Visions Unveiled Ch. 08


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"Faline," he said with patience, "I told you, everything you need, I have."

She shook her head stubbornly and continued down the aisle, pausing before rows of barred soap. "No, I want things of my own. You wouldn't let me take anything from my apartment. And while I am grateful for your sister's generosity, I cannot keep wearing her clothes."

"Your home is not safe, I couldn't allow you to stay there any longer." She didn't immediately answer, and so Shane watched as she compared prices of a single bar of soap versus a five-pack of the same brand. She chose the single bar and placed it in the cart, stepping away to the next aisle. Rolling his eyes, Shane returned the soap to the shelf, exchanging it for the larger package. She didn't seem to realize it yet, but she would be with him for far longer than the time it would take her to use a single bar of soap. While the timing was inconvenient, he admitted that he did want his mate to have the items that made her comfortable. He noted that all of the soaps, shampoo and lotion she chose were fragrance-free. This mollified his wolf, as he was reluctant for anything to cover up her natural scent, which was most pleasing to him.

He quickly learned she was not one to dawdle. In mere moments she selected two pairs of jeans, hastily checking the size, and tossed them into the cart without a second thought. She next chose tops in the same manner. Socks, bras, underwear and a pair of pajamas were also selected in haste. Finally she paused briefly to admire a long, grey cardigan style sweater. Shane approved of the dark grey material, and thought it would compliment her eyes nicely. However, when Faline checked she price tag she immediately shook her head and returned it to the rack, stepping ahead of him once more. As he passed the rack, Shane reached out and grabbed the sweater, adding it to the cart. In a bargain store such as this, the price couldn't be that high, and he knew she would need warm clothing. Clearly she liked the garment, and so she would have it.

It wasn't until they were with the cashier checking out, that Faline seemed to notice the varied items Shane had added or switched on her behalf. The purchases were totaled, and when the cashier stated the final cost Faline frowned, reaching into her satchel for her lone credit card. Before she could get her hands on it, Shane had flipped open his wallet, already passing a hundred-dollar bill to the cashier.

"No," Faline addressed the cashier, "I'm paying, here please take my card."

The cashier proceeded as if she hadn't heard. She'd entered the cash into the register, and had already begun counting out Shane's change.

Shane could tell his mate was annoyed with him. He could feel the icy weight of her stare as he accepted his change from the cashier and gathered up the bags of his mate's new belongings. "I can carry those," Faline stated coldly, but Shane merely shook his head.

"I already have them," he told her calmly, though his patience was beginning to wear thin. He wanted to leave this place, feeling the need to get his mate once again to the safety of his pack.

Near the exit of the store she veered away from him, towards the ATM. "Fine, I'll just take out the cash and repay you now."

"No," was all he said, taking her by the elbow and steering her out the doors.

Though she continued to walk with him, her posture was stiff, and his ears picked up on her sharp intake of breath. His mate was growing more aggravated with him. Once at the Jeep, he tossed the purchases into the back and walked her to the passenger's side. He kept hold of her arm as he attempted to assist her up the step into the vehicle. "I don't need your help," she snapped, tugging her arm from his grasp.

"Faline, I am only trying to-" his words were cut off, as she settled herself into the seat and pulled the Jeep door shut. He was more shocked than angry, as being rebuffed like this was not something he was accustomed to. Shane went around the Jeep and entered the driver's side. He fastened his seat belt, checked that she had done the same, before starting the Jeep and pulling out of the parking space. "I'm not entirely certain why you are so upset," he said, "So if you feel like enlightening me, I would appreciate it."

"I don't need your charity," she snapped.

"Charity? Faline, I just want to-"

"Help me?" she finished his sentence coldly. "Because of some debt you feel you owe to my birth parents. I know. But that doesn't mean you have to shadow me everywhere I walk. You can give me some space. And I don't need you to buy anything for me. I have money, I can afford to pay for the things I need. Sophie and I may not live like you, but we aren't penniless, believe it or not."

Her bitter words took him completely by surprise. "Penniless?" Shane repeated, "I don't think you are penniless! Where is this coming from?"

