Vampires and Lovers Ch. 02


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Coleran's hips thrust a solid shaft urgently inside him, ramming his prostate with every movement. Marten felt possessed, ravished, and loved beyond any doubt that might have tried to lurk in the insecure corner of his mind. A masterful hand began to stroke his neglected erection and teeth fastened at his throat. He was barely able to draw enough breath to breathe, much less vocalise his appreciation. As he felt the soft sucking, he fell apart. His orgasm thundered through his body, wracking him helplessly with its intensity. He moaned as he felt hot, wet juice fill his still clenching channel, the final part of his surrender to, and possession by, the older man. He let himself fall into an unending abyss of pleasure; sure his mate would be there to catch him.

Satiated orbs opened slowly, Marten gazed up at his lover, a contented smile on the older man's lips.

"I love you, Coleran," Marten said, burrowing against the solid strength of the warm body holding him tightly.

"I dreamt of hearing those words," Coleran said huskily, kissing his lover's brow. "I love you."

"But, but I'm not your Chosen," Marten suddenly gasped, trying to move.

"I have chosen you," Coleran said, soothing his mate. "There will be no other for me, or for you," he added with a dark, possessive growl. "I have claimed you and you are *mine*. There is still much for you to learn and understand, my love, but of this you can be assured. From this day forth, you are bound to me and I to you."

"Coleran, Coleran." Marten grasped tightly to his lover, as if afraid that if he let go the older man would vanish.

"Feed from me," Coleran's voice brooked no refusal. Panting, Marten positioned himself. He had only tasted the older vampire as his body had healed. Whimpering needily he pressed his teeth against the offered throat. He tasted power, passion and loyalty and let the warmth dissipate the last of his doubts. He *was* Coleran's mate. Carefully he licked closed the wounds and let the older man position them comfortably. He nestled close, sleep quickly overtaking him.

As he rested, his new mate kept jealous guard swearing that, whatever their adversary was, it would not use his beloved again. He tightened his grip as Marten tossed restlessly, finally settling the younger man once more. As if he could keep the nightmares at bay by watching Marten, Coleran's eyes never left the younger man's face.


The next day passed slowly. Everyone felt the weight of the unknown presence although not even Wyl could sense it, despite his best efforts; Seamus and Coleran surmising that the creature rested by day and only became active at night. Vincent was clearly unhappy with the thought of Wyl being in danger. His possessiveness was also reflected in Gabriel and Coleran's behaviour, all men keeping their mates close and constantly ensuring Seamus was nearby. As evening approached, the men made their farewells. Seamus, Gabriel, Vincent and Wyl were going to scour the town in the hopes that Wyl would be able to track its presence. David was remaining with Coleran and Marten, no one certain of the influence the creature may have over the youngest vampire.

Gabriel hunted from the ground, going over the places of all three deaths to see if there was any residue, however faint, of the creature that he could use to track it to its lair. Above him flitted his family. Vincent almost wrapped around Wyl as the younger man tried to connect in some way with the presence they sought. He halted as he saw Wyl come to a standstill, hovering above him and then all three men descended.

"What is it?" Vincent asked. "Do you feel something?"

"No and that's what's worrying me. I feel, a ... an echo. I don't know how to describe it, but I can tell it's nothing recent."

"Perhaps this is not where it hides, but where it feeds," said Seamus, his tone edged with worry. "You felt it strongest at the castle, but we thought you were picking up something from Marten."

"Then the thing actually dwells near there and if it has some kind of link with Marten ..." Vincent gasped.

"And our more vulnerable members are at risk now," Seamus said, already streaking towards the castle.

The others followed as fast as they could.


Coleran watched anxiously as Marten tossed in his arms. The younger man had become aroused and his flesh strained against his pants, a damp patch steadily growing. His soft whimpers were almost more than Coleran could bear.

"It's out there," he growled. "I need to take care of it before it hurts him," Coleran said, surging to his feet.

"No, Coleran," David said quickly. "Marten will respond best to you. I will go out." The blond was already heading for the windows as he spoke. He reached out mentally to his mate, urging Gabriel to hurry, with a reassuring smile to Coleran he sped through into the dark woods.

It was just a few moments later when Marten gave a cry of denial.

"She's hurting him," he shouted to his lover. He raced outside, Coleran in his wake.

The older vampire had no difficulty in feeling their enemy. The cold that Wyl had felt seemed to reach into his bones. He gasped at he caught his first sight of the beast.

It might have been male, female or asexual, it was impossible to tell. Its upper half seemed to be a black leather-covered skeleton, the back covered in spines and ridges from which large, black wings were extended. Its arms terminated in long, razor-sharp claws. It stood on two powerfully-muscled, hoofed legs. The head was little more than a skull with an elongated maw filled with teeth that were long, thin and preternaturally sharp. Its skin looked almost burnt onto to its body and yet it possessed incredible suppleness. It twisted to see them approaching at an angle that seemed impossible.

David struggled weakly in its embrace. Coleran could see skin had been torn from its chest and yet that seemed to have had no effect. Coleran couldn't suppress the shiver as he gazed into malevolent, vertically-slit, red eyes.

