Virtual Reality: Pokemon D/P Ch. 2


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Gardenia's light brown eyes twinkled as she looked up at me. She returned the fainted pokemon to its home. That's when I noticed she only had two other pokeballs on her belt. Like me, she chose to honor the intent of the rules instead of the letter. She kicked off her boots and proceeded to toss the shawl aside with a flourish. Where the cut-off cargos masked her feminine charms, the tight shirt accentuated others. I had to admit to being slightly distracted. And my body was considerably distracted.

"Turtwig, go!" At last, a pokemon I recognized. Turtwig resembles a small tortoise and is the Grass equivalent of Piplup, a starter pokemon. It also meant they should be relatively evenly matched, at the same level, and should give the Grass tortoise a decided advantage. I wasn't worried. Gardenia might have expected a Water Pokemon to use an Ice attack, particularly a penguin, but she could never expect what I had planned next.

This time, her commands led quickly on the heels of her summons. "Giga-drain!"

"Chide, dodge and move in close." Fortunately Giga-drain, like so many of the high power attacks tends to be less than accurate. My Prinplup waddled forward two steps, but then flopped forward onto his belly. For a moment I thought he'd fallen, then his flippers pushed off and he began to slide faster and faster, across the grass. Gardenia's vampiric attack soared right over the low slung penguin. The tortoise tried to compensate, but the attack petered off right before it corrected its aim.

"Drillpeck Chide!" A gasp escaped Gardenia as she realized my Water type also had been taught a devastating Flying type attack. Flippers pounded the ground and my Prinplup launched itself, beak first at the Tortwig. As it flew, it spun from off-centered momentum. The blow hit the poor tortoise square on the jaw and it fell like the pair of cherries had.

Gardenia, visibly impressed with my forethought, reached for the bottom of her tight shirt. She stopped immediately when she realized she didn't have my undivided attention. An understandable situation since Chide glowed once more. He grew, and when the glow faded his face was hidden by what looked like a trident face-mask. My new Empoleon was also much more imposing.

My attention returned to Gardenia. Her head lowered slightly and she looked up at my through her eyelashes. Something in the look made my knees weak, probably as blood flow stopped below my groin. She slowly pulled the shirt upward. Immediately the action revealed a dark green lace bra. While I couldn't quite see the darker flesh beneath, her nipples stood erect beneath the thin material. This time, rather than remove a second article to balance her remaining pokemon, she reached to her waist. First the belt, then an inch of zipper flopped open.

I didn't care how improbable it was that the loose cargo pants managed to sit on her wide hips completely unzipped. The gap must have reached down to right above the start of her pink flesh. She blatantly displayed the small landing strip of light-brown-auburn hair. Gardenia had watched and studied me as I fought the rest of the women. She had figured out my weakness. Tease and suggest the possibility of glimpses and I can't concentrate. Heck, I barely heard her call out for Roserade.

"Chide, Blizz..." I didn't get a chance to even finish my instructions. A blinding beam of light shot out from the anthropomorphic, female, plant's rose-bud hands. Gardenia had managed to distract me so successfully with lust that I didn't notice her pokemon as she collected sunlight for a Solar Beam! That, single most powerful, Grass attack hit my poor Prinplup square on. I had my pokeball out before the attack subsided and called Chide back immediately.

I slid my t-shirt from my belt and palmed my second, and final, pokeball. I shrugged the trench-coat off and pulled the shirt free. I slowed a bit as I undid first my belt, then the button and zipper. I've never been that sure how to strip properly for an audience, but young Gardenia seemed to enjoy the show. And as I crouched to slide my pant s off, her eyes were locked on my loins.

Finally, I stood, clad only in bulging boxer-briefs. My thumbs slid beneath the elastic and pulled very slowly. "No, wait! As my request, I want you to leave that on while I ride you."

There was pure hunger in Gardenia's soft voice. She strode towards me, full of purpose, and her eyes never left the bulge. It was all she could do to keep her hand from drifting between her own legs to play in anticipation. "Stop!" Confused, almost innocent, eyes jerked up to meet mine as her body reacted to the natural command of my voice. Her chest heaved with stress, her arms and legs shook with adrenalin, and the subtle muscles, revealed by her open pants, clenched over and over with need.

The ultra-ball rolled into my fingertips with a basic slight-of-hand trick. Her mouth dropped open and her breath caught. Wide, round, eyes stared in incredulity. Gardenia tried to pull herself straight but only managed a tense nervousness as I called forth Raltz. Her eyes glanced over at the new pokemon, but quickly found mine. Her gaze pleaded not to do it. But in the depths of her irises she virtually glowed with thankful applause.

