Voyage of the Tunisian Rose


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"Aye aye, sir."

"How much longer, do you think?"

"Two hours, sir. Just in time for a nice meal."

"I'm afraid not. We are heading out through the canal."

"Only for the night," Nasira said. "Tomorrow you will have your great feast, Mr. Wray."

"Aye aye, sir. And good day Ma'am," Wray nodded and went below.

"I don't suppose there is any particular reason for this sudden change?" Hamilton asked.

"The wisdom of Massih Bey is impenetrable to this simple soldier."

Hamilton nodded absently. "While we have the time we should discuss the details of the piloting. The channel does not draw much, I saw that when the Constance brought us through, and I am sure there are hazards."

Nasira nodded and followed him below. She closed the door as he sat down behind the small table. There were ships and boats passing visible in the great window built into the stern, but few were moving close now that the war galliots was anchored nearby.

"It is good to see you," Hamilton said. "I wasn't sure I would once we started actually sailing around the lake."

Nasira removed the light cloth from her face and smiled. "Massih Bey watches from a concealed window with a large telescope. He has always enjoyed seeing his slaves do the work of men."

"It strikes me that it would be easier to just keep the slaves close and fuck them."

Nasira walked over to Hamilton and knelt down. "Perhaps he gets tired of that with so many slaves to fuck?"

"I can think of one slave I would like to fuck," he said, leaning down and running his hand over her chest.

Nasira slowly unbuttoned her shirt, just enough to allow his hand to slide in and caress her breasts.

"This sudden desire to see the Mediterranean puzzles me though," Hamilton said quietly. "Does he now worry that the slaves will take over the ship and escape?"

"He trusts you, Edward."

"I suspect he trusts his war galleys more." Hamilton kissed her forehead and then stood up. He looked his hands behind his back and looked out along the waters of el Bahirah. "Or is that too ludicrous a thought, hm?"

"I learned long ago not to question the whims of those with great power." She stood up and buttoned her shirt back up. "There will be ships outside the channel. There always are. I have no doubt that some captain will have orders to make sure the crew cannot flee."

"Of course." Hamilton nodded. "The sea can be tricky and I do not want to be caught on a lee shore with damage from a sudden storm. I will require additional supplies. More canvas, spars. No great quantities. I am sure the galliot can spare what I need."

"I will see to it, Captain."

Hamilton turned back and stepped very close to the Janissary. "Well then, you can arrange that and I will see you when we are ready to make sail."

Nasira nodded and returned the silk across her face. She left the cabin. Hamilton stood, looking around the small room as he heard her issuing orders in Turkish.

"Damn," Hamilton said to himself. He sat down, but only for a moment, then stood and looked out again. He needed to think. He needed a clear mind to think.

"Stewart!" Hamilton yelled. Nothing happened and he yelled again.

There was a knock and the blonde Rana looked in. "Yes, Captain?"

"Come inside, slave."

Rana nodded and stepped in, closing the door. She had never gotten over the apprehension from her flogging on the first day with the training ship, but she still obeyed.

"Yes, master," she said submissively.


"Yes, master." Rana took off her jacket and the short breeches, and then began to unwind the wrappings on her hands.

"I don't care about that. Lean against the desk."

"Yes, master." Rana hesitated, for a split second and then leaned against the desk. She kept her ass out and spread her legs.

"What was your name before you were made a slave?"

"Annalisa, master. Annalisa Jorgensen."

"Anna?" Hamilton had stepped behind her and ran his hand over her ass. "Like the Ann that Mr. Wray has."

"Yes... yes master." Rana, like the rest of the women was jealous of Samira. Wray not only kept her away from the most difficult tasks but it was assumed that she would go with him when the officers left Tunis.

Hamilton slapped Rana's tender ass. "Taken from a Danish merchant ship, so I have heard, although somehow the ship and all its cargo was let go."

Rana nodded and then quietly said, "Yes, master. My uncle he... he sold me to the pirates, five years ago."

"I am sure you brought him a good price."

"Yes, master."

"He brought you onto the quay, is that right? While delivering his cargo. Then he stripped you and auctioned your body."

Rana nodded and tried to acknowledge what was said. She couldn't.

Hamilton slapped her ass hard. Then again. "Isn't that right, slave?"

"Yes! Yes, master! He took me, naked, down to the galleys and.. he called for men to pay."

He reached down to her cunt, pressing his fingers hard on her pussy lips, squeezing and touching. Then his cock was out and the tip placed just inside.

