Virus Ch. 07-08


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His heart thumped as he looked at her now lying listless in the chair. Staring into her eyes, he caught a split second flicker of the Alex he knew and he realized just how much she'd changed. She opened her mouth as if she was going to say more but instead slumped back in the chair, a deadened stare looking back at him. The reality of the situation washed over him like ice water. God, Neil was right. How could he have put her through this? How had he blinded himself to the subtle clues of her changing as a result of the exposure? Before he could flagellate himself more she let out a tiny sigh and leaned her head on the arm of the chair.

He stared down at her guiltily. Her long brown hair cascaded over the arm of the chair and he stroked it soothingly. He moved in front of the chair and grabbed her wrists. She lazily allowed herself to be pulled up. She looked at him warily as he examined her face. He brushed her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek. Every place he touched her felt like fire racing across her skin but she had slowly gotten used to the ever present desire. She had accepted it would never be sated. She surrendered to the emptiness that had been swallowing her to quiet her body's demands. Drew could see her mentally pull away and shut herself off. He needed to pull her back into herself; he needed to finally do what needed to be done.

He leaned forward and captured her mouth with his in a long, sensual kiss. The moment they broke for air he grabbed her wrist, and marched toward his bedroom, pulling her behind him. Alex was still stunned by the passionate kiss and tripped behind him into his room. Once inside Drew pulled her to him, kissing her again while kicking the door closed.

Her body and mind in a whirlwind, Alex pulled away. "Drew?" she faltered uncertainly.

Now that he had decided to do this, he was unwilling to be even a step away from her. "Alex... I'm so sorry," he said, moving forward to wrap his arms around her and kiss her again. "I was an idiot-" he confessed between kisses "and I never realized what the virus was doing to you-"

Alex pushed him away, panting. His touch was overwhelming. It felt like she had been underwater and had finally come up for air. He looked at her with concern. "Alex, I can't undo anything. The virus is in you and I see now it'll always be. Your body will always be craving enough of the virus to change you. I... I need to infect you completely." He looked deep into her eyes, hoping to see understanding. Once again he could see flashes of the old Alex, his Alex, fighting to come back.

She blinked at him in confusion. Her body was still humming with desire but slowly it felt like some of the cobwebs were clearing out of her mind. "You want to change me?" she questioned, a tremor of fear in her voice.

"I have to. I thought we could ignore it and it would pass but I was wrong. I see now how it's eating away at you."

"And then I'll be... I'll be like you?"

"Yes," he nodded.


"Very nearly."

"But alive for a long, long time at least," she pushed back. "And I'll watch my mother, my father, all the people I love die."

He nodded. "Unless they get infected, yes."

It was something she always knew in her heart but was too chicken to honestly think about before. It didn't make it any less devastating to hear it confirmed out loud. She closed her eyes, determined not to cry. She wanted to think rationally (well, as much as she could), knowing that whatever she did at this moment would determine her future. Her mind worked furiously, ignoring the underlying thrum of lust from the virus. A thought came to her and she asked, "And what if I wanted a family of my own? If I had a baby, would it be immortal too? Wait, could I have baby?"

Drew winced. "In the early days when the virus wasn't so diluted women were able to have children. Big, healthy ones, actually. But over the centuries... No. Most infected cannot bear children."

"So I'm giving up any chance to have kids, my humanity..." she murmured sadly.

He hated himself in that moment for what he had done to her. "Maybe since I was the one who infected you and the strain is purer, maybe you'll be able to have one. I don't know. I can't promise anything, other than to help you in any way I can. I just see now that there is no other choice. If we don't the virus will consume you, robbing you of everything except the need to be infected."

She unconsciously wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. Now that her mind had started clearing it began to dawn on her how much of herself had slowly ebbed away these last few weeks. How much of herself would be left after a week or two?

"I know you're scared. I'll make it as painless as possible. I'll take you under my wing and guide you through all the changes, teach you how to live with it. I'll do anything you ask of me," he promised.

"Can you go back to several weeks ago and buy a better brand of condom?" she muttered. Drew looked like she punched him in the gut. She shook her head and squeezed his arm. "Sorry. Bad joke," she apologized half-heartily.

He tenderly reached up and cupped her cheek. "I'm serious, Alex. I can't go back and change anything but I'll spend the rest of my long life making it up to you." She stared back at him, reading so many emotions across his face: guilt, concern, caring. Alex bit her lip and tentatively shook her head yes.

He entwined his fingers with hers and gave her a reassuring squeeze, bending down to give her a tentative kiss. She kissed him back, the tremor in her lips betraying her lingering fear. Slowly, gradually the kiss turned genuine. The virus had slowly been tamped down during their conversation and was no longer consuming Alex. In that moment it was just two people connecting. Two people enjoying a simple kiss.