"Don't touch it," he warned Marten. He could see that the creature was somehow draining David of energy. "Try to pull David from its clutches as I attack."

Coleran circled the creature from above and it bent and twisted to follow his movements. He feinted once, twice and then dove for its throat in a flurry of teeth and claws. He was gratified that it seemed to relinquish its hold on the blond, younger man allowing him to attack with all the ferocity he possessed. The two combatants rose from the ground. However, each blow to the beast seemed to leave Coleran weaker without truly disabling his foe.

He was taken by surprise by a manoeuvre that seemed to almost rotate the entire upper half of the beast and found himself slammed into the solid trunk of a large tree. As he shook his head to clear the dizziness, he saw the thick branch, aimed like a javelin, the creature thrust at him. Before he could react, Marten had intercepted the weapon. His scream of denial was matched by Marten's of pain. As the younger man fell, the older renewed his efforts. He was the only thing that could protect those in his care.

"You cannot save them." The voice in his head was like the dry rustle of dead leaves and sent a cold chill down Coleran's spine. This wasn't an unthinking beast. He could feel its intelligence, its malice, as well as an impression of great age. Yet there would be no reasoning with it. He could also sense its enjoyment of physical and psychological pain. It enjoyed killing, it was a part of its very nature. His own fears and worry fed it as effectively as his blood. "I will make you dust, the dark boy, too. He served his purpose well, but he is no use injured. His devotion to you will make your pain all the greater and sustain me longer. I will take the light child. Eventually he too will become dust, but by then I will be far away and able to rest for years to come."

A shriek of fury heralded David's return to attack, his teeth biting hard at the creature's throat, but sliding on the leather-like skin. Coleran moved to help, but a pain across his chest took his breath away as the creature gave a back-handed blow, spines cutting into Coleran's flesh. He dropped to the ground, close to his injured mate, and tried to gather his strength. He knew that the beast could not be beaten by one vampire alone; especially one already weakened by the creature's sapping abilities. He groaned with empathic pain as David's slight form was slammed brutally into the unforgiving wood of one of the trees. He forced himself to his feet and, as he did, heard the unmistakable shrieks of vampires in full blood-fury.

Vincent and Seamus simultaneously attacked, leaving Wyl to catch David and bring him to lie alongside Marten and Coleran.

Attacked by two powerful vampires, the creature used other methods of defence. It sent visions of a beautiful woman pleading not to be hurt, then a beautiful young man. It showed them coupling with imaginary lovers, but the men remained resolute, attacking with teeth and claw. Then the pictures became of Wyl and David, bleeding and dying, pleading with the men to stop and still they slashed and fought. The creature gave a screech that heralded its realisation that the vampires could not be shaken. It tried to escape, using brute strength to begin to take to the air. Vincent latched to its back, his teeth biting at the point where a wing was attached to its body and it gave an undulating shriek as the joint was broken. The three bodies fell to the ground, a tangle of limbs, claws and teeth.

A howl echoed through the woods as Gabriel raced to join the fight. The Lycan attacked mercilessly to protect his mate and pack. His powerful jaws were more damaging than Vincent's or Seamus'. Their adversary's shrieks became distorted sounds as he savaged at its throat, instinct guiding him to his prey's weakness.

Coleran saw Wyl transfixed by the sight, his expressive eyes wide with shock and he realised the youth had not been fully involved in a battle before. He reached for the younger man and pulled him unresistingly to his chest. He positioned his body to ensure neither Wyl nor Marten could see the carnage. Under the combined attack, the creature was fading. Black fluid now oozed from multiple breaks in its hide and both wings were badly broken. Coleran watched as Gabriel ravaged the beast's throat until he had bitten his way through and the head fell severed from the body. A triumphant roar came from all three men as they surveyed the carcass. Then they turned towards Coleran and the others.

As Coleran finally relaxed, Vincent and Gabriel checked out their mates. Coleran now saw that Wyl had tended to Marten, pulling the makeshift stake from his shoulder and binding the wound. All-in-all, the older vampire felt that they had been fortunate. The creature had been more dangerous than expected. He smiled at pale-blue eyes that tried to assess Coleran's own injuries.

"I am fine," he smiled. He bent to kiss Marten gently. "We are all fine," he added. He watched as Gabriel, Seamus and Vincent dismembered the creature, keeping Wyl distracted by having him tend to David and check on Marten. Then it was bundled into sheeting that Seamus streaked to the castle to secure. Once they had it back home, Coleran would take them to the lower vaults and the thing would be incinerated in the large furnaces below the castle. He wouldn't feel settled until the foul beast was dust itself.


Gabriel and Vincent disposed of the beast's remains in the castle furnaces as the older man suggested. Its destruction by fire was overseen by Coleran who confessed he would only feel at peace when the flames had consumed the remains. They then returned to the lounge and gazed at the changes made. Chairs and ottomans had been pulled together as makeshift beds and the sofas were also covered in bedding. They had been positioned close to the roaring fire and where each could be seen by the other. Marten was feeding from Wyl's wrist on one converted sofa, David from Seamus in another. Coleran saw Vincent's nod of approval and moved to relieve Wyl, his mate nestling close as they cradled tightly on one of the converted sofas. Gabriel gave Seamus a grateful hug as he took his place with his mate.

