Vermillion: Transforming


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Luna wanted to write, stories, novels, poems. Nick wanted to sail away one day, live at sea for a while, learn what Instagram was, and learn how to drive a car. After a while they visited nearly every all galleries and book shops, Nick favored mysteries. Even though they went to the boat shop nothing was purchased. There was something that caught Luna's eye though she would keep it a secret for now.

Once they returned home, both hand in hand walked up the stairs into Nick's room. To Luna's delight there were candles, dark sapphire, and canary yellow, side by side on the end tables, on the floor in the corners, the bed had been freshly made with the blue wool covers pulled back and the scent of vanilla and gardenias swirling throughout the air. There was a hauntingly pleasant glow around the bed.

Nick closed the door behind him, and both walked over to the bed. Luna looked up at him, cheeks rosy and eyes beaming at him like starlight.

She began unzipping her dress while Nick followed taking off his jacket, then his shirt, until all that clothed them was their underclothing. Nick wore black boxers and Luna a gray bra and matching bikini.

"Don't be scared." Nick whispered touching her arm and a chill ran through her, he was cool and so calm that it made Luna's nerves freeze over.

Luna smiled up at him and reached out to kiss him. Nick felt their lips part and gently fuse together as their tongues got reacquainted. Nick picked her up by the waist and placed her on the center of his bed. Luna wrapped her arms around his neck and let their feelings guide them rather than worry where to go from there. Nick pulled back to undress himself. He was proudly standing high. Luna could remember the pale profile and its amazing girth. She felt a small shrinkage inside, partly nervous, and partly excited. Luna unclipped her bra slowly and carefully, then slid off her underwear. It was her first time being completely naked in front of a man before.

But she didn't shy away from his glance or try to hide herself. Nick admired her for doing so, he gazed upon her wholly. He started from top to bottom, beginning with sheen violet locks, her eyes that beamed of sunlight, then her sweet soft lips. Her breasts weren't just round, but full. Her nipples were prominent, reminding Nick of fresh sakura petals flowing in the wind.

He kept gazing down, from her beautiful bosom to her pale, flat, stomach. He smoothed his hands from her sides over onto her juicy hips, squeezing them, hearing her breathing shift. Nick moved down over unto her thighs, staring at her naked pelvis, and lastly the clean pink rift. His lust rose as he inhaled but decided to take his time. He pressed his lips on her neck, they were soft and surprisingly warm. His lips trailed on down to Luna's left breast, tickling her.

Luna could feel herself warm up from below. The delicate touching of his lips against her skin aroused her slightly, but she remained patient for what was to come. Nick licked a light line from between her supple mounds down to her navel, taking the taste of her flesh into his mouth. It was all so sweet. Nick moved forward, the time to be scared was not now. He placed himself between her thighs causing Luna to feel a cool breeze run across her. Nick placed his hand on her face, looking into those honey-colored eyes for any indication that she wanted him to stop.

All he could see was curiosity as to what this new sensation held. He took her lips in his and pressed his hips forward feeling the tip of his weapon part her. Luna made a small sigh as she spread to accommodate Nick's wealth. Luna felt the stony sword submerge into her like a sheathe, spreading her all the while. She focused on Nick's mouth, despite wanting to gasp, she had become so moist. Her skin began clinging to him without thought, but it was a warm fuzzy feeling clawing inside of her. His member was cold but was acclimating to her warm hearth. Nick could now feel the thin shield, he constantly wondered if it would hurt. But hesitating would only hurt Luna more. So, he pushed through, not stopping until he reached her darkest depths.

Luna's knees squeezed against him hard, it wasn't unbearable, but it did pain her when he took her virginity. Her body felt so hot that she thought she would faint. Despite the pain, she could feel a thick hot fluid begin to squeeze out. Nick could see how red Luna's face had become, but she bit his lip to urge him on, which it did. The smell of her virtue leaving her body was enticing. He began to discover her chamber, feeling it's slick cushy walls tighten and squeeze. He anchored his sword out a few inches, then in, out, then in, out, then in, until it became a simple rhythm.

