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Before we go to sleep Rafe is all over me, his hands exploring my body. I tease him that we already had sex then climb over him to explore every bit of his lovely body. I'm enjoying his wonderful chest when we roll over and I'm on my back. Rafe slides down me kissing on the way then breathes on my pussy.

Now this is a very nice first, I open my mouth to ask what he will do when he does it. I squeak when his tongue comes out and explores me. He has to hold on to my hips to keep me stationary enough to lick at me. The rest of me is bucking and bending as he does his wonderful treatment of me. I get loud when my orgasm arrives wrapping him up tight with my legs as I thrash about.

After my orgasm Rafe moves up me, I'm not sure I want to kiss him now, I get kissed anyway and find it's nice. I can taste myself on Rafe and find it's a good flavor. While I'm eagerly kissing him, he puts his cock in me. I get a small orgasm as I help him move in me, he's a bit more eager than I am. When I realize this I move faster with him eager for more orgasms and his.

I don't have to wait long for another of mine, shortly after moving better with Rafe I am making the happy sounds. Even better, Rafe does not make his own happy sounds. I get to enjoy him moving in me longer, I kiss him more to show my happiness. I'm getting close to another orgasm when Rafe finds his. Happily for me the warmth he puts in me sends me to my orgasm. We both just lie there enjoying the after feeling, I get to enjoy the warmth he put in me and wonder if he would like to know what it's like.

Once we are moving again Rafe curls up on me so I know how it feels. I tease him about being so heavy before relaxing and wondering what my emails will be like in the morning. Hoping that I do hear from a vampire, perhaps I can make Rafe one after finding out how, I close my eyes.

I wake up early today there is a weird buzzing noise. Rafe explains it is an alarm so he can be up when he needs to be before dashing for the shower. I head into the kitchen with a yawn it feels weird to be up before the sun. Deciding I will try pancakes I pore over the instructions on the box. Following them as closely as I can I make pancakes then make up some egg. With the plates on the table I search for the syrup finally finding it in the back of the farthest cabinet from the table.

"You're really getting into trying every meal aren't you?" Rafe says as he sits down staring at his plate of pancakes and egg.

"It's how I was raised, I learned that my place is making meals, helping the tribe, keeping my man in clothes and helping him go about with a smile. I also learned to never waste, so in that spirit we are having enchiladas and last nights meal later."

"I don't know there isn't a microwave near there and I'm sure your cooking is better hot." I smile at Rafe, he smiles back a little confused.

"You forget I just appear where I wish, I have been where you are working. I will bring you a plate of hot food."

"Can you appear in a safe spot, like the street? We are going to finish getting the bodies out, there are only a few more then we are grinding it and leveling it."

"I will ride with you to work I will then appear next to your car if that is fine." Rafe smiles at me then obviously relieved.

"Sounds fine to me if you can follow the time come with food at one."

Breakfast finished the syrup is surprisingly good, we get dressed. Rafe makes sure I know how to get to my email then ushers me to his car. I watch where we are going while he drives I can't help the squeak when I notice a bookstore. I don't think I said anything, Rafe just sighs and hands over his card with an admonition to just buy two when I stop in later. There are some cars already there when Rafe parks, the guys come over while we get out.

"Rafe it's your turn to pick up lunch." One says, I notice it's the guy that had given me the food.

"Ah hell, Tavi do you think we got enough for these four plus me and you?" Rafe asks looking at me, I smile at him.

"If not I can make up something. After I go through my emails I'm going to pick up a couple cookbooks and try some of the recipes. I hope it is alright if I have to pick up ingredients."

"Yes that is fine with me, try cookies and candies."

I give Rafe a kiss and go back home to be overwhelmed with emails. The number of them is staggering it seems just about every person on the planet has emailed me. I learn quickly that the majority are wishing to become a vampire or wish to be bitten. Remembering how to do the group email thing I send out two, one for the becoming a vampire crowd and one for the bitten. More requests for interviews, more devil spawn, two more offers of an acting career. The return email from Barbara Walters asking me when would be good for me takes up some time. Brandi sent an email asking if I can stop by her shop for what she calls a consultation on my hair.