"I've seen your home, remember? This car, your sister's designer labels," Faline said, while fingering the collar of Erin's sweater which she was still wearing. "It's very obvious that we are worlds apart."

Again, Shane couldn't believe this was happening and his male pride was beginning to surface. "So my sister tends to like finer clothing. And yes, this Jeep was expensive, but there are times like today, when having an all terrain vehicle is necessary in my life. And as for my home, it is maintained. As I believe all homes should be. My family, my pack, has become comfortable through the years, after much hard work. But don't you think for one moment that I have never known difficult times."

She made a slight sound of disbelief, and Shane couldn't stop his words from coming if he tried. "Not convinced? Fine. Two. That is the number of brothers I've watched die. One, a toddler, too young and weak to fight a fever that swept the countryside that year. The other, I had the misfortune of watching as his throat was ripped out before my very eyes, and I was powerless to save him. I have fought in and avoided more wars in my lifetime than some countries have had in their entire history on this earth. And then there are the famines I've endured. Years worth. You must be familiar with that feeling. Tell me Faline, was there always plenty to feed everyone in the orphanage? Was hunger never an issue? Or were there days, perhaps weeks, when you weren't sure if your next meal would ever come?"

He heard a small sniffle beside him and realized to his horror that he had gone too far. He glanced over and saw that she was staring straight ahead, and her eyes were wet with tears. Guilt flooded him. "Faline, please forgive me. I should not have said those things."

She shook her head though, and took a shuddering breath before speaking. "No, don't be sorry. It's true. There were many times just like that. There was one winter at Saint Elizabeth's, when all we had for a month were cheese sandwiches once a day. Some of the older girls would steal from the plates of those who were smaller or afraid. And so my friend Megan and I made a pact, and we would always try to hide half of ours. Then later, when it was safe, we would give our saved sandwiches to those girls who were stolen from, so that the little ones could have enough."

Shane couldn't believe his ears. "Little ones? How old were you when this happened?"

"Six, maybe seven."

Under his breath, Shane cursed a world where starving children protected one another because no adult would. "Faline, at six you and your friend were the little ones. Luna, how did you make it out of there?"

"Sophie," Faline said softly. "That was the year Sophie found me."

The roads had finally brought them to his property, and Shane was never so glad to park his vehicle. The moment the Jeep stopped, he was out of his seat and around the side, pulling the door open and tugging his mate into his arms. To his surprise, Faline allowed it, and he felt her tears against the skin of his neck. "I'm so sorry that your brothers died like that," she whispered.

His heart clenched at the realization that she wasn't only crying for her past, but also for his losses which he had confessed. "Those things happened long ago, m'chroi. I have seen many horrors. Your life also has not been an easy one. You have had to be very strong to get this far. I know you have been independent, taking care of yourself until now but you are not alone any longer. I must not forget that it will take you time to grow accustomed to accepting help."

Faline nodded silently and turned away to gather her satchel from the front seat of the Jeep. Shane observed her, noting once again how exhausted she appeared. His mate needed rest and soon. When he realized that she did not intend to answer he opened the back of the Jeep to retrieve the items purchased from the store. His eyes returned to her instantly, as she closed the door of the Jeep and began to walk towards him. Though she appeared slight and helpless, he knew that her inner strength was far greater than any other he'd ever known.

* * *

The instant Shane penetrated that wall which Faline's spell had created he was aware of two things. The first was that he'd destroyed the thing and it had disintegrated into the mist. The second was that his mate was falling, and that was unacceptable. She was just steps away, and he caught her in his arms before she collapsed. "I've got you," he murmured as he lowered her towards the ground slowly. Even to his own ears, his voice sounded rough, as a wolf's was known to be. "Are you hurt?" he asked. Now that he'd accomplished his goal of rejoining his mate, his wolf retreated. In moments the wolf eased away, and he returned to his human form as he cradled his mate against him.

Faline shook her head slightly, "No. That just takes a lot out of me."

Shane stared at her, marveling at her abilities. "Where did you learn to conjure spells like that?"