The pain was starting to subside, but she still felt a small sting anytime Nick moved. Luna felt her body expand and burn up. She was beginning to feel creamy at her core, the hard guided blade filled her silky road with absolute ecstasy. Her breasts rubbed against his chest; her nipples etched themselves against his muscle. Nick rocked his body faster, feeling himself let go more. The blood was delicious to breathe in, as was she, Nick could barely contain himself. His eyes began to glow bright crimson and he had to grip onto the bed as he explored the cradling abyss between Luna's thighs. Each movement began to make the bed shake, then hit against the wall. Luna squeezed harder; her elation increased with each thrust. Luna began to push at Nick's chest.

He correctly interpreted this as helping her into his lap. He was gentle in placing her down, Luna's sheath was dripping violently as it descended onto his fullness. Her eyes and his eyes met as their chests beat erratically. Luna moved her hips in a gentle rocking motion, causing Nick to groan softly. He joined her motion by pushing upward trying to match her speed. She nibbled on his neck, licking around his ears, the sword throbbed within and gave way to a high Nick didn't want to come down from.

This woman, this incredible woman was really willing to give herself to him, all of her, for all of him. She accepted his darkness as he had hers, welcoming it with open arms. Nick wrapped his arms around her waist smiling

"I love you." Luna only smiled back.

"I love you." She repeated.

Nick kissed her claiming all the warmth within her body that he could take for his own. The bundle of delicate love wrapped around them as their bodies moved together as one, a gentle embrace, discovery of new vibrations, it all came together for Nick and Luna. They would never be apart, even if they were mad at one another, or far away. His heartbeat with hers, her light overshadowed his darkness. Their passion unraveled as memories rolled on in their minds, the unfolding of this very moment. Luna wouldn't say it was fate, but pure luck that they found one another, Nick thought that their luck would only improve from now on.

Her body hit against his lap, with his hands pulling her down as they kissed. Luna felt a bubbling in her loins that was too hot and too hard to comprehend. Nick felt himself begin to reach his own limits and he laid Luna back down. He gave into both of their desires by not holding back, plunging into the scalding deep where the walls were now attached to him, pulling him deeper inside.

Luna wrapped her legs and arms around Nick, letting him fully discover her. They made love for hours without rest in complete synchronicity. Once they reached their peaks, both felt a great wave wash throughout them, it was not only warm, but blissful, a heavy yet gentle aura that had spread over them. It left Luna tingling all over as Nick laid down beside her tiredly.

His carmine stare struck in awe at how her sunny gaze was shimmering in gold. Luna only smiled; Nick kissed her once more wrapping her body against his. He closed his eyes grinning, feeling complete.

They slept for at least an hour; Luna was the first to wake. A beam of light from the window illuminated her entire being angelically. She yawned feeling Nick's hands on her stomach. Her body still tingled as she turned to Nick who had his eyes closed. Luna, feeling mischievous moved her hand down onto Nick's member, stroking it lovingly.

"Luna...don't..." Nick groaned.

"I'm pretty sure we're late for breakfast." Luna told him.

Nick opened his eyes and smiled when he saw her and looked out at the intensity of the sun. She was right, they were at least thirty minutes late which meant hearing an earful from Dominic. Nick looked around at the clothes they had thrown on the ground and at the melted candle wax everywhere. Their perfect night had come and gone in a flash.

"We should probably wash up before the milktator comes for our heads." Luna said pecking him on the cheek.

She stood up stark naked stretching as Nick went to his metallic chest digging out two robes and handing a mint one to Luna who paused.

"What's in the wardrobe if not clothes?"

"Just things that I keep from my sister, some things passed down from our mother that she wanted to get rid of. I couldn't do it."

Nick took his black robe and entered the bathroom followed by Luna, he found a spare toothbrush which he gave to her. After they brushed their teeth their entered the tub together. Though it nearly started another round of last night, but Nick controlled himself. Once they got into their robes Luna walked around the room collecting the candles whilst a wondering Nick checked beneath the covers. There were spots of blood here and there mixed with body fluids splashed out on the bed like a mini murder scene.

"Luna, are you okay?" Nick asked looking at the blood spots.

"A little sore, but otherwise I feel great." Luna told him. Nick didn't even try to read a mood, from Luna's glowing appearance and buzzing attitude, he knew she was being honest.

"I'll have someone take the sheets."

Nick was able to send an empathic wave towards Candice who graciously appeared at the door to retrieve the sheets. Candice was a cute slender woman with peach skin, dull blonde hair (tied up in a bun) and cold cinnamon eyes. She wasn't classified as paranormal, but had psychic abilities, hers were small in comparison to Nick's and Elizabeth's though. Candice came prepared with large pine-colored bags made of polyester (that made Luna want to say Hefty! Hefty! Hef-ty!).

