Vacation with Aunt Victoria Ch. 01

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Car ride with my newly divorced Aunt.
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Writer's note: All characters in this story, and all my stories, are over the age of 18. All sexual acts happen in this story between consenting adults. Enjoy.


I was packing for my yearly family vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC when my phone rang. It was my mom. I lived in Cleveland and my parents lived in Portland with my sister. I glanced at my watch and saw it was 8am, making it 4am there. What in the world could she possibly be calling me for?

I answered the phone, "Hi mom, is something wrong?"

There was a long pause, before she answered, "No dear, nothing is wrong, you haven't left for the beach yet have you?"

"No I haven't, I planned on leaving around 9, which would put me there around 10 tonight." It was only Monday morning, but since I was a computer programmer, who worked remotely, I was planning on getting to the beach early, and relaxing for a few days before the rest of the family showed up on Friday. My family can be.... a lot sometimes, and I wanted some time alone to myself beforehand, my mom knew this.

"Oh good!" She replied, I could hear the excitement in her voice, I wasn't entirely sure I liked where this was going.

"I was talking to my sister, and you know she got a divorce a few months ago, and her ex-husband never wanted to attend the family vacation so she hasn't been to the beach with us in years."

My Aunt Victoria, she was my mother's much younger sister. 17 years younger I think, I hadn't seen or heard from her much. She got married when I was 14. Her and her husband, now ex-husband I guess, live in Pittsburgh, PA. Which isn't too far from me actually. I could see where this was going.

"Well dear, she really wanted to join us on vacation, and since she's a teacher, she's still off for the summer."

"Uh huh, I see..." was all I could respond with. While I was still throwing things I probably didn't need into a suitcase.

"She tried to book a room for herself but, as you can guess the hotel was completely booked up, even the hotels near us."

"I guess that makes sense mom, but what's this got to do with me?"

"I'm getting to that, I was thinking that since Pittsburgh is kinda on the way, and you already have a room to yourself, I thought maybe you'd be willing to pick her up and drive her down, then she could stay with you until we get there on Friday. Then when we all get there, we could figure something else out."

When my mom said this, I'm not entirely sure why my mind jumped to her wedding day, but I think that was the last time I saw my aunt. She looked so beautiful. She was tall with red hair, and freckles. Her husband was older than her, and already had 3 kids from a previous marriage. She never had any kids of her own. That was 6 years ago. All of the sudden I started feeling very sad for her. I'm not sure what happened with her marriage, but she must be devastated about it.

"Yea sure mom, that sounds great. I would love the company actually." Was the first thing that popped into my head, so that's what I said. Well actually it was the second thing, how beautiful I thought my aunt was on her wedding day was the first thing.

"Are you sure honey? I thought you were going to at least need some convincing." My mom replied.

"Yea I'm sure, my room has two beds. It might be a little weird at first, but I'm sure she could use the company herself."

My mom was so happy that I was okay with it. I will admit, I have always been a bit of a loner, the fact I was so willing to let my aunt stay with me was a bit out of character. But really, I just couldn't push the picture of her on her wedding day out of my mind. I get that I was just a 14-year-old boy at the time. I wondered if she was still as pretty as she was back then.

My mom gave me her sister's number, and told me to call her as soon as we hung up. She was expecting my call. Which told me, my mom wasn't going to give up until I agreed to let her sister stay with me. I'm glad I thought it was a good idea too.

I told my mom I loved her, and that I'd see her on Friday at the airport.

I hung up, and finished packing up the last of my stuff. I sat down on the couch and looked at my aunt's number. I haven't talked to her in so long, she was basically a stranger to me.

I stared at the number for a while, before dialing. It only rang once before I heard a soft woman's voice answer.


When I heard her voice, it was almost like something inside my chest exploded. All of the sudden I couldn't think, I didn't know what to say. I sat there in silence for a long moment.

"Aunt Victoria? It's me Zach." was all that I could muster.

"Oh Zach! Please call me Tori. You made me wait for so long, I feared the worst."

I explained to her that her staying with me until Friday was a great idea, and I'd love the company. I think she was crying, but I couldn't tell if that's how she always sounded or not. I told her I was just about to leave, and it should take me about two hours to get to her place.

