Vivian: Life in Estonia Ch. 22

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Vivian has sex with former TLR partners at orgy.
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When Vivian had finished her meal, she along with Sam Stosur and Willis Hunter stood up and strolled to a nearby low table. This table was no higher than four feet in total. The tabletop was covered by a foam mattress and a linen sheet for comfortable public sexual activity. Sam's whispered proposal had also been communicated to Willis Hunter. Accordingly, the latter got on the table to lay flat on his back. The top of his head was nearly touching one end of the edge of the table.

Vivian climbed on top of the table, ending up with her knees placed between Willis' head and resting on the edge of the table. She lowered her hips to cause her puffy labia to smother his nose and mouth. In this position, her potent female scent overpowered his olfactory sense, to such a degree, that he was leaking precum even before Vivian's lips made contact with his cockhead. In a totally natural manner, Vivian bent her upper body forward to commence a fellatio in the sixty-nine position. She was in a most happy frame of mind as she sucked in his male essence.

As the position of Vivian's bottom was essentially protruding unhindered up in the air, Sam was freely able to perform anilingus on Vivian's anus without interfering with Willis' tongue action on her vulva. Although Sam Stosur was strictly heterosexual, without exhibiting even a hint of a latent predilection of a homosexual tendency, nevertheless his main preference for sex was anilingus and sodomy.

He was comfortable in his own masculinity, such that he scoffed at the idea that his sexual preferences disguised an inherent desire to be gay. As he vulgarly put it to anyone, including his own subconscious mind, who would venture forth such a proposition, he would dismiss it emphatically as follows: the only ass holes he wanted to lick were female ass holes; the only ass holes he wanted to penetrate were female ass holes.

When he first encountered Vivian some ten years previous, he could sense she was a unique woman who had no issue with sodomy. He was impressed by the fact as he recalled, Vivian was the only female contestant for the threesome segment of the "Can You Take Five" contest who opted for simultaneous penetration of both of her nether orifices. All the other contestants chose to submit to vaginal penetration from one of their partners and give head to the other partner. Although Vivian had squeaked and screamed at the painful intrusion, she didn't come close to demanding a halt to the sodomy.

In subsequent TLR orgies which he had attended, Sam Stosur was always on the lookout for Vivian to re-experience the magic of that first encounter. Unfortunately, she never was there for the opportunity to lick her ass again and to sodomize her. Finally, this orgy happily ended the drought of the lack of opportunity of fucking Vivian in the ass again! As a result, he was tremendously excited and was intent to savor the occasion. He felt it behooved him to offer the best anilingus and sodomy he was capable of, especially if the opportunity to repeat might not present itself for another ten years.

Accordingly, Sam knelt down onto his knees to bring himself level to her twitching derrière. In his most loving manner, he parted her ass cheeks, moved his tongue on and along her anus and perineum. Vivian gasped as her sexual mind and her intuition was able to discern that this episode was going to be a most delicious anal sexual play to cherish for all time.

Accordingly, as Sam's tongue was caressing Vivian's butt hole, she was sighing, moaning and breathing heavily. The tingling feeling of his tongue lapping up her bottom was simply exquisite. If she didn't have Willis' tongue in her mouth she would be panting. Willis' tongue stimulating her clit and 'G' spot, added more fuel to the raging sexual fire coursing throughout her body. She was perspiring in reaction to the imagined fire and the real heat she derived from those sensations.

In due time, her anus began gaping as a result of the oral stimulation. Sam then stood up, and with cock in hand, he started to gently push his cock past her sphincter into her rectum. Vivian was grateful that he restrained from effecting a forceful plunge as the pain of this unlubricated action was excruciating. She was also grateful that her mouth was stuffed with Willis' cock since she most assuredly would have let out a harrowing screech. Vivian would have been mortified in that case with so many TLR orgy guests milling about in the Messalina Hall. It would be so undignified for a holder of three TLR body chain belts.

