Voices in the Darkness


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"Well Christine, after I realized that my conversation with you yesterday was upsetting you, I called Dr. Stevenson. He assured me that you are doing very well and he felt that you aren't at risk to relapse."

"That's good news. Thank you for being concerned and having taken the time to check that out for me. I will see you on Monday morning around ten o'clock if that fits into your schedule."

"Yes, that will be perfect. Enjoy your weekend Christine and don't worry about anything. I will have all the documents ready for you on Monday."

I looked over to Liz and said: "I need to sign the settlement papers on Monday. Is that alright with you?" For some strange reason I felt that I needed her permission.

Liz responded without even looking at me: "Yes, that will be okay."

The car fell back into the same eerie silence as before. We were headed for the bank where I kept the money from the Dr. White's settlement. Liz also had a checking account there. Our intense two year friendship suddenly seemed very strained. The silence made me feel very uncomfortable.

My fiancée finally looked at me and broke the silence: "Oh Chris, I'm so sorry that I got you involved in this mess. I love you so much, and now I'm causing you so much pain. I would understand if you wanted to call off our marriage. But we need to stay strong just a little bit longer. You need to sign those papers on Monday, and then Michelle and I will make sure that Nancy can't ever blackmail us again."

I started crying once again. I was feeling so many emotions at once and I just couldn't cope with them. I could barely speak but I asked Liz something that I had to know: "Does Jill know what you're going to do to Nancy?"

"No lover, she doesn't know anything about it and she didn't know what I did to make room for you in my care facility. Michelle and I were the only ones who knew that part of the plan."

We pulled into the parking lot at the bank, and both Liz and I withdrew the maximum amount of cash permitted from our accounts. We also kept some cash back at the apartment which we had been using to give Nancy, Jill, and Michelle some spending money. Liz said we would have enough to pay Nancy the $5,000 she wanted with what we now possessed.

When we arrived home I asked Liz to sit down with me and talk about our relationship. I wanted to understand what was happening to us and why she felt compelled to do the things that she was planning on doing tomorrow. "Why did you lie to me Liz about how you made space for me at Irvine Care Center?"

Liz was more emotional than I had ever seen her after I asked her that question. She had tears streaming down her cheeks and she could only speak in a broken voice: "It was Michelle's idea to lie to you Chris. I knew I liked you back then but I didn't know that I was going to fall completely and deeply in love with you. I should have told you the truth. I'm sorry I lied to you lover."

I felt that she had answered honestly but I still had more questions: "If I were to ask you to do something for me, right here and right now, would you do it?"

"I would try to, if I could lover."

I held Liz's hand and looked into her blue eyes and pleaded with her: "Please don't kill Nancy. We can find another way to solve this problem."

"It's not that simple Chris. I know Michelle and how she thinks. She will do almost anything to protect her self interest. She is going to have Nancy killed one way or another. The moment that Nancy became a threat to Michelle, she put her life in jeopardy. Michelle is not going to allow that threat to remain viable. And to make matters worse, if I were to cross Michelle then she might consider me a threat and then she might come after me as well. Michelle has connections with some very violent drug dealers and she is capable of using their great evil when it suits her.

"Why did you get me involved in this scheme Liz?"

"I warned you lover. I told you the whole thing was crazy, but you wanted the money. I have done a lot of bad things, but you can't blame me for making you participate in this scheme Chris."

It dawned on me that she was right. Liz had tried to talk me out of participating in this scam. She had told me that her friendship with me was unconditional. She even discouraged me from having the breast augmentation surgery when Rick was being so mean to me.

I looked at her and I could see that she was truly sorry for what had happened. I told her how I felt: "You're right Liz; I'm just as guilty as any of us. I was greedy and wanted the money. I remember you offered me an escape from Rick's domination. I also remember you telling me that I didn't need the breast surgery and that your friendship came with no strings attached. I'm so sorry I blamed you. Liz, I love you; can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

We hugged and kissed and expressed our love for each other. We reaffirmed our desire to be married and be together for the rest of our lives. And we agreed that after the awful deed was done on Saturday that we would put it behind us and never let it come between us again.

