Vox Dominus Pt. 19


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Elise's body went rigid, the veins in her arms pulling taut. Her expression contorted, her nostrils flaring as a guttural growl escaped her grit teeth. But there was no release, no sign of sudden surrender. And as her heavy lidded eyes fought to open, Seb saw hatred in her bleary gaze.

"I...won't...give in..." she hissed, trying to sit upright. "I...will never...break...again..."

Sophia moved to press her back into the chair, only to yelp in pain as Elise grabbed her hair and yanked her aside.

Seb watched his plan unravel in helpless horror. He tried to stand, but his legs wouldn't move. He tried to speak, but all his vocal chords produced was a dry wheeze. It felt like he was drowning in the air, unable to do anything but watch Elise fight through the web of trance, pulling her body and mind free with angry groans and sharp, unwieldy movements. Sophia closed in to placate her again, only to catch a swinging arm to her stomach, forcing the poor girl to double over and gasp for breath.

"I...am a Jaeger..." Elise growled, falling naked onto the floor and crawling towards her phone. "I have to...keep fighting...I have to...win no matter...what you...you..."

But as her quaking fingers reached for the coffee table, another set descended and took the phone away. Elise looked up, her eyes widening as she beheld her own daughter standing above her, holding the device out of reach.

"Don't be so pathetic, Mother," Chelsea scolded with scathing contempt. "Can't you tell when you've already lost?"

The question surprised Seb as much as it did Elise. "Wha...what?" The drowsy matriarch blinked. "I haven't...lost..."

Chelsea laughed. "Please. This battle was over the moment Master enslaved me. But you were too ignorant to see it then, and too stupid to realize it now."

Elise's eyes burned with rage, but she remained on all fours, her body apparently still too heavy to lift. "Not...stupid..." she uttered.

Chelsea sighed as though dealing with a petulant child. "Don't you see what he's done? You're crawling on the floor after almost cumming on a stranger's tongue. You can barely talk right, barely think right, hell you can't even stand."

"B-but..." Elise stammered, and Seb swore he caught a hint of fear in her voice. "I...can still...win..."

"No, you can't." Chelsea put a patronizing hand on her mother's cheek. "Did you honestly think this was ever a fair fight? That Master was telling the truth about the limits of his powers? That the man who brainwashed me into his sex slave would be so chivalrous as to give you a fighting chance?"

Seb held his breath as he saw the confusion spiral in Elise's eyes. She was clearly trying to follow Chelsea's words, trying to uncoil the twisting logic. But it seemed strands of his trance were still sticking to her thoughts, causing her to mouth empty syllables a few times before speaking again.

"It...was a lie...?" she asked.

Chelsea smiled. "Of course. This whole night has been a set-up. Ever since he took my mind away, Master has been planning to use me to get the family fortune. That's why he lured you away from your work, filled you with false confidence, and waited for when you would be most isolated and arrogant to strike. And now he's toying with you, making up games and watching you squirm. Because as fun as it is for him to break people, the real satisfaction...is when they break themselves." She looked to Seb. "Isn't that right, Master?"

Seb blinked, his head and throat finally clearing enough to allow the Vox to speak again. He tried to force his legs to stand, and was thankful when Sophia knelt beside him, lending her assistance as he drew up to his full height.

"Yes," he answered, trying to embody the mastermind Chelsea had sketched. "You are already mine."

Elise let out a low moan. Chelsea shivered with delight. "You see, Mother?" the younger Jaeger asked. "It's a simple as that."

"It...can't be...true..." Elise's fists balled on the carpet. "You're lying...you must be..."

"It's pointless to argue," Chelsea sneered. "I belong to Master now, as does the family legacy. Which means everything you've worked for has been stolen by man you'd never even heard of. And now you have nothing."

Chelsea shoved Elise's head back, causing her to fall against the foot of the couch with a gasp. Seb opened his mouth to ensure the Vox would keep her down, only to catch a warning look from Chelsea. Not yet, it said. Hold onto that power and wait for my signal.

"I love my Master," Chelsea continued, pulling her pajama top over her head and tossing it aside. "He owns me completely. Especially when he fucks me." Her bra was next to go, her hands smoothing over her bare tits as she sauntered closer to the whimpering woman beneath her. "Nothing feels better than obeying him," she continued, wriggling free of her pants and panties. "You already know this, but you stupidly refuse to accept it. Which is why we're going to have to make you."