I didn't really know that much about my Aunt. I was kinda in a daze though, packing up my stuff into my car, and leaving. I was trying my hardest to remember everything I could about my Aunt. She got married young, to an older man. I know she was pregnant when she got married, but had a miscarriage shortly afterward. I remember my sister and my mom talking about it, but I wasn't really listening. I think her ex-husband was already dating, or maybe remarried already. What a tool. Fuck that guy.

I pulled up to my aunt's house. It was a small one- or two-bedroom cottage style house, just outside the city. It was a beautiful day out, and her front door was open. I double checked the address, to make sure it was the right place before heading up to the front door. It was about 11 o'clock. I knocked, but didn't hear an answer.

"Aunt Victoria...?" I called into the door.

I heard a reply in the distance, but couldn't make it out. I think she said to come on in. The screen door wasn't locked so I let myself in. I was soon greeted by my aunt in nothing more than a towel. Shampoo still covering her dark red hair, shaving cream on her legs. My heart jumped into my throat. I didn't know what to say.

She quickly said, "Oh, I couldn't remember if I locked the door or not, I thought I had more time, I haven't even finished packing yet. You know what, just throw everything on the bed into the suitcase while I finish showing and we can be out of here in no time. She disappeared into the bathroom which connected to the hallway. The only bedroom was directly across from the bathroom. She left the bathroom door open as she striped off the towel and stepped back into the shower.

She left the door open so we could talk while she showered. She had one of those showers with sliding glass doors, that let you see the person showering pretty easily, but the steam in the shower prevented her from seeing me. She was absolutely the most beautiful thing I had ever seen...... what the fuck was wrong with me.

I stopped spying on her in the shower, and stepped into her bedroom. She continued to offer small talk while she showered, and I surveyed her room. She asked me if I had a girlfriend, or any kind of special person my life. To which I replied, nope, just me.

I looked around the room. It was an explosion of last-minute traveling decisions. Countless pairs of panties and bras were everywhere. About 5 bathing suits, sun dresses, slacks, skirts, pants, shorts, hats were everywhere.

There was no way everything was going to fit.

"You know there's no way all this stuff is going to fit into this one suitcase, right?"

"Just grab what you think is important and throw them into the suitcase then, I don't want to hold you up more than I already have."

To which I really wanted to reply, 'You can hold me up any way you want Aunty Tori", but all that came out was "All right then".

The bathing suits were a must. I put all the two-piece suits into the suitcase, but left out the one-piece ones. Because you know, they take up less room. I grabbed only the underwear that looked sexy, the black lace, the red thong, a couple of silky G-strings.

"Do you like any of these dresses more than any of the others?"

She replied back, "I don't really like any of them, Ted got them all for me, he loved sundresses I didn't."

"No sundresses then." I spoke.

I pushed the dresses aside, and looked into her dresser. The top drawer was all comfort underwear and socks. I grabbed a few pair of thin cotton panties and put them into the suitcase. Grabbed a few pairs of socks, and then a pair of slippers off the floor and put them into the suitcase. Before heading into the closet, I was lined up with the door in between the bathroom and the bedroom. I could tell my aunt was shaving her private parts, or bikini area, through the glass door.

I was transfixed. Why would she be shaving there? She asked me something, but I couldn't hear her. I couldn't hear anything other than my heart beating in my ears. I didn't respond.

She opened the door and looked right at me, she had to know I was staring at her through the door, but she didn't seem to notice, or didn't care. "When do you want to leave?" she repeated.

"You know anytime is fine...?"

I grabbed and held up the first two things I saw in the closest, one was a skin tight nearly see-through black dress, the other was a low cut backless red dress. I panicked. I held them both up, like I knew what I was doing.... "Which one?" I asked timidly.

She paused for a moment before replying, 'Both', then she winked at me before closing the glass door and continued to shave her pelvic area.