Vincent settled with Wyl lying on his chest in one of the 'chair-beds', Seamus the other. For long moments the men were content to simply enjoy each other's company and know their enemy was no more. It had been a salutary lesson. The creature was an ancient evil none of them had encountered and it had taken combined strengths to defeat it. The wounds to lovers and friends could so easily have been so much more devastating. Vincent kissed Wyl's temple. He wished his Chosen had not experienced something quite so malignant so early in his new life. He smiled as Wyl reached to caress away the frown that furrowed his brow. He took the hand and kissed the palm, Wyl hugging him close in response.

"How is he, Gabriel?" Vincent asked, gazing towards at the small, blond form almost buried in his mate's embrace.

"Weak and bruised, but will be fine," the deep voice rumbled. He stroked the golden silk of his sleeping mate. "I am concerned at how tired he is."

"The fell beast drained life energy, my friend," Coleran supplied. "It ..." he sighed, Gabriel deserved the truth. "It was going to kill me and Marten and take David to sustain it before it resumed hibernation."

The low, feral growl came as no surprise as Gabriel tightened his grip on his mate.

"But it didn't." The voice was soft and weak, but still held enough defiance to make the others smile. Exhausted turquoise eyes gazed lovingly at Gabriel and the big Lycan nuzzled gently, kissing his lover as he stroked David's brow.

Soon only Seamus and Vincent remained awake, their eyes flitting between each other and the members of a now extended family. Coleran had finally slipped into a healing sleep, as entwined with Marten as Gabriel was with David. The creature had reached deeply into the souls of the men. They had felt its emptiness, its desire to kill, a being that killed to live and lived to kill. It would take some time for the coldness that had touched them to dissipate.

Vincent was not surprised to find that the lounge had become a bedroom. He felt the need to keep those he cherished close, just as he knew it was in the hearts of Seamus and Coleran. The love they shared would slowly reach deep inside and melt the beast's iciness. Vincent settled a little more, the imbued warmth of Wyl's soft body and rhythmic breathing beginning to work its magic on the bigger male. He reached out a hand and clasped Seamus' more chilled one receiving a smile of gratitude. As if the younger man was awake, Wyl's slender hand moved and came to cover their joined ones. Warmth permeated both older vampires and Vincent smiled at his mate, adoration in his eyes. They would all be fine.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Beautifully written and so heart-warming. This is an impressive story with awe-inspiring characters, a great plot, and easily readable. Plus all the great sex is soo hot and totally believable.

Would make a wonderful book series!

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66about 12 years ago
I am hooked

How did I miss this before brilliant just brilliant

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

i will read on cant get enough

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I read the anomous comment below. And, having read the enire series before, I do know that it only gets better. But, why be so cynical over great writing by a great author????? Yes, this will post an anomous. But, that is only because I can't figure out how to log in under my name.

I am thankful for this web site and the great authors. And, if I don't like one, I can just go to another. But, there is no reason to keep on reading and then be cynical about what one knowingly chooses to do.

Being someone living in the homophobic amoral rural south, I am thankful for these authors who bring some sonshine into my otherwise dreary life.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Awww poor Seamus being all alone. I was kinda hoping that Seamus will get together with Vincent and Wyl. XD

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
5 stars !!!

So well done! So much love, emotionally and physically, between the characters made for a great chapter. One of the best, by far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I Love You

This series is one of the best. You take the tired "vampire" subject and create one of my favorite stories. Great job and i cannot wait for the rest. No like seriously i really can't wait.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Ever after for seamus plz!

Plz write about seamus next' i hope he will find his mate and b as happy as the otherz r with there bonded. Ur the best!!

punkin1077punkin1077over 15 years ago
loved it!!

absolutely loved it, i can't wait for the next chapter to come out...hopefully it will not be a long wait...keep up the great work and i look forward to seeing seamus bond with someone...its sad to see him alone. plus i hope to see more about wyl becoming a sensitive...i want to see where this is going. again i can't wait!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Love chapters 1 & 2!!

Great work! I love the story so far- you have developed the story and characters so wonderfully that I find myself addicted... Any continuation of the story would settle my cravings, but I confess I do want Seamus to find 'his own'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I hope there's a chapter 3.

jess20319jess20319over 15 years ago

I really love this story. Please say there is more coming!! I need to know if Seamus finds his Chosen!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago


alecspetalecspetabout 16 years ago

Oh please, I NEED Seamus' story! Desperately! LOL, ok, maybe not need, but really really want. This is an excellent series. Thanks!

BabyVampyBabyVampyabout 16 years ago
*happy smile*

I'm so glad you decided to write another chapter. I'd thought about this story for a long while hoping you would write more and you did! I hope you write more of this excellent series!! Thank you for writing!!!

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