Vault 62 Ch. 03


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She occupied her time by concentrating on Bridget's figure, licking her lips as she watched it bounce and jiggle from her fervent efforts. The redhead's cunt was utterly split around her back-and-forth undulating girth, her previously small, delicate entrance transformed into a cavernous hole, presumably disfigured for forever. Her tits wobbled rapidly, slapping into the disturbance of Imogene's distension against her stomach, nearly meeting from how much of the top of the futa's shaft they covered, Bridget's nipples pointed directly at her resident; Imogene could also see her desk's-edge-teetering ass shake with every thrust, bulging out from under her like she was sitting on a pair of white pillows.

Her eyes constantly flicked towards her partner's abdomen, half-lidded as they observed its inflation; her precum's rate of release picked up the longer she fucked the curvy woman until she was practically pissing her pearlescence into Bridget's womb. Already the Overseer looked a lot chubbier than when they started - and it wasn't just from Imogene's person-sized-appendage either! No, Bridget's belly was rounding out from her sperm, Imogene able to feel her own cock-cream swishing around within the redhead's sacred organ. Swiftly losing patience, she urgently shunted another large section of her destructive dick into Bridget.

"Halfway there!" Imogene informed her proudly, sweat dripping from her elated countenance, "The rest should be a lot easier... I hope."

Bridget tried to raise her head to see what the futa was talking about, but was swiftly stopped by her forehead slapping into something!

Attempting to focus her eyes - which she had to unroll from the back of their sockets - Bridget made an effort to make sense of what she was seeing. It took her some time to realize just what had blocked her, the shape above her alien but familiar; it was the same color as her complexion, but in the form of something that decidedly did not belong to her. Oh God, it was Imogene's cock! Or, more accurately, it was the imprint of the futa's cock that was currently stretching her skin to her face, tenting it farther than it was ever meant to, disfiguring Bridget's very person! Another impossibility made reality.

Bridget couldn't believe her eyes, nor could her brain comprehend what she was seeing - so she did the only thing she could and launched into another orgasm! She screamed at the projection of the futa's pole, emptying her lungs against the profile of Imogene's glans, her cunt seizing and then spraying its arousal at everything in front of it; Imogene was close enough now that her stomach was splashed by the Overseer's juices, moaning as the fluid covered her. Her climax lasted many seconds, leaving the redhead weakened, gasping, Bridget utterly ravaged by the immense intensity of her ecstasy.

All she could do afterwards was lay there and take Imogene's determined, salacious brutalization. She could feel everything. The way her cunt and canal were completely cratered. The pulverizing of her womb into a new, fantastical shape. The constant, vicious throbs coming from Imogene's colossus that vibrated within her like a battery-powered sex toy. Her mind grew foggier and muddled the more the futa forced her battering ram through her, the imprint of Imogene's glans passing beyond Bridget's sight with no end in sight. How much cock could one person take? How long would this last? How many more climaxes would Bridget experience before all was said and done?

Only time would tell!

Imogene approached Bridget more and more, every thrust of her animalistic appendage made with feet of her length at a time, the redhead's figure jerking across the desk; she was almost in arms' reach, so close that Imogene almost tried to touch her - but she wasn't quite there yet! Thigh-wide thickness plowed persistently into her pussy, punishing Bridget like she'd done something to anger the hyper-hung futanari. Sperm flowed into her from their bottomless source, the swelling of Imogene's urethra only increasing the Overseer's pleasure, further stretching her. Bridget climaxed again, the pair quickly losing count of her visible-examples of euphoria.

Balls now actually dragging across the floor, Imogene had to stand akimbo just to stop from tripping over her baggy sack and awesome orbs - she didn't think they'd ever been so engorged! The numerous oversized arteries on her rock-hard rod pulsed powerfully, protruding from her pole, the ones drilled into Bridget's depths scraping and grinding against her inner-walls, pressing down on her canal and every pleasure-inducing nerve inside of her. Pussy juice trickled from the Overseer's sex even when she wasn't in the middle of another orgasm, a murky, mixed concoction of fluids pooling around the desk.