"He took me and sold me, master, for... ahh!" Rana cried out as his cock began to push its way into her dry pussy. She wriggled her ass, working hard to create some wetness.

"He sold you, yes, and I am sure many wanted to buy you."

"Yes... yes, master. He sold me for... three... ahh! Three casks."

Hamilton thrust in deep and began to fuck her. Rana's body cooperated and her pussy became wet as he slid his cock slowly in and out of her body.

"Three casks of what, slave? What did he sell you for?"

"I don't know! I don't know, master! Please..."

Hamilton ignored her cries. He wanted her hard and fast and he fucked her hard and fast. Soon his cock was on edge and his cum filled her tight pussy. Hamilton slapped her ass and stepped back. Without needing an order, the slave turned and knelt down. She took his cock in her mouth and sucked, looking up at him with pleading eyes, the sort she knew he liked, as she tasted herself and his cum.

"He sold you for raki." Hamilton stepped back and fixed his clothes. "Three casks of fine Ottoman wine."

Rana looked downcast. She nodded.

"Now return to your duties, slave."

"Yes, master." She was soon dressed. "Aye, Captain."

Hamilton went back on deck as soon as the slave was gone. Wray was directing more supplies into the hold while Nasira spoke to one of the galiots officers.

"She's doing fine, sir," Wray said. "I still need to get this crew to let me balance, you'd think we were laden in bulk, sir, but 'tis not as bad as before. Bunch of lubbers they are, sir. Aye, pretty ones, but lubbers all the same."

"Indeed." Hamilton looked around then said quietly, "I have something I would like your Ann to do."

"Indeed, sir! Well, all you have to do is ask her, she's not personal property."

"No, no. Not that, James. I want you to make a pair of sea anchors. Nothing large. Once we are out of the canal I want your Ann to work with just a few slaves we can trust and set them out through the rear gun ports."

Wray nodded slowly. "I'll need to the bend the canvas to a pair of the spare lanyards and make it secure down below. It would be easiest to just secure it to the aft guns. Aye sir, and Ann and her friends will toss it by the board at your convenience."

Hamilton nodded and then slowly walked back to the quarter deck as the slaves continued to haul on the lines pulling up the heavy barrels.

"Heartily lads!" Wray yelled at once, to the women pulling on the ropes. "Heartily now!"


Three hours later, in the later afternoon, the Rose was moving slowly through the canal using the tide and the slight breeze on the topsails.

Nasira stood next to Hamilton as Wray handled the wheel. The slaves were exhausted. Most of them were sitting out on deck where small sections of canvas has been stretched over the rigging to afford a slight shade in the heat. Some of the people wandering along the waterfront stopped to watch the ship with its crew of topless slaves, but for most it was just another part of the background.

The fortifications of the Kasbah towered over them as they passed the bend in the canal, and below that where 24-pounders lined in rows along low parapets on either side of the canal where they faced out towards the Mediterranean. Hamilton looked at it all, glad he was not part of any attacking force.

"Massih Bey is in the castle?" Hamilton asked.

"The Kasbah they call it. Yes. He supposedly brought his harem with him through Tunis and then around the lake. He will be in one of those towers watching us with a telescope."

"A very strange man."

Nasira looked at Wray and Hamilton and smiled.

"Steady, Mr. Wray," Hamilton said. "Keep us in the fairway."

"Aye aye, sir."

The Rose emerged from the canal into the blue waters of the Mediterranean. Hamilton was happy, more happy that he had expected, to be looking out once more at open water. Nasira guided them to avoid sandbars, although there were small buoys which made the task easier. The ship began to roll slightly. The sea was calm but with the change from the enclosed waters of el-Bahirah several of the slaves soon looked queasy.

"You can set the main courses, Mr. Wray. Then take us two points larboard. We'll cruise north, then wear ship and be back at anchor on the lake by sunset. That should satisfy the bastard."

"Main courses and two points larboard. Aye aye, Captain."

Wray bellowed down to the slaves and, with some grumbling, small groups climbed the shrouds and soon the main sails on both masts were set. Other slaves took hold of the braces and the yards were brought about as Wray adjusted the helm. The Rose heeled slightly as the ship began to move with the wind forty degrees off her bow.

"Some of them look sick, Mr. Wray," Hamilton said with a sigh. "Including your Ann. You can send them below."

"Aye aye, sir."

The twins Almas and Akouta followed the English Samira below.

