Virtually Swapping Ch. 01

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My girlfriend tries to convince me to swap husbands.
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My best friend Katie and I met at the coffee shop like we did nearly every week. We had been best friends since college, and we had done almost everything in life together. We got married within a year of each other, had our first children the same year, and basically spent each year growing together as the best of friends.

We met at least once a week at the coffee shop once the kids were at school to talk about everything. After talking about school, kids, and husbands, our talks would inevitably turn to sex. Both Katie and I had very active sex lives with our husbands, and we loved to share stories with each other. I swear that I almost knew her sex life as well as I knew my own. Today was like any other when our conversation started, but where it went from there is a story worth telling.

We had already gotten our coffees, and we had taken a seat in the coffee shop. As always we made a lot of small talk about the last week. As we talked, my mind began to drift a little as I was really worn out from last weekend's escapades with my husband.

Katie kept talking to me while I absent mindedly drank my coffee, "Brenda, I am telling you. Mike was amazing this weekend. I know he is not quite as large as John, but man. Phew! His stamina is unbelievable. I honestly thought he was going to screw me unconscious."

I replied back to her, "That is the beauty of our men, Katie. They both know their way around a bedroom." I paused for a moment, and then continued, "Katie, last weekend was amazing for me too. John was like an animal this weekend. I have a confession to make though..."

Katie looked at me with raised eyebrows and asked, "Do tell, my sexy little friend? What confession can you make that we haven't discussed before?"

I bit my lower lip and paused for a moment. Finally, I proceeded, "This weekend was even hotter than usual. When John and I were in bed, we started talking."

"Come on Brenda! Spit it out! What were you talking about that made your weekend hotter?"

"We were talking about you and Mike, Katie. I have to confess that I was sharing some of the details of our sex talks with John, and it made him even hotter than usual." I paused for a moment, and then I continued, "When, I told him about how long Mike lasted, and how he almost fucks you unconscious, John went crazy."

Katie looked at me with a gleam in her eye and said, "Brenda...Keep talking girl! I want all the details. You've been a naughty little friend sharing our talks, and now you need to tell me everything"

I was still so excited from the weekend that the words just kept spilling out, "He was amazing Katie. I mean, he is always amazing, but this was something else. He seemed to want to prove that he could match the stories I was sharing with him. I swear he must have pounded me for 30 minutes straight. It was like he was trying to match your stories and fuck me unconscious. Quite honestly, I don't think I lost consciousness, but it is hard to even remember the end of the night. The fact that he is bigger than most men helps make it amazing, but last night was on a whole new level. I was so sore from the pounding I took that I had troubles walking the next day."

Katie seemed to be taking it all in. She looked at me for a moment and then asked, "Do you think it was my stories? I have never told you this before, but Mike and I talk about you all the time too. I have a confession to make. As amazing as Mike is, I have always been hot for the stories about your husband too."

I looked at her, and I could tell that she had more to say. "Keep talking Katie. I can tell there is more. Come on girl. Now it is your turn to spill it!"

"Brenda, I know it is wrong to ask, but have you ever thought about my husband. I am asking because I have to confess that I think about John all the time. I have never cheated on Mike, and I am not sure that I even could, but your stories about John. They make me incredibly hot, and I wonder..."

"Go on Katie! Finish your thought! What is it that you wonder?"

"If you could sleep with someone other than John, and no one else would know, would you? No, wait. I did not mean it quite like that. Of course you wouldn't. I mean. Shit, I don't know exactly what I mean."

I just kept staring at her with my mouth wide open. Finally, I swallowed, collected my thoughts, and asked, "What are you really getting at Katie. Just tell me what your thoughts are, and I promise not to judge you."

Katie took a deep breath and then continued, "I used to think that I could never cheat on Mike, but our talks have given me a wicked idea, a slutty, nasty and wicked idea. What if you could sleep with Mike, and I could sleep with John, and no one would ever know it happened?" Once she started talking it just kept pouring out, "I mean. We have been such good friends for so long, that it almost wouldn't feel like cheating. Shit...I still am not making sense. Brenda, I have to be honest. Mike was my first, and my only. I just thought maybe you and John. Well, I guess I mean you... I guess I was hoping that maybe we could have a little adventure."

I still did not know exactly where Katie was going with all this, but I have to confess that all of her stories about Mike kept me on edge too. I was not sure where this was headed, but I wanted to hear more. I spoke slowly to make sure that she told me everything, "Katie, I promise I won't judge you. The talks we have always make me hot too. I can't promise you anything, but I am dying to hear what you have to say, so please continue your story."