"Thank you." Nick told her.

"It's no problem, your highness. Shall I take your clothes as well?" Candice wondered, she thought it was sweet that the king was in love, she was surprised at how much she liked him and Luna as well as how casual they were in speaking and asking them to join them for lunch or hang out.

"Umm, yes. Please." Nick nodded as Candice began picking up the clothes scattered about.

"I could bring a bag for the candles." Candice told them politely.

"That would be nice, thank you again." Nick nodded; Candice gave a slight bow.

"I'll be back in a few minutes to strip the bed." Candice left out of the door and Nick began collecting candles too.

When the door creaked open, he spun around thinking that Candice had returned. But it wasn't Candice, or Pierce, or Rey, or Wen. It was Dominic, he was in a ruby sweater and black pants. Both Luna and Nick froze, Dom's hands fell to his side, his eyes were wide with genuine shock at seeing Luna there.


"What in the hell?!" Dom's eyes turned fierce "What happened to waiting?! To your worries?!"

Nick rubbed his face "Luna and I discussed it, we-

"I can smell the blood from here." Dom told him "I know what you did."

Luna sighed crossing her arms "It was a joint decision about intimacy in our relationship, Dom. It isn't fair to come for Nick-

"I'm pissed at you too. Do you know how badly this could have turned out? Did you or did you not use your full strength?" He turned from Luna to Nick again.

Nick blushed unsure what to say, it was awkward being scolded at by someone he saw as his younger sibling, his best friend.

"Because fuck the consequences, right?" Dom said "You could have seriously harmed her or worse. And you." Dom turned back to Luna.

Luna blanked unsure what to say, Dom could see the color of her eyes change from gold back to honey yellow. "Are you in pain?"

"I'm a little sore, but it was my first time, and I can be a bit more sensitive than most demons."

"So, you're different now?"

Luna rubbed her face sighing "Yes and no, I have full control of my succubus powers now, minus the first lust."

"The first what?"

Nick looked to the side of his room "It's a similar feeling to when you're going through the honeymoon phase of your relationship...without the actual honeymoon. It may last a couple of days to a couple of weeks."

Dom narrowed his eyes at him, he looked from Luna to Nick and back again.

"Breakfast is cold now. Come." Dom said the last part as a demand before stomping off into the hallway.

Candice returned with a plastic bag for the candles, she collected the bedding, placed a new one on and bid herself adieu. Luna changed into a light indigo crop top and jeans with indigo flats. Her hair was wavier with more luster this morning and she knew someone would say something but decided to be bold and go down anyway. Because as Dom had said: "Fuck the consequences, right?".

Nick was already in his usual place, Pierce held out a chair for her where she sat. He was mostly silent with ash gray hair, piercing blue eyes, with a tawny complexion. Pierce was a werejaguar and a friend of Mason's who was born in Vermillion. Dom was beside Luna and Brina beside him, across from her was Neimos, across from Dom was Alex who was by Lynx who was by Areya. Nick was in a clean white dress shirt, buttoned down a little, something that Alex and Neimos noticed as lax for the king. Luna was pleased when her plate of bacon and pancakes arrived, HOT.

"Why would you lie about breakfast?" Luna grumbled biting a piece of bacon.

"Why would you lie?" Dom asked with a fake smile.

"What's wrong with you?" Lynx poked.

"Nothing.." Dom mumbled poking at his food. Obviously, something was the matter, and the entire table could feel and see the tension.

"Luna, what type of lotion do you use?" Areya asked out of the blue.

"Um, I didn't use any lotion today. But La Belle usually." Luna replied.

"No matter what I use I could never get my skin that glossy and glowing."

Alex coughed, because that was where the silent but dropped down onto the table like an anvil. Glowing skin, something that Luna didn't have, well her skin had a gleam, but not a glow like this. Her skin didn't have its original blue tint, it had been replaced by a very pale gold that was nearly impossible to see(except by those supernaturally gifted).

Nick desperately wanted to hide, because both Dom and Neimos were staring at him as if he had murdered an innocent. Nick assumed Neimos didn't foretell or couldn't see what he and Luna did last night and now he was fully aware.

"Oh my god...did you?" Brina mouthed carefully so Dom couldn't see. Luna nodded blushing at how this was breaking news at the dining table.