Liz fixed dinner and we stayed home that Friday night. Neither one of us felt like going out. Jill called us after we had finished dinner and she spoke to Liz for a long time. I could only hear half of the conversation but it was easy enough to figure out what Jill must have been saying. She had been very concerned about what had happened at the beach. She was also worried about my state of mind because I had been so emotional when Nancy made her crazy demands and threats.

Liz told her that she should come over Saturday morning and stay with me. The reason Liz gave Jill for her wanting her to stay with me was a lie. My fiancée told Jill that she and Michelle had to get the money put together to pay Nancy, and that it might take a good part of the day.

Then Liz handed me her phone, and Jill and I were able to talk. She was still concerned about me and asked: "Are you feeling any better Chris?"

I understood why Liz had lied to her. She didn't want Jill to know what she was really going to do Saturday. But I responded to Jill's question: "I'm still pretty upset Jill. I had no idea that Nancy was a junkie."

"She is going to ruin her life if she keeps using hard drugs like cocaine. I think it's a bad idea to give her any more money Chris. She is going to use it to buy drugs."

"I know that Jill. But she threatened to turn us into the cops if we didn't give her the cash tomorrow. I just hope this buys us some time until we can figure out a way to get her into rehab."

"Liz suggested that I come over tomorrow and stay with you while she and Michelle get the money for Nancy. Would you like me to do that Chris?"

"Yes, that would be lovely if you would stay with me. I will make us something to eat when you arrive."

"I will try to be there around 9 o'clock if I can get myself up by then."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it Jill. Bye."

Liz and I went to bed early that night and we fell asleep in each others arms but we didn't make love. Knowing what needed to be done the next day had put a damper on any sexual activities that evening.


Chapter 19

I was still in bed when I heard the doorbell ring. It quickly dawned on me that Liz hadn't woken me when she left to meet Michelle and carry out their sinister plan. I looked at the clock next to my bed and it was already ten minutes after nine. I thought to myself that Jill must be waiting at the front door. I stumbled out of bed and hurried to let my friend in.

My hair must have looked awful because Jill took one look at me when I opened the door and started chuckling. I saw her giving me the once over with her eyes, so I looked down at my body. My pajama top was practically falling open since only the bottom button remained fastened. My left boob was exposed to her view. I was a mess that morning. I fixed my pajama top and asked her to come in.

As Jill walked past me she asked: "Did I just wake you or did I interrupt you and Liz in the middle of something fun?"

"Liz must have left early Jill. She didn't wake me up like she normally does in the morning. So as you can see I'm not a pretty picture in the morning."

Jill gave me a hug and said: "Well I always enjoyed waking up with you, whenever you guys allowed me to spend the night here."

"That's sweet Jill, but why don't you sit down and turn on the tube while I go freshen up in the back. I'll start some breakfast in a few minutes."

Jill Peters was a very sweet girl. She had a warm outgoing personality that attracted me to her. Of course, she was incredibly sexy and stunningly beautiful. Despite her obvious sex appeal Jill maintained a quality of innocence. Sometimes she seemed quite naïve, but I think she was actually quite intelligent. Jill just viewed life through her rose colored glasses.

Liz was also very intelligent but she was a skeptic about many things. She took a pragmatic approach to solving problems. Her skepticism might have been the by product of her mother's suicide. But Liz was still a kind and loving person despite her pragmatic approach to life. I knew in my heart that Liz was profoundly good and kind; and that she would have never agreed to kill anyone unless she absolutely had no other choice.

I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth but I didn't want to keep Jill waiting so I stayed in my pajamas. She was a close friend and I assumed that she wouldn't mind me being dressed that way. Besides we have had sex many times, but always while Liz was with us. We had never made love when we were alone. The closest we ever came to that was the first time we met while we were briefly alone in Dr. Lyons' examination room. That encounter with Jill was one of the most erotic moments in my life.

Jill had worn a short denim skirt and a tight fitting white tee. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra underneath her shirt by the way her nipples were forming two very sexy bumps under the thin fabric. I headed into the kitchen and asked: "What would you like to eat Jill?"

"I don't know Chris. What were you thinking about fixing?"