After sending an email to Brandi saying to send me a picture of a safe spot to appear in her shop I head to the bookstore. After the clerk stops screeching that I'm there in her shop and stops offering me vampire books I get my two cookbooks. After being blinded by the flashes of light from pictures being taken I return home. I have a lot of cookies and candies to make. Looking at the clock I decide I should keep it smaller and pick out two things to make. So with that in mind I make a list of the things I need for both. After checking what is in the kitchen I go to the grocery.

My sudden everyone wants to touch me and take pictures of me thing creates a problem. Namely I can't really move the cart or me. Luckily a very nice young man takes notice and comes over. He offers to help me shop if I can stay out of reach. So I walk on the roof while he follows my list. I drop down to help him decide on which particular item I wish. He even makes suggestions on which I should buy with comparisons to price and taste.

It is not until we get to check out that I realize he works here. I return home and work on the cookies and divinity. I decided on that one since it sounded so different and only appeared in one of the books. Even doing a search on it resulted in two different recipes. Easy is good for my first candy. I've got half an hour left when I finish doing the candy and cookies I split everything up into three sets. One for Rafe and the guys at his work one for here and one for Brandi.

While I get the leftovers heated I try a cookie and the divinity. The cookie is short a little flavor so I make a note to play with it in the book. The divinity is delicious at least. Getting everything ready I collect the plates and forks stack it all and head to Rafe's car. I practically drop everything they are all sitting there waiting for me. In no time I get the leftovers on to separate plates and passed out. Rafe joins me on his hood to eat the meal.

The guys are tossing compliments my way as they eat the leftovers. When it comes to the cookies and candies they keep coming. I am liking this then a thought comes to me, are they happy with my cooking or am I perhaps influencing them as part of my being a vampire. I am quite happy with Rafe, but why did he go along with me.

"Rafe, are my meals really that good or is this evidence of a vampire power?" Everybody stops talking and stares at me then they laugh.

"Tavi your meals are that good, besides we always get fast food. No matter how easy it is to get it doesn't do justice to a meal made by a person. I'm thinking there is a reason for the question." Rafe pulls me in to him and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"It's just I haven't actually cooked anything in a very long time then I make these two meals. I can't think that cooking has not improved in all that time. Not to mention, you guys were digging up coffins and I fall out of one alive, not speaking English and jumping on you. Instead of tossing me off on someone else you stop working to help me, let me move in with you and spend your money. Not to mention Brandi being so friendly to me the instant we meet her." Rafe sighs and gives me a hug.

"To be honest, I helped you because you are gorgeous. We all assumed you were a joke, it's not like a person could have been buried in a coffin for one hundred years. You're not really costing me all that much money so far, you're not dying to have the latest dress or shoes. You cook me food, I'm probably going to get fat on your cooking. So far the only thing you are doing is buying books to make more food and I'm getting sex. Brandi is just a friendly gal these guys are only nice if you feed them, not always then either. They would be making bad passes on you if you weren't a vampire." I snuggle in closer to Rafe then look at him.

"What's wrong with being a vampire?"

"Nothing wrong with it, we don't want to piss you off. We all watched your interview and Rafe talks to us. Tossing him on the bed is not easy for most." Before I can look at the guy talking Rafe makes a noise.

"What's wrong with tossing you on the bed?" I'm confused now.

"Nothing, I'm over two hundred pounds and you got me airborne with little effort. Most guys have problems doing it with effort." I groan and bury my face in Rafe's shoulder.

"I swear I'm not going to hurt you, I like having someone I can turn to for advice and help. I'm hoping to find a vampire to teach me how to make others so I can make you a vampire if you let me." The guys all make noise with comments of sweet and touching.

Before Rafe can say anything his cell phone beeps. He looks at it a moment then has me collect the plates and forks. Peter is at our apartment looking for me. I give Rafe a kiss then go home. I drop the plates in the sink go open the door and head back to do the dishes.

"Tavi I was sent to see if you perhaps can alter how you look. Besides the wolf, most impressive though rare here, it is wondered if perhaps you could be disguised and help investigate." Peter says when he comes in to the kitchen.