The irony of the moment was that, although Vivian was experiencing severe pain beyond what she was normally acclimatized to when engaged in regular sodomy, paradoxically, her mind was simply full of pleasure. The pain and pleasure sensations drove her into an exquisite orgasm. Vivian's resulting euphoria was of the shooting stars and fireworks type of orgasm. She couldn't help from squirting in reaction. Her discharge of her female cum just missed landing on Willis' eye as he shut his eyelid in time.

In the event, Vivian's squirting was the trigger to Willis' ejaculation. He thereupon exploded, spurting a copious amount of sperm directly into Vivian's mouth. Even though she was a veteran of endless amount of fully completed fellatios, Vivian was nevertheless unprepared for this ejaculation. She managed to have ingested some of the cum, but she just simply allowed most of the discharged sperm to dribble out of her mouth.

At the same time that Willis Hunter was unloading his ejaculate into Vivian's mouth, Sam Stosur was ejaculating in her ass. As Vivian let go of Willis' penis after he was done, Sam just happened to have finished as well and so had disengaged himself from her. This allowed Vivian to push herself off the table and to stand up in a dazed condition. She was quite a sight as sperm was still dribbling out of her mouth with some glistening on her lips and chin. Some of the cum had landed on her ample bosom. In addition, there was Sam's cum oozing out of her ass and streaming down her thighs.

Some of the orgy guests in the vicinity plus some staff members were excited by Vivian's appearance. They broke out into spontaneous applause and cheered her on. The audience couldn't help but utter some ribald comments as well. Vivian affected a wan smile, and she hesitantly waved her hand in acknowledging the cheers.

Sam and Willis had quickly disappeared before Vivian could even have imparted some remarks at what had transpired. She sure would have liked to have apologized to Willis for squirting on him. In the past she hadn't had any issue with this problem. But lately Vivian noted that she had succumbed to such lapse of discipline in her orgasms, and she wasn't sure what that signified. In any case, as far as Vivian could tell, Willis did not appear too distraught upon his departure. A nearby staff member was thoughtful enough to provide Vivian with a towel so she could wipe herself dry from the clinging sperm on her body.

Rather than take a shower, Vivian decided to take a swim in the pool. She believed she would be refreshed better from a swim than undergoing a shower. As she entered the pool area, she saw Jed Baxter relaxing on a patio lounge chair recliner. So, she greeted him, "Oh how are you, Jed? It'd great to see you again."

Jed answered, "I should have known you might be here since obviously I know you have lifetime membership to the TLR. Still since our last meeting some two years ago, I would have thought I would never see you again considering your marriage and you residing in Estonia."

Vivian answered, "Since I succumbed to your charms without any resistance, you knew I was committing adultery. That should have clued you in that my marriage was not so solid. In fact, I am now divorced, although I do have a new lover in Tallinn so that I'm not deprived of sex. I take it you're still married, even though your wife is frigid?"

Jed protested, "Oh no! Felicia has become sexual, so I do now enjoy marital sex."

"And yet here you are at a TLR orgy? Do you still chase other women?"

"Well, I've always found the TLR to be a fun place. And as the saying goes, 'Variety is the spice of life.' One can't deny that there sure is variety available at the TLR."

At this point, Vivian decided she had enough of such useless small talk, so she said. "I'm going for a swim to freshen up from some past exercise and to wash off some crud off my body. Care to join me?"

"I'd love to!"

Vivian jumped into the pool and started swimming some laps on the fairly large pool which was about three and a half feet deep in the shallow end and seven feet deep at the other end. For safety and to ensure no drowning incidents with inevitable lawsuits following such unfortunate accidents, the TLR employed a certified lifeguard. Members were not allowed to use the pool if the lifeguard was not present. In fact, the pool was covered when the lifeguard was not in attendance.

While Vivian was swimming, she noticed that Jed had made no attempt to swim himself. Instead, she saw him merely standing in that part of the pool where the water level reached to his midriff. He apparently was simply content in watching her swim. Once Vivian was satisfied in her swimming exercise, she swam towards him. When she reached him, she stood up and thereby, inadvertently provided him with a special visual treat; her boobs floated up in the water to display her pulchritude in an unusual manner.

