Vivian: Life in Estonia Ch. 20

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Raymond and Vivian have sex at her home.
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The next morning, Vivian woke up first. Despite the amount of alcohol, she had consumed the night before, and despite the strange unfamiliar surroundings, nevertheless, she was cognizant of the circumstances of the situation she found herself in. Fighting off the urge to pee, she noticed that Raimond Kruuse was lying flat on his back and sporting a very serviceable erection. Vivian mused to herself, 'Ah the poor lad must be in the midst of an exciting wet dream. I guess I'm duty bound to help him along.'

Thereupon, Vivian straddled over the sleeping Finance Minister to affect the cowgirl position. While facing him, with her knees firmly resting between his spread apart legs, she slipped her calves and shins underneath his thighs. She then mounted him as she easily directed his penis into her vagina. As soon as penetration was effected, she let out a huge sigh of contentment. She mused to herself, 'Oh yes, this will do just fine.'

After the passage of a couple of bumps and grinds by Vivian, Raimond's semi sized hard-on had engorged to rock solid hardness. This change was most welcome for Vivian as it cleared the cobwebs from her eyes and got her into the full mode of enjoying some good old fashioned morning sex. Next thing Vivian became aware of was a pair of hands were clutching her sides. Raimond had awakened from his slumber and presumably from his erotic dream, and he was grunting! This subconsciously provoked Vivian to likewise grunt in return. Thus, the room at the Swissôtel Tallinn resonated with a cacophony of harsh noise incongruent to the inherent joy of pleasurable sex. At least the sounds of each of their grunts conformed in accordance with their perceived gender identity.

Soon the pace set by Vivian picked up. Accompanying the sounds of the grunting were now the slapping sound when their groins collided. At this point, Vivian raised both arms straight up and swayed them from side to side. Subsequently whenever she reminisced about this episode, she was at a loss to explain the compulsion that drove her to affect this gesture. All she could speculate was that her euphoria which she was feeling at that moment of time was so overwhelming that waving her arms in the air seemed like a natural and appropriate thing to do.

In any case, Raimond soon was ejaculating at the very same time as Vivian was climaxing. Once Vivian sensed he was finished and his cock was wilting in any case, Vivian separated herself from him to lay beside him on her back. As she lay there panting, she nonchalantly with her fingers of her right hand scooped up some of her cream pie clinging onto her labia. She thereupon licked her fingers clean, savoring the taste. This time Raimond was not inclined to tongue clean her vulva which was fine by Vivian for the moment, since she had other needs to take care of immediately.

Vivian was the first to speak, "Well good morning Raimond. I trust you slept well."

Raimond guffawed at the insipid greeting, bearing in mind the just concluded hot sex. So, naturally he replied in kind, "I slept quite well, thank you. Although, I was in a midst of quite a hot dream until I was suddenly awakened."

Vivian scoffed and replied, "I believe the real thing is better than dreaming about it. Anyway, I now need to pee badly, and since you seem to be that kind of a special lover, perhaps you would like to accompany me to the bathroom."

At this, Raimond broke out into a huge smile, and replied laconically, "You betcha!"

Both Raimond and Vivian were on the same page with regards to the procedure of a golden shower. Without any prior discussion Raimond got into the bathtub and sat down at the end of the tub facing the faucets at the other end. Vivian climbed in and set her right foot outside his seated left thigh. She placed her left foot on the outside edge of the bathtub facing him. Spreading apart her labia to cause her urethra to protrude, Vivian let loose a heavy stream of urine aimed at his face. He tried to catch some of it in his mouth, but since he kept his eyes closed during the urination most of the pee splashed onto his cheeks. From there her pee dribbled off his chin onto his chest. Vivian could not refrain herself from giggling. This kind of kinky sex she found to be wickedly erotic.

When Vivian was finished, she smiled and wordlessly sat down in the tub, fully expecting that Raimond would need to pee as well. Sure enough, Raimond wordlessly got up to his feet and stood between the spread apart legs of Vivian. Vivian opened her mouth to provide a target destination for his pee stream. With his hand on his penis, Raimond was easily able to direct the discharge flow of his urine to enter Vivian's mouth.

