Waiting to Happen


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A YouTube video of Matt holding a press conference played, and I watched in shock and surprise as the young candidate announced that he was withdrawing from the race. I looked up even as the video played on.

"Where's Hailey?" I asked, knowing this news must have hit her hard. Both of them shrugged.

"Matt and his team came by after his announcement. Hails left with them." Celine offered.

"I gotta go," I told them both, already dialing Hailey's number as I walked away. The call went straight to voicemail. That, and every other one of my calls as I made my way to Hailey's apartment.

I knocked on her door, unsure if she would be there. I was surprised when a man I didn't know answered, but I stopped caring who he was as soon as I saw Hailey's profile. She was sitting on her couch with her arms crossed over her stomach and her head bent down, her hair shielding her face from me.

"Hailey!" I called, ignoring the stranger by the door and making my way in.

I saw her start and hug herself tighter upon hearing my voice, but she didn't look up. I didn't have the time to be confused about that, however, because Matt was suddenly there, standing up from where he sat beside Hailey and charging at me. There were a few other people in the room, and a couple of them tried to grab at his arm and stop him but missed.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Matthew's voice boomed against the silence that filled the room.

I had never seen a man so angry in my life. I flinched and took a step back as he got closer, unsure of what he was going to do. Thankfully, he stopped at about a foot away, giving the people on his team a chance to catch up with him and place a hand on each of his arms.

"You leave my sister alone, do you hear me?" He hissed, the hatred in his green eyes unmistakable as he pinned me with them.

"What is happening?" I wondered loudly, shocked and confused to have such anger directed at me.

My eyes looked past Matthew and found Hailey once again. She was standing now, too, but with her face turned away from me. She looked pale and withdrawn, and I ached to hold her.

"Hailey?" I asked her, unable to keep the growing panic from my voice when she still wouldn't look at me.

"Don't talk to her!" Again, Matt's voice was loud. He caught himself and gritted his teeth as he bit out his next words. "If you want to come at me, come at me, but leave Hailey out of this!"

I looked at him, still not knowing why he was angry or why Hailey wouldn't talk to me, and Matthew ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "Jesus Christ!" He exclaimed. "Haven't you fucking done enough?"

"What. Are. You. Talking. About?" I whispered slowly, suddenly afraid of the answer.

"Oh, cut the crap!" He scoffed. He moved angrily, snatching a Manila envelope from one of his team member's hand and then coming back to all but throw it at me. I caught it as it hit my chest and my hands scrambled not to let it fall.

Matthew turned away, obviously struggling to keep his anger in check. Again, I looked at Hailey as I took out the contents of the envelope, but she now had her back turned to me. My eyes fell on the large printout of a photo I now held in my hands and a sudden chill spread through me as I realized what I was looking at.

It was a black-and-white close-up of the view inside Hailey's apartment through her living room window and at the center of it was Hailey. She had her head tilted back, her eyes closed, and an expression on pleasure on her face as she held a dark-haired woman's head to her naked breast. It was a photo of the two of us from last night.

"Oh my God," I breathed, unable to fathom what Hailey must be feeling. She was the one who was exposed in the picture, not me. I turned to Matthew, my voice and hands beginning to tremble. "Who took this?"

"Don't you fucking dare pretend you don't know!" Matthew warned.

"But I don't!" I protested. "I wasn't—"

"What?" He laughed scornfully. "Are you going to try and tell us now that you're not Claire Torres? That you're not a private eye working for Garrett & Platt, who just so happens to be the same bastards who threatened to release photos of my sister to the media if I didn't withdraw?"

"Oh, my God," I said again, my heart stopping cold at the realization of how this all must seem to Hailey. All of a sudden, I found it hard to breathe, as if the truth was a weight that was crushing on my chest.

"I had my people look you up after G&P threatened me." Matthew sneered. "It wasn't hard to find out who you really were. Jesus! I can't believe—"

"How stupid I was to trust you." Hailey's voice cut through Matthew's rage, and we both turned towards her.

She began walking towards us with measured strides as she held up her right hand. There was something black and small between her thumb and index finger, and I recognized what it was before Hailey took my hand and placed it firmly on my palm. It was the bug that I had planted on her mantelpiece.