Raltz knew what to do already. Even as Gardenia opened her mouth to issue commands, Raltz tilted her head back to expose her red eyes. Those eyes and Roserade both glowed blue. The Grass pokemon was caught in the grip of a full out Psychic attack. One of the few attacks that are super effective against its Poison dual type. Unlike me, she didn't even wait for the attack to subside. She pointed the pokeball and conceded the match.

Gardenia collapsed to her knees as she stowed the pokeball. Although tears rolled down her cheeks, she beamed at me. A single finger beckoned me closer. As I stepped forward, her arms reached back and the tension sprung out of the bra. My length lunged as realization dawned that I had won. This beautiful young woman was now mine to do with as I pleased. And what's more, the thought pleased her as well. The bra fell free as she reached down to her waist.

My hands caught her wrists and kept her from removing her pants. Confused eyes searched mine. "But, I need to be naked."

I knelt before her, my hands still on hers, on her pants. I leaned down, my lips next to her head. I intentionally let my breath tickle over her ear as I whispered. "You will be. But I would like to complete that." Her body shivered. I knew it was at least in part due to my breath, but figured another part was anticipation.

With my hands still about her wrists, I stood and brought her with me. I shifted my grip so that we both held not only her cut-off cargos, but each other's hands. Our eyes locked for a moment before Gardenia's shifted away. All of her skin, now almost completely visible, began to turn red. I knelt before her, and allowed my eyes to linger down her body as I did so. A light tug and she relinquished control fully to me.

Her hands were unsure as I folded back the flaps she had so tauntingly opened. A light kiss on the soft, light-brown, hair caused Gardenia to shudder. I couldn't help but be mesmerized as I began to slowly pull down the pants. Supreme confidence in pokemon battles did not translate to confidence in lust, and her hands met to instinctively covered herself, only moments before exposure. I stopped and looked upward with a gentle smile, but that only made her blush more.

The pants slid down farther and I confirmed, with no possible confusion, she wore no panties. To judge by how tensely her hands, one flat atop the other, pressed against her crotch she now wished she had. Not that it would have made any difference. If she'd worn them, it would merely have prolonged this part of the process. When the pants reached her ankles, she dutifully stepped free.

I leaned back and my eyes swept up her body. I knew some very personal things about her just by the way she stood. While she may not still have been a virgin, yet to be determined, she had little experience with anyone looking at her completely naked. What's more, she had an inferiority complex about her probably b-cup, at largest, breasts. The interesting thing was that she thought so little of them that she didn't try to cover them. Instead, her arms framed them as she reached to cover the truly important area. It was as if she naturally assumed no one would ever look there, so why bother.

I watched her legs tense as a hand slipped between hers. Palm to palm, I slid her hands to the side. Should I have expected anything other than the tiny folds of her lips and the bright pink bud at the fore? No, but her embarrassment, her shame of the area, had almost persuaded me that she had been afflicted somehow. I continued to hold her hands, lightly enough that she could break away at a moment's notice, as I leaned forward. Another kiss, this time halfway between the well-groomed fuzz and that tender bud, and she shuddered again. Her hands gripped mine and she moaned softly.

I placed her hands on either side of my head. Her body tensed as full realization of my intentions occurred. I felt her hands start to grip, obviously determined to push me back, but it was too late. My palms rested on her thighs and my thumbs spread the loose flesh aside. Lips carefully plucked at the delicious pearl and my tongue darted out to taste her.

Gardenia's fingers curled in my hair. She moaned and her body seemed to melt for a split second before she remembered how to stand, while the first stirrings of pleasure raced through her body. My lips opened to push back even more loose skin and my tongue began to probe.

Around the base of her now engorged need, across the tip, pressed into the tender flesh around it, I sought every sensitive chink in her armor. Every time I found an especially potent locale I made a mental note. Her moans began to shift from breathy whispers, to groans, to lightly quaking screams. Instinct drove her to press my head tight against her. I gladly complied and even began to rock my lower jaw back and forth in time with my rapid tongue. As I felt nerve and muscle roll beneath my caress I reveled in her increased reaction.

Gardenia alternated between complete tension and an almost inability to stand. She shook almost constantly. More weight pressed against my head and I knew she could barely keep herself aloft. This was the state I'd been in earlier. While everything I did drove her to further and further euphoria, the simple act of standing stole her ability for climax. Her screams transformed into whimpered please and I knew it was time.

Very little is more sure to bring me to erection than to have a woman completely helpless before me. I'm not talking chained down, though that's quite lovely under the right circumstances, I mean the feel of a woman as they writhe helpless to stop the utter bliss that surges through them. I don't care if my orgasm last for five seconds, if I finish at all, so long as I can feel her climax over and over for dozens of minutes constantly.