Vivian kept her mouth open until it was full of his pee. She then closed her mouth to swallow half of the collected urine and spit out the remainder of the piss. Vivian directed the arc, of the spat-out piss, to land alternatively on each of her tits. While her lips were thusly engaged, Raimond switched the aim of his pee flow to also directly land on her boobs. When Vivian had emptied her mouth of his urine, she then opened her mouth wide again to invite him to send some more piss into her oral cavity. She repeated her routine three more time as his bladder had been quite full considering his slumber and her reverse cowgirl sexual intercourse.

Once Raimond was finished peeing, Vivian was thoroughly drenched of his urine. Some of his urine had inadvertently got into her hair and consequently she was dripping wet from his urine. Despite the arguably debasement of their raunchy sexual play, Vivian sensed the full effect of the inherent bizarre eroticism of this occasion. As a result, she experienced a mini orgasm during the pee play.

Vivian automatically leaned forward to take his cock into her mouth. She immediately plunged forward for a deep throat stimulation. As a result of Raimond's urination, his dick was not hard for sexual activity, but with Vivian's oral action this cock soon hardened to its maximum strength.

Vivian was cognizant that most would probably have the impression that water sports or golden showers have a built-in aspect of humiliation attached to the activity. Vivian would agree that anyone with malice intent, who would pee on another person, especially if the motive was to punish, then the element of humiliation would be the paramount consideration. Aside from that, the smell and taste of urine would surely be too off putting to contemplate even trying to indulge in such a kinky sexual fetish.

Most of Vivian's attitude towards sex had been influenced by her older sister's outlook. During her convalescence in recovering from her mononucleosis illness, Erica had been assigned the task of taking care of her. Naturally there were lots of talks of sex during Vivian's eight months of illness. During that time, Erica regaled Vivian with her various sexual anecdotes. One bit of sexual advice Vivian took to heart concerned was the art of fellatio. Erica had conceded that the taste and smell of semen can be off putting if you are not prepared for it. To avoid acting like a ninny, Erica instructed to focus her mind on the intimate sexual action and revel in being a participant. That way the taste of sperm would fool your brain into thinking you are swallowing an exotic sexual elixir. And if you believe that, you will then crave the taste even more. It was Erica's contention that if you can give a great blow job, you've hooked the man forever. From this advice, Vivian had learned to enjoy, even to crave for the taste of male sperm.

This attitude by comparison also applied to Vivian's genuine pleasure which she derived from the golden shower. Since it was evident, that neither her peeing on Raimond and vice versa, that their participation in their mutual golden shower was not predicated upon any desire to humiliate each other. Instead, their impetus to participate in such a sexual act, which most would abhor and or condemn, was paradoxically based on exactly that universal contempt. To take pleasure in things that others would disdain was a compelling inducement for Vivian, and as a result she was not surprised that she had orgasmed when Raimond had peed on her and especially into her mouth.

These thoughts were prominently floating in her mind as Vivian took his cock in her mouth right after he had finished peeing on her. The inflation of his cock as she was deepthroating him, commenced her libido on a relentless climb to a higher level of passion. The realization that the end of this episode of extremely raunchy sexual activity was cumming to an end, and coupled with the prevalent smell of urine, created an unbelievably euphoric thrill for Vivian, which she had rarely experienced. When he ejaculated in her mouth, it triggered for her the onset of a new and one the most intensive excruciating orgasm to date.

Vivian was perspiring most copiously and was compelled to scream. Her vocal outburst had a peculiar, muffled sound to it as she kept his penis in her mouth throughout his discharge of all of his cum. Her greatest concern was not to let a drop of his sperm escape from her mouth. When he was finished, she had let go of his cock having been satisfied that she had drained him completely dry.

After having ingested all of his ejaculate, she involuntarily burped, rather loudly which caused her to giggle astonishingly with a girly sound. She then said, "Oh pardon me, my dear Raimond. Your sperm was so tasty; I could not help myself."