I grabbed a few more cute girly outfits from the closet and threw them into the suitcase. While I was zipping up the suitcase, which was filled far more than was intended, I heard the water shut off. I wanted to return to the doorway and watch her get out of the shower, but I didn't want to make it weird or anything. She had stopped talking to me by this point and I heard the door close, and the blow dryer turn on. I left a pair of short shorts on the bed, a pair of red panties, and a white v cut shirt on the bed for her to change into. I called out, "I left some clothes for you to wear on the bed."

"Okay!" she replied.

I took the suitcase out to the car to put it into the back seat. While I was heading out the door, I saw the bathroom door open, and I couldn't resist the urge to peak twice. I looked up and saw my completely naked aunt quickly walk from the bathroom to the bedroom. Her dark red hair was up in a pony tail, her breasts were small but perky, her nipples were pink and hard, pointing straight outward. She looked right at me, and saw me looking at her. But she didn't seem to notice or care that she was naked. She rushed into her room and pulled the t-shirt over her head; she was putting on her panties when I turned and walked out the front door. I put the suitcase in the back seat and headed back to the front door. My aunt was already locking the door behind us, her purse and keys in her hand, wearing just the shorts and the shirt I left out with a pair of flipflops.

"Off we go!" Was all she said.

She got into the passenger seat as I got into the driver seat. Before I even started the car she asked if she could choose the radio station. Ted never let her pick, I wanted to say, well the driver picks the music, but she sounded so excited to be able to choose. So I simply replied, "Sure, whatever you want, this is your well-deserved vacation too."

She quickly scrolled through the radio stations, before choosing a metal station. I think this was when I first knew that I was in love with my aunt.

As we drove, we talked about all kinds of things. About her former step children, and how she loved being a mom. About how she was loved being a teacher. About how she always wanted to be a writer, but could never settle on a story. We talked about my job, and how my family never really supported me, but how I was successful anyways. It was about 5 o'clock before I knew it.

"Are you hungry?" I said.

"Starving" was her only reply.

"What do you want to get to eat?"

"I don't know..."

"Let me guess, Ted always chooses?"


"What a fucking tool." I didn't mean to say it, I really didn't. I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"Yea...." was her only reply.

I don't know what possessed me to do it, looking back at it, I still can't believe I did it. I put my hand on top of her leg, palm up. When the back of my hand touched her, it was like lightning coursed through me. My heart was in my throat again, my ears burned, everything other than her suddenly seemed far away. I was her nephew. What was I thinking...?? I just wanted to comfort her, you know for her not to feel so bad.

She grabbed my hand with hers and intertwined her fingers with mine. We sat in silence, hand in hand for what seemed like forever..... but also, not long enough. She brought my hand up to her face, and brushed it against her tears. Like liquid fire they burned against the back of my hand.

I didn't know much about this world at my young age, but in that moment, I knew I fucking hated Ted.

"I want a hamburger" She said, "Ted thought women should only eat salads. I hate salads."

After a long pause, she said, "I fucking hate salads."

We got off at an exit in west Virgina. Bum-fuck west Virgina. We found a little diner. We both got the hamburger, we both got large fries, and a milkshake. We ate it all, and finished off the milkshakes. Even looking back at it now I couldn't tell you anything about the diner. She asked me something but I didn't hear her, I was transfixed by how beautiful she was when she was happy. She reached over and grabbed my hand, this snapped me back to the moment. "It's okay if I pay right babe?" She said, it sounded so natural.

What the fuck was happening.

"Of course,", I said. I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed the back of it. She smiled the biggest smile, and then grabbed the bill and went to pay. She told me she was going to go to the rest room, and then be right back. While she was in the rest room, the waitress said to me, "Make sure you hold onto that one kid, I don't think I've ever seen a girl so happy."

"Me either...." was all I could say back.

While she was walking back to the table, I couldn't help but stare. I was just now noticing that she wasn't wearing a bra. The outline of her small nipples were clearly visible through the white shirt, but she didn't seem to care. He hair was still up in a pony tail, and she wasn't wearing any makeup. Her legs were lean and white, the shorts covering nothing more than her hips and tops of her thighs.

"Like the view....?" She asked, approaching the table.

"More than I should..." I whispered.

"Never hurts to look... let's go."

