush up.

We meandered toward the casino and killed some time on the slots. I did not want to leave Mom's side even when I had little interest in the slot machines. All of a sudden they looked dandy to me. Dad was spending some bucks on the blackjack table even though he had little interest in gambling. He was anyhow grumpy ever since we had checked-in at the hotel. While at a reception earlier, when we were checking-in, he had nonchalantly asked about the conference venue of the Competitor Company with Nin and found out that the event had been postponed due to the ongoing virus situation.

Around 11 pm, we headed back to our Suites, and I slept like a log. Not before I had FaceTimed Natalie and showed her my suite. Something to look forward to for both of us.

In the adjacent room, the scene was somewhat different though. Mom was excited. With the airplane escapade having gotten her all worked up, she felt energetic, and her blood was pumping. When they reached their room, Mom went into the bathroom and called Dad to help untie her dress. Dad followed her and untied a single knot behind her neck.

Some magic movements later, the dress fell to the floor, and all she was left with were panties that covered her full butt, like small cycling shorts. Of course, as was evident from her open back of the dress there weren't any signs of a bra. Dad admired her from the back and moved ahead to hold her from the waist. His mouth moved forward to take her neck, and he started kissing it. His groin pressed into her butt, and his penis felt a current. His hands moved forward, and upward to get a hold of her breasts, traveling slowly he never left her skin. His fingers left on their trail on her skin from the pressure. A kiss on her neck turned into a dozen of long ones.

"mmm." She moaned.

She sighed from the kisses and pulled her hand up and back into his hair, pulling him into her neck. When his fingers reached her breasts he felt something other than just her soft skin, and he could not help but peek at what had come between him and his treasure. He could not see properly, but a glance upwards in the bathroom mirror he saw a very erotic image of them both.

Her breasts were covered in what seemed like a stick-on bra of some kind apparently, which had helped keep her breasts in place and elevated; and covered the nipples. They looked like use-and-throw ones to him, but he did not care and pushed his fingers deeper to peel them off.

All the while, his eyes were in the mirror while his fingers were working on her breasts.

Mom helped take it off and turned around. They kissed once, then a second time and then a third and eventually their tongues fought in each other's mouths and by the fifth kiss they were breathing heavily.

He pulled her towards the bathroom door, and she followed while their mouths stayed joint. Upon turning towards their bed, he led her from the front and stopped in front of the bed. Pulled her in front of himself and pushed her lightly on the bed. Her feet were on the floor, while she laid back. He bent before her and started pulling her panties down. His hands-on the outside, she lifted her butt a little to help with the panties and within seconds her panties were off from her ankles. He hungrily looked at her pussy and beyond.

Her beautiful half globes on her chest were now flatter, given the gravity of her lying down, but they gave a view to him no mountain range can give. Her erect nipples were like summits he wanted to reach all over again. Dad started kissing her thigh near her knee and slowly worked upwards. When he reached her pussy he did not dive in straight away. He kissed her lips on each side and alternated between her left and right sides on her inner thighs, an inch below her pussy.

Her pussy was glistening, and she closed her eyes. A minute or two of kissing and licking, and he moved into her lips. With a slightly open mouth, he started blowing hot air into pussy. She was in heaven, and her pussy lips were pulsing by then as if inviting him to come forward and kiss directly and bring in the tongue with him. She moaned with her eyes closed, and her hands moved towards his head, and fingers tousled his hair.

Her pussy received hot, warm air and gave back its own heat; his head stayed near her pussy, her hands in his hair, and her eyes closed shut. Her head was shaking right to left and back, and her mind played a trick on her and she remembered the scene from the airplane earlier in the afternoon. Her mind took her back into the plane ride of earlier that day, and she felt the head in her hands was mine; and that it was I who was breathing hard into her pussy and blowing towards her pussy lips. She almost shook herself off it, but the image did not go away.

The more she pushed it away, the more vivid it became. Her pussy was leaking, and Dad moved in. His first lick made her shiver, and by the time he was lapping she was cumming like waterfall. He did not let go until she was done. She lay limp but nowhere near done for the evening. She was surprised herself on how wound up was she, that it took little to get her to orgasm. She could not believe the image she had in her mind when she'd cum.

As if to reconfirm the identity of the pleasurer, she opened her eyes and saw Dad looking at her from between her legs. She pulled him towards her and he kept moving up kissing and licking her belly, then each breast and then chest and her neck and reached her mouth and started deep kissing her.