"I have some cantaloupe and cottage cheese. Would you like that and some coffee?"

Jill had gotten up and come into the kitchen with me. She gave me a kiss on my cheek and whispered into my ear: "I would rather have you."

I closed the refrigerator door and turned back to face her. We kissed and held each other in a tight embrace. Jill's tongue quickly snaked its way into my mouth. I could feel my heart racing as we pressed our mouths tightly together and enjoyed the intimacy of our tight body contact.

The kiss lasted at least 30 seconds. I finally pulled away. I wanted to continue but was uncertain if we should. I was now engaged to Liz and if I allowed this to go any further it could harm our relationship. I needed to tell Jill about my engagement. "Jill, I need to tell you something."

"Can't it wait Chris? Let's go back and get in bed."

"No Jill, it's important that I tell you this." I paused briefly and then resumed: "Right after we left court on Thursday, Liz asked me to marry her and I accepted her proposal. We are going to be married as soon as we can find a judge to perform the service for us. We were going to tell you and the other girls at the beach yesterday, but Nancy came and spoiled everything."

"Oh, congratulations Chris, I know you two are going to be so happy together. May I come to the wedding?"

"Of course you may come. Liz and I want you to be our maid of honor. Would you do that for us?"

"Yes, that will be so cool. I'm so happy for you. Liz loves you so much. I know she does because every time I see her, she tells me that..... Oh, I just realized something; that is why you broke off our kiss. I'm sure Liz wouldn't have minded me kissing her fiancée."

"We both love you Jill. And you know how much I love having sex with you. But I don't know if we should jump into bed when Liz isn't here to join in with us. I don't want to start off my engagement by going behind my fiancée's back."

"I understand Chris. We can wait until Liz comes home and then we can decide if we want to have some play time together. How does that sound?"

I hugged her and said: "You always know just the perfect thing to say Jill. I really do love you. Now do you want some of the cantaloupe?"

Jill and I sat at the small kitchen table and enjoyed our breakfast. We talked about that night when she introduced me to Liz. Then she said something along the lines that had crossed my mind from time to time: "You know Chris; if I wouldn't have been involved with Nancy back then we might be full time lovers now."

I had thought that same thing many times. I wondered if a relationship with Jill would have been as rewarding as the one I had with Liz. I knew that the sex with Jill would have been wonderful because she could always make me have huge orgasms. But Liz had been so loving; and her tender care for me when I was helpless was all consuming. I felt that special connection with her that can only be achieved from unconditional love. The last 24 hours had severely tested our relationship, but we were still deeply in love with each other.

I was curious to learn how Jill Peters felt about the hand which fate had dealt us, and I asked: "What did you like about Nancy back then?"

"Chris, to be honest with you, I really only enjoyed the sex with her. As you know she was very pretty and she was fantastic in bed. But she was always bitchy, and I wasn't sad when we broke up. After she moved out it was a relief to me that I didn't have to hear her complain about this and that every day. The only regret I have now is that I wasted almost two years of my life with her. I hope she can get off the drugs and get her life back together, but I don't want to spend anymore time with her."

I was surprised to hear Jill say that. I had assumed that she had been hurt when Nancy moved out of her everyday life. I could relate to how she felt, so I responded: "That is just the way I felt about Rick Winters. He was totally wrong for me and I let his money and the hot sex we enjoyed cloud my judgment for the year I spent with him. It's kind of funny that we were both with the wrong person when we met. I bet if it wasn't for Nancy and Rick, we would have become full time lovers. That first time in Dr. Lyon's examination room with you was so magical. I still dream about it often."

"Chris, I remember that day too. I think you looked so cute and you were so shy. Even though your boobies were small back then you really had a hot body. When I was helping Dr. Lyons during the examination I kept sneaking peaks at your perky tits. I wanted to suck your nipples so much when I saw them get all hard and excited."

"As I remember it Jill, you did suck them after Dr. Lyons asked you to wash off the markings he made on me. Did you know that you were the first girl I ever kissed and that you were the first girl to suck on my nipples? My god, just thinking about that has my nipples hard right now."

She laughed and asked: "May I please see some proof of that?"