"Brenda, I can't seem to make any sense, so why don't I just tell you my plan? If you hear my plan, I think it will make more sense. If you hate the idea, we can just try to pretend like it never happened. "

With that she went in to the details of her plan. You see, she had it all figured out in her mind. She wanted to sleep with my husband, but she did not want anyone to know except for me and her. Additionally, she wanted me to sleep with Mike, and also did not want him to know. She must have been thinking about it a lot as she had spent a lot of time on her plan. Her plan seemed risky, but she really felt it would work. Basically, she wanted each of us to introduce one of those new-fangled virtual reality viewers into our sex life. Her thoughts were that we could convince our husbands that it would add adventure to our evenings. Our husbands could pretend they were with the girl on the virtual reality screen, when they were really with us. In my case, I would get my husband excited by the idea, and after using it a couple of times, I would sneak Katie into our bedroom once my husband had the virtual reality set on. She would get to have sex with my husband, and he would never know it was her. In both cases by the time it was all over and they removed the headset, we could sneak out leaving just a satisfied wife there with her husband. I let her lay out the whole plan without interruption. Finally, she was done. She looked at me nervously and asked, "Well, Brenda, I see that I have freaked you out. I'm sorry. I don't know what has gotten into me. I never should have brought it up, but I guess after all of these years being around you and John, I just let my mind get away from me. I know that it is wrong, but..."

I had listened to this whole bizarre plan of hers, and it was obviously killing her that I might be upset. She was my best friend in the whole world, and I wanted her to know she could share anything with me. I finally caught a quick gap in her constant stream of words, and said, "Katie, wow, stop for a second, so we can talk about this. You really put a lot of thought into this. That is one hot scenario that you just described. I'm not sure that I could actually go through with it though. What makes you think that you would be okay with Mike having sex with me?"

"Brenda, I'm so sorry. It is funny, but normally I would never be okay with Mike having sex with anyone. I would always be worried that he might want more, or might like it better than sex with me. That is why I came up with the idea of the virtual reality trick. That way he would never even know that he had cheated on me. Hell, even if he felt like things were slightly different, he would probably just chalk it up to the girl in the video, and his eyes playing tricks on his other senses. Honestly though, it is not about him, it is about me. I simply wanted to try one other guy in my life, and after all of our stories, I just hoped that maybe it could be your husband. Again, with the trick he would never know, and I would never have to worry about future issues. I know it is crazy, but I just can't get the stories out of my head."

I have to admit that the whole time she was talking I kept having images flash through my head. I had been so horny lately, that all of our talks, and now these plans had my brain in overdrive. I was getting wetter and wetter as I thought about her and my husband, and me and her husband. Thirty minutes ago, Katie sounded like a raving lunatic, but now I was starting to think just maybe her idea was worth considering. I just couldn't quite wrap my head around it though.

As she ended her second long torrent of words, I finally interrupted, "Katie, I can't promise you anything, but I am at least interested. I have a proposal."

She looked at me expectantly, so I continued, "Let's get the virtual reality sets, and use them to spice up our sex lives a bit. We can try to get adjusted to the thought of our men watching the virtual reality screen while they fuck us. In the end we can get back together next week, and see if we are both game. I figure if him watching another girl while screwing me doesn't bother me, then maybe we can go further. However, we only proceed if we both agree after this weekend."

Katie looked like she was going to hyperventilate as she responded, "Really, really, you are actually willing to think about it. Holy shit Brenda, I can't believe it. This is so damn hot. Even the thought that you might be willing to go through with it is more than I could have hoped for. Man, this whole conversation has gotten me so horny that I am going to jump Mike's bones as soon as he gets home tonight. Thank you. Thank you for even considering it, and not hating me for bringing it up."

With that we left the coffee shop, and went down to the electronics store. We picked up the VR unit for the phones that we had and then parted ways. On my way home, I struggled to even drive the car. I am not sure if I can completely describe my emotions. I was scared I would get caught. I was scared he would like it. I was excited at the thought of seeing my best friend naked and moaning like a bitch in heat under my man. I was excited about the thought of sleeping with another man for the first time in nearly ten years. Mostly I was just horny, and wet. I am not sure exactly how I got home, but when I arrived I still had a couple of hours to kill before picking up our son from school. I frantically ran up the stairs, got my favorite vibrator from the closet, and sat down on the bed. Katie and I had already worked out how to get point of view porn on the VR, so I figured I might as well try it out. I probably looked ridiculous on the bed. I was half naked, with the set on my head like in those commercials, and an 8" vibrator in my hands. Oh well, it was not like anyone was going to see me.

I turned on the VR to a video that said getting eaten out and fucked by your man. I figured it would be a great way to relieve the pressure that had been building between my legs all day. The moment the video came on it was surreal. Everywhere I looked around I was in the middle of the video. I peeled my panties off just as the man in the video walked into the room. I had watched a few pornos with John, so I knew what to expect as far as action. The difference was the virtual reality. I am not going to say it was totally realistic. I mean you could still tell you were watching a video, but you were definitely immersed in the scene. The man that walked in on the video had a darker Mediterranean look, and he wasted no time in getting down to business. I looked down between my legs, and he immediately dove down and started eating me out. Shit...I mean the girl in the video.

