Vengeance: Wicked & Wanton


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"In the bedroom earlier this afternoon. The way you tried to move so quickly away from me when we kissed tells me that you think kissing me is not such a . . ." She trails off sniffing while almost appearing on the verge of tears before she finishes her complaint, "Attractive option."

"No, no I was just embarrassed because when we kissed"—he takes her hands softly into his before looking shyly away—"I liked it too much. More than I should have I guess for someone my age."

He looks back at her to see her reaction. Her face is neutral revealing nothing unlike that sheer pink crop top which his eyes flicker down to for about the tenth time since they arrived at the park. Her nipples are fully erect as the cool breeze blowing in from the ocean has picked up in intensity. His eyes linger—she smiles sensing the moment is right to pounce.

"Honey a son, no matter how old he is, should never be embarrassed because they like their mother's kisses." The moment of truth is upon her. Ellen, without thinking, most likely due to being blasted on tequila, plunges ahead adding recklessly, "Or their breasts."

"Mom I--" He, of course, is about to protest but she silences it with a soft finger to his mouth.

"Sweetheart you have been staring at them all night and . . ." She pauses, preparing to play her trump card, while letting the tension build.

"And what?!" he barks embarrassed and exasperated.

She talks slowly, telling him everything. "And well you know I forgot my purse this afternoon. I had to come home. I went upstairs to get it."

James starts to fidget; the horror of what she is saying just starting to hit him.

"I seen you."

He looks away wanting to flee.

"Look at me hon," she says gently before using her hand to turn his face towards her. "I was at your doorway, watching. I seen, heard everything this afternoon."

He now does try to flee, jumping up from the bench. "Oh Jesus I am going to kill myself," he nearly shouts. Before she shushes him as she reaches up quickly and snatches his arm. "Please sit down. You need to hear my confession."

He pauses, still wanting to run, wanting to crawl away and hide, but when she pleads with him once again to please sit he obeys her.

"I could have left, but I stayed and watched. My heart was racing, especially when I heard you say, the words are burned into my soul sweetie, 'Oh God yes Mom your tits are so big and beautiful.' That warmed my heart and put butterflies in my stomach knowing you were fantasying about your mom's tits."

"Y-you . . . are not mad. Disgusted."

"Not at all," she answers quietly.

He takes a large swallow of the tequila suddenly wanting to be very drunk.

"I will say it again sweetie. Your mother is not mad or disgusted."

"I can't believe that. I mean you must have seen what I was . . ." He tries to draw his hands from her but she pulls them back and pushes them against her bare stomach.

"Using my pretty white strapless bra to help get the job done. Yes I seen and was proud that you found it ahh alluring enough to help you."

There is a moment of silence as James simply is at a loss for words. His hands are flush against her bare tummy now trapped by hers.

"Relax baby. If I was disgusted even in the least I would not have stayed and watched. I would not have had butterflies in my stomach while watching. I would not have invited you to the bar tonight knowing I was going to be wearing a half tee shirt barely big enough to cover my boobs."

She starts to slowly, ever so slowly, guide his hands upwards. "Hmm your hands are warm baby."

"The wet tee shirt contest. Y-you knew you were going to be in that so that is why you insisted I stay."

"No hon that was pure and simple fate. I was only backstage to help with the preparations when one of the contestants got stage fright at the last moment. Mr. Wells, Mark that is, asked me to fill in."

"I can't believe you said yes."

"Neither can I and honestly I would not have if you had not been sitting out there." She has paused in guiding his hands north over the flat plain of her well-toned stomach.


"Stupid I know but I wanted to show off for you. Wanted to impress you. Did I?"

"Did you show off? I would say most certainly. You should have won the damn contest."

"You really think so?"


"So I guess I impressed you then too huh?"

"Very much so. You have been impressing me all damn day with your . . ." He pauses somehow, despite everything, reluctant to say the word in front of her.

"My tits. Go on you can say it. Tell me you are impressed with my new bigger breasts." She removes his hands from her stomach and kisses each in turn lightly, "Please baby tell me you like them."

"Oh God mother I do." He finally blurts out after a long pause.

"Thank you for being brave and telling me that. Now I really think you should snuggle with your mother a bit. With that wind picking up and the sun gone I am cold now hon."

They take the second blanket and fold it in half, before bunching it up in the corner against one of the arm rests.