"Starboard the helm, Mr. Wray."

"Aye, Captain. It's the balance of the hold, sir, should I go down to shift some shot?"

"No. That shouldn't be necessary." Hamilton motioned to Nasira. "I'll be in my quarters."

"Aye, sir."

Nasira followed Hamilton below and shut the door.

"You make a very good looking English sea captain," she said, smiling.

"For a moment I almost thought you wanted to escape with me back to England." Hamilton wasn't smiling. "But there was no alarm along the canal and no one tried to stop us." He stepped closer to Nasira who now stood at attention, her expression grim. "Massih Bey didn't give us orders to go through the canal and he is hardly the type to travel out of his nice, safe palace."

"My loyalties are to the His Imperial Highness the Sultan of the Sublime Ottoman Domains, Edward."

"I know that. I also know you take orders from someone other than Massih Bey. The Grand Vizier, I imagine."

Nasira didn't answer.

"Shit, I don't care if it is him or the Pasha-Bey or the King of Spain. But I do want to know what is supposed to happen next."

Nasira remained at attention.

"I could flog you."

"Yes, master."

"And you would not tell me a fucking thing you didn't want to!" Hamilton pounded his hand on the desk.

"Sail ho!" came a cry from above.

"Stay in here!" Hamilton ordered Nasira. He ran up on deck. Wray had given the wheel to Jameela and Bayna as he stood looking astern with a telescope. He handed it to Hamilton.

"Damn," Hamilton said, watching the bow of a war galley churning white as it slowly closed on the Rose.

"Set the t'gallants, Mr. Wray, if you please."

"Aye, sir."

Hamilton watched the galley as the lateen sail was stepped down. Banks of oars suddenly appeared like wings. Under oars the galley was faster, but Hamilton knew he had a chance if they had begun their run with oars too soon. And if the wind didn't die.

"The sea anchors, Mr. Wray, you may cut them loose."

Wray was below for only a moment. Hamilton looked over the side to watch the water as it passed the hull. In a moment the Rose was suddenly moving several knots faster. Wray came back and took the wheel.

Hamilton watched impatiently as the slaves were still setting the topmost sails and wishing the brig-sloop had been given stay sails. "Full and by, Mr. Wray, full and by."

Wray ordered the slaves to shift the braces and the ship was brought as close to the wind as possible. The land was dropping off as they moved north from Tunis.

"Clever, sir!" Wray yelled. "On this tack the unbalance in the hold lessens the list."

"And adds another knot, yes. I hope this is enough because when we take the other tack that will all work against us."

Hamilton could see there was confusion on the galley, men on the bow were moving about frantically. They had not expected the Rose to jump ahead, and now they risked having their oar slaves tired before they overtook the Rose. But they were not backing down. The banks of oars were set to attack the water at a faster pace and again the galley closed.

Ten minutes later the galley's bow gun fired. The 24-pound iron shot missed, landing one hundred yards behind them, but Hamilton knew it was only a matter of time.

"It was a good ruse, sir, but I'm not sure we can outrun them," Wray said.

"Tell the twins to strip and then go up to the mizzen top. I want them to wave to the galley."


"If they know what we have they are not likely to pound us to bits with cannon! Now give the orders, Mr. Wray!" Hamilton watched the approaching galley through the telescope, seeing, quite clearly, two officers doing the same at him.

"Aye aye, Captain."

"Then get below and load the larboard guns and run them out. We'll only get one shot, James."

"Aye, Captain. I know."

Almas and Akouta, as always, were delighted to be naked and delighted to climb up and wave at the galley. Hamilton looked at them, two beautiful slaves who worked well together in so many ways. They had been taken when galleys had raided the coast of Sicily, but still, they waved and smiled.

The cannon fire stopped. The galley continued to close.

Hamilton watched and considered, looking at the sea and the faint trace of land. Nasira had come up on deck and it took him a few moments to notice. She had taken off her hat, jacket and shirts, and stood topless, her red hair blowing wildly in the breeze.

"I told you to wait below!"

"The Captain of the galley knew you had a ship of sex slaves, but he would not have told other officers," she said calmly. "They know now. There will be no cannon fire but still, they will not stop until they capture this ship."

"Yes, yes. Now, is that all you can tell me?"

"The Captain of that galley is a mercenary, from where I do not know. The pride of Pasha-Bey would not allow his own crews to be used." The female Janissary turned and yelled out in Turkish to some of the slaves still on deck. Two rushed below and quickly returned with a small cask marked with curved Ottoman script.

