Vacation Vixen

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A lonely man gets more than he could hope for.
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Reno Nevada 1996

David Peters stared at the woman in the sexy dress sitting comfortably at the roulette table. She appeared to be alone except for the stacks of chips in front of her. The silver and diamond bracelet she wore must've been a good luck charm because every bet she placed seemed to come up a winner.

She was the type of 'sight to see' David was hoping for when he booked his vacation. He was taken with the hypnotic femininity of the lady in black. Her dark hair, deep eyes, and long slender legs were almost too much for the man recently left heartbroken.

David was startled when the man next to him said, "Hard not to stare isn't it?"

After a quick shake of his head, David replied, "What do you mean?"

A nondescript man in a plain gray suit smiled and said, "The hottie at the roulette table. I think everyone in the casino has noticed you staring at her."

"Is it that apparent?"

"Buddy you look like one of those cartoon characters whose eyes bulge out of their head."

"I can't help it. She's amazing. She acts like she owns the place. Do you know if she is a regular?"

The nondescript man responded, "She's not a regular, but when she's here, I keep my eye on her."

David's mind began to wonder. Why was such a good-looking woman sitting alone in a casino? Did she love the thrill of gambling? Was she hoping to find someone?

He looked closely at how the dress accentuated her erotic curves. Thin straps were the only thing covering the smooth skin of her chest and shoulders. The low cut showed off a set of ample breasts that fit perfectly on the rest of her statuesque figure. David felt a stir of wanton, there was just something about this woman.

As if she could feel him watching her, the woman lifted her gaze and looked directly at David. She held his stare and smiled coyly while simultaneously dropping a handful of chips on black twenty-nine.

There was a rumble amongst the onlookers as the croupier spun the wheel. The marble zipped around the numbered slots before eventually falling into a spot and staying there.

"Twenty-nine. Black!" the croupier called, eliciting a bit of applause.

The woman smiled, collected all of her winnings in a small bucket, and made her way toward an outside patio. As she walked by David their eyes met again, her wry smile returned and this time her head leaned softly to one side. It was a subtle gesture, one most wouldn't have picked up on. But as smitten as David was he saw it as an invitation.

A woman hadn't shown interest in him in a long time and never had one so attractive even acknowledged his existence. A rush of excitement spurred him to follow her.

"Whoa you're going for it?" the nondescript man said as David walked away. "Good luck buddy."

In the time it took David to turn and say 'thanks' he'd lost track of the woman. He stepped out onto the patio and looked around. The space was filled with couples taking a break from the intensity of the casino for the ambiance of a desert night. The air was warm and dry. The moon was full, bathing the surrounding mountains in a soft light.

It took a moment for David to find the beautiful woman. She was sitting at a table for two taking in the view. He approached awkwardly not knowing what his next move should be. When he got to the edge of the table she turned her head and smiled at him for the third time.

"I was hoping you would follow me out here," she murmured in a slow sultry tone, "I could tell you wanted to meet me, and I definitely wanted to meet you."

'Wow, that was direct,' David thought. 'Could this really be starting so quickly?' Mustering up some confidence, he asked, "Can I sit down?"

She smirked at his unease, and waved a hand to the empty chair, "Well silly, hard to meet each other with you standing and me sitting, don't you think?"

"That's true," David said, shaking his head at how amateur he must seem.

"I'm Isabelle."

"I'm David."

"Well, thanks for coming over David. How's your first time in Reno?"

"How'd you know it was my first time in Reno?" David questioned.

"You have a look," she replied in a way that came across as flirty.

"Am I that obvious?"

"Yes, but it's cute."

"So, cute obvious," he mimicked, making air quotes with his fingers.

"Yes. Now you're getting it. Where are you from?"


"Well, that's very Midwest. What do you do for work in Cincinnati?"

"I'm an electrician."

"So you fix people's shorts," she joked in a teasing voice.

David laughed, he had heard that electrician joke countless times before but never as a flirt. "Yes, but they have to let me check their box first," he countered.

Isabelle giggled, "You're quick. I like you already."

David's confidence was coming to him. Maybe he could pull off a conversation with this beautiful woman, "How about you, where are you from?"

"I'm from Kansas City."

"And for work?"