I shouldn't have done it but I unbuttoned my pajama top and exposed my breasts to my friend. My nipples were hard and the skin on my large breasts had goose bumps from my growing sexual excitement.

Jill asked: "Can I suck on them Chris? Can I do it like I did when I first met you?"

I wanted to feel her mouth on my nipples. I forgot about Liz for that moment and said: "yes" to my beautiful girlfriend.

She got on her knees between my legs. I was seated in a simple chair that was designed to fit under the small dinette table. I leaned downward and forward so her mouth could easily reach my boobs. She greedily sucked one nipple while she massaged my other breast in her hand. It felt wonderful and my mind instantly raced back to the first time she did that to me. I remembered how turned on I was by her, and how much I wanted her to completely take me. Fate cut us short that day but not now. I was hers and I wanted her to do everything to me now that she should have done then if it weren't for that other nurse stopping us.

"Jill, what would you have done to me back in Dr. Lyons' office that day if we would have been left alone?"

"I would have done everything Chris. I would have made love to you for hours. I loved your cute sexy body and I would have explored it all."

"Do you want to do that now?"

"Oh yes, let's go get in bed and take off our clothes."

I guess I knew I was cheating on Liz by doing this, but I had wondered so often what it would have been like with Jill that day. I wanted to be alone with her just once. We got undressed and jumped into bed. I laid on my back and Liz snuggled up beside me. She sucked on my right nipple and she touched my pussy with her right hand. I had spread myself open for her by looping my right leg over her right thigh. Jill was laying tummy down and had her mouth attached to my nipple. She sometimes jokingly referred to my breasts as "the million dollar boobs".

She was making me feel so good. She was fingering my clit just the way I like it to be rubbed. I started telling her how I used the strap-on dildo on Liz a few days earlier.

Jill was glad we had used her gift and she stopped sucking my nipple so she could ask: "Did she cum Chris? Did Liz like being fucked by a cock? She is such a les now I wasn't sure if she would still like a cock."

"Oh god, please keep rubbing my clit Jill. Yes, she loved being fucked. But she didn't do me with it so I never got my little pussy fucked."

"Chris, do you want me to fuck you with it?"

"Oh god yes; I really need a good fucking right now."

We stopped our love making just long enough for me to retrieve the dildo and the harness. We got it strapped onto Jill's lovely body and I asked her to lay on her back. I wanted to be on top. The phallus looked even bigger than I remembered from the other day. It was easily 7 inches long and it was very hard.

I snuggled up beside her and I licked the hard plastic cock. I wanted to make sure it was lubricated. I knew it was going to stretch my pussy when I slid it up inside me.

Jill was very excited and said: "Are you going to ride me Chris. Are you going to ride this big hard cock?"

I got up and straddled her lower torso. My feet rested against her upper hips. I lowered my body down until I could feel the cockhead touch my pussy. Jill was helping aim it at my hole but I reached for it and took it from her. I wanted to completely control the penetration. I rubbed it back and forth across my very wet slit until I was ready to fuck myself on that mammoth tool. It looked bigger than Rick's cock and I knew this one was never going to go soft either.

I was finally ready and I guided it in. I lowered my pussy until the head disappeared inside me. Jill had a great view of me fucking myself on top of her. She yelled out encouragement: "Take it all Chris. Fuck that big cock with your pussy."

I worked it in deeper and deeper until I had every inch of it inside my fertile trough. I was glad it was a plastic cock because I was actually at my most fertile point in my monthly cycle. I wasn't ready to be a mom anytime soon. I was facing Liz and I bent my upper body over and started sucking on her tits. Her breast surgery was done so well that I don't think anyone could have told that her tits were not real.

Jill started to buck her hips upwards to match my downward thrusts. We finally got our rhythm worked out and we were really fucking. It felt so good when that big hard cock slid in and out of my wet pussy. It didn't take me to long to near orgasm.

"Fuck me Jill; fuck me with your big hard cock."

Jill's face was glowing with sexual excitement. She was becoming increasingly turned on as we continued to screw. She looked up at me and asked: "Are you going to cum on my cock Chris?"