A few more thrusts and Imogene was standing in the puddle of precum and fem-fluid. The tent her cock created in Bridget's body continued to extend farther and farther past the woman's flaming locks - and this only drove Imogene to drive harder into the sexy doctor! Just seeing how fucking close she was to having the full extent of her fleshy weapon sheathed sent Imogene into overdrive, her feet practically sliding through the pond of salacious muck she lunged forward so fiercely, her determination at an all-time high. She grunted, flourishing her hips, pounding rougher than ever into Bridget.

No longer did Imogene care for anything except meeting groins with the redhead. Every thrust brought a half-ruler's worth of extra inches into the Overseer with it, Imogene furiously forcing her fat female-fucker further into Bridget's womb. Her face was the color of a tomato and drenched in sweat, the remainder of her figure coated in pussy juice and precum, her own secretions shooting out from Bridget's sex with enough pressure to strike their source. She rutted and pounded and piped her ramrod, slowly losing control of herself. Imogene exploded in a bestial scream when she finally hit her goal, her balls thudded hard enough against the desk to rattle it, several items falling from it to the floor.

She did it - she was all the way in!

"Yes! Fuck!" Imogene continued to bellow, holding herself still, her blonde pubes tangling with Bridget's scarlet-bush, "You took it all! I-I did it!"

Bridget howled, sapped of strength, her limbs going limp and hanging like wet noodles against the side of the desk.

"G-Good job, Bridget! Now it's time to actually impregnate you!"

Extending her arms, Imogene gathered up Bridget's enormous tits in her small hands and finished wrapping them around the distension of her dick, moaning as she squeezed the plush pillow tightly against herself. Bridget was only given a handful of seconds of pause before the futa resumed her fervent fucking, Imogene's hips flying backwards as far as she could move them, only to ravage them forward a moment later, her crotch squelching against the Overseer's when they collided. Imogene did this again and again, shimmying Bridget's huge breasts across her skin-sheathed length.

Barely able to keep her eyes open, Bridget moaned mindlessly, climaxes that bled into one another numbing her brain while she stared at the warping of her figure; all she could see was her brutally stretched flesh towering over her face and extending so far past her head the silhouette of Imogene's throbbing glans ended well beyond the edge of her desk. She watched as it rumbled, pouring precum into her disfigured womb, inflating her to the point she already looked like she was in the full-term of a pregnancy. Would her womb even still function once Imogene was finished with her!?

She could feel nothing but pleasure, the pain of being cored out, the ache of having her organs pushed to the side to make room for the colossus battering them completely absent. Her cunt muscles seemed to be the only ones that she still had any control over, and even that was questionable; they clamped and spasmed around Imogene's pole all on their own, wringing euphoria from its gargantuan girth, compressing around its many, rigid veins. Even her clit was being stimulated, Imogene's cock so disturbingly massive it mashed into the nub at all times, sending electric shocks through her.

The flexing of Imogene's cock grew more animated, jerking inside of Bridget with such violence it slightly lifted her body off the desk and smacked it right back down; the Overseer barely noticed that her monitor had been knocked to the floor from these salacious, involuntary movements of herself, shattering when it landed. At least there were more in Vault 62's storage! She couldn't really concern herself with such things at the moment, however, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of sensations washing over. Gaped. Filled. Bloated. And, most importantly, amazing!

"Take it, Dr. Walsh!" Imogene rasped as she beat herself into Bridget, her hips moving so fast they left an after-image of the futa in the air, "Gonna fill you up soon! Gonna make you so fucking pregnant!"

Imogene put everything she had into the last few minutes of coitus she knew she had left until she reached her orgasm. Her fingers mashed into Bridget's breasts roughly enough to leave bruises across their pale acreage. Her hips impacted the Overseer viciously enough to make her obscene figure ripple. Her precum glorped into the redhead's womb, bulging her belly to greater levels of ridiculousness. She was fucking Bridget like a futanari possessed, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, her eyes wildly darting between every one of her partner's jiggling attributes, her mind consumed by fantasies of what the woman would like when she heavy with children.