They did not avail themselves of a shower. Instead, Vivian invited Raimond to her house for a sauna and breakfast. She was now pleased with herself with having the prescience to arrange with Hele Mölder to keep Maia as late as 01:00 PM. As she had promised, Vivian contacted Hele to confirm that she would be able to pick up her daughter after 12:30 or soon thereafter but no later than 01:00 PM. To Vivian's happy surprise, Hele offered to return Maia at 12:30 to her home as something had come up that required her attendance shortly thereafter.

Raimond accepted the invitation to stay a little longer but noted that he could only stay till 01:30 PM as unfortunately he had set up an appointment with his undersecretary to plan the ensuing week's agenda for his department. Vivian was delighted that this would allow time for her to introduce her daughter to Raimond. If he would be willing to meet her surely that had to auger well as a signal that he was willing to do her again, possibly on a regular basis.

Considering the pleasure, she anticipated in possibly introducing her daughter to Raimond, it dawned on Vivian that her immediate desire was that this tryst would expand to more than a mere one night stand. She realized that she truly desired a meaningful relationship, but still not one which would tie her down to an exclusive sexual arrangement.

Vivian had thought that Urmus Tralla would be the answer. However, he was still attached to his mentally ill wife and felt guilty every time he committed adultery with her. That guilt and regret dampened any joy or pleasure Vivian drew from their copulation. On the other hand, Raimond Kruuse seemed to be a more perfect fit for her.

He had apparently made his peace with his wife. They seemed to have lived through an amicable separation settlement while maintaining their proper responsibilities in raising their two daughters. He had dedicated his life to the noble calling of contributing to the wellbeing of his nation and had achieved outstanding success in that regard by acquiring one of the most prestigious positions in the national government.

Despite Raimond's total commitment to work, he was not so withdrawn in the matters of sexual desire and performance. That certainly was evident with their sexual activity of this weekend. Vivian would be hard pressed to recall any previous lover who had captivated her carnal lusts more flourishingly. She realized that she couldn't admire him enough.

All these thoughts ran through her mind, as the two of them were bathing in the sauna room in her home. As Vivian kept adding up his virtues in her mind as she discerned them, inevitably her libido became more inflamed. Without any warning, she unceremoniously crawled onto his lap as he was seated on the top seat on the bench. Facing him she reached for his penis and encased it into her vagina. From that point on she was in control in the thrusting of their bodies during their copulation. She embraced him caressing his hair and back.

The heat of the sauna had the natural effect of retarding the motion of their bodies, but it also provided an aura of daringly blatant eroticism. The tantalizing sensuous experience of her warm wet breasts undulating against his equally moist hairy chest, as she was bouncing up and down on him, overwhelmed his passion. To excite Raimond into ultimate ecstasy, she continued kissing him passionately without let up. He was compelled to groan in an agonizing timbre. His main contribution to the total intensity of the scene was to continuously stroke and caress Vivian's round and ample ass cheeks.

Their mutual climaxes occurred simultaneously and was totally overwhelming. Despite their pleasurable euphoria, the heat of the sauna sapped all of their energy to react aggressively to their orgasms. Vivian simply slid off Raimond, to sit next to him and simply panted away the effect of her powerful orgasm. Paradoxically, their mutual lethargy did not last long. Stepping in the shower stall adjacent to the sauna, Vivian washed off the excess perspiration on her body. Then fully alert, she announced, "Take your time my dear Raimond, while I fix ourselves some breakfast."

Vivian donned a terrycloth robe and decided to prepare an elaborate American style breakfast. It consisted of pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns, smoked oysters and strawberries. There was orange juice and coffee to drink along with condiments of syrup, whipped cream and ketchup. Raimond was not only amazed by the variety of the fare, but more amazing was the speed with which she had fixed the entire meal. As they each started with a sip of coffee, Raimond couldn't help commenting, "Oh my God Vivian! This is terrific! And I'm, truly amazed at how quickly you got everything ready to eat."

Vivian modestly demurred, "I did grow up on a farm and I was a farmer's wife. Mind you in the latter case my mother-in-law did the majority of the cooking during my marriage. I am making a point of ensuring that my daughter will know how to cook. I intend to get her do the majority of the cooking for the two of us by the time she reaches the age of twelve. I had to milk four cows by the time I was that age. Obviously, that is not a skill particularly useful, whereas knowing how to cook will pay untold dividends in her life."