She took him into her mouth and licked his tongue as if she was looking forward to it. Dad's dick was rock hard and pressing into her mound. Not able to find its destination. She pushed him on his chest and brought her hands behind him. Then lowered her hands on his bum. They adjusted, and he angled down a few inches to take his wife to another journey through the clouds.

She closed her eyes, and he worked his dick into her with only a couple of shoves. His dick reached the bottom, and he started pumping. He did not seem to want to control the pace and banged her in hard punches; not long, just hard. Pretty soon his climax came, and he grunted and kept pumping. She was excited enough for another round of release but needed for him to continue but he came with a nasal hiss and grunt and then collapsed. She wanted him to keep going just so she could cum one more time, but he was beat. It'd been a while since they had done it twice in one night, and she had no explanation as to why today should be that day.

Ten minutes later, he had cleaned up in the bathroom and slipped next to her in bed with a resort's thin robe on. She was lying just as he had left her, Naked. The hotel's fresh, starched, perfumed linen did not help because it rubbed on her nipples every time she moved. She turned over on her side and eventually slept after another 15 minutes. She still felt warm, but her edge was gone.


I got up late in the morning, Mom and Dad are already in the cafe for breakfast, and I joined them around 11 am and forced them to stay on with me. Mom was wearing a beautiful short dress, one that flowed from below the waist but hugged her all the way up. She looked like she was enjoying her time and wanted to go check out the dance cum circus show timings. She left Dad and me at the table, and we updated each other on the virus situation, and he told me the situation seemed to be worsening by the day. By the time we got up and strolled towards the lobby, Mom was heading back towards us, happy to have secured three tickets for a stand-up comedy show. It included drinks and dining in a separate restaurant. Neither dad nor I seemed to know how to say no to her.

We headed out to go to the pool; Dad went to the suite to handle some business calls and emails. Mom decided to go to the room along with Dad and told me to meet her at the pool. She needed to change into her bikini. I told her I was not keen to dive into the pool yet, with my trunks still in the room, I did not feel like going back up. I walked to the pool area to find it empty, and on enquiring with a hotel staffer smoking nearby I came to know that due to the virus, the hotel was trying to sanitize the area. I was told this one would be open the next day; however, there was a smaller pool attached to the gym, but that was available for higher category rooms only.

I circled back to the lobby quickly so as to inform Mom over the house-phone about her plan getting shot and that she need not get ready for the pool. Over at the reception to check where the house-phones were, I met with Nin. I rechecked with her about the pool closure, and also about the pool attached to the gym, supposedly reserved for select guests.

She smiled and asked, "Please give me a moment. I am sorry for the pool."

She handed me a card, "This would give you access to the 15th-floor pool deck and gym."

I said, "Thank you for your thoughtfulness," and headed back towards the suites to catch Mom and give her the card to the pool floor. With a build-up in my mind about the special gym, pool, and games room my own interest picked up as well, to go check the facilities out, and the fact was that I did not have anything else to do.

Upon reaching my floor, I caught up with mom while she was walking back towards the elevators. The hall was slightly dark, but I could not help but stare at her. She was wearing a bright red bikini, of which I could only see partially from her front, and she had a gown kind of a top covering her till her mid-thighs. Loosely tied in front, it masked her bikini bottom.

I said, "Mom, the main pool has been closed for desanitization. We have got access to a special privilege section on the 15th floor. Why don't you give me a little while, I will change into my trunks, and join you?"

She walked back with me to my suite, and I rustled through my bag hurriedly looking for my swimming trunks I had brought along. Found it and went into the bathroom all the while telling her the story about the special hotel section with privileges for VIP guests. I seemed more excited than she was. She looked calm and happy. I changed quickly in my bathroom while she sat on the bed with her legs crossed one knee on the other. When I came out, I saw her right leg on top of her left, and the bottom hem of her gown had fallen away from her thighs and revealed her entire thighs. I did not know how to complement my Mom, on the fact that she looked sexy.

As if reading my mind, she asked, "How do I look?" she stood and turned around for me.

I gulped and said, "Mom, you look fantastic!" My voice pitch raised, and the excitement was evident in my tone.

