Voices in the Darkness


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Hearing my attorney discuss that last part of the settlement offer actually worried me and I asked: "Do they think I might relapse into coma?"

"No Christine, they think you are fine. However about three percent of recuperating long term coma patients suffer a relapse. So it was very important to cover you if that ever happened."

"I'm not even sure if I would want to live if that happened to me again. Just the thought of it scares me to death."

"I'm sorry Christine. I certainly didn't intend to upset you. I was looking out for your best interests."

"Oh, I'm not upset with you Mr. O'Connor."

"I'm certainly glad to hear that. Now I have to report back to the judge and let him know if we are going to accept the terms. If we do he will call off court tomorrow and he will review the terms of the settlement. It is really just a formality in this case since he urged both parties to settle. Once he approves the deal then we can get it signed and it will be official. Oh, I should tell you that there is a non disclosure clause incorporated into the terms of the settlement. If you accept their payment you can't ever discuss the terms of the deal with the press. Do you have any questions Christine?"

"No, I think you covered it very well. Please tell the judge that I accept the agreement."

"Christine, I'm so happy for you. I can't think of anyone more deserving than you are to receive compensation for what you endured."

"I do have one other thing I would like you to handle for me Mr. O'Connor. My dear friend Elizabeth West and I want to get married. We would like you to draw up the paper work for a civil union. I would also like you to make a living will for me. I don't think I want to be left in a coma for years if I were to relapse. Let me think about that for a few days but please get the paper work started on our civil union. Liz and I want to be married as soon as possible."

"Congratulations to you and Elizabeth. You must be very happy."

"Oh yes, we are so happy how everything is turning out. Would you call me tomorrow and let me know how everything is going?"

"I will call you tomorrow afternoon. We should have the judge's decision by then."

Liz was watching me and listening to what I was saying. At the moment when she heard me ask my attorney to draw up the paper work on our civil union; she squeezed my arm and told me that she loved me. As soon as I flipped my phone closed she asked: "Well, did they settle?"

I looked at her and I was happy but somehow not as ecstatic as I thought I would have been. I think hearing that I might relapse tossed me a curve. I hadn't even thought of that possibility prior to hearing my attorney tell me that he had me covered if it happened: "They are going to pay the fifteen million dollars in 90 days Liz. But they think I might relapse into coma."

Liz was instantly concerned and asked: "Why do they think that Chris?"

"They said three percent of long term coma patients relapse after they recover."

"Oh lover, I'm sure it won't happen to you. Don't let that get you down. We have our entire lives to look forward to living, and we will be together. Besides, they don't even know that we induced your coma. They never figured out what we did. So that three percent doesn't apply to you anyway."

"Your right Liz; we have everything to live for. I have no regrets about the past now."

Liz could see I was starting to feel better so she said: "Let's call the girls and organize a beach party tomorrow. We can all meet at the Huntington Beach Pier and have a great time at the beach and we can tell them about us getting married. I will bring my surfboard and you can bring your boogie board. But I swear I'm going to get you up on my surfboard tomorrow. I know you can do it and then we will both be surfer chicks."

"Liz, with you at my side I can do anything."

We kissed briefly but we were still seated in a public restaurant so it was more of a quick peck than a real kiss. Liz and I never flaunted our same sex relationship in public.

We finished our dinner and decided to take a romantic walk on the beach. The sun had gone done and the moon light sparkled in the surf. We held hands as we walked together in the soft sand. This was truly the paradise we desired and we made plans for a wonderful life together.


Chapter 17

July 15, 2005 was a perfect beach day in southern California. There was a gentle warm offshore breeze coming down from the mountains and the blue water was glassy smooth. A nice three foot ocean swell had sets of waves coming in that were ideal for a novice surfer like me.

Liz had called Jill, Michelle, and Nancy and arranged for them to meet up with us around one o'clock. Besides having some fun on the beach I wanted all of us to agree on when the money would be handed out. We didn't want any more problems from Nancy. And we didn't want to jeopardize the potential settlements from Dr. Lyons and from Rick Winters. Liz and I knew that we still had to be careful because insurance fraud was a very serious crime.