"M-make me...?" Elise repeated, struggling to hold her daughter's gaze.

Chelsea knelt beside her, stroking her head with cruel affection. "Well, Master? Can I show her now?"

"Of course," he answered, gesturing for Sophia to set him down on the opposite sofa. She settled on the cushion beside him, her soft tits pressing against his back and her hands massaging his shoulders as she gawked at the obscene display.

"Just relax, Mother," Chelsea murmured, gliding her fingertips around the edges of Elise's nipples and giggling when her back arched with a gasp. "Look at you, so eager to give in. Master has really done a number on you, hasn't he?"

"N-no..." Elise stammered, but seemed unable to pull away from her daughter's touch. "W-won't...give in..."

"It's not up to you anymore," Chelsea tutted, shooting a glance towards Seb. "Isn't that right, Master?"

Seb nodded, understanding the rhythm Chelsea was trying to employ. "My slave speaks the truth," he said, boring his gazes into Elise's. "Listen to her words. Accept all that she says to you."

Elise's eyelashes fluttered, her mouth falling open with a trembling sigh. Chelsea slid two fingers inside, and smiled as Elise's lips closed with a muffled moan, sucking drooling even as she seemed completely baffled by her own behavior.

"There, that's right." Chelsea gave an encouraging nod. "Your body is already obeying his desires. There's no need to think or understand it. Just go where he takes you. It will feel so much better, I promise."

She withdrew her fingers from Elise's mouth, a thread of saliva stretching between them. Elise raised a shaking hand to push her daughter away, but Chelsea intercepted the attempt, and drew it between her own legs instead, causing her mother to gasp.

"Feel how wet I am?" Chelsea asked. "Feel how wet he makes me? And look how wet he's making you too..."

Elise moaned, her legs bending and shifting in a weak facsimile of struggle as her daughter stroked her leaking pussy. The once-proud matriarch's hands pawed at the cushions above her, as if grasping for a life preserver. But Seb wasn't about to let her get a grip.

"It's pointless to resist," the Vox rumbled. "You're losing yourself to the pleasure."

"I...I...I'm not..." Elise gasped between strained whines. "I haven't—ah!" She threw her head, bucking and moaning in her daughter's grasp.

"Didn't you hear our Master?" Chelsea asked, hooking an arm around to squeeze and pull at Elise's trembling tits. "It doesn't matter what you say. The truth is right here. Your own daughter is getting you off, and you're too weak and pathetic to fight it. We're both obeying Master's orders, whether we want to or not. The only difference," she added, slipping her fingers inside Elise's cunt, "is that wanting makes it so, so much better."

Elise's eyes rolled back, her mouth hanging open as it struggled to form words. "Oh god...oh god...I...I..."

Over his shoulder, Seb heard Sophia suck in a hissing breath. It was then that he realized she had long ago stopped massaging him, and was now staring at the carnal display with captivated eyes, rubbing her own glistening snatch as it dripped freely on the sofa. Seb smiled, the Vox humming with renewed appetite, his cock hardening through his exhaustion. He toyed with his entranced slaves tits, causing her to shudder and squeak as a tiny orgasm rippled through her. When the tremors ceased, she leaned in to plant a deep kiss on his lips, before trailing down his neck and sliding onto the floor between his legs.

Seb sighed with satisfaction, and moved her hair aside as she unbuckled his pants and fished his stiff cock free. She engulfed it with her lips, drawing a hungry moan from the depths of his tried body, the warmth of her mouth and the display of Chelsea's devotion stoking the Vox's even further.

"Your resistance is nothing to me," he taunted Elise, his voice low and dangerous. "I know how weak you really are. I always did."

"W-weak...hhhh..." Elise could barely get a word out before another caress took her breath away. "I'm...weak...?"

"Of course you are," Chelsea confirmed with a gentle laugh. "We all are next to Master."

"B-but...I...w-worked so...hard..."

"And you did a very good job preparing me for him." Chelsea's voice dripped with faux sincerity. "There's no shame in that. No shame in submitting to a higher power if it means getting ahead. Isn't that why you follow Grandma and Grandpa's orders? Isn't that why you taught me to follow you?"