The folded soft blanket makes perfect padding for James to lean against as he reclines back against the arm rest. His mother then snuggles next to him under the blanket leaning her back against his chest.

She finds his hands and once more traps them against her bare midriff. "Are you comfortable enough?"

"Sure," he says honestly as he has had just enough tequila where being comfortable is becoming real, real easy. He is, much to his surprise, even becoming somewhat comfortable with the idea that his mother was watching him whack off that afternoon while he knew he was fantasying about her.

Once again she starts moving his hands for him in slow semi circles allowing them to flicker across her bare tummy. "Are you starting to get warm Mom?" he whispers in her ear.

"Maybe a little bit." She smiles sweetly and turns around enough to face him. "A kiss or two might help the warming process though."

She brings one hand up and snakes it through his hair around the back of his head. She moves her lips closer and closer whispering as she does, "Don't pull away this time please baby."

Their lips come softly together. They exchange several light kisses, their lips barely brushing against one another. It is like they are testing the waters before they dive in.

They kiss and part before she whispers, "Show me your words are true baby. That you really do think I am gorgeous."

"I do," he whispers back his heart racing; his mind reeling as to what is happening between them. Determined to show her, feeling brave from the alcohol, he brings his lips to hers. This time, instead of pulling back from embarrassment, he plunges forward, forbidden lust ruling his heart, as he lets his lips linger on hers while they share a much more meaningful kiss this time.

She offers no resistance, but instead encourages him by returning his kiss with equal fervor. If the earlier kiss in her bedroom this afternoon sent small firecrackers exploding in his heart, this kiss, here on their lonely secluded park bench, causes his heart to experience nothing less than a virtual earthquake of explosions.

The earthquake becomes even stronger when he feels her tongue slip into his mouth. His response was natural as he lets his tongue out from behind clenched teeth. He had keep it there previously afraid that it would escape before he knew that is what she wanted.

His hands slip around to her back, crushing her against him as their tongues intertwine slowly. The several small light kisses they shared earlier has morphed into one long slow wet dream of a kiss. How long the kiss lasts neither could say for time seems to have lost all meaning under the dark June sky, but finally she breaks it off wanting to only tease him at this point.

"Hmm that was nice," she purrs as she settles down back under the blanket against him. She finds his hands under the blanket, and now for the third time, guides them back to her exposed tummy knowing in her heart of hearts the third time will be the charm.

Again James finds his hands being directed by his mother's into stroking that maddeningly sexy bare tummy of hers in soft semi circles. Soft semi circles that sends chills up and down her back, while causing his cock to begin to twitch with untold excitement inside his jeans. She leans back against him closing her eyes as she has guided his hands up to the pretty crotched hem line of her crop top.

"Are you still cold Mom," he whispers in her ear.

"Kinda of baby. I guess I picked a bad night not to wear a bra. My poor tits, they feel like a pair of icebergs."

Instead of being too embarrassed to comment about her running around in front of him braless, determines to tease her about it. "Well," he begins slowly, "I guess that is the price you pay for being such a consummate showoff mother."

She is starting to move his hands in a slow upward trajectory across her tummy. "Well don't you pity your mother and her cold breasts? I mean your hands are so very warm . . . so nice and toasy."

"You know what they say, warm hands means a warm heart."

"Yes they do say that. So why don't you use those warm hands of yours to" -- she has guided his hands right up to the lower edge of her pretty crop top--"warm your Mommy's poor little boobies up sweetie."

His hands slip up and onto her crop top. The whole experience seems surreal as he begins to carefully knead her large tits through the sheer material of the crop top. He expects to wake up in bed at any moment sporting a huge boner as this most illicit dream of his bursts into a million pieces.

But it's not a dream he is experiencing but instead a most lovely reality. Her tits feel soft and natural as he fondles them shyly. She leans her head back onto his shoulder sighing, "Baby why don't you be brave and slip your hands under my top? That way my boobs can feel the full effect of your hands warmth."

She doesn't have to ask twice. James slips his hands up and under the lower edge of her top and cups her breasts gently. He fondles them with great reverence. Tenderly, sweetly exploring them like a new born baby explores a fresh new toy.

"You really like your Mom's tits huh James?"

"Yes they feel so nice," he says his voice coming out in a nervous hoarse whisper. He is nervous as the growing erection inside his pants is starting to become an issue, especially when his mother turns and begins to shower him with a series of light kisses as she whispers, "This can only help warm me further baby."