Her balls groaned louder than ever against the floor, trembling like they were going to burst. Imogene's cock grew even more turgid, becoming akin to a steel beam in rigidity, utterly unbending as it speared through Bridget's widened birth canal. She could feel all the signs that she was going to cum at a moment's notice, her body shaking with unbridled lust, her sweat-matted hair clinging to her features; this looked like it'd be a load for the ages, Imogene unsure if she'd ever been so eager to inflate and impregnate someone with her seed. It was like her genitalia could sense her plans and were preparing accordingly!

She shucked as much of her unruly girth and dastardly length into Bridget as she was physically capable of doing - which was every foot of her magnificent member! Sliding her hands from the Overseer's bust, she grabbed onto her waist, pulling Bridget closer to her like they could even be more connected, her moans elevating to the ear-piercing. Only the whites of her eyes showed as she felt her finale commence, a cascade of drool running in twin-rivulets from the corner of her lips, Imogene's body so intense it felt like she would come apart at the very seams.

"G-Get fucking pregnant!" She sputtered between labored breaths, head falling back across her shoulders, "Time to show you just what I can do! F-Fucking take it, Bridget!"

Howling, Imogene damn near blacked out as she reached her peak. A zombie-like groan was released as her semen was, her extremely swollen balls raising up a single time to her knees before they came crashing back down to Earth like a pair of meteors, shaking the entire room from the force of the impact. Her cock twitched, bucking inside of Bridget - who, for all Imogene knew, wasn't conscious - thudding her body repeatedly against the desk. The Overseer's contorted figure stretched ever so slightly as Imogene's appendage engorged, making her appear more dick than human.

The initial geyser of seed launched from Imogene's massively distended urethra so powerfully it was audible, the noisy splashing of her cum against the back wall of Bridget's womb echoing through the office. It instantly inflated the mass of jutting flesh extending past the Overseer's head to a size only comparable to one of Imogene's tremendous testicles, like someone had just dropped a boulder into the redhead's body. Persistently growing, it swelled bigger and bigger before gravity took hold and sent it racing back down Bridget's figure, settling in her abdomen, distending her skin exponentially larger than it had been only seconds ago.

Imogene's commencing flood of fuck-fluid didn't stop there, either. It continued to blast and baste Bridget's depths, as unending as her hyper-sized length, packing the redhead to the brim and then some. Her stomach ballooned in every direction, immediately hiding the shape of the futa's cock in her torso, replacing it with insane corpulence; it pushed Bridget's tits out to her ribs and then up to her chin, her fat breasts flopping onto her face, the Overseer nearly suffocated by her own endowments. Bridget's expanded midsection wobbled towards the ceiling, covered the top of the pair's interconnected crotches, and pinned her to the desk - the desk which creaked and groaned under the sudden, liquid-weight force onto its structure.

And this was all just from Imogene's first expulsion!

It continued. Imogene gasped and wailed until her throat was dry, her hands forced from the doctor's waist by her growing gravid stomach; her stomach had inflated so much in less than a minute that it was now impossible for Bridget to reach her arms fully around it, her skin so stretched it was turning a bright shade of red. Her belly button popped out as well, her womb losing elasticity, the Overseer's body so gigantic that Imogene could no longer see anything else above her partner's thighs. And still semen kept coming, a millisecond passing between the futa's consecutive explosions of ball brew.

Bridget had passed out sometime during the opening salvo, her mind failing to hold strong when faced with such an absurd amount of euphoria, defeated by the fantastical nature of what was occurring. The last thing she experienced was Imogene's cock-cream spraying down the spongy walls of her womb, replacing the she-pre that had filled her previously, sending consecutive orgasmic shockwaves through her; the futanari's sperm truly was so potent that Bridget could've sworn she felt it enter her fallopian tubes to inseminate her directly, her ovaries throbbing, seemingly releasing a fresh batch of eggs just to make sure she'd end the day carrying a litter of kids. This is where she faded.