"But Master is greater than all of us. Even Grandma and Grandpa couldn't reduce you to this state. And yet here you are, helpless and horny, begging to cum for your new Master."

"I-I'm not...I'm not..."

"Yes you are," Seb interrupted, reveling in the power of his words and the pleasure of Sophia's tongue. "Every inch of you is begging to cum for me. That pleasure you tried so hard to fight is returning with twice the strength. The more you fight it, the weaker your resistance becomes. But the pleasure won't stop until it's broken you."

Sophia whimpered on his cock. Elise choked on a yearning cry.

"That's right," Chelsea encouraged with sadistic glee. "It feels too good to stop. That pleasure just keeps building and building and building."

Elise was nodding, her eyes rolling back into her head. "Yes...oh...oh please...please."

"Keep begging. Beg Master to make you cum. Beg for release, you pathetic animal."

"P-please..." Elise cried. "Please...make me...make me..."

Seb's cock strained in Sophia's mouth. He quickly grabbed her hair, pulling her off before she pushed him too far. Her lips popped free in a wet gasp, her tongue still lolling, drooling, pleading to continue its work.

"Not yet," Seb grunted.

"B-but M-master..." She trembled, clutching his knees. "I'm so...so close..."

Seb locked eyes with Elise. "Cum for your Master," he commanded.

Sophia was the first to be affected, an ecstatic squeal breaking from her lips as her body spasmed with undulating pleasure. Chelsea closed her eyes and exhaled, unable to hide the trembling joy that traveled up her thighs and through her jiggling tits.

But by far, Elise was the hardest hit. Her hips rose, then fell, then rose again, a cry of pleasure forming, then breaking, then erupting as she writhed with overwhelming ecstasy. Then at once, all the tension seemed to leave her. She collapsed back onto the ground, her head listing to the side and falling on Chelsea's breasts. The younger Jaeger stiffened in surprise, before smiling and cradling the new thrall's tired head.

"There..." Chelsea said. "That felt good, didn't it?"

"Felt...good..." Elise's eyes were empty, but her lips spread into a hazy smile. "Felt...good..."

"That's right. Now here, let me take you to Master. I promise he'll make you feel even better."

"Okayyy..." Elise drawled, offering no resistance as Chelsea helped her to her feet and guided her over to where Seb was sitting. Sophia was still panting and quivering on the floor, but she managed to crawl out of the way as Elise drew near.

"Is...is that...?" Elise asked, a fresh dribble of arousal traveling down her thighs as she beheld her Master's bobbing cock.

"Go ahead." Chelsea gave her mother an encouraging pat. "Show Master who you belong to."

"Yesss..." Elise crawled onto the sofa, straddling Seb with lingering, lustful movements. But Seb gripped her hips before she could descend, her quivering pussy millimeters from his cock.

"Not until your Master commands," he chastised her.

She froze immediately, even as it was clear the anticipation was driving her crazy. "Yes...M...Maas..."

"Say it," he commanded, dropping the Vox to test her. "Tell me what I am."

"M-M-Maassster...." Elise moaned.

"Good girl."Seb grinned. The praise sent fresh shockwaves through her system, yet her body remained locked where it was, unable to take what it so badly desired without permission.

Chelsea fell onto the sofa beside him with a sigh. "Are you just going to torture her all night?" she asked. "Not that I would mind, of course."

"Just savoring the moment." Seb shot her a grateful look. "Thanks for the assist, by the way. Both of you."

"I knew I had to do something." Chelsea frowned, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "You were never going coax her into surrender. Deception and domination are the only languages she understands."

"Wasn't that long ago I would say the same thing about you. So...how about we finish both of your reeducations right now?"

Chelsea blinked. "Huh? Eep!" she let out a startled cry as Sophia slithered between her legs, looking up at the blonde with a devilish grin.

"Consider this payback for last night." The busty girl snickered. "Try not to break too fast."

"I-I wouldn't...oh!" Chelsea's retort snapped as Sophia descended. At the same time, Seb gripped Elise's hips and plunged his cock into her eager snatch, savoring the sensation as she embraced every inch.

"Give yourself to me," he commanded, exploring his new slave's body as he carved fresh paths through her mind. "Accept the pleasure of my truth: that I am your Master, and you are my slave."

"Y-yes..." Elise Jaeger stammered.