"I'm between jobs right now."

"Is that why you're in Reno, to get some roulette-driven income?"

"That's right," she said, tilting her head. "Look at you, you're cute and intuitive."

David grinned, "Thanks."

"So Mr. Cute and Intuitive are you going to buy me a drink?"

David drew a deep breath, "Absolutely."

"Good, I know a place."

David let his eyes roll over Isabelle as she stood and led him out. The thin black material of her dress had a shimmer that accentuated her sexy figure. He began to feel very excited. He'd come to Reno wishing something like this was going to happen. Was it possible his wish was about to become reality?

On their way out David noticed the nondescript man watching them. He acknowledged David's gaze by lifting his glass as if to toast his success.

After a few minutes' walk, the couple arrived at a quiet cocktail lounge tucked off the main street.

"This is right next to my hotel," David commented.

"Oh yeah, the Sherbrooke? I've stayed there as well, the view from the eighth floor is amazing."

With a grin of surprise, David said, "I'm on the eighth floor and thought the same thing. What a coincidence."

She smirked back at him, "Yes we seem to have a lot in common."

The lights of the lounge made her look even more attractive. Her eyes were a deep brown that went well with the natural beauty of her face. She sat on a high-top bar stool, adjusting her pose and dress to maximize the freedom of her shapely legs. David's eyes wandered taking in her toned calves, rounded knee, and just a glimpse of the alabaster skin of her inner thigh.

As David settled on the stool next to her, he noticed the news program on the TV behind the bar. It showed a man in handcuffs being taken out of a police car. The ticker beneath read, 'Special Report. Reno jewel thief arrested in Las Vegas. Stolen property not recovered. Accomplish still at large.'

David pointed it out, "They were talking about that guy when I checked in. He was hitting all the casinos on this strip, specifically targeting women's jewelry. Looks like they got him."

He drew his attention to Isabelle's silver and diamond bracelet, "Weren't you nervous flaunting that around?"

Her dark mysterious eyes were screened by long lashes, she signaled the bartender then said, "Why should I live my life in fear of something happening? If I let fear control me I would never leave my room, and if I never left my room I wouldn't be here having a drink with a good-looking guy like yourself."

As the bartender arrived she dropped her hand to David's knee and ordered, "Two Boulevardiers please."

"Wow, how'd you know I liked Boulevardiers?"

She gave his thigh a soft rub, "Don't all intelligent men like Boulevardiers?"

David's heart leapt at the sudden contact. It took all of his confidence to appear cavalier and respond in kind. He stoked the cool skin of her arm and inhaled the feminine fragrance of her perfume, "They do, but how do you know I'm intelligent?"

She made no move to shake off his touch, "Well you're here with me aren't you."

He snickered at the blunt humor of her retort. Feeling like he walked into that one he replied, "Yes you got me there. Does that go for women as well? Do all intelligent women like Boulevardiers?"

"No, intelligent women like Vespers. The ones that know what they want order Boulevardiers."

'Wow this woman was incredible,' he thought. Never had he known one so coyly assertive. It had been his experience that women made men do all the work. They play hard to get until the pursuer is wrapped around their finger. Isabelle was something altogether different.

As they waited for their drinks David's eyes lingered on the cleavage exposed by her low-cut dress. He could see the faintest hint of jiggle that accompanied any movement of her upper body. David wanted this to happen, he wanted it more than anything he had ever wanted before. The yearning made his heart beat faster and his pulse throb with desire.

When the drinks arrived, he reached into his pocket and with an unsteady hand paid with cash. His head was pounding and his blood was hot with excitement. As Isabelle thanked him he stared into her eyes. He searched the soft brown color for some suggestion of what he could say to impress such a woman. She held the gaze and gave away nothing but intrigue.

David placed a hand on her knee. Under the thin material of her dress, he could sense the warmth of her body. She didn't protest or try to stop him when his hand moved higher.

She took a long sip of her drink and said, "You're here because of a woman aren't you."

Befuddled by the unexpected question David pulled his hand back and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You're in Reno because of a woman. My guess is she dumped you and left you lonely. So you thought you'd come to Reno, do some gambling, and hopefully replace the loneliness with excitement."

David was shocked at how accurately she had read him, "How did you? How did you know all that?"