Despite Bridget's unconscious and Imogene's trance-like state, they both came repeatedly, the air in the office humidifying from the hot, sticky fluids being flung around it. Even as Bridget's spherical stomach engorged to an extent that it began to sag over the sides of her body - all while growing ever more - the viscous slime spritzed from her brutally gaped cunt, bathing Imogene in her own pearly goop; this wasn't enough to drain the Overseer in the slightest, the volume of release within Bridget far outpacing the quantity jettisoning from her pussy.

Imogene only allowed herself to unload inside of the knocked-out redhead for a bit longer, waiting until the last possible second before she pulled out; if she inflated Bridget too much she might just burst with semen, and that would spell disaster for Imogene! It was when Bridget's body began to creak like the desk under her that the futa righted her head to observe how things were proceeding, her cock immediately bucking and firing harder into the Overseer, a high-pressure hose of cream filling her even faster from what she was witnessing. She'd exceeded her own expectations for how much she could cum, having never seen a partner so disfigured by her orgasm!

Forcing herself to steady, Imogene grabbed her cock once more and backpedaled.

Unfortunately for her it wasn't an easy task to free a person-sized cock from a deliciously clinging hole! But Imogene did so anyway, moaning with each inch of her monstrous member she pulled yanked from Bridget's cratered cavern, the pleasure of exiting the Overseer almost as sensational as putting it in was. Once again she had to waddle around her balls, which gurgled and rumbled as they depleted themselves of their churning reservoir, Imogene lugging around what was probably a couple hundred pounds worth of extra weight! She was at the other side of the room when her cockhead finally popped free of Bridget's once-tight seal.

Before she could get a handle on it, Imogene's cock jerked into the air, blasting her bottomless barrels of ball brew against the ceiling. Streaking across the gray surface, it blotted out several of the lights, darkening the room, the futa's semen so dense with sperm that it clung to whatever it touched like glue. She quickly righted it, aiming it at the source of her pleasure. Her next eruption of seed beamed perfectly straight at Bridget's utterly circular cunt, slamming right into the waterfall of cum pouring out of it, stuffing it back into her hole. Syrupy frosting splattered onto the redhead's thighs and the bottom of her enormous stomach.

Shaking her cock, Imogene hosed down the Overseer's unrecognizable figure, dousing her with as much dick-juice as she could. Bridget's bulbous, disturbingly-gigantic belly bounced and wobbled under the liquid onslaught, Imogene's viscous semen barely even splashing off it, sticking to it like mud instead; this caused heaps of the futa's potent progeny to cling to Bridget's smooth skin like someone was using her body to make a salacious sand castle. Piles of thick, fluid virility formed across the unconscious woman, mountains of molten molasses making her their new home.

It didn't take long for Bridget to end up smothered under the sexual sauce. Even with her stomach being big enough to fit an entire Protectron inside of, she still managed to be covered head to toe, seemingly no part of her safe from Imogene's lurid slurry. Cum flung randomly across the room, plastering everything that the Overseer possessed; the walls, the metallic shutter-blinds, and the desk and all its contents were equally coated, along with an ocean of semen that constantly gathered across the ground. If her brain was functioning, Imogene would have felt sorry for whoever was going to have to clean this all up!

Instead she basked in her climax, flooding the office further, smearing everything in her cock's path with her carnal cream. She panted raggedly as she lazily stroked her pulsating shaft, satiated for the moment, riding out the waves of pleasure that came with her multiple-minute-lasting orgasm; she just wished she had something to sit on, all of the chairs in the room knocked over from being struck by one of her wildly-flying streamers. But you would hear zero complaints from the futa - she was just over the Moon that she managed to both find success in her plan and secure her future in Vault 62!

The rest of her orgasm continued in the same manner.