"Hailey, please," I began desperately when she immediately turned and began to walk away. "Please just let me explain!"

Finally, Hailey looked at me, and my heart sank at what I saw in her eyes. There was no anger, no bitterness in them as they met my gaze. There was just nothing in those deep blue pools, and I knew right then and there that I had lost her.

"Just leave me alone, Claire." She told me, her voice calm and emotionless.

She didn't wait to see if I would heed her words. She turned and walked towards her bedroom, and the sound of her door closing was like a judge's gavel to me. I felt numb, and I didn't fight anymore when someone from Matthew's team gently herded me out of Hailey's apartment.


My numbness wasted no time turning into anger, and I knew exactly who to turn it on to. I was at G&P in half an hour, waiting in Ross Colbert's office for him to come out of a meeting. I didn't mind. The extra time only gave me a chance to clearly iron out what I was going to do.

I ignored the look of surprise in Ross' face when he returned to his office and saw me sitting on his chair. "Where's the file, Ross?" I asked him.

Carefully, he set his briefcase down. "What file?" He countered without glancing at me.

"You really don't want to be playing games with me right now." I warned. "You know exactly which file I'm talking about."

Ross looked at me, and it took me considerable effort not to get off the chair and smack the smirk right off of his face. "Oh, come on, Torres!" He said. "You know how these things work—"

"Yes, I know exactly how these things work," I interjected. "I know that G&P doesn't keep these files in their servers or give them to their clients—plausible deniability. I know that Collins personally hands over his results—which you could have only gotten today. And I know you haven't had time to go home yet so you still have it with you."

"I know, too," I continued, leaning back on his chair. "That you will have absolutely no problem giving it to me—unless you want your wife to find out about Tanya, or Lacey, or really, every single one of your indiscretions."

I smiled, truly enjoying seeing the smug smile disappear from the sleazy lawyer's face.

"What?" I grinned at him. "Did you think I don't have dirt on every single one of you here at G&P?"

"If you think you can blackmail me—" Ross began, his face red.

"Oh, I don't just think it. I know it." I told him with certainty. "Byrne may be out of the running but if you want to keep your client in the race, you're going to hand me over that file and personally make sure no copy ever comes out or I'll send a video of Radnor doing coke off some stripper's chest to every single media outlet out there. I don't care how or who does it—the moment any part of Hailey's photo sees the light of day is the moment I make yours and Radnor's lives a living hell."

"You wouldn't." Ross tried to call my bluff, but his expression was unsure. Slowly, I stood up from his chair and walked over to where he stood.

"Try me," I smirked, looking him straight in the eyes as I held out my hand. "The file, Ross."

He looked at me for a moment before deciding that I was serious about my threats. Angrily, he strode over to where he had placed his brief case and fished out a tiny USB drive.

"I hope that Byrne girl's worth it," He said as he begrudgingly placed it on my open palm. "Because you can be sure we won't be hiring you ever again."

"I don't think you get it, Ross." I told him as I took the drive. I fished out the check in my back pocket and flicked it right at him, walking away before it even reached the floor. "I don't fucking care."


Collins was easier to talk to. We knew each other professionally and he had no problem with it when I asked him to delete the photos, especially since he had already cashed in his check. He even let me delete the files myself from his laptop, and gave me the memory card from his camera.

I was back at Hailey's apartment by 9 PM and, this time, it was Matthew who opened the door. There was no sign of his team or Hailey anywhere that I could see.

"I told you to stay away from Hailey," He said, his face darkening at the sight of me. He moved to close the door but I stopped it from closing with my foot.

"I'm sorry, Matt." I told him as I watched his shoulders visibly relax. He looked tired and defeated, as if he didn't have any energy left to continue being angry tonight. "I talked to Ross Colbert, and—I promise you—no one would ever be seeing that photo. Ever. Not even if you get back in the race."

Matt looked a little surprised, but he laughed bitterly as he shook his head.

"You know," he said sadly. "I never really wanted to run. I always thought politics was dirty, but Hailey... she believed in me so much, she was able to convince me I could do good."