"The spells are in the journal. When I was younger, Sophie taught me to perfect them," Faline began to raise herself against Shane's hold, "I need to get to Sophie."

Shane nodded, "Once I am certain you are well."

Faline rubbed her hands together before looking straight into his eyes. "It's really true what you say. That you will not hurt me."

Shane moved his hand to the side of her face, "I will tell you as many times as you need me to. You are safe here. Always."

Shane scented Kevin's approach and looked up as his beta slowly came to stand beside them before dropping to one knee. Shane nodded his approval, knowing Kevin was concerned for his mate's health. "Are you in pain, my lady? Can I help you in any way?"

Faline frowned at the title, but shook her head as she began to stand up with Shane's assistance. "I am fine, I just want to go home."

Kevin nodded before turning to Shane, "Alpha, the pack is concerned. You have not called forth light in ages."

Shane sighed as he placed his hand behind Faline's back, "For ages I have not needed to. But to get through that wall, I would have called all the elements at once if that was the only way." He paused, directing his next words towards his mate, "Your magic is powerful, m'chroi. I thought you said your spells did not work against me."

Faline was carefully brushing dirt from the clothes she was wearing. "The spells I tried in the forest and at the cottage were intended for werewolves, and they don't work against you. The spell I just did is different. It's meant to block out all creatures. I've never used it before tonight. I guess that one doesn't work either."

Shane shook his head, "It did work for a time. It will probably protect you from many threats. But I will always find my way to you, no matter what attempts to keep us apart."

Slowly, they began walking and Shane steered his mate towards Erin. He noted that Logan was speaking with Sam and several other pack members who all seemed to be eying his mate with both curiosity and caution. As they approached, Shane gave them a confident nod, while keeping his arm securely around Faline. He did this not only to comfort his mate, but to send the message to his pack that this female was both openly accepted by him, and under his protection.

The moment they were near, Erin gave an easy smile. "I told you she would soon let you in, brother," Erin said to Shane, before turning her eyes to Faline. "He does act impulsively at times, because he usually cannot help himself. My name is Erin, and I am so happy to finally meet the person behind all those many feelings."

"Erin," Shane began, only to be cut off as his sister rambled on.

"Don't worry, I won't go on too long," Erin answered, before returning her eyes to Faline. "I know you are wary, and that you are not certain about meeting new wolves, but you are very welcome and safe here."

"My sister is empathic," Shane explained, when he noticed Faline's puzzled expression.

Faline gave an uncertain smile, "I am sorry about all this," she gestured to the clearing behind her, "But I really am anxious to get home." Her eyes returned to Shane, "Can we please go now?"

Shane nodded, "Yes, of course. I just need to change first." He indicated his jeans and shirt, which had become torn and misshapen during his shift.

"There are fresh clothes in your study," Erin said.

Shane nodded and pulled Faline tightly to his side for a brief moment. "I will be back in a minute, m'chroi. And then I promise, we will go," he then swung his eyes to Kevin, "We will leave in five minutes."

Kevin adjusted his backpack full of supplies, "Logan and I are ready."

With that Shane reluctantly released his mate, and hurried into the house to change, returning in mere moments. When he did, he hugged his sister goodbye and secured his mate into the passenger side of his Jeep before taking his seat behind the wheel. He started the ignition and shifted the vehicle into drive. He steered towards the main road and then glanced in the rearview mirror to make sure that Logan and Kevin, who would be following in Logan's truck were also on their way ...

* * *

There was blood on the front porch stairs, and drops could be trailed through the door, down the first floor hallway and into a room adjacent to the kitchen. The blood was Logan's, and he was currently resting on the exam table in the white room which Kevin used to treat minor ailments. Under Logan's right arm, his mate rested against him, though her eyes were closed, it was clear that Erin was not asleep. In her hand, Erin held a smooth, dark red stone, which she rested against Logan's chest, near to his heart.