"I'm not sure, how disguised are you talking?"

"No idea I'm only here to ask the question because you know me." I sigh and look at Peter dressed like he was the first time I met him.

Since he's standing right there I figure why not and think about looking just like him. When Peter gasps I look down at myself, I look the same to me. He is staring above my head so I look up I don't see anything.

"What are you staring at?"

"Well me with your voice. Can you make you sound like me as well?" I think about sounding like Peter.

"I'm not sure can I?" Peter shakes his head then walks forward and tries to touch my shoulder farther up than my shoulder is.

His hand goes through the shoulder and he backs up shocked. He looks at me again blinking a couple times.

"I guess it was an illusion, really good though it seems to break when you touch what isn't there. Perhaps you can alter how you look, probably hide better as well."

"Hmmm, let's go into the bathroom so I got a mirror and you can tell me combinations."

We head into the bathroom Peter sits on the counter while I stand in front of the mirror. After a moment I go into the kitchen and go back with a chair I can stand on. Peter laughs until I give him a dirty look.

"OK, so without changing you let's change some minor things. Let's start with hair, can you go blonde?"

I look at my hair and picture the blonde hair you see on TV and walking around so often. My hair turns blonde, the light sun color blonde that really seems to be popular. Makes me look weird with my dark skin color and blonde hair.

"Right that is impressive, course you look weird. Let's see if you can have light skin, think of Rafe and picture you having that skin color." I picture myself with Rafe's skin color it's pretty darn pale with just a hint of brown.

"I'm going to visit Brandi at her shop as soon as we are done here so don't take to long. I want to try a new recipe for dinner." I say before Peter can say anything else.

"No problem, you still look a bit like you. Hmmm, can you just add makeup without putting it on?" I stare at Peter a moment then close my eyes picturing putting makeup on yesterday.

When I open my eyes I have makeup on, the same color I had yesterday. The red lipstick looks fine the rest is a bit lighter than looks good with this pale skin. I adjust the colors until I look nice and get a smile out of Peter.

"Dang and I thought you looked nice before. I admit it I find myself wanting a white woman you seem to like the guys white you're rubbing off on me." Peter says laughing then reaches out to touch me. "Now this is perfect, you still look like a little blonde woman. Feel up to a drive to the station?"

I grab Peter's hand and take us to the station luckily there isn't anyone there besides the guy sitting at the desk. Peter looks a little shaken he staggers over to the desk and leans against it. I notice I'm hungry this isn't good I don't have any blood here.

"Well taking a person makes me hungry. I'll be right back we got plenty of blood in our fridge."

"Tavi hang on, we have blood here." Peter says recovering enough to stand up.

"Why do you have blood here?" I'm confused why would they have blood in a police station.

"Our captain got us working on it. He said if we are going to have you help us we may as well stock blood for you."

"Hang on that can't be Tavi, I saw the interview she wasn't blonde." The guy behind the desk says as Peter grabs up the phone.

I groan and walk up the wall getting a muttered curse. Shortly after the suit man appears holding a little jar. After he opens it I rush over and down the whole thing. I sigh with the feeling I get, my hunger is mostly gone and I feel good.

"Do you have a second one on you somewhere? Peter is hard to move this far you understand." Peter groans and takes off saying he will be right back.

"Tavi that is one hell of a great disguise, did you do that yourself or did you learn how to do makeup?"

"A little of both, I can look like Peter but it's only an illusion according to him. It went away when he tried to touch his shoulder. I can make myself look different and it holds up to touch. Can't alter my voice and probably don't smell different."

"Still if we can alter how long your hair is and change your skin and hair color nobody will know the difference." I shake my head.

"Not changing my hair length until I know if it can grow back or not. I shaved to test, I admit it's nicer without and I fit in better, but I want to know if I can get my hair back, I like it to my waist." Suit man smiles and nods.

"I didn't mean cut it we can put it under a hat, put it up in a bun or just tuck it into your shirt."

Peter comes back with a second jar I take it and down it. I can't help smiling this feels really good. Both of the guys are staring at me.

"That hit the spot I'm feeling really good now."

"Tavi you are practically floating." Peter says looking me up and down.