There was a hint of disgust in his voice and I didn't know if it were directed at me or himself. Possibly both.

"But now I know," he continued. "If I couldn't even protect her from the likes of you, then I have no business running a city."

His words cut, but they were true. Hailey should be protected from people like me.

Matthew moved to close the door again and I tried to prevent it one last time.

"No, no wait!" I told him, taking the USB drive out of my pocket and handing it to him along with the memory card. "Please give this to Hailey. She's the one who should have a say on what to do with it."

Matthew just nodded as he took them without a word. Once again, he closed the door and, this time, I finally let it.


It was a little past 10 by the time I got home, paying and thanking Angie as she left. My movements were almost mechanical as I showered and changed. When I was done, I went to my grandmother's room and—for the first time in my adult life—I curled beside her sleeping form.

"Claire?" My grandmother stirred as she felt her bed shift. "What's wrong?"

I didn't say anything, only burying my head against her side as the tears that I had been holding back broke free.

"There, there," I felt my grandmother's hand stroking my hair. "It's alright, baby, just let it out. Let it all out."

I didn't know how long I cried but we stayed that way, my grandmother holding me through my racked sobs until sleep finally offered me some respite.


"I told you not to fuck this up!" Celine burst out as soon as I opened my door. She made her way into my living room, greeting a polite 'Hello!' as she passed my grandmother on the couch before whirling around to face me accusingly.

It was Saturday, a full week since that horrible day when I had ruined things so badly with Hailey.

I had tried to soldier through the constant ache in my chest. I kept myself busy taking care of my grandmother and giving Angie a well-deserved week off. I had tried to fix just about everything that needed fixing in our small apartment and it was working, if only to dull the pain.

Just yesterday, I had finally sent out my applications as a paralegal to several law firms in the city. I had decided to put law school on hold so that I could prepare for my grandmother's care and medical bills. I knew money was going to be tight, but I also knew I just couldn't do what I did as a PI anymore.

In the span of three weeks, something in me had been changed and I knew I wasn't the same person that I was before I had met Hailey.

The nights were the hardest. There was nothing else to do and that was when the thoughts of Hailey came in full force. My brain kept replaying every single interaction with her in a futile attempt to figure out what I could have done to prevent everything that had happened, but I would always go to sleep sure of only one thing: I was a fool for ever thinking that Hailey and I could have had any other ending than this.

And now, here comes Celine, barging into my apartment just to shove it in my face.

"Nice to see you, too, Celine." I said sarcastically. I really wasn't in the mood to be told how it was all my fault.

She just looked at me with her head cocked to the side, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised, waiting for an explanation. I stared back at her and tried to mirror her stance in defiance, but failed after only a few seconds.

"Well, what do you want me to say?" I exploded. "I fucked up, okay? I lied to Hailey. I tried to take the campaign down. I worked for the fucking assholes that caught us on camera and blackmailed Matthew into withdrawing, and I fucked up the best thing that's ever happened to me! There. Are you happy?!"

"Yeah, well," Celine said slowly. "I already know about all that. Matt filled me in. He also told me how you got the file and threatened the 'fucking assholes' you worked for. That is not how you fucked it up with Hailey."

Behind her, I saw my grandmother's hand go to her chest, likely shocked at all the curse words being so casually thrown around. I looked at Celine pointedly before raising my hands up and letting them fall in exasperation.

"Alright, how then? Tell me," I told her with a bitter laugh. "In what other possible way could I have ruined things that I haven't mentioned yet?"

"You gave up."

I stared at Celine incredulously. "Are you kidding me? She could barely even stand looking at me!"

"On the same day she found out that you were working with the people who violated her privacy and blackmailed Matt. I mean, does that surprise you?" She countered.

"She won't take my calls. She's blocked me on everything."

"Well, no shi—" Celine caught herself, glancing at my grandmother quickly before returning her gaze back to me. "You hurt her, Claire. You lied to her and betrayed her trust. Did you really think this was going to be easy as a phone call?"

We stared silently at each other for a moment before my shoulders sagged in defeat.