And warm her he does. He fondles her boobs with swelling confidence urged on by her soft words of encouragement in between the sinful little kisses they are sharing which, just as before, is turning into one long tongue twisting kiss.

"Hnhh . . ." Ellen lets out a soft moan as she breaks off a deep and passionate kiss with her son. He has found her weak spot that turns her into butter. He is flicking his fingers lightly over her fully erect nipples making her moan and squirm with increasing desire.

"Jesus honey that feels good," she whimpers as James sensing he has indeed stumbled onto something is flicking her ripe erect nipples with growing enthusiasm.

It all becomes like a soft dream for the both of them. A moment lost in time as he continues to fondle her tits while they snuggle under the blanket. His fondling, her moaning, their kissing—it goes on and on until finally Ellen simply cannot take that rock hard boner of his poking against her back.

She knows her son must be desperate for relief and she intends on giving it to him. Without a word she slips off the park bench and onto her knees. She looks up at him with maybe the sexiest look he has ever seen a woman possess in his life.

It all seems so incredibly fantastic as she reaches out with one hand and slowly undoes his jeans. "Mom w-what are you doing?" James whispers barely able to find his voice.

"Hmm well honey, your mother let you play with her big tits now it's time you let me play with your big"—the belt comes undone—"hard"—she carefully is pulling down his zipper—"cock."

She reaches inside his boxers, and with a smile such as a cat might have before it swallows the canary, she pulls his raging erection out. James watches with dreamlike excitement his beautiful mom lick her lips, running her tongue back and forth over them, before she slowly lowers her mouth to his cock.

She pauses mere inches from the trembling head of his cock. She looks up at him saying sweetly, "Will I be the first baby."

James nods his head yes. She opens her mouth slightly to tease and excite allowing the raw sexual tension between them to build even further. She breathes on his cock, then blows on it, before pulling back just a bit and sticking her tongue out to reach for him.

She works some saliva up in her mouth making sure her tongue is dripping wet and then begins at the bottom of his shaft and licks upward slowly. Ellen turns her head sideways as she circles her tongue all around the tip of his penis.

She opens her mouth and takes him inside gradually inch by precious inch. He moans as one hand involuntarily reaches for the back of her head. As she increases the speed of bobbing up and down on his cock she looks up letting his cock slip from his mouth.

The simple fact was James size was almost too much for her. Ellen does not have much experience sucking cock as John was not big into oral sex, but what she lacks in experience she is determined to make up with sheer enthusiasm and wicked sweetness.

"Do you like your mom sucking your cock little boy," she says so tenderly. The sweetness of her voice is totally at odds with what is happening.

"Oh God yes Mom," James hisses, "please don't stop!"

Determined not to go to fast and make him cum too soon she lingers deciding to make him beg a bit.

"Are you sure that is what you want hon. For me, your Mommy to suck on that big cock of yours."

She has decided to ratchet up the whole forbidden idea of what is happening between them by reminding him that it is his mother on her knees sucking his cock. She figures the taboo nature of what is happening will only serve to increase the sexual tension between them and thus ultimately the pleasure derived from it.

She was absolutely right in this line of thinking. James, thanks to her soft whispered words, is getting more turned on by the whole idea of it being his mom on her knees taking his hard cock in her mouth.

"Yes Mommy please suck on it. More please!!" he moans to her.

She hesitates, batting her eyes at him seductively, before going back to work, determined to take his whole seven inches deep in her mouth this time. She again goes slow, progressively taking him into her warm mouth inch by inch until she has nearly the entire length of his rock hard shaft buried in her mouth.

She alternates between bobbing up and down on his cock and letting it slip from his mouth to attack his sensitive underside with a series of soft kisses and gentle licks. She brings one hand up to massage his balls liking his almost immediate reaction which is a loud "Oh God that feels nice."

"Yes honey. Mom is making her baby feel so nice I bet. I want you to . . . cum in my mouth sweetie. Please baby!" she sighs to him between teasing licks of her tongue.

When she opens her mouth, taking him fully inside, he quickly entangles one hand deep in her hair forcing her to bob up and down faster and faster on his cock. He is beyond the breaking point now feeling his orgasm growing. He thanks his lucky stars now that he masturbated earlier or he would have by know surely blew a wad deep in her mouth.

