Vault 62 Ch. 02


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"No, I can't do anything like that," Imogene reached behind her back to begin unzipping her Vault 62 jumpsuit, Bridget's eyes opening wide in alarm, "but I can provide you fresh sperm. Just give me a moment and I'll show you what I mean!"

Pulling down the zipper on her uniform, Imogene slowly unveiled her body, Bridget displaying an expression of panic, completely caught off-guard by her resident's sudden stripping. Bare shoulders gave way to the upper-slopes of her firm breasts, her small, pink nipples erecting as soon as they were touched by the vault's cold air. Imogene continued, her flat stomach coming into view next, her hands pushing her bunched-up-jumpsuit down her hips, pausing only when she reached her groin; this is where Imogene blushed, not as confident in her sexuality as she acted.

Closing her eyes, Imogene finished shimmying her vault-suit to her feet. Bridget gasped loudly when the girthy root of 'Jane's' cock was revealed, and then she choked, her breath hitching in her throat upon glimpsing the rest of the futanari's shaft; it just kept coming and coming, released fully only when Imogene had brought her outfit to her knees. Imogene shivered for the usual reason, but also from the Overseer's audible reaction to her showing off her genitalia. She stepped out of her crumpled jumpsuit and fought her urge to hide her shame, her hands balled into tight fists against her sides.

It only took a quick scan for Dr. Walsh to realize that the cock and balls attached to her resident were real! There were no signs of it being some kind of strap-on sex toy - not that Bridget knew much about such vulgar objects - the package swaying from Imogene's crotch as natural as the rest of her. She must have been a futanari, a sex that Bridget had never encountered but had read about in her studies; as far as she could recall there was another vault experimenting with futanari, but she didn't know the specifics of it. The real question was: what was a futanari doing in her vault!? 'Jane Smith' was definitely not listed as being one!

She continued to ogle Imogene's genitalia, speechless, awed by both the realization that this 'Jane Smith' might not who she claimed she was, and, more pressingly in that moment, how fucking big this resident's penis and testicles were! Bridget wasn't a virgin, but this mass of meat in front of her was far, far larger than any she'd experienced or even heard about before now; her member had to measure a foot long and it was clearly flaccid, Imogene's scrotum and its contents equally as grotesque in their enormity. Was this normal for all futanari, or did Jane suffer from some kind of condition!?

Imogene palmed her sack and grabbed her extra appendage, holding them out towards Bridget.

"This is my solution to your p-problems, Dr. Walsh!" She remarked, cringing at the crack in her voice, "With my, um, unique biology, I can make sure Vault 62 is a success. What um, what do you think about that?"

Bridget ripped her eyes from Imogene's genitalia and looked at the scarlet-hued futanari's face.

"I see." The Overseer said simply, nodding her head, locking her eyes with Imogene's, "So what you're suggesting is that I let you have sex with and impregnate every woman in Vault 62. That I give you free reign over the residents. Allow you to do whatever you want with them. Am I understanding this right?"

"N-No! I mean, not completely!" Imogene huffed, realizing that she had implied something about herself that she didn't intend to, "I wouldn't... I wouldn't force myself on anyone or anything, but I figured I would um, I would offer you this option. You know, so the experiments didn't fail or anything."

Imogene averted her gaze.

"There's a-another reason, too."

"And what would that be? From where I'm sitting, all I see is a futanari - which I presume is what you are - who wants to take advantage of all the unsuspecting women in the vault!"

The futa gulped.

"I'm afraid, okay? With the physicals going on and everything, I knew I'd be found out sooner than later, and I wasn't sure if something would... 'happen' to me. Like having to live in the brig or worse."

"That's... understandable, actually." Dr. Walsh nodded, though her expression stayed neutral, "So you did all of this for self-preservation. To be honest, I don't know what we would have done with you when it was discovered that you're a futanari. I'm starting to see the big picture now. Let me ask you one question: I can assume you are not this 'Jane Smith' and so I'm wondering how you were able to enter Vault 62 in the first place?"