As I slowly lowered a grateful Gardenia to the grassy turf, I felt her slip towards release. My tongue continued to dig and assault her without pause. Over and across, around and down. No sooner had her shoulders reached the ground then they vaulted upwards as her back and neck arched. Her hands flew from my head and began to gouge at the defenseless grass. A scream of pleasure, so pure and powerful I had never heard it's like before, erupted from her. Like her musical voice, her sweet cream flowed freely and washed over me.

My arms wrapped around her hips in a vain effort to hold her steady. Immersed in pleasure too great to comprehend, her body began to try to buck, to cringe, to clutch, anything in order to stop the blessed torment. But still my tongue assaulted. My lips sealed against her and a quick suck drew her soft mound even farther from protection and her screams, her escapes, her very sensation grew exponentially. All the while, my own need bordered on manic, painfully hard between my legs.

The screams began to fade, ever so slightly, and I knew. My head lifted and her body collapsed, boneless, to the ground. Gardenia's eyes were screwed shut. Tears streamed their corners, but the expression stole any fear I could have had. Saints, with a vision of heaven, could not have looked more blessed. As I shifted to hover above her, I hoped she would find even greater heights.

Gardenia had plenty of warning of my intentions. My hands slid her knees wider. The tip of my lust brushed against her tender mound, with a not inconsequential spasm as her reaction, before it slid lower. I lifted her hips slightly to rest on my thighs and my head sank into the opening of her temple. With each step, I paused. By some rulings I'd already claimed my prize and had no rights for this. As I settled slightly within her, her enfeebled legs tried to pull my hips forward and she barely managed to whimper, "PLEASE!"

My hips crashed forward. Gardenia screamed an orgasm even more powerful than before as I pierced her very core. Her back arched beneath me. Nailed fingers bit into my arms. And then I pulled out. Once more her body collapsed. Electricity coursed through her as I began a methodical rhythm. She jerked and bucked as I pushed into her incredibly wet depths. Numb relief settled over her as I slid free.

I didn't last. I knew I wouldn't. Her desire, her pleasure, her rapture had built a need so strong in me that I couldn't hold out. I don't know how she knew the timing, but just as I began to pull out for the final time, intent to collapse to one side and launch my seed harmlessly across the ground, Gardenia found inhuman strength and impaled herself. Her legs wrapped my hips and forced me deeper still.

The world froze as fire burned straight up my shaft. One timeless moment later the world exploded into sensation as I erupted within her. Free from guilt, my tempo reached frantic proportions. Besides, my body was beyond caring. Her depths clutched and stroked my length and greedily devoured every drop of lust that I could produce.

I don't know how long we held each other in that ecstatic state, but when one began to slow, the other managed to ride the sensation back to full potency.

As I lay there, in the aftermath of our passion, I suddenly realized the other trainers remained throughout the trees. They had witnessed everything, from our fevered battle to our frenzied passion. Without a too-obvious glance, I regarded their expressions. I'd never done anything in public before, and an almost morbid curiosity demanded to see their horror. Instead, I saw longing and jealousy. Except for one face. The red-head sat on the grass, a ways off, dejected and broken. Had they known what I planed, they would have tried even harder to steer my choice.

A soft cheek nuzzled against my neck and I relaxed as my arms wrapped protectively around Gardenia. Soon I would be gone, but I would be back, eventually. And every woman there had a fresh goal; defeat me to demand a repeat performance. I smiled and let myself follow Gardenia into a content, satisfied, slumber with a single thought.I'm going to LOVE adult rules battles!

Copywrite June 2007, by Deathlynx

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Continue: Fan

Please Please continue writing this is totally awesome. Even in an adult themed story you have still managed to capture many of the characters attributes and personality. I would really like to see a chapter 9-? It would be awesome if you added some of the main characters from the main story to have an 'encounter' with Lynx or if you made it that he could travel to other regions by train or boat. Anyhow this is an amazing and well written series. Worth getting published if possible.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

amazing truely. Continue the story. PLEASE!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

DUDE WRITE MORE!!! You have got to write more this is perfect. No one could do it better. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

i like it very much :D

could you please consider adding another chapter? :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Is this favorite sci fi show you mention babylon 5?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Yea continue the series. I would like to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

This series is awesome. Keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
continue please

such a good series keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Is the first word that comes to mind. Your talent is considerable. I strongly recommend you consider continuing the series. I anxious to see where it will go.

Jedi_KhanJedi_Khanover 16 years ago
So, umm...

Where's the rest? You just going to give up the story, are you? Going to be like other authors who right great stories and then just up and stop writing them? Well, are ya? I sure as hell hope you don't.

While I gave up following Pokeman years ago, I do enjoy this story. Keep it going.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

I am an avid fan of pokemon games and your stories have taken them to a new height, please keep them coming

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

More, More, MORE!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

THERE MUST BE CONTINUATIONS OF THIS TALE. This has humor, plenty of teasing and is freakin' hot. Continue on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Wow! I wish I could take part in adult battles! More, please!

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