Alex let go of Drew's hand to wrap her arms around his neck as their kissing growing more fervent. He pulled her right arm off to remove the robe from that arm, then did the same with the left, letting the robe fall to the floor. Still enjoying the pleasures of his mouth, she started tugging off his shirt. They broke the kiss to lift it over his head, then their mouths met again. She started unbuckling his belt and unzipping his slacks. His fingertips were tracing random patterns on her back, giving her goose bumps. While her tongue was playfully teasing his, she pushed down his pants and his boxers to expose his hard cock and gave it a firm squeeze. He growled in appreciation and took a quick step back to remove the rest of his clothes before wrapping his arms around her again.

They kissed their way to the bed, where he gently guided her down and positioned himself on top of her. He drank her in: the flush of desire on her face, the shining eyes, the creamy white breasts with their pink erect nipples. As he leaned down to kiss her, his hand sought out her breast and tugged on the nipple. He slid down to suck on her neck, switching his caresses to her other breast. He playfully sunk his teeth into her neck, teasing her with light bites. Then he bent his head down to take as much of her left breast in his mouth as possible, twisting the right nipple at the same time. He could feel Alex's hand twist in his hair. There was a 'Pop' sound when he stopped sucking her breast. Soon he was covering the other with licks. Finding the nipple he ran the flat part of his tongue over it and playfully gave it a little nip. Alex gasped in pleasure. He chuckled to himself and started kissing down her body until finally his face was level with her pussy. He spread her legs with a little more force than he intended but she didn't seem to mind. He needed to taste her, drink her but at the moment all he could do was stare.

After a few seconds of silence Alex sat up slightly to look at him. Ugh. I keep it tidy but maybe he only likes women who are completely shaved. He's just staring. Does he think I look gross down there? she though self-consciously. She couldn't take it anymore and tried to close her legs. "Sorry that I'm not shaved clean," she muttered in embarrassment.

Drew looked up at her in surprise. He gently spread her legs again, examining her. He met her gaze with a wolfish smile. "I'm sorry. I was just enjoying how beautiful it is. How beautiful all parts of you are." Her face went beet red with embarrassment again but this time she was smiling at the compliment. He went back to gazing hungrily at her sex, but now he slowly opened her lips with his fingers to see all of her. He could feel a stickiness from her excitement and could see her clit peeking out behind it's hood. He teased her by running his finger up and down her whole slit very lightly, barely grazing her. He paused to apply a little pressure to her opening but quickly slid his finger across the whole pussy again. She was getting impatient but also wetter with all the anticipation. She felt him gently ease a fingertip inside her to scoop some of her wetness out. He applied it to her clit with gentle circular strokes. Alex lay back, closed her eyes, and let out a deep moan of pleasure. She suddenly gasped when she felt his tongue flicking against her clit. It seemed once he had a taste he couldn't get enough and he began to lap at her hungrily. His finger was now sliding inside her as his warm mouth licked her with delicious repetition. He added another finger and Alex unconsciously started rocking her body in time with those strokes. He suddenly removed them and before she could react, stuck his thick tongue inside her to taste her from the source, causing Alex to scream in pleasure.

Drew paused. He was torn. He wanted to make her come and drink all she had to give but he also wanted to be inside her. His cock won out. In a flash he was kneeling in front of her. She looked up at him and smiled. His cock was throbbing in anticipation. He grabbed it from the base and wet the tip with her juices before slowly inserting it inside her. Every inch he entered felt like heaven, like this was where he was meant to be. He started moving himself in and out of her and incredibly it felt even more amazing. He wanted to go slowly at first but his cock was insistent and soon he was driving himself deep inside her with each thrust. Alex was pushing her body up in time with his, trying to help, wanting to feel him as deep as possible.

She loved the feeling of him sliding in and out of her. They both were grunting, panting, sweating and moaning in desire and lust. He could feel his balls tighten and knew he was very close. He looked down at Alex and saw she had her eyes squeezed shut in pleasure, hair matted to her forehead in sweat. Even during sweaty sex he found her cute. He wanted to time their orgasms close so he reached between them and started rubbing her clit. His body started to spasm but he continued flicking her clit even as he shot stream after stream of hot cum inside her. He felt her pussy tighten at the stimulation and very soon felt her clenching his cock when she came. It was almost overpowering, coming so soon after his own orgasm. He held her legs to prevent himself from falling onto her in a heap. He slowly and carefully slid out of her. Her body twitched in pleasurable aftershocks as he removed himself.

He settled next to her, giving her a long kiss. Almost naturally they wrapped their arms around the other, her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head and pulled her tight, neither caring about the sweat or stickiness from the active sex. They lay entwined, both finally sated and happy. Both were apprehensive about what would come next and were thinking about the future when they heard the front door open. "Neil," Drew sighed. He got up, put on some sweatpants, and went into the living room.

"What did I tell you about letting yourself into my apartment?" Drew yelled.