Anyways, I flipped the vibrator on low, and pressed it down in between my lips. It was insane. I was dripping wet the minute the vibrator touched my pussy. There was no way I was going to last. Hell, I was so revved up from earlier today, that I almost came the minute the vibrator touched my clit. In the video my Italian lover was licking up and down my clit. He licked from the bottom edge of my pussy all the way back up to my clit. To make it feel more realistic, I started moving the vibrator back and forth in the same motion as the video. I planted my feet on the bed, and started pushing my hips up into the air. It almost felt like I was really getting eaten out by the guy in the video. The vibrations were driving me right up to the edge. He, I mean it felt so goooood. Finally, he brought his fingers in to play. He inserted two fingers into me, and kept licking at my clit. As he did this, I inserted the vibrator into my pussy, and began using my fingers to rub my clit. I immediately started cumming.

Oh my god! It was amazing. I started shaking, and trembling. My pussy was gushing as I jammed the vibrator in and out. I came so hard, that I blacked out for a moment. When I stopped seeing stars, I realized that I was laying in the bed with the vibrator jammed most of the way into my pussy, and the video still running. I may have actually been out cold for a few minutes based on the point in the video. I should have taken the VR unit off, but the Italian stallion had just moved me to the edge of the bed, and was positioning his cock between my lips. At the same time the vibrator was already starting to rev me up again. I was not even holding the vibrator. I just kept rolling my hips as it thrummed and vibrated deep in my pussy. Just then my virtual lover jammed his cock all the way into me. It was not a slow and leisurely fuck, but was more like a jack hammering. He drove his cock into me repeatedly. He kept slamming himself in all the way to the hilt. The entire time it was like his cock was alive. Vibrating and spinning, it was driving me into a frenzy. Shit, I got confused again, and for a moment forgot that it was just the vibrator and a video. He grabbed my thighs, and he pulled me in tight to his hips. Just as this happened, my pussy exploded again. In the video he held me stuck on his cock, and he came and came. I swear it felt like I was there with a strange man.

As I finally stopped trembling and writhing, I removed the vibrator from my pussy, and took off the VR headset. I was lying in a pool of my own juices, and I was covered in sweat. Damn, I had been going at it for so long that I only had an hour before I had to go pick up our son. I was an absolute mess, so I put away my toys, and went to take a quick shower.

As I showered, I lazily ran my fingers over my body, and thought about my conversation with Katie from this morning. I still wasn't sure if I could fuck Mike, or let her fuck John. I was sure though that I was going to enjoy using the virtual reality machine with John. Hell, I was sure that I was going to use it all by myself again very soon. My next plan was to use this game with my husband, and I could not wait to see how things went. That however is for the next chapter in this story.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

2 stars & I'm being kind. This's chapter 1. WTF happened to 2, or just extend this story? You bring us midway and then drop the story unfinished.

IFAFILHGIFAFILHGalmost 4 years ago

One of the most stupid fucked up ideas I've ever seen..I'm totally ok with swapping.. but all four should be open..discuss it and reach an agreement acceptable to all... same room together to enjoy and share with your spouse... just plain stupid to try to trick your spouse into something he knows nothing about...not what best friends should be doing... do it honestly or NOT at all

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
fun story

i can't wait to read the next chapter. Question is where is Chapter 4 of Unlocking the Wife Through Hypnosis and the next chapter of this don't keep us waiting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Get Real People

Yes it's only one page. No it doesn't match your Victorian era ideas of how you feel other people should carry on their sex lives. And I'm pretty sure Chapter 1 at least won't be nominated for the Pulitzer this year. But what part of that did you not know when you started masturbating to a story called "Virtual Swapping?"

Lets give the author credit for coming up with a new twist in a category that has only a few plot lines that get recycled far too many times. I gave it 4 stars, and will look forward to seeing where you go in Part 2. Good effort.

loveloverloveloverover 7 years ago
Fun story

Light hearted, balanced, could go anywhere. Arousal, 6/10, because it could go anywhere, & sex between good friends is a big turn-on for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

not my proudest fap

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
what the fuck is this?


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
re: people who come in and trash talk

Thank you. Mission accomplished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
i threw up when

i read this idiot was writing another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

stupid cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
People who come in and trash talk

I hate them

Impo_64Impo_64over 7 years ago
2 friends and one asinine idea...

2 friends and one asinine idea...For now just an idea...soon something more and maybe some lives ruined...2* for now

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The writing is okay

But what has been a couple of good marriages is about to come apart and the kids will suffer the consequences.... too bad, but some women can't leave well enough alone starting with Eve

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I don't think there's enough of this to rate yet

I hate when someone writes a multi-chapter story and only writes one page! I won't rate this until there's more to rate.

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