She quickly untied the gown and showed me the bikini. The satin kind of gown fell from her shoulders. Her arms were stretched lower, and in her hands, she held the gown, preventing it from falling off on to the floor. She took a slow twirl and showed me the bikini with so little material on it that it could be sold for fewer than fifteen dollars if it had to be sold for a dollar per square inch. My mouth was open, and everything that I could have been said was said without an utterance of a word. Mom accepted my belated response with amusement instead of delight. She felt as if she'd overdone it and became conscious.

I gathered myself and said, "Mom, you look terrific and sexy." I blurted, "I love it."

A smile returned to her face, and she pulled her gown up and moved forward towards me and held my arm, and we stepped out in the gallery.

On the 15th floor, we entered a club-kind of a floor. There was a seated reception section with a fitness trainer behind it. We approached him, and I handed him the card I had received from Nin, he swiped it and welcomed us in. I asked him about the facilities, and he offered to show us around. His name was Terrence, big strong biceps trying to tear his t-shirt's short sleeves. His physique was that of a bodybuilder but a level more visually appealing. We followed him first to a massive gym. The gym covered about half of the floor I guessed, and it was huge and had all kinds of machines and gadgets. The place to workout was spacious.

There were two persons on the treadmill. We followed Terrence through a passage to come out on the other side to an infinity pool on the terrace. With a lady occupying one of the six lounge chairs, I noticed no one inside the pool. It was the best pool I'd ever seen and was giving a feeling as if water was falling off from the hotel building, the other side from where we stood. The pool was not big, and certainly not very deep, and it seemed fit more for fun than proper swimming. I turned to see Mom's reaction, and she was beaming.

We let go of the rest of the tour and felt compelled to plunk ourselves on the poolside. Within a minute of our sitting, an attendant appeared out of nowhere and gave us towels. Moments later, a waiter appeared, again out of nowhere, and offered us drinks - compliments of the hotel. With Champagne on our side tables, Mom dished out a suntan lotion from her small bag that was holding her phone & other knick-knacks.

I was glad she had thought of bringing the lotion along because I had not brought any. She put on a show of doing her arms, her legs, and her upper chest. By the time she finished, it looked like she had not left an inch on her that was untouched by lotion. She handed me the lotion, to do her back. She flipped on the lounge chair on her front and facing sideways. Her neck rested on a towel.

Her unblemished back was in front of me, and I had unlimited viewing privileges of her rear. I spent a good amount of time admiring her rear, and her almost bare bums. The little material the bikini had on her entire back had ridden into her crack. All I could see was traces of it peering out from between her buns and a string holding her top by way of a knot. There was no cloth to be wasted on the back. Not many ladies could dare to give justice to this outfit. She certainly knew how to buy a bikini, which would knock them out of the park. I was going to make the best of the opportunity and rubbed her back as slow as was humanly possible without getting questioned. She told me off when she felt I was done. I took a little in my palms and rubbed it on myself for good measure.

We ordered some sandwiches on the poolside for lunch. We lay on the lounge chairs for a couple of hours before the heat started pinching, and I told her, "Mom, I am heading into the pool. It certainly looks tempting."

"Go check, I will join in if the temperature is cool," Mom responded.

I trudged along with the pool and entered it slowly, suspecting it to be hot, given the weather. On the contrary, it was perfectly cool. Possibly because of it being an infinity pool - the water was churning faster than a normal size pool and also maybe because it was smaller.

I turned towards Mom and waived to her.

"The water's perfect Mom" I egged her... "come on its cool." I was moving about in the pool, not swimming just getting accustomed to the water.

I looked over to see if she was coming. She kept her phone on the poolside table and instinctively adjusted her bikini before starting to walk over to the pool. Her walk of about 10 meters from the chair seemed to last 10 minutes to me. Her movement accentuated her tits, and the wobble that her every step generated on the upper boobs was mesmerizing. Her tits were begging to climb out of the little holds that her bikini granted. Each step produced a jiggle, which traveled from her leg to her breasts, and the next one did the same from her other step.

It painted an amazing picture when no muscle from her body seemed out of place and not a single blemish on her skin. The continuous jiggle of her tits was heavenly, to say the least. If I was in love with her butt, it was only because I had never seen what I was witnessing then. She looked like a goddess with perfect proportions in every inch of her body. From my level of the just head above the water, she was about 6ft above me and every step she took towards the pool increased the size of her frame as if I was zooming into a swimsuit model.