Reacting to an unstated verbal implication but complying to what she perceived to be his desire, Vivian faced Jed. She placed her arms around his neck and shoulder blades to provide the leverage she required to effect her next maneuver. She jumped up to him to capture his hips with her wrap around legs. He fully co-operated by catching her buttocks with the palms of his hand, and thereby holding up her body to enable her to cling onto him. To secure their full bodily embrace, Vivian crossed her legs and held them firmly against his buttocks.

Once Vivian was ensconced onto Jed's tight grip, she used her right hand to grab a hold of his now rigid penis to direct it to penetrate her vagina. When penetration was achieved, they proceeded to engage in a totally surreal copulation. What was absolutely unique about this occasion of the sex in the water, was that virtually no exertion was required on the part of either of them to reach the end result of a mutual sexual climax. The water effectively removed any friction normally associated with requiring to effect a determined thrust and parrying of an average vaginal penetrated sexual intercourse.

As a result, Jed was soon ejaculating. His explosion of cum burst into her pussy relentlessly without the benefit of any prior advance warning in his subconscious mind that such climax was imminently forthcoming. Actually, his mind was so concentrated on the pleasant stimulation of the underwater coitus, that he was unmindful of his climax until the end of his last spurt of cum. Vivian for her part was oblivious of his climax, but instead had succumbed to a trance; a sexual high equivalent in sensation to a marijuana induced high.

It wasn't until his cock had wilted and slipped out of her vagina, before she realized that he had cum and was done. Stirred out of her sexual stupor, Vivian clung on to Jed tighter, and commenced a long passionate kiss. When she broke off the kiss, she rained kisses and lip bites on his neck and ear. During this action she kept a verbal pattern uttering, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Jed! That was wonderful! That was so good! I loved it..."

They thereupon disengaged and sauntered out of the pool. They dried themselves off with the available towels located at the pool patio. They then repaired to the Messalina Hall for some dinner and conversation. Vivian opted for a sumptuous steak and lobster while Jed settled for some lamb chops.

Vivian started the conversation, "You said your wife has now become sexual and you presently engage in marital sex. And yet here you are at the TLR orgy having sex with other women plus me not to mention our one night get-together in Tallinn some two years ago. Now as I understood what Angela had related to me, which you had confirmed during our previous relationship, that your wife was frigid. In fact, because your wife had been molested by her own father when she was a child and had been raped by three of her fellow students while in high school, it is understandable why she would have an aversion towards sex. Accordingly, you engaged in extramarital sex which included me, of course, as your sole outlet to satisfy your sexual needs?"

Jed admitted, "Yes that's true..."

Here Vivian interrupted, "Mind you, you do have two children from the marriage, which obviously means you did have sex with her, despite her frigidity. Or did the two of you resort to artificial insemination? In any case, as you had intimated to me before, whenever you did have sex with her, she was cold as fish deriving no pleasure whatsoever when engaged in the activity. Are you telling me that you are now content with such joyless sexual activity or is she now able to display a modicum of joy to make your marital sex more palatable?"

Jed was discomforted by Vivian's brutal analysis of the state of his marriage. He replied defensively, "First of all, I can assure you that my children were not conceived via artificial insemination. That method of reproduction is surely confined to infertile couples or lesbians not wishing to have sex with a man. Sex with Felicia certainly was not pleasant, and as you put it there was a very reasonable explanation for her frigidity. However, she had undergone an exceptional therapy program with Dr Janet Bivens, a renowned psychiatrist in Chicago specializing in sexual dysfunctions. With the success of the therapy, Felicia now does enjoy sex and our sex life has been certainly wonderful."

Vivian pondered his answer for some time as it just seemed to be somewhat dissembling. She then said, "There are two things troubling me with your explanation. First of all, if your sex life with Felicia is now hunky dory as you intimate, then why are you here? As far as I can tell, you also didn't exhibit any guilt feelings when we screwed in Tallinn two years ago. I can assure you that at that time, I was still hoping for a viable marriage with Eino. I knew full well that my dalliance with you was most certainly jeopardizing that hope. So, it begs the question, are your marriage vows to be faithful meaningless to you?