Faline was standing just outside the open door, while Shane had gone immediately inside. Though she had been invited, Faline felt more comfortable waiting where she was, as to not be in the way or intrude. She watched Kevin carefully remove a thick bandage which had been affixed to Logan's shoulder. Logan sat perfectly still on the table as Shane leaned closer, examining the injury his friend had suffered. Though Kevin had already cleansed and closed the wound, Faline could easily see the angry red gash and the bruising of the flesh which surrounded the trauma.

"How many?" Shane asked Kevin, though he did not look away from the laceration.

"Twenty-five stitches, Alpha," Kevin replied, "And he complained about each one."

Logan groaned, "An excessive amount, even for someone as overly cautious as you, brother."

Shane shook his head as he studied the stitches, and then raised his eyes to Logan, "They are all necessary and you know it."

From where she was standing, Faline silently agreed. The laceration began high on Logan's left shoulder and trailed nearly five inches towards the center of his chest. As far as she was concerned the injury was dreadfully close to Logan's throat, and had bled profusely. She watched on as Shane now took notice of the IV line attached to the back of Logan's hand, which appeared to be filled with nothing other than clear liquid.

"Any blood?" Shane asked.

Kevin shook his head, "Right now I have him on a saline drip for fluids, with an added antibiotic. If he is still weak in an hour, I can give him blood then. But I believe he is already beginning to heal."

Shane nodded, and then turned from Logan, giving his full attention to Kevin. "Good. Now tell me about you."

Faline also shifted her gaze to Kevin, who did not escape this evening free of harm either. Bruises were clearly visible on one forearm, and a particularly sizeable amount of swelling was noticeable on his face. "I have no major injuries Alpha. I just need a bit more ice, and will be fine by morning."

"Very well," Shane said, "If Logan does not require blood, I want all of you to bed in an hour. You need recovery. That includes you, Erin."

Finally, Shane's sister opened her eyes, and Faline could see they were bloodshot. She thought back to what Shane had said earlier about his sister's empathic abilities. A night like this one must have been hell for the redhead, and Faline felt guilt begin to flood her. Because of her, both Kevin and Logan had been hurt, and could have possibly died.

"You did not cause this," Faline heard Erin say in a tear filled voice. It took Faline a moment for her to realize that Shane's sister was speaking to her.

Shane then turned towards the doorway, "Faline?" he asked.

"She feels guilt and sorrow for what has happened," Erin supplied.

Faline couldn't help but to nod. "We were all there because of me. For Sophie."

Shane was already stepping towards her, "You are not responsible for any of this tonight. The one accountable is Grant Danvers."

"Danvers," Logan began to growl, and Faline noticed his eyes flashing yellow. "Next time I see him, I will tear his face off."

Faline widened her eyes, as Shane looked over his shoulder towards Logan, "You will leave him to me, and you will calm down. This is not a battle for tonight." Erin began to caress her mate's arm, though the redhead looked shaky herself. Empathic, Faline remembered again, feeling all the more miserable.

"You need rest as well," Shane now said to Faline, coming to stand directly in front of her. "There are no others in this house besides us. Are you comfortable staying here?"

Faline felt herself nodding, though was grateful for his consideration. The more time she spent with this family, she was becoming to realize she did feel the safety she had been promised.

Shane placed a hand softly on her arm, "Would you like me to walk you upstairs and help you get settled?"

Faline could tell from his eyes, that he wished to accompany her. She knew his offer was sincere, as by now she knew her comfort mattered to him. But she also knew that he had other more important things to tend to with both Logan and Kevin being injured, and Erin's distraught state. With a small shake of her head, she declined, "No, thank you. I can find my way."

Taking a small step into the room, she addressed the twins. "Thank you both, for trying to help me get to Sophie tonight. I am sorry that you are both hurt."

Almost in perfect unison, both brothers bowed their heads slightly to her. It was Logan who answered first, "I apologize if my doubts kept us from getting there sooner."

Faline thought of how badly she had earlier misjudged this pack. "I don't blame you for your apprehension at all," Faline told him, as distrust was a feeling she was all too familiar with.

Logan nodded while reaching over to cover Erin's hand, the one that still held the red stone. "Thank you again," he said.