As we walked out of the diner, she grabbed my hand. Again, her touch caused my chest to explode, my stomach was in knots, I couldn't think. I couldn't see anything other than her hand in mine.

Pull yourself together kid. This was just innocent flirting from someone who's whole would just came crashing down. It didn't mean anything..... right?

We got to the car and I opened her door. She stepped into me and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips. I had one hand on the door handle, and the other wrapped around her waist. She tasted like chocolate milkshake, and mint gum. Gum...? Did she plan on kissing me?

Goddamn it Zach, stop thinking about her gum and kiss her back. I pulled her into me and kissed her for a long time. Long enough for my cock to begin to stir, and get hard in my shorts. We were about the same height, so it pressed against her stomach, just above her shorts.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I was so scared it was going to creep her out, and she was going to recoil or something. She didn't. She pressed against me, rubbing her body slightly up and down against my member. After several seconds of rubbing against me, she pulled away and gave me one last peck on the lips. Before getting into the car. I stood there with the door handle in one hand and a raging erection.

"Let's go hun."

I closed the door and walked around to my door, I tried to clear my head, and control my cock. I took a few deep breaths and got into the car. She had let her hair down and unbuttoned the top of her jean shorts. The top of her red panties showing.

"We should get gas before we leave." My hands were shaking as I started the car. "Mmmmhmm" was her only reply. She had leaned the seat back, and lifted her shirt. Her toned stomach exposed. "I ate too much.... " She said with a frown.

I pulled into the gas station next to the diner and began filling up my car. I stuck my head into the car, she was still leaned back, with one hand on her stomach, the other slid into the top of her shorts. "I'm going to get some water, you want anything from inside...?




What...... the..... fuck.....

She giggled and said "Just kidding....! Gawd..."

"Water and chocolate....."

"Yea, I can't get pregnant anyways..... won't need condoms."

The whole time in the store, I couldn't help but think.... was she just fucking with me? Was my mom in on it? This was weird, and it was kinda creeping me out. But... even if she was fucking with me.... she was hot. What would it hurt? I mean it was wrong... right?

When I got back to the car she had dozed off. I put the stuff in the backseat and got back on the freeway headed south.

A few minutes after we on the freeway, she shifted around and put her back to the door, and laid her legs across my lap. She pushed and rubbed her foot against my cock. It quickly sprang back to action. I drove with one hand, and began to rub her foot with the other. "mmmmmm, that feels good." I glanced over at her and she had lifted her shirt over her breasts, and unzipped the front of her shorts. She was playing with her tits with one hand, and had the other in the front of her panties. Was she masturbating? I swerved before I caught myself, and drew my attention back to the road. I rubbed the top of her foot, squeezing it every once in a while. "mmmmm, don't stop" she said. I glanced back over at her, her eyes were closed as she focused on rubbing herself.

The scent of sex filled my car, her noises became more animalistic, louder, and closer together. I stopped rubbing her foot for a second, and she let out a long groan of disappointment. I lifted my hips and unbuttoned my shorts and unzipped them. I pushed my boxers aside so my cock was sticking out the front of my shorts. I grabbed her foot and pressed it between my hand and cock. Her moans returned. Up and down I stroked her foot against my cock. I'm not sure how long this continued, or how fast I was driving, but she quickly came. Her moans got loud, and long, then suddenly silence. She sat there in silence, my hand squeezing her foot against my now fully erect cock.

I broke the silence....

"Can I taste it....?


"Your fingers.... can I taste you.? I looked over at her, her eyes were wide open now.

"You don't think its gross?

I looked at her confused..."Why would I think it's gross??

She didn't answer, but I already knew the answer....

"Ted....?" I said, she let out a quiet "Yea..."

She shifted around and sat back up in her seat. She pulled her hand out from between her legs, careful not to wipe them off. She leaned over and pressed her breasts against me, and brought her fingers to my mouth. I sucked her fingers into my mouth. They were completely covered in her juice. It was salty, sweet, and slightly bitter. She pulled me back to reality by saying... "Hey let's stop here!"


Is what the sign said.

"We just ate...? Why stop."

She just said.... "You'll want to stop."