He is moaning louder; his breath coming in short gasps; legs shaking, hand tightens around the back of her head forcing her to suck him harder. "Oh God Mom I am"—she pounds her mouth quicker up and down on his twitching cock while jiggling his balls—"cumming."

He finally explodes in her mouth with a loud groan of exquisite pleasure. She quickly gets to her knees as she swallows his cum and wraps her arms around him. Bringing her mouth to his ear she whispers a question with a most obvious answer.

"Did you like that baby?"

"Oh God and Jesus yes Mom that was so . . . so good," he says his voice still quacking with excitement.

They spend the next few minutes cuddling under the blanket just holding each other, both doing nothing but enjoying the moment.

The wind has died down while the temperature has stabilized prompting Ellen to suggest they go for a short walk on the beach. James gladly accepts, eager to please his mom now, after the incredible thing she had just done for him.

She checks the time on her phone and sees it is now past nine. Not sure how long their walk will last and remembering that Katie gets off work at ten, she decides to call her and inform her that they are going for a walk along the beach a bit beyond the yellow caution tape. Ellen knows Katie is twice as adventuresome as she is so she won't have a problem going past the yellow tape to find them.

But what Ellen doesn't know, as she takes James and leads him down the short path to the beach, is Katie will not be coming alone to pick them up. Further, she doesn't know that calling Katie adventurous would be like calling the Pacific Ocean that are about to walk along a small body of water.

The fact is Katie, her new best friend, is a stone cold sex freak as is her 22 year old daughter who will be tagging along with her mom when she goes to pick up her beautiful best friend and her shy but extremely cute son.

Adding to the intrigue is a few rather alluring facts. Number one is Katie's daughter, Alexis, is none other than contestant number four that had so captured James heart earlier during the wet tee shirt contest. But more important is that Alexis is, just like her mother, a huge sex freak, maybe even bigger even.

Adding a bit of spice to the night's coming attractions is the reality that Alexis is extremely attracted to the older Ellen, while her mother is equally attracted to James.

A perfect storm of passion is brewing that will make what just happened between James and Ellen, forbidden and passionate as it might have been, look like nothing but a soft summer rain.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Greats, except five paragraph in the end, bad trash!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Is that it ?what a waste of time reading it

tlevanssrtlevanssrabout 3 years ago

Is that it? You need to finish the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I prefer B cup tits and A cup over D. I also don't give a rats ass about tits if there is a pussy in the room. THAT is the only place I want my dick and cum...

Joshuad2477sJoshuad2477sabout 4 years ago

Sounds like you are adding a couple of whores by bringing in Katie and Alexis just what the story doesn't need. Sometimes writers out think themselves and ruin a good story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Seen vs. Saw

It’s I have seen or I saw...

Not I seen.

DolphinsnoseDolphinsnosealmost 6 years ago

won't this story have an ending?

it will be mighty good if it does

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

good story wrong time for different direction. but thank you for your efforts.

bripashbripashabout 8 years ago

Don't listen it's a good story. You can intertwine Ellen and James with the characters Katie and her daughter. Is Ellen in love with James or using him to get back at her husband? The story can go that direction also. Continue writing.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Killed It

Wrong direction. You killed the story with the last five paragraphs. If you bring in Katie and Alexis, then you prove there is no real love between mother and son. It becomes just sex, no matter how hot you make it all. It could be any four people and has nothing to do with the special bond & love between a mother and her son.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Constructive Response

I can agree with the commentators above...However, take or leave those responses and continue to improve on a Very Good story line, Development and all.

We ALL started somewhere!

:) :) :)

PS: Get those females into some nylons as you continue!!


OneWhoHas Been There

duke0467duke0467about 8 years ago
Don't take the criticism too much to heart.

You have the mind of a writer, just not the education. That can be handled. I like the story line, but you do need help with grammar and some sentence structure. There are some really good editors that can make the necessary corrections and you might want to try that. Don't let the nasty comments deter you. There is always some of that. I am listed as an editor here and would be glad to help. I am a professional writer with a book currently in publication and a sequel in the works, so if you would like me to help please let me know.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Present tense is a difficult and disconnected way of writing

and you don't know how to do it convincingly; this is terrible, either write in the omniscient past tense or third person, so it reads like a story and not like you being the audio description on a TV drama. 2 stars, because it bored the ass off me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Not bad

Check your grammar and the use of the word seem.

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