But my fiancée and I had gone to the beach early so I could practice on her surfboard. She had bought me a wetsuit and a boogie board back in the spring. I loved my little boogie board but I also wanted to learn how to ride a real surfboard. I knew I would never be as good as Liz at surfing but I wanted to be out there with her.

Liz had previously tried to teach me how to ride her board. We had practiced the required foot work while the surfboard was laying flat in the sand. Then later on she had me try it in small waves near shore, but I always fell. However, I was determined to do it right. We practiced how I was supposed to spring up right before the board started to descend down the wave's face. Once again, I kept falling off of Liz's board. But I could tell I was getting closer to having the timing right. On my fifth try I did it. I stayed up for around five seconds as I rode my first wave in a standing position. It was so cool.

An hour later I was good enough to ride the break on Huntington Beach, Surf City USA. Liz and I took turns using her board. I quickly realized that I should go out and buy one for myself so we could both ride at the same time. I was out beyond the break and sitting up on the surfboard watching Liz play in the shallow surf with my boogie board. I noticed a very sexy brunette approaching her. Then I realized it was our best friend Jill. I watched Liz run up to Jill and give her a hug. Then Liz pointed out to me and I waved back at them. Jill was wearing a bikini and she looked very sexy. I caught a nice wave and rode it right into the shallows.

As I walked up toward my two best friends I carried the board under my right arm. I was getting tired so it was a good time to quit. I wanted to get out of my black wetsuit which I knew would get very hot in the afternoon sun. Jill ran over to me and gave me a kiss on my cheek and said: "Wow, you are surfing; I'm so impressed."

I was pretty pleased with myself but I wanted to make a little joke so I replied: "Thanks Jill, I finally figured it out after Liz threatened to drown me if I didn't get up on the next wave."

Jill was wearing a very sexy hot pink string bikini. It beautifully showed off her fabulous figure. She started spreading out a large beach towel and said she wanted to get a tan while the sun angle was still high.

Liz and I started to unzip our wetsuits so we could get comfortable in the warm afternoon sun. I still wore my hair short and all I had to do was toss my head back quickly to shake most of the salt water off of it. Liz had her hair in a pony tail and I could see that a little bit of water was still dripping from it.

I spotted Michelle approaching so I waved to her and yelled out: "We made the deal." I knew she deserved a lot of the credit for this because it was her idea that started the whole process. She was obviously a very smart woman, and she knew how to use her physical beauty to her maximum personal advantage.

Michelle ran forward and hugged me. Then she pulled back when she realized I was still wet and said: "You're all wet Chris."

She hadn't realized that my neoprene wetsuit wasn't dry. The smooth material which they are made from actually makes it difficult to tell with a quick glance whether the suit is wet or dry. I had the zipper half way down in the front but Michelle definitely got wet from our brief hug."

Liz looked over and said: "You should have seen her Michelle. Chris was riding the break out there a few minutes ago."

Michelle wasn't interested in my surfing she wanted to know about the money: "Well how much are they going to pay?"

"In three months they are going to hand me a check for $15,000,000."

Nancy had just arrived as I said three months. She started waving her hands and arms in a bizarre manner and said: "Oh, I don't think I can wait three more months."

Liz took charge of what was going on. She could sense that Nancy was going to get out of control unless the other girls all were united in a plan of when and where the money was to be handed out. She had Jill, Michelle, and Nancy sit down on a beach towel while we got out of our wetsuits.

Liz was very use to getting in and out of her body hugging suit. She unzipped and got right out of the top. Then she quickly peeled the bottom half down and off of her sexy legs. She was wearing a light blue bikini which fit her curves perfectly. I was still struggling to get out of my very tight neoprene suit. So Liz came to my rescue, and she helped me get my arms out of the top of the wetsuit. As soon as the top half came off it revealed my one piece Speedo. It was black but had a nice reddish colored "Z" like pattern on the front. I had worn Speedos back in college when I took life saving. I had always liked the way they fit my body. With my fake boobs I was now able to look good in a bikini, but I still preferred the fit of a Speedo.