She took another sip of her drink, "Well I'd like to say that I'm just that good. What I should say is that you wear your mixture of denial, anger, and depression like a mismatched suit. The truth is, I'm here for the same reason, and looking at you is like looking in a mirror."

David was speechless, unaware of the dumbfounded look on his face.

Isabelle held the silence for a moment then asked, "So what happened?"

He had spent so much time grappling with his breakup that his response came out like a reflex, "She went back to her ex. A guy that dumped her before we started dating."

"Not surprising."

"What do you mean?" David replied in a tone harsher than he'd intended.

"I mean, it happens. She got dumped by that guy, she was rejected by him. Most people deal with rejection poorly. If the guy starts coming around again she sees a chance to become un-rejected and she takes it. She wants to prove to him he was wrong to dump her. It's about her need for validation, you were just collateral damage."

And there it was. The answer that had been eluding him. He couldn't comprehend why his ex went back to the man who cast her out. That lack of comprehension had become pain and that pain had driven him to book this vacation in hopes of a distraction. Isabelle, who rather than being the distraction, solved the pain. He let out a little giggle as all the stress and angst he had been feeling for weeks left his body like air out of an airlock.

Isabelle moved closer to him. So, close he could feel her breath on his face, "David, you're hot and lonely, and I'm hot and lonely as well. What do you say we go back to your room and be hot and not lonely?"

'This is really happening isn't it' David thought before saying, "I'd like that."

"I know you will," she demurred in as sexy a voice as he had ever heard.

The two downed their drinks and headed out. They were almost through the door when David noticed the nondescript man from the casino again. He was sitting at a corner table with another similarly dressed man. David knew he should be suspicious of the way this guy kept popping up, but those thoughts were drowned out by the anticipation of what was about to happen with Isabelle.                           

David's eighth-floor room was as tidy as when he had checked in. He switched on a lamp while Isabelle kicked off her heels and slid her fingers through her raven-black hair.

He put his arms around her. She pressed her well-endowed body against him, seductively rolling her breasts over his chest. Her pelvis pushed into his thigh as his mouth closed over hers. David tried to make the kiss as passionately perfect as he could. He'd never been with a woman this hot, and he didn't want to screw it up.

"Mmmm," she moaned. "I've wanted to do this since I caught you watching me."

That bit of reinforcement was all the ego boost that David needed. He reveled in her thick hair, smooth skin, and full sensuous lips. He could sense her breathing quicken as his lips slid to the hollow under her ear. She let out a small gasp as they moved down the round column of her throat. He continued kissing her perfumed skin, stopping when he reached the opening of her dress.

Her arms coiled around his neck and brought his mouth back to hers. This time it was her kissing him, her tongue teasing and probing. She pressed harder against him, making her eagerness apparent. His arms tightened around her sexy figure and returned the sensual promise of her passionate kiss.

Isabelle broke away, took a deep breath, and whispered, "You're really good at this."

Before she could say anything else, he kissed her again. This one was more a sweet peck as if to thank her for the compliment. He looked deep into her brown eyes. They had a sparkle to them, a gleam of excitement that only came when engaging with a new sex partner. She took his hand and led him to the edge of the bed.

Isabelle reached behind her back and expertly unfastened the top hook of her dress before smoothly pulling the zipper down. David watched with bated breath as the tight-fitting garment grew loose then fell open exposing her magnificent breasts. The dark pink of her areolas was already tight and her nipples stood erect. The fullness of her tits caused them to sway as she pushed the dress over her hips before letting it drop to the floor.

The enchantress then peeled off her black silk panties and stood before him completely naked. With a full understanding of the effect her form had on David, she struck a pose. Her breasts hung before her the finest pair a man could hope to encounter in a lifetime. Her shapely legs were spread enough to draw attention to her firm thighs and a luscious bush that was as dark as the hair cascading around her shoulders.

"You're. You're. You're amazing," he stammered.

Isabelle slid close to him and began removing his clothes. She pushed off his jacket before her nimble fingers made short work of his shirt buttons. As soon as he was naked from the waist up she pressed against him, kissing him long and hard. His senses were flooded with the marvelous feel of skin on skin. He could feel both the softness of her breasts and the hardness of her nipples against his chest.