"The second point is that when I first met you at Angela's wedding ceremony you had been married for at least ten years and ergo when we started our memorable affair four and a half years later you were probably married for some fifteen years. That begs the question, given that Felicia is an intelligent woman, she had to have known that her frigidity had to be a major irritant in your marriage. Then why had she not sought out until recently the remedial therapy necessary to bring serendipity into your marriage?"

Now it was Jed's turn to ponder the implications of Vivian's observations and her implied negative conclusion. He carefully answered, "I would remind you as you're aware that Felicia suffered a horrific childhood. Her mother died when she was eight years old and from that point on her father unbelievably started to molest her with the outrageous proposition that she was to replace her mother as the woman of the house. Women of the house! Can you believe that? She was only eight years old! You know Vivian, once I was advised of the unnatural sexual abuse Felicia's own flesh and blood father inflicted on her, I swear I would have strangled the man with my bare hands. It was fortunate for him, that he had died prior to my ever meeting Felicia."

Vivian had to chuckle at such an absurd declaration. She interposed sardonically, "Sounds like he must have in the afterlife, thanked his lucky stars that he died when he did, to have avoided your wrath."

Ignoring Vivian's lighthearted but grim quip, Jed continued, "Now Felicia's father did die when she was fifteen years old, and she went on to live with her aunt, her mother's sister. But that was not the end of Felicia's pre adult miseries. A year later in her junior year three members of her high school football team savagely raped her. With the help of her aunt, she pressed rape charges against her three assailants. Unfortunately, the high priced lawyers for her rapists, in their cross examination were able to successfully punch holes in her direct testimony, which cast doubt as to whether the sex was non consensual. As a result, the jury sided against her, and so her rapists walked.

"I tell you Vivian one of the greatest satisfactions I've ever experienced in my life, was to be able to ruin the lives of Felicia's rapists. I vowed to her, that I would do so, and I did it. With the help of my various business contacts and agents, I managed to arrange it so that they would lose everything: money; house; jobs; wife; even visitation rights to their children. With my contacts and clout, I had arranged circumstances in such a way, that they could not be employed in virtually any kind of worthwhile job in the United States, Canada or even in Mexico.

If indeed they did obtain employment, they were soon let go within a week. They have to rely on charity for their existence. And they have a hard time receiving government assistance as the civil servants are hard pressed to believe that a white male with tertiary education can't find employment even at an entry level position of some truly menial work. They virtually have to resort to panhandling on the streets to avoid starvation."

Although Vivian was truly impressed by Jed's narrative, still there was a lingering negative doubt in her mind about Jed's marital status. She replied, "Well OK Jed. I have no quarrel with the justification of Felicia's sexual dysfunction. Nevertheless, since apparently her recent sexual therapy proved to be such a success as you intimated, you still haven't answered the two pertinent questions: why didn't she seek such therapeutic help earlier and why are you still committing adultery?"

Jed answered, "Considering the horrendous sexual abuse Felicia endured as a child and as an adolescent, I submit there is no 'normal*' (*air quote) paradigm that applies as to how any female human being would react to such personal humiliating and devastating experience. I imagine it would be impossible to set up a true scientific survey to determine expected reactions of women who are sexually abused when they were children. Felicity tried her best with me to enjoy sex, but she just couldn't. She did seek therapy treatment for her frigidity, but it did not take. So, she quit her therapy for a prolonged period of time and explicitly acknowledged without protest that I would be resorting to sex with other women. That time period when we had virtually no marital sex includes my time with you."

Vivian asked, "So what changed? What made her resume the sex therapy? And why did it succeed this time as you've intimated you now have wonderful sex with her?"

Jed answered, "I truly believe the watershed moment in our marriage was my relationship with you. I wasn't lying to you in Tallinn when I indicated I was on the verge of giving up on my marriage and ask you to come live with me and perhaps eventually marry. The only thing that I was hesitating about was our age difference. I foolishly felt you were too immature or at least not sophisticated enough to suit the lifestyle I lead. With our elongated relationship I could see that I was utterly mistaken, and I came to believe you were the absolute perfect woman for me after all. So, I was gearing up to pull the trigger and separate from Felicia.