"I got lucky. When the air-siren's went off on that... that day, I ran to the vault because I didn't know I wouldn't be allowed in. But on my way I tripped over a wallet that belonged to Jane Smith, and I took it. I don't know what happened to her, either."

Imogene gulped, unsure of how the Overseer would take this news.

"I'll be honest, I can't blame you then...?"

"Imogene, my real name is Imogene."

"Right. Imogene, I can't blame you, nor could I claim that I would have done things any differently in your position. It was a madhouse out there and nobody knew how much longer they had to live. I suppose that because a life managed to be saved regardless, I can't be too upset."

She leaned forward.

"But I'm not sure that I can go along with your little 'plan' here, Imogene," Bridget continued, her eyes falling back to the futa's genitalia, "it would be... unethical, to say the least. And as a scientist, I can't condone such a thing, nor can I allow it to occur."

"Is it really any more unethical than what you were planning on doing originally!?" Imogene immediately questioned in an attempt to regain her momentum, "Luring a bunch of hapless women into the vault and impregnating them, despite the fact that they might not want to? Is that any better, Dr. Walsh?"

"It's for the betterment of humanity!"

"And I can help with that!"

"That's not the same and you know it!"

"It could be even better!"

"What makes you think anyone here will want to sleep with you?"

"What makes you think they won't!?"

The pair were at a standstill.

"I see you're not willing to budge on this," Dr. Walsh relented first, her teeth grit, her posture rigid, "so tell me what you had in mind as the source of fresh sperm for the vault. Relay me your plans, and I'll consider it."

"Well, I figured you had a facility for the insemination to occur," Imogene held her head up high now that she was finally given a chance to explain herself, "so I thought I would be present when a woman volunteered, and explain everything - or at least give them an explanation that's close to the truth."

"So you do want to sleep with the women here."

"I never said I didn't!"

"And why wouldn't we just take sperm samples from you and use those? Go with our original plan of inseminating artificially?"

"I would refuse - and before you say anything, I'd do something to myself to make sure that you couldn't take samples from me. Besides, futanari are supposed to be especially virile, and I don't think I'd have any issues impregnating the women here myself. Plus I'm sure that at least some of the residents would prefer something more... intimate. At least compared to the cold hand of science."

"Those aren't bad points, I'll give you that. But I still don't know if I'm convinced."

"Why don't you be the first test subject, then?" Bridget immediately appeared aghast at the suggestion, "Think about it: you're the Overseer. You'd be setting a good example for the vault. Others would be more willing to go along with it if they saw your own success. And, I mean, do you really want to be responsible for failing Vault-Tec?"

She played her trump card.

"You're not really giving me a choice here, are you?" Bridget chewed her lower lip, "Let's say I was, er, interested in this proposal. How would we proceed from here?"

Imogene walked around the U-shaped desk, Dr. Walsh staring at her perplexed.

"Why don't we start like this!?"

Throwing caution to the wind, Imogene bent down and cupped Bridget's cheek in her hands to kiss her. The Overseer immediately squirmed in her seat, kicking out her legs, her fingers raising to tightly grip the futa's forearms. Eyes darting around wildly, Bridget was clearly confused, having not expected this of all things! Imogene pulled her deeper into the kiss, her own cheeks burning from embarrassment, using all her willpower not to back down. A shiver of arousal flowed through her body.

Feeling that she didn't have many options given the current situation, Bridget timidly returned the kiss, now understanding what her resident was planning. She awkwardly mashed her slightly-plumper lips against Imogene's, finding one small blessing in the fact that the futa's pair were soft; there was definitely a welcomed pleasantness to the kiss, Dr. Walsh having not felt the touch of another in longer than she'd care to admit. It was hard to find time to date when she'd been so busy with work all the time!

Imogene disengaged from the kiss and grinned at the Overseer.