"I don't deserve her." I said, finally admitting to myself why I hadn't insisted on seeing Hailey again. I felt ashamed, guilty over what had happened, and I didn't think I was worthy of her forgiveness.

Celine nodded slowly, finally uncrossing her arms.

"Based on everything that's happened, that's probably true," she agreed, but her eyes were kinder as she looked at me. "But you love her, and that's something worth fighting for, don't you think?"

She noted the surprise in my eyes and quickly went on before I could say anything. "Don't even bother trying to deny it. I've seen the way you look at her when you thought no one was looking, and you can't convince me that wasn't real."

Celine was right. I loved Hailey, and I shouldn't stop trying without first giving it my best shot. I looked at Celine curiously.

"I lied to everybody—including you. Why are you on my side?" I asked her.

"I'm not," she told me matter-of-factly. "I'm on Hailey's. Always."

"I've seen the way she looks at you, too, Claire," she continued, her face serious. "And if there's even the slightest chance you could make my girl happy, then I want you to take it."

Hope rose and burst in my chest at Celine's words, igniting me to action. I had never wanted anything so badly than to have that chance, too. I immediately grabbed my keys off the counter, but Celine stopped me when I made a move for the door.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" She said, holding her hand up to block my way. Her eyes raked me up and down before she raised an eyebrow. "Hailey is at home. You're not trying to catch a plane here or something."

When I just looked at her impatiently, Celine cut through the chase and got to her point. "Go make yourself presentable." She said. "Or at least take a shower first, jeez!"


By the time I knocked on Hailey's door, my earlier bravado was beginning to fade. I had taken the time to shower and make myself presentable as Celine had instructed, choosing to wear a printed pastel yellow sundress which I knew highlighted my tan and showed off my legs. I figured I could use all the help I could get to convince Hailey to talk to me.

I called Angie up and waited until she arrived before I headed to Hailey's apartment. Hailey took a while to answer the door and time only gave my nervousness the chance to build up. There was a brief moment when I had seriously considered running away and letting her think it was just some kids pulling a prank or something.

But then she was suddenly there right in front of me, wearing a thin, mint green shirt and jean shorts, and I stopped thinking.

She looked even more beautiful than I remembered. Her auburn tresses seemed richer, the cream of her skin smoother, and her eyes an even deeper shade of blue. She also seemed somehow frailer than when I had last seen her.

Hailey stared at me as if she had seen a ghost. Her voice was a near whisper and shaking as she asked, "What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, everything I had planned to say to her on the way to her apartment had flown right out the window.

"Um, surprise?" I shrugged with a nervous laugh.

Then it was like we both came to action. Hailey frowned, not at all finding me funny, and tried to close the door while I reached out my hand to stop it.

"No, no, no, Hailey!" I exclaimed, grateful when she stopped. "I'm sorry, lame attempt at humor. Just, please. Can we talk?"

"I have nothing to say to you." She told me. I think it was the first time I had seen Hailey looking angry, and all I could think of was how she looked cute, even then.

"Okay then, I'll talk." I offered. "Just, please, hear me out."

"Look, I know, okay? I know you're sorry." Hailey said, taking her hand off the handle and placing it on her hip. The door widened a little and I winced when I noticed that she now had her living room curtains drawn at midday, yet another reminder of how I had caused her to distrust.

"Matt told me what you did, how you got the file." Hailey continued, and my eyes went back to her. "But that doesn't change the fact that I was humiliated and violated and, worse, my brother had to drop his campaign. All because of your lies!"

Hailey's pain and anger was evident in her eyes. She was close to tears at this point, and so was I as she spoke. "I trusted you, Claire, and you lied to me! What else is there to say?"

"The truth." I told her, my voice pleading.

Hailey scoffed, rolling her eyes as she shook her head in disbelief, but I began telling her anyway.

"My name is Claire Torres, not Diaz." I said, looking her straight in the eyes. "I'm a 25-year-old private investigator and, up until a week ago, I worked as a contractor for G&P who hired me to dig up dirt that could make your brother withdraw from the race. I had ruined countless others that way before and I didn't care."

Hailey had turned her head away while I talked but she met my gaze now. She seemed unimpressed by what I had said so far, even as she waited for more.