Hamilton looked at her and then back at the approaching galley. "Powder? Are you going to scuttle my ship?"

"No." Nasira held the small cask tightly. On one side was a wooden plug covered with fresh tar.

"You worked in mines during a siege..."

"Yes. This contains a small charge of powder and a loop of slow match which I have sealed with lead. This will keep it from the water, but only for a short while."

"And what do you expect me to do? Light it and throw it?"

"No, Edward. I have already fired the match."

Nasira took hold of the cast and leaped to the side. She lost her grip on the cast as she slipped under the water, but quickly resurfaced and held to it tightly.

The galley did not follow exactly behind the Rose, and a cast thrown overboard would have passed near, but not near enough for the small charge to do any damage. But the galley changed course as the constant stroke of the helmsman's drum was stopped, and the galley coasted across the water. With oars the galley was faster than the Rose, and as there was no way for the ship of slaves to escape, there was no reason to avoid the tasty morsel in the water.

"Mr. Wray! Wear ship!" Hamilton yelled. He took the wheel himself, looking back at the galley and across down on the deck of the Rose as slaves ran to take the lines.

"Heave heartily!" Wray yelled, joining in himself to haul on the braces, pulling the yards around as Hamilton pushed over the rudder. The Rose turned in a wide circle and reversed course.

There was a flash and a cloud of black smoke and then a low rumble came across the water. The explosion had not done much damage, but there was confusion on the galley. Hamilton didn't want to release the wheel to use the telescope, but as they closed he was sure that several of the soldiers and officers lining the bow were down. He concentrated on setting a course so that the Rose passed within two hundred yards from the galley.

"Now, James!"

Wray sighted along one of the cannon barrels, timing carefully the roll of the ship and then setting the linstock to the touchhole. The cannon roared, sending out a huge flame that quickly dissipated into the dense cloud of smoke. The second cannon fired and then the third. At least one ball slammed into the side of the galley, and a pair of oars cracked. It was not much, but the confusion on the galley kept it from turning back and continuing the chase.

The Rose flew with the wind back towards Tunis. As they maneuvered towards the canal Hamilton gave the wheel to Wray.

"Are they going to take us there too, Edward, perhaps we should make a run for Sicily?"

"No," Hamilton had said. "One rough sea will sink us. We go back."

Hamilton went to his cabin and sat down. There was a knock.

"Yes?" he snapped.

The twins Almas and Akouta, still naked, stepped inside. They looked at each other, smiling, and Almas said, "Mr. Wray told us to come, master."

Hamilton nodded. "You both did very well. On this whole mad enterprise you have done well. You both would make fine sailors."

They smiled and stepped closer, kneeling next to him. Almas started to speak then Akouta said, "Mr. Wray says we are to make you happy."

Hamilton smiled, weakly. He reached over and let his hand run down Almas's cheek and down to her breast. He leaned in his seat and put his other hand on Akouta's body. "Later. Perhaps. Give my compliments to Mr. Wray, and let him know he can bring the ship into the lake and drop anchor."


A pilot came on board and lead them into the mouth of the canal and across the lake. The slaves worked the sails well, if slowly, and the Rose glided back towards Tunis. Two hundred yard from the quay the anchor slid into the water. Three oared boats met them and the slaves were taken off the ship and replaced by a small crew of regular sailors.

Hamilton and Wray sat in the sternsheets as the ship's own boat, the oars pulled by the eight English speaking slaves, took them to shore. Wray, pleased to have escaped talked excitedly, but Hamilton but could only nod.

Van Schoonhoven met them on the quay. Soldiers -- male soldiers -- took charge of the women and lead them towards the fortress.

"Ah! Yes, yes!" the Dutchmen yelled in delight. "You have made the Pasha-Bey exceedingly pleased, yes? A great feat of courage!"

"What was all of this about?" Hamilton said, angrily.

"Good relations with His Britannic Majesty, yes?"

Hamilton stepped towards the Dutchman in anger. "What the fucking hell was this about?"

"Ah! Lieutenant! Please, please!" Van Schoonhoven stepped back. "You did the Pasha-Bey and the Grand Vizier a service. A great service. Massih Bey was, hmm, as you surmised I am sure, he was so very concerned about his ship leaving the lake that once you reached the canal he did leave his palace for the Kasbah. Such a pity too! Those years inside the palace and then, on a simple trip outside he had an unfortunate circumstance."