Raimond replied, "Bravo for you. Varvaara is an indifferent cook, and my daughters barely know the rudiments. I'm sure they'll eventually learn how to cook adequately. I of course can survive with my own cooking but no doubt I cook less for myself than most single adults. As I'm getting much more tied up in my position as the finance minister, I'm seriously considering hiring a personal cook."

That last comment made Vivian wonder if that was not a subtle or hidden signal that he might be open to a co habitation relationship. As the cliché goes the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. She was thinking that she probably easily outdid his three fuck buddies in that category. Neutrally she now said, "The woman who was looking after my daughter while I was with you has indicated that she will deliver Maia to me fairly soon. I hope you stick around to meet her. I'd be honored to introduce her to you."

Raimond graciously replied, "I'd be delighted to meet your daughter. I believe considering what I know of you already, your child has to be an exceptional one."

'Oh wow!', thought Vivian, 'Such off the cuff flattery bodes well.' So, she decided to be bold and forthright as to her desires. She said, "I have to say that I've had a terrific time with you, last night as well as this morning. Not only has the sex been great but our conversation has been very entertaining. I admit I'm very attracted to you, and I would like to see you again. As I intimated last night, I'm truly a no strings attached kind of girl.

"If you don't want to see me again or if after a few dates you've grown weary of my company, I won't protest. I may regret your decision, but I won't make life difficult for you. More importantly you can be rest assured that no matter how our personal relationship should develop it will not have any affect in any way on our professional relationship. In fact, I promise that should our personal relationship become public knowledge it will not come from me."

Raimond was quite taken aback by such a frank admission of her affection towards him. Then again, he probably shouldn't have been too surprised. He had an instinct about her which prompted him to invite her on a date in the first place with the expectation of having sexual intercourse with her as a result. The actual sex they had engaged in, certainly surpassed his expectations. He had to agree with Vivian's assertion that the sex had been great; actually outstanding, far greater than what he could have reasonably anticipated.

In any case he replied, "Of course I would want to see you again. As you say the sex was wonderful and I certainly would be a fool not to want more of the same. I daresay you're more likely to lose interest in stodgy old me, than were I to become no longer desirous of your charms."

Vivian beamed a smile at that response. Nevertheless, with some trepidation, she replied cautiously, "When I say I'm a no strings attached girl, what I also do mean is that I don't expect to remain exclusive. I've learned my lesson with my husband so that I'll be frank with you from the get go. As I've already told you, I do visit my family back in the United States twice a year. And at least on one of those occasions, I do intend to take in an orgy at the TLR. However, I would probably be more or less exclusive with you here in Estonia.

"Like you I'm swamped with work as a member of the cabinet, so I don't see myself as straying to a tavern or nightclub seeking a one night stand. My time with the one gentleman whom I had some sex with since my fallout from my marriage lately seems to be petering out in any case.

"Of course, it would be hypocritical of me to expect you to forsake your established coterie of lady friends. Certainly, if for one reason or another I'm not available for a booty call like when I'm visiting my family or am away on a government junket, I wouldn't be annoyed should you wish to be comforted in the arms of another woman. Mind you, I intend to make you so susceptible to my charms that you'd find other women lacking."

Raimond chuckled as he replied, "Oh I do believe Ms Kaisa Noor will be needing to look elsewhere should she wish to seek sexual pleasure outside her marriage."

Vivian chuckled in return, as she proposed, "With our understanding in place, I'll have you know that Maia is in her first year in the Eesti Skautide Ühing (Estonian Scout Association or ESÜ for short). Her troop is planning an overnight outing in a nearby forest during the last weekend in May. She'll be gone from Saturday morning till Sunday late afternoon.

"I'd suggest that if you'd be available, we could spend that time here. However, if you'd rather be at the Swissôtel I would be willing to spring for that. I can assure you that I'm not poor. But I would say we would have more fun here and I can safely promise that you'll enjoy the food, that I'll prepare."

Raimond responded, "I'm sure with such advance notice I can make myself available. I agree that your place would be more comfortable than the Swissôtel for our get-together, and if this meal is any indicator, I'm certain that I'd prefer your cooking to the fare offered at a restaurant."