"I might have drunk a bit more than I needed. Come on I'll take you back to our apartment and head over to Brandi." I shake my head losing the different color skin and hair.

"If you could not mention that you can disguise yourself or working for the cops. Granted you can look like anyone but it would still be easier if you don't advertise that." Suit man says looking nervous.

"No problem just send me an email, call Rafe, or send someone over and I'll just appear in here whenever you need me." I smile at suit man then Peter hands me a box.

"Cell phone for you, keep it in your purse or someplace handy there's no telling when you will be called, one of the dangers of police work." Peter says with a smile, I grab his hand and put us back in the apartment.

"I'll see if Brandi can teach me how to use this. These things are so strange I'll probably ask Rafe to explain it a few times after Brandi." I say while Peter is trying to orient himself again.

"I wish you would warn me, when you take me with you it's like I'm torn to pieces then put back together again." I stare at Peter shocked and completely unsure on what to say.

"It's not like that for me, I just picture where I wish to be and poof I'm there in a blink. There are cookies and divinity on the table, take a few with you if you want." I say when I finally find my voice again.

I sit down and go through my email, there is a goodly number of them again most are wishing to be a vampire and wishing to be bitten. Some more requests for interviews and another one from Brandi. This is the one I wished it has a picture of a spot in a surprisingly small place. With Peter gone for his car, my new cell phone box and the plate of cookies and divinity in hand I go to Brandi's salon.

I look around this is a really small place, only three strange looking chairs. Five women and one guy staring at me four sets of eyes bulging mouths hanging open. Brandi is smiling at me and talking a mile a minute until I hold my hand up.

"Brandi slow down I've only known English for four days." Brandi takes a deep breath smiles at me and starts over.

"I didn't think you would come today. I wasn't sure you would at all it's not like I'm easy to get along with." She was going to keep talking I could just tell so I stuck a cookie in her mouth.

"I bought a couple cookbooks today and following advice from Rafe I decided on making cookies and candy. I decided on chocolate chip and divinity I found I need to adjust the cookie recipe. I also need your help with this cell phone, I just got it and I have no idea how they work." Brandi is staring at me her eyes bulging and mouth hanging open now, she finished that cookie fast.

"Well sit down here and let's look over that cell phone." Brandi puts the plate on the counter there in front of where I am sitting.

While she is opening up the cell phone box everybody descends on the plate to grab up cookies and divinity. I get to spend the next half hour learning how the thing works then make my very first call to Rafe. While I'm talking Brandi is running her hands through my hair and sighing.

"I'm not letting you cut my hair."

"I'm not thinking of cutting it, honestly I'm jealous of your hair, it's so black, straight, and soft. I wish mine was like this, well maybe not this long. I'm trying to think of ways I can style it without cutting it I don't think you would like a bee hive. Would you like cornrows?"

"What are cornrows?" The man comes over holding something in his hands.

"Here girlfriend these are cornrows." He puts the thing in front of me to show a dark skinned woman with her hair tied up in rows on her head with rope hanging off.

"I don't know I'm not sure I would look good in those, I still have a meal to make and I start learning Karate tonight." Brandi leans on my shoulders and smiles at me from the mirror.

"Tavi have some faith, I do this for a living and this style is popular with us bad hair people. I can do that in two hours with unruly curled to death hair I can do you in half an hour."

"Well so long as I can undo it later."

"You can I promise, maybe I'll join you for the karate learning, my neighborhood is getting worse I swear."

So I lean back and let Brandi give me cornrows, I even get to pick what color beads she uses to tie the rope together with. She was right she's doing it fast, perhaps halfway through I'm surprised by a strange noise. Brandi groans stops working on my hair and hands me my cell phone.

"Hello?" First time being called and I have no idea what I am doing.

"Tavi hey I was just making sure you figured out how to use the cell phone. Make sure you look at it, the detectives know to send you a picture so you can appear where they are." It's Peter on the other end.

"OK, why do you know this?"

"Because I am your liaison with the police, the chief figured since English is not your first language you would need someone who speaks your first language. I'm the only cop that does, we don't venture off the reservation that often and we all speak English anyway."