Without breaking the contact, she undid his belt and pants before stripping them and his underwear off. Her pelvis ground into his crotch and rubbed against his rock-hard cock. She rose onto her tiptoes and seductively cooed into his ear, "Should we do it like this or would you like to see me on the bed?"

David smirked and let his hands wander down her naked back before resting on her lovely ass, "On the bed. Definitely on the bed."

"I was hoping you'd say that," Isabelle replied, sliding from his embrace to atop the luxurious hotel bed.

She lay back, propped up against the pile of pillows, positioned her arms to frame her breasts, and separated her legs to give David a good view of her womanhood.

David felt his passion lurch as his eyes traveled over her nakedness. The gorgeous woman was free of piercings and tattoos. Except for a few freckles her skin was flawless. She had large, shapely tits and a flat stomach, spotted with a perfectly round navel. Her pubic mound was neatly trimmed into an upside-down triangle shape. At the bottom tip of that triangle was the pink slit of her sex.              

David climbed onto the bed next to her. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before he began exploring her body. His fingers roamed the sexy contours of her tits, sliding across the silky smooth skin to the taught flesh of the nipple. He softly tweaked them before gently kneading the entire breast. Erotic shivers rippled over her silky skin creating patches of gooseflesh.

Isabelle's chest heaved with mounting anticipation as his head dropped to her tits. He kissed the soft flesh a few times before taking one of her erect nipples into his mouth.

"Mmmm David. That feels really good," she cried, arching her back and pushing her breasts into him.

His eager mouth sucked with just enough pressure to create sensation but not discomfort, at the same time his tongue pushed around her swollen nipple. While his lips and tongue kept one breast busy he used his hand to entertain the other. He tickled the round base before rubbing the luscious areola. His dexterous manipulations kept the globe swollen and its tip tight.

At just the right time his mouth and hand exchanged partners. She was moaning louder now. Her hips were writhing around under him. David could've lavished attention on her magnificent tits all night. But there was so much more of this incredible woman that he wanted to know. He slowly stopped his manipulations and pulled back from her chest.

"Well," she blushed. "You really know how to treat a woman don't you?"

"Thanks," he replied, his ego trying to figure out how to process a compliment from someone so beautiful.

"I take it you're a real boob guy huh?"

Trying to sound dashing he replied, "Actually I'm an all lady parts guy."

"Is that so," she smirked. "Well lucky for you I've got all those parts and you're welcome to enjoy them all you want."

Isabelle leaned back, arranged the pillows behind her head, and settled into a position that would give her an unobstructed view of the attention she was about to receive.

David once again flourished her breasts with kisses, leaving each nipple stiff and erect. He then slowly meandered downward over her flat stomach, stopping briefly to flutter the cute button that was her navel with his tongue. Appreciating his overture she ran her fingers through his hair.

"That feels good," she cooed. "It's been a long time since someone's turned me on like this."

Emboldened with encouragement, his kisses worked their way closer and closer to the furry mound of her amazing pussy. But before his lips touched the soft tufts, he turned his head and used his tongue to tease the silky skin of her inner thigh. He repeated the tantalizing maneuver on the other thigh, blowing lightly on the swollen lips of her sex as he moved from one leg to the other.

David didn't rush. He knew the longer he took, the higher her anticipation would be before his mouth inevitably made contact with her womanhood. He'd never had an opportunity with a lady as gorgeous as Isabelle and wanted to make sure she received the full effects of his lips and tongue.

Kissing up from her thigh, he edged closer to her swollen pussy. He ran the tip of his nose through the tender foliage of her pubic hair, taking in her feminine scent. He continued taunting by slowly tracing his tongue along the outside edge of her intimacy, but not directly on it. Playfully he used his tickling tongue and teasing lips to incite her yet deprive her of direct attention.

"Oh David you're making me crazy," the raven-haired beauty moaned in a deep, lusty voice.

Confident he had her, he looked up to find her watching him. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were full of lust. He held her gaze for several seconds before running his tongue through the crease of her labia. He didn't push hard, just enough pressure to part her lips and expose the moist pink. She gasped at the sudden change. He made a second pass, tasting her nectar. Her gasps turned into moans.