Liz was a natural leader and she sensed that getting Michelle's approval was the key. She understood that Nancy wanted money as fast as possible and that she was a loose cannon. But the one person who could control Nancy was Michelle. They were still intimate on a regular basis and I thought that they enjoyed a solid friendship besides the sex.

Jill was the nicest of the three to work with. She had such an easy going personality. I was sad that Nancy had been rather bitchy with Jill when they broke up. I knew it must have hurt her more than she would ever tell us. I must admit that I have wondered to myself what would have happened that night, when I met up with the girls for the first time, if Nancy wouldn't have been there. I really wanted to continue what had started in the doctor's office with Jill. I might not have ever kissed Liz that night and fallen in love with her. I might have been completely seduced by Jill Peters' considerable charms. But fate smiled on me because I ended up with my darling Liz and we get to play with Jill whenever we want.

Liz spoke directly at Michelle: "We need a plan. If we are not careful we could all still end up in prison."

Michelle understood the risks as well as any of us. She had planned this scam out in great detail. She spoke to the issues: "Listen girls, if any us who were trial witnesses or providers of evidence started living it up, we could still be caught. I'm the most visible witness but Nancy did the vast majority of the lab work which was used to evaluate Chris' condition. Nancy, if you went right out and bought a Mercedes or an expensive condo the insurance companies would investigate. We have to wait and then hand out the money. I intend to move out of the area after I get my share. Nancy you should also consider moving when you get yours."

Nancy was upset and spoke: "It's so fucking easy for you guys to say wait for the money. Michelle you got some cash from your book deal and TV appearances. And Liz you live with Chris and already have the use of some of the money. I got nothing so far."

Liz replied: "That's not true Nancy. We have given you more cash than any of us. Jill is the one who should be complaining but I don't hear her bitching like you are. Chris and I still live in my small apartment. The only money that was spent was to get Chris a car. I think she deserved that after what she went through. I have seen her wake up suddenly screaming in agonizing pain. I wouldn't complain Nancy if I were you. You had an easy part compared to Chris."

"I took a lot of risk faking all of those blood tests. I could have been caught."

"Was that any more risky than when Michelle and I injected Chris with the paralysis drug or when Jill stole Chris' file from Dr. Lyons office? Was it as risky as being in a coma for months?"

"I don't care what you say. I need some money now."

My worst fears were coming true. Nancy could jeopardize the whole deal. I couldn't understand why she was so desperate for money. I spoke to her with tears in my eyes: "Nancy, why are you acting this way? We are all willing to wait and be careful."

Michelle answered instead of Nancy: "I know why, she has been doing cocaine. I didn't want to tell you guys about it, but she has been spending all the money we gave her on dope."

Liz looked at Nancy: "Is that true? Are you putting us all at risk for some shit that you suck up your nose?"

"Yeah, it's true. It's my money and I can spend it anyway I want. And if you don't get me five thousand bucks by tomorrow I'm going to turn you bitches into the cops."

I could see the effect the drugs were having on her. She was completely out of control. I didn't want to give into her demands but I felt I had no choice. I said to her: "Don't do anything stupid Nancy; I will get you the money tomorrow. Michelle, will you and Liz arrange to deliver it to her?"

Michelle volunteered to take care of the delivery. I was devastated by what was happening. I started crying thinking that everything I had done had been for naught. And even worse, I would end up in jail and not get to marry my darling Liz.

Jill comforted me while Michelle and Liz spoke to Nancy. They arranged to meet her Saturday morning and give her the cash. Our party broke up when Nancy headed for her car. Jill and I were completely shocked and Liz and Michelle stood nearby and intensely debated something which I couldn't quite hear.

Finally Michelle left and Liz suggested to Jill that maybe she should also go home. We helped Jill gather up her things and I kissed her goodbye. She walked dejectedly back to the parking lot.

Liz sat beside me and said: "We have a huge problem with Nancy. If we don't do something she will get us all caught. Michelle and I talked it over and agreed that we need her to disappear."

"What do you mean disappear? Are you going to have her killed?"