"Don't remember. Probably that I shouldn't," Neil shrugged. He looked at Drew's bare chest, ruffled hair and wrinkled sweatpants. "Drew... Where's Alex?" Neil asked with a sly grin.

Drew scratched the back of his head and tried to shrug like he didn't know but couldn't keep the huge grin off his face. Neil smacked him in the shoulder in congratulations and exclaimed "Finally! I was afraid I'd have to handcuff you two together to get you to do what needed to be done. I'll let you get back to what you were doing." He smiled lecherously and turned to leave.

Drew smiled and turned to head back to the bedroom. He paused and turned back toward his friend. "Uh, Neil?" Drew asked hesitantly.


"It's been so long since I've transformed anyone. How long after infection does it take?"

"Honestly I don't remember. I just kept doing it until the transformation started. Not too long, I think."

"Oh," Drew responded. He looked uncomfortable and fidgeted for a moment before asking "Could you... Uh, could you stay and help when she starts to transform? Like I said, it's been a long time since I've been through one and I promised Alex I'd make it as painless as possible."

"You want me to sit around while you fuck your girlfriend until she finally changes?" Neil scoffed. "Fine." He threw himself on the sofa and grabbed the TV remote. "Could have at least let me watch," he mumbled under his breath.

Drew let out a deep chuckle and started back to his room. A few steps in he stopped. "Uh, Neil?"

"What?" Neil asked, exasperated. "Going to ask me to bring in refreshments while you're doing it too?"

"No. Not a bad idea, but no. Remember what you said before about the person who was infected with both of our DNA's?"

Neil turned off the TV and looked intently at his friend. "Yeah..."

"That person would be very strong. They might be able to do more than either of us," Drew observed, thinking aloud.

Neil scooted forward on the sofa. He still didn't believe Drew was suggesting that, was he?

Drew looked at Neil. "If I have to transform Alex, I want to give her every advantage I can. God, I can't believe I'm asking this... but will you... Do you...?"

Neil looked skeptically at him. "You want me to sleep with Alex?"

"Both of us," Drew clarified.


"Both. She told me about the other day. That she came onto you and you turned her down. I... Well... Damn, I can't say I would have the strength to do that." Drew looked at his friend. They had been enemies for a long time but now they were as close as brothers. There was no else he would suggest this fucked-up proposition to. "This one time only. And uh, obviously us with her; nothing between us."

"Obviously," Neil agreed. He looked at Drew. Neil couldn't deny that he'd sleep with Alex if Drew wasn't with her. Frankly he'd thought about her a few times whacking off and he'd even grown to like her personality too. He didn't want to do anything to hurt the pair but Drew looked certain. "But would Alex agree?"

The two men went into the bedroom, and explained the situation to Alex. The whole theory of undiluted power from the virus' sources, this was only suggested for her complete transformation, blah blah blah.

Both men looked nervously at Alex, waiting for her response. Neither was 100% sure they wanted her to agree to it.

She looked from one man to the other. From Neil who was carelessly sexy with a killer smile to Drew who made her swoon with his voice and his movie star good looks. Raising her eyebrow at the pair she asked "Are you sure this isn't just a ploy to get me to screw your best friend?"


Author's Note: Hope you have enjoyed the story so far. Please take a moment to leave comments and feedback.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So sad you didn’t run further with this, I’ve read so many great stories on Lit that just … stop, I’ve commented and even tried contacting the authors, but no luck. Great idea and story, but that’s all they wrote.

LaRascasseLaRascasseover 8 years ago

The sex in this chapter and the promise for more up ahead has me interested. Also, I want to know more about this virus and exactly what it does.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I don't know how you can come up with this story, its a fantasy I 'd like to be in...Hahaha Picturing the guys in aff of the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Story not thought through

You are a very good story-teller and the hot scenes are very hot, but the plot, the characters and their history, the dialogues and when they have them, they just are not well thought through. Like the outline is entirely missing. The logic and logistics are so bad, I just read it for the hot scenes.

Dani1212Dani1212almost 9 years ago

Why not let her become pregnant with a baby from each of her lovers? See what happens in their community.

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 9 years ago
Enjoying it.

Keep it up!

wiccakat19wiccakat19almost 9 years ago
More... please!!

I hope you expand on this series more or at least a spin off of Neil's life and how that all goes, maybe even give him a girl worth settling down for. Maybe. This is a great series so far, keep up the excellent story telling. =)

tex4tgtex4tgalmost 9 years ago
This is a great story.

Love how this is developing. Realy hope you continue.

lefriclefricalmost 9 years ago

More stories! Faster! :)

I also wish you would explain what the virus actually does. The hints are cool and all, but after 4 postings, you really need to just spell it out. :)

soreireisoreireialmost 9 years ago

You are doing quite well, just wish the installments where out quicker

. That being said if the finished product is this good take your time and do it right.

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