"This is how I think we should proceed - do the first 'test' right here, right now!"

"Ja- Imogene! This is highly inappropriate!" Bridget scolded the futa, her breathing equally as intense as Imogene's, "You can't just kiss someone without their permi-"

"Come on Bridget, I saw how you were eyeing my cock," Imogene smirked, reaching down to heft her package up, the Overseer's automatically turning her head to gaze at it, "you can't tell me you aren't the least bit curious about how it would feel inside of you! You are, aren't you?"

"Well, m-maybe a little..."

Good, her walls were beginning to crumble.

"That's what I thought!"

Imogene stepped away from Bridget.

"Now stand up, it'll make this whole thing easier."

"Oh s-sure, I guess that's fine."

The moment Bridget got to her feet, Imogene pounced on her. Pushing her backwards and knocking her office chair out of the way, Imogene moved the Overseer to the edge of the desk, forcing her to trip; she fell onto the wooden surface, folders and stationary knocked to the floor, clattering loudly. Imogene laid herself over Dr. Walsh, pinning her to the desk, finally able to bask in the feeling of Bridget's pillowy curves against her much more modest figure. She resumed the kiss and started to run her hands across Bridget's voluptuousness.

Bridget seemed much less reluctant to get intimate with one of her residents this time around, apparently giving herself to the futanari's lurid, devious scheming. She wasn't quite as active as Imogene in their slowly-gaining-intensity make-out session, her hands only resting on the futa's hips, motionless otherwise; she could feel Imogene's monstrous member twitch against her thigh however, and that was enough to send a surge of heat through her curvaceous figure. For some reason the Overseer found herself experiencing more susceptibility to Imogene's charms than she'd expected.

Imogene was in Heaven! She'd been pent-up for so long, surrounded by herds of sexy women whenever she wasn't in her room, her own inadequate hands her only means of release. Her cock flexed against the smooth material of Bridget's Vault 62 jumpsuit, stimulated by the Overseer's barely-restrained plushness. Grabbing at Dr. Walsh's hips, Imogene slid her hands up her sides to her enormous breasts, squeezing them roughly, groping them to heart's content, finally fulfilling her most animalistic desires. A surge of glee formed inside of her when Bridget involuntarily let out a light moan at the rough handling of her body.

Dancing her fingers up Bridget's chest, Imogene reached behind the red-head's neck - which was partially hung off the edge of the desk - and grabbed the zipper to her uniform. She began to pull it down Dr. Walsh's spine, revealing the woman's alabaster-complexion; Imogene tugged the slider further south until she was unable to, the edge of the desk blocking her path. This left Bridget undressed from the shoulders to the start of her bust, the creamy slope of her tits just in view of Imogene's leering eyes - which greedily drank up their incredible shape!

Once more, Imogene pushed herself off of Bridget and stood up.

"You s-should finish taking your jumpsuit off," she panted heavily, wiping some spit from her lips, "we can't really continue if you're wearing it, afterall."

"F-Fine!" Bridget swayed to her feet and gave the scarlet-hued futanari a once over, "If we're really going through with this, I guess I have to..."

Swallowing her pride with an audible gulp, Bridget reached behind her back, Imogene studying her with laser-like focus. Steeling herself, the Overseer finished what the futa had started and pulled down the zipper slowly, not in a rush to bare herself to someone she barely knew. She shuddered as she, like Imogene, was struck by the brisk temperature of the vault, her nipples tenting the front of her suit before they were even freed. Bridget unveiled her figure to Imogene, yanking down her clothing to her feet all at once, deciding at that last moment that it was just better to get it over with!

Imogene could have drooled at the picture of lurid beauty that was suddenly unleashed for her viewing pleasure. Her head jerked downwards so it was aimed directly in Bridget's chest's direction, the main draw of the Overseer's figure in the futa's opinion; she witnessed the good doctor's tits bounce from the speed of their releasing, wobbling uncontrollably and slapping into each other, creating several loud plaps with each collision. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph they were fucking perfect.