"Kudos." Lynx grabbed a slice of toast and buttered it, then she grabbed a slice of ham that was still on the table placed it on the toast and bit into it "Alex, I want your juice."

Alex smiled "It's black and elderberry."

"Give." Lynx demanded. Alex poured half of his glass into an empty one and gave it to her.

"Compromises..." Lynx was groaning, she was trying to compromise, at least a little for Alex's sake and he tried to do the same for her.

Areya blinked "What is this?"

"I've never seen Luna's skin glow that color, not even as a babe. I wonder what happened.." Neimos leered at Nick who bit his lip "But I already know from the silence."

"Why is it such a problem?" Luna asked.

"Nick's not always in control of himself, that is why, and him being cautious during.." Neimos waved his hand "Is nearly impossible."

"Oh.." Areya said, she knew what happened now, but she didn't seem enraged by it. "Neimos, don't you think you're being a bit harsh?"

Neimos eyes darkened sending a wave of energy that struck a wrong chord inside Areya.

"I'm not going to apologize. Or try and beg for your mercy." Nick blurted, Luna grabbed his hand under the table for support. "We made love, it's not a crime. And it's also no one's business."

Luna beamed "So we don't need to make this a fight."

"You're so happy." Alex smiled "That's nice."

"Thank you, Alex. I'm glad that you and Lynx are happy and giving into your small dark impulses."

Alex nodded with Lynx smiling, it was hard to hide from a succubus' keen sight, they had lust wrapped around them like ribbon. "Thanks."

Brina couldn't help, but laugh a little, then so did Areya.


"They're in love." Areya told him patting his hand "I can sympathize, can't you?"

Neimos groaned internally frowning at the table, because he was once in the same position, and he didn't think once about the consequences. "You're a wicked woman."

Areya grinned "Says the cruel man. You've known them both since they were infants, Nicholas more so. You can understand them, their position."

Neimos didn't like being wrong or corrected, he grumbled "Fine."

"Wow.." Alex gaped at his father; his mother whipped him in but a few sentences.

"Look at your food." Neimos threatened.


Neimos turned away crossing his arms "Maybe we're being a bit irrational, but we do worry."

"We know." Luna told him "But we're both fine, I promise."

Neimos nodded "Then you have my apologies."

Nick grinned and then turned to Dom "No more of this from you either Dominic, our sex lives aren't your business, just as yours isn't any of ours. You will end this here."

"Is that a demand from my king?"

"It's a heartfelt request from a big brother to his younger brother." Everyone in the table seemed in awe at Nick. Dom's face had a bit of color to it when he looked up and then he looked back down embarrassed and a bit pleased.

"Alright. I won't talk about it again..sorry."

"It's okay. I know everyone worries about Luna, about me, everyone else..But I don't want to constantly fight you, because that hurts me more than anything."

Dom smiled "You're very romantic all of a sudden." Luna burst out in laughter.


"I love you regardless, but it did sound cheesy in all its truth."

Nick sighed again "How is it that I can never please either of you?"

Luna and Dom smirked saying "Luck."

While breakfast went from complicated friendship to happy family in Vermillion, in Hirea Sirus had finally chopped down most of his work in renewing the place. The people all respected and loved him. Sirus lived as the lord in an alabaster mansion that seemed to be a palace with endless columns, and large statues littering the grounds. The mansion sat up on a high hill, below were crystal sands and calm icy waves.

There were at least twenty-eight servants working and living on the grounds. Today Sirus was checking in on one of his absentee maids. He wore an ivory robe with silver trim as he walked the empty halls. Majority of the staff were working, Sirus had already ate and was now at the door of Eslee Lavers, an elven maid who had just started working there. Her absence was worrisome, so he came to investigate.

Sirus inhaled deeply, the smell of lust and debauchery tainted the entry way around the door. It was a smell that burned his nose, wild and well contained. Sirus concealed himself using his powers to open the door which he closed quietly. The rooms there were large enough for four people to live(Hirea's beauty went in hand with its wealth), so he had to go through two rooms before finding Eslee. She was in her bedroom, sitting on her silver bed, her golden locks tied up in a ponytail as she sat in her uniform. Her gray eyes were wide with shock. The man before her seemed familiar, someone who was just hired. He had admiral blue hair that was spiky and dark emerald eyes, standing there in a butler's uniform.