"Listen Chris, she is a junkie now. They will do anything for money. She will turn us in if we don't keep giving her money. And she would probably die from an overdose anyway. So we need to just make sure that happens sooner rather than later."

"How can we make her overdose?"

"Michelle knows the drug dealer who is selling the cocaine to Nancy. He also supplies Michelle with marijuana on a regular basis. We are going to give Nancy the five thousand dollars she wants tomorrow. We are certain that she will go straight to this guy and buy her drugs. But before we give Nancy her money Michelle is going to go fuck this dealer and give him some cash too. Michelle told me that he has, in the past, given her free drugs in return for sex. She is going to have him sell Nancy some uncut coke. Based on her behavior today I think she is already strung out. She is really craving the dope right now. So she will probably take an extra large hit when she buys the stuff. And since uncut coke is about ten times more potent than regular we figure she will die quickly. But just to be sure Michelle and I are going to follow her and make certain that she can never try and blackmail us again."

"Do we have to kill her Liz?"

"Yes lover, we have no other choice."

I had never seen this side of Chris. It was a cold and calculating personality that I was observing. She seemed to be without any feeling of sadness or sympathy for the plight of a friend. Even if that friend was now acting very badly I didn't think she deserved to die. "Liz, I don't think I could live with myself if I knew that I had caused someone else to die."

My lover looked almost exasperated with me for not immediately going along with this new plan. Liz thought for a moment and finally spoke: "Christine, you are already responsible for a death. Do you remember when I told you that I shifted patients around at Irvine Care Center and made it look like we were full when we were really one down? Do you remember that I told you that was the way I had a bed ready for you precisely when it was needed?"

"Yes, I remember that. Please don't tell me something different now."

"Christine we were never one patient down. I made space for you by allowing an 89 year old woman to pass away peacefully in her sleep two days before you were transferred to my facility. She was all alone and nobody ever came and visited her. I was being merciful to allow her to die rather than remain hooked to a respirator. It served two goods at once. It allowed her to end her suffering, and for you to be under my care and away from that horrible hospital."

I was crying and could barely speak: "You're lying; you are just saying this to confuse me. It can't be true."

Liz could see how upset I was and she tried to calm me down: "Everything I do is for you lover. I'm not going to let any harm come to you. I need your trust if you still love me."

I looked into her blue eyes and once again could see her love for me. I was still crying but I said: "I love you Liz, but there has to be another way."

"Shhhhhhhh, Nancy is not giving us a choice. And remember she would have overdosed on her own soon anyway. That's what junkies do; I see them in comas all the time."

We gathered up the boards and our wetsuits and headed for home. I was so confused about what to do. I had been so happy just an hour earlier. Everything in my life had seemed so perfect. Now I realized that I was in love with and engaged to a murderer. And she had just told me that she was going to kill again to protect me. How could I possibly make any sense from this impossible situation?"


Chapter 18

Liz was unusually quiet in the car as we left the beach. The only time she spoke was to mention that we needed to stop at an ATM and withdraw as much cash as was permitted. All I could manage to say in reply was "okay".

The uneasy silence was finally broken by my cell phone ringing. My mind had been occupied only with thoughts of what Liz was going to do to Nancy. I opened the phone and saw the incoming call was from Mr. O'Connor. I tried to sound normal in my responses to him as he told me that the judge had approved the settlement. He wanted to set up a meeting up for Monday morning at his office for me to sign the agreement.

He must have sensed something was wrong by the way I reacted to his good news and he asked: "Christine, are you still upset about what I told you about the possibility of relapsing into coma?"

I couldn't possibly tell him that I was actually freaking out over being involved in a plot to kill a former friend. I had made a huge mistake in judgment two years ago by accepting a role in a scheme to defraud some wealthy doctors and their insurance companies. I thought that their money would solve my problems. But now I was faced with complicity in a murder, and that was an entirely different sin. The idea of ending a human life to protect a secret had severely shaken me. Somehow I needed to calm down for a minute and convince Mr. O'Connor that I was only nervous about the slim probability of relapse. So I replied to his question: "I guess I'm concerned about being on a feeding tube again and not being able to move or see. It scares me Mr. O'Connor when I think about that."