Each of Bridget's breasts were so enormous that it would've been futile to try and cover them with two hands, dozens of fingers needed to fully encompass their milky expanse. They hung towards the Overseer's waist, sagging from their natural, incredible heft, hiding her belly button, their bottom curvature masking the top half of her stomach; Dr. Walsh's tits jutted out past her ribcage simultaneously, creating the illusion that most of her torso was made of nothing but her pale bust. Dark blue and purple veins webbed the acreage of chest-meat, each one starting below her neck and ending at her bubblegum-pink areola - her areola which were equally as massive!

Indeed, Bridget's bumpy areola were spread out over more than half of her tear-drop shaped, drooping bust, big enough to be used as dinner plates. They were capped by a pair of nipples that were relatively gigantic, thicker and longer than the futa's thumb, confirming Imogene's previous suspicions - they were certainly the biggest that she'd ever seen! She wanted to wrap her lips around them as soon as possible!

The rest of Bridget's obscene figure couldn't be ignored either. Her waist was slim - showing that she used the vault's gym as much as anyone - and her hips flared out dramatically, creating two awesome handles that Imogene would eventually take advantage of. Though Imogene couldn't see Bridget's ass she knew it was fat from how obscenely it stretched out her vault-suit when she walked around Vault 62! Dr. Walsh's groin was covered by a large triangle of flaming pubic hair, trimmed to a manageable size but not completely absent like had been vogue before the apocalypse. Fairly long legs, thick, jiggly thighs, and clean, dainty feet - oh Imogene was going to enjoy breeding the Overseer, that was for sure.

A pregnant pause passed before Imogene found her voice.

"Wow, Bridget, you're..." She managed to meet the Overseer's embarrassed stare as she spoke, "you're gorgeous! I expected you to be attractive, but damn! I can definitely see why Vault-Tec picked you to head a vault concerned with fertility."

"You don't have to be so vulgar!" Dr. Walsh chastised Imogene, shielding her breasts with her arms - or at least tried to, her endowment far too massive to ever be covered by the thin limbs, "But um... thank you. It is nice to hear."

A deep blushed touched the fiery-haired woman's thin cheeks.

"You should hear it more!"

Bridget cleared her throat.

"Moving on! How should we do this? Do you want me to just lay on my back or...?"

"Oh no, we can't continue just yet!" Imogene laughed, reaching down to gather up her slightly-grown genitalia, "I'm still not ready! I'm uh, I'm gonna need a bit of help first."

Imogene's keen eyes noticed Bridget licking her lips as she glanced down to where the futa motioned.

"And I suppose you expect me to, er, to get you ready?"

"That's the idea, yeah."

"Fine. Whatever it takes to see if this can actually save the vault..."

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CabbersCabbers24 days ago

Looking forward to another chapter! I love your work! Imogene is on a mission! :)

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Imogene is a despicable, self-serving person with a shortsighted goal. After one generation the vault inhabitants would be forced into incestuous relations in order to continue the generations until the outside was save enough to venture into. This would get worse with each subsequent generation.

Could have made her extra appendage a result of experimentation from the vault, perhaps some vault scientists wanted to see what a strictly female society would be like and devised a plan to fill the role a male would provide by creating futa could even make up some fun names for the serum with the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus into the Futanari Evolutionary Virus) oor she was a part of an exploratory force that takes place years into the future and is exposed to high levels of radiation (fallout style) and mutates resulting in her cock growth.

She could have even been someone that was born in the wasteland, grew up as a futanari because of her mutated DNA, could have even had two cocks like a brahmin having two heads, and could have stumbled upon a failing fertility vault and offers up her 'services' to help the vault continue on.

Just seems odd to have a character from the pre-nuke era just happen to have a cock that could have been explained by vault-tec experiments or post-war America's radiated wastes. Missed opportunity in my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago


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