"M-Maaasster...." Chelsea Jaeger cried.

"I own you completely, body and mind. Say it."

"Y-you own me..."


"Body and m-m..."


Seb grunted, the overlapping chorus of submission quickening his pace. "You will always obey me. Say it."

"I will...always..."

"Always....obeyyy...oh god, Maaaasster..."

"Nothing is more important than serving me. Nothing is more important than being a good slave. You know this is true, don't you?"

"Yes! Yes!" Elise bounced in mindless ecstasy as his cock claimed her.

"Yyyyessss!" Chelsea howled as Sophia's tongue held her captive.

"Then be a good girl...." Seb drew in a sharp breath, unable to hold it back any longer. "And...cum for your Master."

An animalistic cacophony erupted as Seb's slaves obeyed. He joined in with a triumphant moan of his own, Elise's cunt milking every ecstatic drop from his cock. She collapsed against him, and he sank into the sofa cushions, not having the strength to move her away. An exhaustion like none other descended upon him, the adrenaline and energy he had maintained all night dissipating into a drowsy, overwhelming haze.

And yet...even as the world seemed to dim, he noticed a warm hand clasp his, and turned to see Chelsea smiling at him, her tearful blue eyes visible even through the dark spots clouding his vision.

"Thank you, Master," she whispered.

"I'm yours."

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ClearmuseClearmuseabout 1 month ago

It's good to give.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

All that's left is to finally fuck Chelsea! Then maybe we get some campus conquering at last.

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 1 year ago
Yes I have to agree

The best chapter by far….,,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Best chapter of the whole saga by FAR! Just outstanding work, loved the takedown and power reversal. Bravo!

XacksonXacksonover 2 years ago

Are we just going to ignore the fact that Sophia went from Sebs place to her own out of nowhere? That’s about the only thing I have issue with outside of the usual missing words from this chapter.

RanceSamaRanceSamaabout 3 years ago

D'awwwwwwwwwww!!! Ara Ara Ara~! How ADOWWAAABLE!!! You honestly had moi goin' there for a sec. I ACTUALLY believed you intended to make Elise Jeager come ONTOP, in ALL senses of the word lol! But it's nice to have my expectations dashed line this. Better than I expected. Teaches moi to NOT to just ASSUME and jump to conclusions so readily, fufufu~!

Dasvidaniya O Author mine, and keep up the dastardly diabolical magnificué schadenfreude euphoric work! This has been most tantalisingly titillating in how well the mind games and powerplays or, hehe, played out, UMU!

LotOfReadingLotOfReadingabout 3 years ago

A 5 all the way through!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very satisfying to read the matriarch submit. But please do not enslave the grandparents! Or if you have to, make it nonsexual.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Fantastic chapter, the story really got dramatic with this one. I love the way you prolonged the fight with Elise, had it go back and forth, stretched Seb's abilities to the limit, and brought Chelsea and Sophia into that as supporters rather than bystanders. And the sexual tension...omg!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Loved this one . Keep up the good work

cedarmancedarmanabout 3 years ago

Keep up the great work. Looking forward to the next installment.

C_frommnC_frommnabout 3 years ago

Now he needs to rest and finish Elise's programming. to leave Chelsea alone and to visit for more Comforting and Conditioning. and to clew him in on what to expect.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This was a great story, and its nice to see "book 1" if we get more later on. Although it would be nice to see a after-party of this, it would be interesting to see how everyone reacts, and how the Vox gets stronger.

Great work m8, good lucck in the future.

masterbendder12masterbendder12about 3 years ago

Absolutely astonishing! This chapter was amazing as all of your works have been. Just like others, you are one of the main reasons I constantly check the site, hoping for a new installment of such stories that have more than just blatant sex to them. Stories like yours that have so much character and connection, I especially enjoy your nod to the first chapter with the method Seb originally used to try and hypnotize Chelsea being the method he used against Elise. Hoping there is going to be one last epilogue chapter, but whether there is or isn't, I look forward to more of your works, especially more great stories and hopefully a continuation of A Pleasure to Serve. I am glad to have stumbled upon your wonderful writing a year or so ago, keep up the great work.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984about 3 years ago

This has been a absolutely brilliantly written story. Really hope there is going to be more, as we need to see how he finishes collage and hopefully him taking over the Jaeger family and establishing himself in the business world.

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